Bram Weinstein talks about sports and life in his native Washington DC area as one of the preeminent voices of the region. He's the founder of Ampire Media and the Play-by-Play Voice of the NFL's Washington Commanders and NWSL's Washington Spirit. HOME | Ampire Media
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Ein Wein-Podcast aus den Untiefen schwarzer Gläser
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Im Podcast- und Blogformat „Wein für Wein“ präsentieren wir – die Weinliebhaber*innen Kady Kirchmayr & Michael Prügl – Woche für Woche einen spannenden Wein & eine Winzerin oder einen Winzer dazu. Das Interessante daran: Der eine weiß nie, was der andere für einen Tropfen mitbringt.
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A podcast with all the recordings of Shuirim given at the Shtebiel 740301
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YUTORAH: R' Moshe Weinberger -- Recent Shiurim
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Join Dave as he makes his show YOUR SHOW! Something bothering you about politics or world events? Then get it off your chest!! Every Friday morning starting at 9amE/8C/6PST. Stay up to date here:
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WEIN verkauft! untersucht die Erfolgsfaktoren florierender Weinmarken Sponsors: Amorim cork
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YUTORAH: R' Moshe Tzvi Weinberg -- Recent Shiurim
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WeInspire is the only podcast where WE come together with some of the most talented women in retail. WE speak with Digital Directors, Heads of eCommerce, Marketing Directors and Global Digital Leads whose stories will help to inspire those up-and-coming superstars of today, to become the digital leaders of tomorrow.
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Discover the transformative power of emotional healing with renowned emotion coach Moshe Weinbaum. In each episode of "Healing Within: Emotional Freedom," Moshe explores practical techniques to release emotional blocks, reduce stress, and unlock personal growth. Whether you're struggling with anxiety, self-doubt, or feeling stuck in life, Moshe offers insightful guidance and actionable steps to help you clear the path to emotional freedom. Tune in for real-life stories, expert interviews, an ...
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4 Flaschen - Der Wein-Podcast - vom Hamburger Abendblatt – alle 14 Tage neu mit den Experten Michael Kutej, Axel Leonhard und Lars Haider. Entdecke die Welt des Weins mit dem beliebten Weinpodcast "4 Flaschen" vom Hamburger Abendblatt. In jeder Folge begleiten dich Michael Kutej, Axel Leonhard und Lars Haider auf eine spannende Weinreise. Ob Rotwein, Weißwein oder Rosé – unsere Weinexperten probieren für Dich live die besten Tropfen und teilen ihr Wissen mit dir. Erfahre alles über Rebsorten ...
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Speaker, soldier, entrepreneur. Andy Weins, owner of Greenup Solutions and author of the bestselling book, Words Fucking Matter. From the backwoods of Wisconsin through the sands of Iraq, Andy uses his battle tested experiences to bring audiences the Midwest reality check they need to optimize their life, their work, and their craft. Strap in for a high energy training session that will challenge the way you think about yourself and the world around you.
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Der Weinpodcast von mit Blogger Tobias alias am Telefon. Sein Gesprächspartner ist meistens Michael – langjähriger Weggefährte in Sachen Wein und Teil des Redaktionsteams bei Ab und an spricht Tobias aber auch mit Winzern oder anderen Experten. Doch immer zum Thema Wein und auf möglichst verständliche sowie unterhaltsame Art und Weise. Ganz so, dass auch Wein-Einsteiger viel Wissenswertes mitnehmen können. Alle zwei Wochen – immer dienstags – ersch ...
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Der Weinkabarettist Alcomedian begrüsst spannende Gäste aus der Weinbranche – Sommeliers, Weinproduzenten und Weinhändler – die ihre lustigsten und interessantesten Anekdoten zum Besten geben. Perfekt für Weinliebhaber und alle, die gute Geschichten schätzen.
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Jason La Canfora and Ken Weinman have the INSIDE ACCESS to all Baltimore sports. Both native to Baltimore, their passion for sports is unmatched. Jason, the NFL TODAY’s NFL insider, is as well connected as any sports journalist. Ken’s fiery takes are must listen to radio. Listen to Inside Access with Jason La Canfora and Ken Weinman weekdays from 2-6pm on 105.7 The Fan, on the Audacy App or on
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Philosophie, Anthropologie und Kulturkritik in dialogischen Essays, ideengeschichtlicher Comedy, historischen Hörspielen, literarischem Schweifen und seriösen Wahrheiten. Auch im Blog unter
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One of the first queries podcasts, running since November of 2004. Sometimes it's a roundtable of transgressive characters. At other times It's Madge Weinstein's stream of consciousness.
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Execs, sales leaders, and aspiring sales managers: Ready to create a healthy, high-performance sales culture and drive significant long-term sales growth? Had it with the noise and nonsense that passes for sales advice today and the nonstop pitches promising you a new hack, trick, or tool to solve all that ails your sales? Join practitioner, speaker, coach, and globally trusted sales expert Mike Weinberg, author of the bestselling and most reviewed sales management book, for straight talk, b ...
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Videos about adaptive evolution, good governance, the breakdown of civil discourse and subsequent mayhem at Evergreen and other college campuses, and about the emerging Coalition of the Reasonable.
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Jede Folge ein neuer Gast aus Kunst, Kultur, Musik und purer Sympathie. Seit 2019 bewegt sich dieser Podcast mit einem randvollen Glas Vino in der Hand mit großen, freudigen Sprüngen durch Nürnbergs Podcast-Landschaft. Dabei gibt es unheimlich viel an wundervollem Potential, interessanten Charakteren und deren Projekte aus den unterschiedlichsten Subkulturbereichen und Kollektiven zu entdecken. Genau diesen Freigeistern, die oftmals hinter den Kulissen die Fäden ziehen, bietet Gastgeber Matz ...
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"Genuss im Bus ist der mobile Weinpodcast von Wolfgang Staudt. Wolfgang trifft sich mit interessanten Typen der Weinszene und Persönlichkeiten, die den Wein ebenso lieben wie er selbst. In seinen Gesprächen versucht er herauszufinden, wie die so ticken, was sie begeistert und was sie zu den spannenden Themen rund um den Weingenuss zu sagen haben.
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Brady Tiggleman
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Medicine For These Times with Beth Weinstein" features visionary leaders, plant medicine pioneers, transformational entrepreneurs, and spiritual guides devoted to service, transformation, and impactful, soul-centered work. Through uncensored conversations about ancient wisdom, psychedelics, sacred medicines, soul-centered healing, non-ordinary states of consciousness, subconscious reprogramming and integration, you’ll gain insights to help you share “your unique medicine", find inspiration f ...
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Radikal ehrlich: Im Talk mit Yvonne Eisenring sprechen Schweizer Prominente über Tabuthemen wie Sex, Drogen, Lohn und Tod.
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Podcast by Christian Weinmayr
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Just a couple of friends rambling
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Chanukah shiurim from Rav Moshe Weinberger. Join the WhatsApp Status👉 Join the secure WhatsApp Group👉
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Somos uma igreja em células. Cremos que através das células aprendemos a ser uma família em Cristo Jesus. Nosso culto aos domingos às 16:00 horas
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Esther Wein on Parsha
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"This Won't Last" with Keith Rabois, Kevin Ryan, Logan Bartlett, and Zach Weinberg
Turpentine, Keith Rabois, Logan Bartlett, Zach Weinberg, Kevin Ryan
Sit in on Keith Rabois, Kevin Ryan, Logan Bartlett, and Zach Weinberg's monthly backchannel where they unpack their hottest takes on the future of tech, business, venture, investing, and politics. This Won't Last is part of the Turpentine podcast network. Learn more:
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Rabbi Moshe Weinberger of Aish Kodesh
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A series of in-depth and off-beat interviews from comedian Brent Weinbach. With Donny Divanian.
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Hampton Roads is home to a burgeoning arts community. Classical Announcer and Content Producer Rebecca Weinstein spotlights local artists, directors, producers, and visionaries, sharing the resilience, relevance, and singularity of the 757’s creative forces.
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Garrett Weinzierl is a nerd. He hosts podcasts about things like Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm. Sometimes he wants to talk about things other than Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm. So we find ourselves here where he gets to talk about things like other games, cars, cocktails, and a plethora of Q&A.
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Henry Weinreich takes you on the journey from writing your own book manuscript to publishing. What it takes, What you need to know.
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Here you can listen to all episodes of The Laibel Weiner Show! Subscribe to follow Laibel everywhere he goes!
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Jake Weingarten talks with basketball prospects across high school and college.
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„Hör mal Wein!“ Ja, du hast richtig gelesen! RPR1.-Moderator Kunze führt dich in diesem Podcast durch die Welt des Weins. In spannenden, witzigen und hoch informativen Interviews mit Winzern und Weinexperten erfährst du exklusive Einblicke, Hintergrundinfos und tolle Tipps – ganz im Sinne „in vino veritas!“ „Das Leben ist zu kurz, um schlechten Wein zu trinken“ wusste bereits Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Also, lass dich von unserem Wein-Podcast und den tollen Winzern aus Rheinland-Pfalz berat ...
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Willkommen zum "WINZER TALK", dem Podcast zum Wein Blog "wein-verstehen"! Hier bist du genau richtig! Ich lade dich ein mit mir den Winzern und interessanten Persönlichkeiten aus der Welt des Weins zu lauschen. Gemeinsam begeben wir uns auf eine spannende Reise durch die Weinbranche. Ich werde mit Winzern von bekannten Weingütern und Experten auf diesem Gebiet sprechen. Dabei erfährst du aus erster Hand, wie Wein hergestellt wird, welche Traditionen und Techniken dahinterstecken und wie leid ...
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Der Krimi zu Stuttgart 21
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Director Matthew Weiner (Mad Men) talks about his big-screen directorial debut Are You Here? The comedy follows childhood best friends Ben (Zach Galifianakis) and Steve (Owen Wilson) as they embark on a road trip back to their hometown after one of them has inherited a large sum of money from his estranged father.
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Lernt mit uns was über das Leben, die Liebe und alles, was dazugehört. Mehr von uns findet ihr auf Die Hosts deines Vertrauens: Mona: Lisa: Hier geht es zum Impressum von Das sind die Datenschutzrichtlinien von
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Are you, a friend or a family member Transgender? Do you have questions and don't know who to ask? Here are two best friends giving you an inside look at what someone who transitioned goes through and his best friend who has been there from the beginning.
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Political commentator Jamie Weinstein sits down with the most powerful names in politics, business and media to get a better understanding of how they got to where they are, and how they see the world. You'll learn about their biographies, their core beliefs and what they think about what is going on in the world today.
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Big Ideas with Ben Weingarten features compelling long-form conversations with exceptional thinkers and doers on the most important ideas and issues of our time, and all time. Discussions focus on topics ranging from national security and foreign affairs, to economics and politics and philosophy and culture with a classical Liberal bent and a grounding in history. Big Ideas with Ben Weingarten challenges the prevailing progressive orthodoxy with a contrarian conservative/libertarian counter- ...
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Ove Kröger ist ehemaliger Petrolhead der inzwischen leidenschaftlich Elektroauto fährt. Der KFZ-Sachverständige und Tesla-Experte teilt auf seinem YouTube-Kanal „T&T Emobility“ seine Erfahrungen mit euch. Robin Schmid berichtet auf seinem YouTube Kanal „Robin TV Blau“ umfassend über alle Themen der Elektromobilität und testet für euch neue Elektroautos. Ove und Robin sind zwei völlig unterschiedliche Typen, eben wie Bier & Wein, nur schlägt bei beiden das Herz elektrisch.
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Württemberg: mit Felix Ellwanger im Nebel
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45:42Für ein Porträt über das Anbaugebiet Württemberg haben Michael und Tobias den idealen Interviewgast besucht: Felix Ellwanger steht nicht nur einem der besten Weingüter des Remstals vor, er ist außerdem Präsident des VDP-Regionalverbands Württemberg. Mit ihm sprechen sie natürlich über Lemberger und Trollinger, aber auch über Riesling aus Württember…
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#190 Domaine Gallety - La Syrare 2019
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50:54"Man trinkt keinen Côtes du Vivarais, man trinkt Gallety!" - die Überzeugung und das Selbstbewusstsein zeigt sich bei David-Alexandre, der gemeinsam mit seinem Vater Alain Gallety die Domaine betreibt, sofort. Das hier am nördlichsten Zipfel der südlichen Rhône so große Weine gemacht werden, ist außerhalb Frankreichs noch immer ziemlich unbekannt. …
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Lutschen oder Kauen? Erst der Wein oder erst die Schokolade? Und welche Schokolade zu welchem Wein? Diese und weitere Fragen klären wir mit Confiseur Oliver Coppeneur. Nebst Schokolade aus Madagaskar und Brasilien gibt es in diesem Paket zum Valentinstag vier Rotweine zum Kombinieren. Das Paket mit den reduzierten Weinen ist erhältlich unter www.ha…
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Blindflug 155: Optimistisch bleiben
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1:08:10Weintrinker und -produzenten kriegen es gerade dicke. Gegenwehr kommt wenig und die Stimmung ist schlecht. Hier kommt also beides: Gegenwehr und Optimismus. Das Paket für die angekündigte Verkostung am 20. Februar findet Ihr hier. Wenn Ihr beim Checkout den Gutscheincode Felix12 eingebt, dann erhaltet Ihr 12 Prozent Rabatt auf die Weine. Eigentlich…
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1:58:27Folge 48Wie ein federleichter Federweiser weist uns Aby den Weg in ihre vielschichtige Welt des sozialen Engagements und streicht mit dem Finger langsam über all die Buchrücken, die wir heute hinunterrutschen werden. Dieser Podcast ist wie ein glücklich machender Leckerbissen, ein feiner Snack, ein echtes Happy Meal. Doch vor dem leckeren Prosit da…
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[175] Über die Lage des Weinbaus mit Christian Schwörer
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1:12:45In diesem Podcast spricht Diego mit Christian Schwörer vom Deutschen Weinbauverband über die Lage unserer Branche und die Zukunft des deutschen Weinbaus.Bởi Diego Weber
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Edge is Mocked to Commanders/What is the Nats Pan?
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51:07Bram and Callow try to decipher exactly what the Nationals plan to return to contention is plus Bram goes through the latest Daniel Jeremiah mock draft which has the Commanders thinking defense with their first round pick. HOME | Ampire Media Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Transform Your Emotional Wellbeing with Moshe Weinbaum
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2:05In a world where emotional struggles can feel overwhelming, the teachings of a transformative figure shine a light on the path to healing. By embracing our feelings and understanding their origins, we can reclaim our inner peace and joy. The journey begins with self-awareness and compassion, guiding us to express, rather than suppress, our emotions…
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The guys discuss Justin Tucker having seven additional women accuse him of inappropriate sexual behavior, when the Ravens will make a statement, the Terps scoring 101 in a dominant victory over Iowa, and listen to some audio from the Orioels down in Sarasota. They are joined by Reeta Hubbard, Rob Bradford, Chris Knoche, and Cordell Woodland.…
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Could Adley Rutschman be signed to an extension during the season?
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30:29In the final hour of Inside Access, the guys discuss Adley Rutschman potentially being extended by the Orioles this season. They also touch on the Justin Tucker situation and are joined by Cordell Woodland.
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When was the last time Terps fans have felt this good about a team making an NCAA Tournament run?
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35:01In the third hour of Inside Access, the guys discuss how long it has been since a Terps team has been this much of a contender for the NCAA Tournament. They also touch on a few Baltimore movies that Tim has to watch for Bonework and are joined by Chris Knoche and Rob Bradford.
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How concerning is the lack of scoring from the Maryland Terps bench?
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9:41Maryland Sports Radio Network basketball analyst Chris Knoche joins to talk about the Terps great play of late. He touches on why he's not concerned about the benches lack of scoring, the team having one of the best starting fives in the country, how far this team can go in March, and much more.
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What is going on between the Boston Red Sox and Rafael Devers?
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11:18Host of the Baseball Isn't Boring Podcast on Audacy Rob Bradford joins the show to talk about the Red Sox offseason. He touches on the signing of Alex Bregman, Rafael Devers potentially refusing to play anywhere besides third base, what the bullpen will look like, and much more.
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When will we see the Baltimore Orioles first homegrown extension from the new ownership group?
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34:45In the second hour of Inside Access, the guys discuss when they expect to see the Orioles front office and ownership group sign their first homegrown guy to an extension. They also listen to Brandon Hyde and Heston Kjerstad sound and are joined by Reeta Hubbard.
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When will the Baltimore Ravens release Justin Tucker?
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39:12In the first hour of Inside Access, the guys discuss their confusion as to what the Ravens are waiting for with Justin Tucker. They also talk about the Terps dominant scoring performance on Sunday and listen to David Rubenstein sound.
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Higgins Won't Get to FA/Lerner's Won't Sell the Nats
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54:38Bram and Callow discuss Tee Higgins being off the free agency board, Mark Lerner's comments that his family is not selling the Nationals and the lackluster NBA all star weekend. HOME | Ampire Media Learn more about your ad choices. Visitởi Ampire Media
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Sfas Emes Parshas Mishpatim (5785) Bridging Body and Soul
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11:04Bởi mordyshteibel
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Tikun HaKlali (12) The Holiness of Silliness
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41:05Bởi mordyshteibel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (75) The Kavanos of Mizmor L'Dovid
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13:31Bởi mordyshteibel
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Chaburah Yosef HaTzadik (221) Opening Up the Conversation With Our Boys
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45:32Chaburah Yosef HaTzadik (221) Opening Up the Conversation With Our Boys - Feb 16, 2025 -Bởi Weinberger, Rabbi Moshe
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The Power of Emotional Release for Healing
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2:06In the journey of emotional healing, the practice of releasing pent-up feelings can be incredibly liberating. Picture a balloon that has been tightly held, filled to the brim with air. It represents our emotions—when inflated, it’s buoyant and full of life, yet when we hold it too tightly, it risks bursting or becoming unwieldy. By allowing ourselv…
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Master Energy Healing for Emotional Freedom
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2:02In a world where emotional burdens often feel overwhelming, the practice of energy healing emerges as a beacon of hope. This episode of Healing Within delves deep into the transformative power of mastering energy techniques, illustrating how they can lead to profound emotional freedom. Through the captivating journey of an individual who once battl…
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Is Sales Compensation Aligned with Strategy and Driving the Desired Behavior and Results?
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40:14By popular demand, Greg Stanley returns for Episode 88. Greg was recently featured in Episode 85 where he and Mike covered a variety of topics but barely scratched the surface on compensation plans. The feedback was so positive from that conversation with many listeners specifically requesting a full episode dedicated solely to sales comp, Mike got…
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The World of Rav Kook (56) Outgrowing Self-Imposed Boundaries
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57:26The World of Rav Kook (56) Outgrowing Self-Imposed Boundaries - Feb 14, 2025 -Bởi Weinberger, Rabbi Moshe
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Meshivas Nefesh (43) Tamid B'simcha - Charging Ahead in Life With Happiness
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48:48Meshivas Nefesh (43) Tamid B'simcha - Charging Ahead in Life With Happiness - Feb 13, 2025 -Bởi Weinberger, Rabbi Moshe
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Tu B'Shvat 5785 - Songs of Happiness and Songs of Silence
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46:15Tu B'Shvat 5785 - Songs of Happiness and Songs of Silence - Feb 12, 2025 -Bởi Weinberger, Rabbi Moshe
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Shaar Hagan (39) Taanug - the Deeper Motivation of Ratzon
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42:55Shaar Hagan (39) Taanug - the Deeper Motivation of Ratzon - Feb 11, 2025 -Bởi Weinberger, Rabbi Moshe
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Chaburah Yosef HaTzadik (220) Rekindling the Extinguished Fire
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49:06Chaburah Yosef HaTzadik (220) Rekindling the Extinguished Fire - Feb 9, 2025 -Bởi Weinberger, Rabbi Moshe
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The World of Rav Kook (55) Giving to Others, The Gate to G-dly Freedom
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47:56The World of Rav Kook (55) Giving to Others, The Gate to G-dly Freedom - Feb 7, 2025 -Bởi Weinberger, Rabbi Moshe
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Emotional Freedom Insights from Moshe Weinbaum
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2:05In this enlightening exploration of emotional freedom, we delve into the teachings of Moshe Weinbaum, who emphasizes the importance of embracing our emotions as a pathway to healing. Through personal anecdotes and practical insights, we learn that the journey toward emotional liberation begins with awareness and acceptance. The narrative illustrate…
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Integrative Healing with Moshe Weinbaum's Methods
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2:06In the realm of integrative healing, the Emotional Freedom methods stand out as a beacon of hope for those seeking to mend their emotional wounds. These transformative techniques emphasize the profound connection between the mind and body, illustrating how our emotional experiences can manifest physically. By embracing practices such as guided imag…
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The guys discuss the Terps getting a massive road victory against Nebraska, the reality that this team could make a run in the NCAA Tournament, Derik Queen with another strong performance, Adley Rutschman being in better shape at spring training this season, Lamar Jackson extension conversations potentially starting, Marcus Stroman saying he refuse…
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How impressive have the Terps been passing the basketball?
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30:24In the final hour of Inside Access, the guys discuss how impressed they've been with how the Terps pass the basketball. They also talk about Adley Rutschman being in shape heading into Spring Training and are joined by Jacob Calvin Meyer.
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How many outfielders will make the Baltimore Orioles opening day roster?
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11:46Orioles writer for The Baltimore Sun Jacob Calvin Meyer joined the show to discuss the Orioles starting things at spring training. He touches on who he sees making their opening day roster, Jackson Holliday in for a big season, where they stack up in the AL East, and much more.
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Could Marcus Stroman's refusal to come out of the bullpen cause issues for the New York Yankess?
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31:34In the third hour of Inside Access, the guys discuss pitchers and catchers reporting around the MLB. They also talk about the Ravens needing to get started on another Lamar Jackson contract and are joined by Andy Katz.
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Could Maryland make a Final Four run this season?
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11:20College basketball analyst for the Big Ten Network Andy Katz joined the show to discuss how great this Terps team has been the past few weeks. He touches on the great stretch where they've made a name for themselves, their starters playing great ball, some concerns with the bench, and much more.
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Will the Baltimore Ravens sign Lamar Jackson to another extension in the near future?
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34:52In the second hour of Inside Access, the guys discuss why it'd be smart for the Ravens to get another Lamar Jackson contract out of the way soon They also talk about Joe Burrow speaking out about wanting the Bengals to keep sign his teammates to extensions and are joined by Ariel Epstein and Ben Hall.…
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Do the Terps have the best starting five in the country?
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36:43In the first hour of Inside Access, the guys discuss how good the Terps starting five has been and why statistically it compares with some of the top ranked teams in the country. They also talk Adley Rutschman potentially bouncing back this season and listen to Brandon Hyde audio.
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Dave Weinbaum Show- February 14, 2025
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3:00:02Call and get it off your chest! 573-578-2700 Special Guests: Moshe Rothchild, J.J. Bradshaw, Chris Adamo, Bob Willis, Assistant Secretary of HHS nominee Jeff ZinkBởi Dave Weinbaum
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Which Free Agents Would Washington Want?
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54:14Bram goes through the available free agents of note at edge rusher, tackle and wide receiver to look for players the Commanders may try to sign to upgrade their roster. HOME | Ampire Media Learn more about your ad choices. Visitởi Ampire Media
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Break Free from Emotional Struggles Today
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2:00In today's fast-paced world, many of us find ourselves trapped in a cycle of emotional struggle, often feeling overwhelmed by anxiety, fear, or self-doubt. The latest episode of Healing Within: Emotional Freedom addresses this pressing issue, encouraging listeners to break free from these emotional chains. Through inspiring stories and practical to…
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The guys discuss Mike Elias' opening presser with pitchers and catchers starting their workouts, how many games the Orioles will win this year, what moves they see the Ravens making in the offseason, Alex Bregman signing with the Red Sox, Bill Cowher's comments on Aaron Rodgers, and much more. They are joined by Steve Phillips, Brian Baldinger, Luc…
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Will Grayson Rodriguez be the Opening Day starter for the Baltimore Orioles?
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28:40In the final hour of Inside Access, the guys discuss what type of year they're expecting from Grayson Rodriguez. They also talk about some injuries the Orioles are dealing with and are joined by Patrick Stevens and Moke Hamilton.
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Can the Terps take down Nebraska on the road?
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7:29College sports writer for The Washington Post Patrick Stevens joined the show to discuss where the Terps are at now. He touches on their upcoming game against Nebraska, if they could get the double bye in the Big Ten Tournament, how many Big 10 teams he expects to make the NCAA Tournament, and much more.…
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Did the Boston Red Sox signing Alex Bregman push them over the Baltimore Orioles?
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35:21In the third hour of Inside Access, the guys discuss the Red Sox signing of Alex Bregman and how big that could be for them. They also talk about Mike Elias' comments as pitchers and catchers reported to Spring Training today and are joined by Lucy Burdge.
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Where will Aaron Rodgers play next season?
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33:05In the second hour of Inside Access, the guys discuss where they think Aaron Rodgers will play next season. They also talk about the Terps big matchup with Nebraska tonight and are joined by Brian Baldinger.
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Tu B'Shvat Farbrengen (5785) Patience and the 100 Year Tree
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34:21Bởi mordyshteibel
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Purim in Ishbitz (2) Perfection Through Work and Surrender
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53:39Bởi mordyshteibel
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Is Howie Roseman the best general manager in the NFL?
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10:19Audacy NFL insider Brian Baldinger joins the show to discuss the NFL season coming to an end. He touches on the Eagles dominating Super Bow LIX, Howie Roseman's briliance as a GM, the Aaron Rodgers sweepstakes this offseason, and much more.
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Likutei Halachos (3) Nekuda Tova; The Best Alarm Clock
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12:22Bởi mordyshteibel
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