Todas as semanas a Mariana Alvim entrevista pessoas enquanto leitores. Ficamos a saber que livros recomendam e onde as suas vidas se cruzaram com algumas histórias. Vamos da ficção para a realidade e acabamos com aquela sugestão de leitura que... Vale a pena.
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An occasional podcast that explores a range of alternative investing styles.
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Audio content from Heights Baptist Church, Alvin. We release our weekly sermon audio, as well as a weekly mid-week conversation about faith, culture, and the church.
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I'm Alvin with the English Department at Shih Hsin University and NCCU. Let's recap what we've learned.
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和Alvin一起聊占星。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Talking about feelings, experiences, and a bit of imagination. Why not share it all here?
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Podcast by Alvikspodden
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Welcome to the Alvinna Lestari podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Obrolan Alviz berisi seputar kehidupan sehari-hari dan membahas prilaku di sekitar kita. Sederhana dan semoga bermanfaat. Masukan silahkan dm di @alfaro_viz
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Conversas sobre cultura digital, comportamento e atualidades organizado por temporadas. Por Luiz Yassuda, Gabriel Prado e Jessica Correa.
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my podcast is about everything funny stuff music and more
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Wants to love people
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ALvinoがお送りするPodcast「Net ALive」
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Tenho um canal no youtube e frequentemente contarei com a participação de Jéssica Maria pois estamos sempre juntos. Em todos as redes somos @WayneAlvim e @MariaJessicaE
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Un día quise sentarme a compartir historias con algunos amigos y amigas de YouTube, pero no pude resistir también hablar con algunas cantantes y músicos. Creo que también vendrán escritores, actrices, actores, pintores y en fin... ¡Que lo disfruten!
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Inspiration daily
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Interviewing my mom
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Anita Efraim e Isabel Nascimento são as Alvinegras da Vila! Toda quinta-feira vamos falar sobre os jogos do Santos, desempenho do time masculino e também do feminino. Sempre com análises, opiniões e convidados pra falar do Peixe.
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PodCast feito especialmente para a torcida do Mais Querido do RN Espaço Democrático para Opiniões e Debate sobre o ABC Cobertura das principais notícias do time com uma visão da arquibancada
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Mensagem gravada no culto celebrado na Igreja Batista Vale das Bênçãos de Formiga
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Intro al podcast, hablando de política, noticias y la Fe Cristiana.
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Alvin Hartanto adalah seorang influencer , Businessman , Investor , Penulis dan content creator. Disini Alvin akan sharing tentang , kehidupan , kesehatan , keluarga , keuangan , karir , dan lain lain. Just imagine you are in your car and talk about your life with Alvin. Enjoy !
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Welcome to the Alvin Draughn podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Welcome to the Alvin Sims, Basketball Trainer podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Selamat datang di podcast gua! Disini gua pingin share macem macem ilmu yang gua dapet, bisa sendiri, bisa sama narasumber! Be ready to upgrade yourself to the next level! :) Cover art photo provided by Scott Webb on Unsplash:
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Welcome to the Gita Nurfuadi Risca Alviyani Rahayu Sugiharti podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Andrew Ridley on Unsplash:
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Selamat datang di Podcast saya. Saya akan share kehidupan yang saya jalani dari segi pekerjaan, usaha, interior tips, dan kehidupan. Semoga Bermanfaat !
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Darren Alvin Discusses topics about faith, business, and politics for a 10 to 20 minute journey that will open your eyes to sound approach to the issues of our time.
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Join comedian Alvin Williams as he explores the often quirky passions that make our lives unique from members of all walks of the entertainment industry along with his family and friends! With special guests and uncensored conversations that promise to go off course into the deep end of bizarre, Williams helps us all try to gain more understanding on why people love what they love, and perhaps make the world a little brighter in the process!
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I'm an Entrepreneur who wants to make a dent in the universe. I'm also a political junky and a movie enthusiast. So this podcast is going to be a blend of the three topics.
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Welcome.. Welcome... here we are at my humble podcast jadi podcast ini bakal nyeritain tentang hal-hal yang ada di kehidupan umat manusia dan alam semesta tapi sedikit berbau Kristen karena ada di Alkitab tertulis "carilah dahulu Kerajaan Allah dan kebenarannya, maka semuanya akan ditambahkan kepadamu" Matius 6 : 33 so, memang harus ceritain yang berhubungan sama Kristen nihh :) semoga yang mendengarkan bisa terberkati ya dan doakan supaya aku bisa konsisten juga buat podcastnya hahaha! God ...
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Meet the chipmunks, listen to interviews and loads more here.
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Podcast by We Doen Het Voor Alvin
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Alvin's Bites: A micro podcast where I talk to Business Owners about strategies they have used to improve their cashflow and profitability. It's short. It's sweet. You will learn actionable steps to implement in your business straight away. Alvin 'Bites' Narsey P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here is how I can help you improve your Business Cashflow & Profit👇 If you’d like to work directly with me and my team to skyrocket your Cashflow & Profit... just send me a DM with the word “Private” on Fac ...
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Uma artista a falar das suas paixões, uma poeta a falar de arte. Quem conhece a Sónia enquanto leitora? Que boa conversa, cheia de entrega, pedaços de livros e óptimas recomendações de leitura. Os livros que a também actriz escolheu: Contos completos, Lydia Davis; O acto criativo, um modo de ser, Rick Rubin; A Papoila e o Monge, do José Tolentino…
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Pastor Lee preaches from Mark chapter 5 and we learn the transforming power of Jesus!Welcome to Heights Baptist Church! Our mission is to love and to lead all people to a new life with Christ.Digital Connect Card: watch services online: give online: https://www.heightschu…
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Episode 5: Bo Knudsen of C WorldWide Asset Management: A High Conviction Approach - in Portfolios and in Life
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30:18Bo Knudsen is the CEO and Global Equity Portfolio Manager at C WorldWide Asset Management. Bo has worked in portfolio management since 1989, marking the start of a distinguished career in global equities. Prior to joining C WorldWide Asset Management in 1994 he worked for five years as a global portfolio manager with Danske Capital in Copenhagen an…
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What a privilege to be able to interview one of my favorite authors and introduce her to fans and potential readers. And also to learn about some of her favorite readings. If you enjoy it even half as much as I did, it will have been worth it. Que privilégio poder entrevistar uma das minhas autoras favoritas e dá-la a conhecer aos fãs e potenciais …
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Big God Bold Prayers: Praying in God Delays (02/23/2025)
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31:32What happens when we pray and God says wait? Pastor Lee concludes our sermon series on prayer.Welcome to Heights Baptist Church! Our mission is to love and to lead all people to a new life with Christ.Digital Connect Card: watch services online: give online: https://www.h…
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Que maravilha de conversa. A curiosidade enorme que o Carlos tem por tudo faz dele a pessoa e o leitor que é. E que, com tanta generosidade e simpatia genuína, dá a conhecer neste episódio. Vale a pena. Os livros que o jornalista, tradutor e editor escolheu: A Sibila, Agustina Bessa-Luís; As Viagens de Gulliver, Jonathan Swift; O Aleph, Jorge Luís …
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Big God Bold Prayers: Praying Persistently (02/16/2025)
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33:39Pastor Lee preaches from Luke chapter 11 and we learn the importance of praying persistently.Welcome to Heights Baptist Church! Our mission is to love and to lead all people to a new life with Christ.Digital Connect Card: watch services online: give online: https://www.he…
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Escritor, professor e realizador português, habitante do mundo. Um homem que abre o coração nesta partilha que nos leva da ficção para a realidade. Recomendo ouvirem esta conversa, vale a pena. Os livros que o Possidónio escolheu: A Lírica de Camões; Fanny Hill - Memórias de uma Prostituta, John Cleland; O Estranho Mundo de Garp, John Irving; A sér…
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Big God Bold Prayers: Praying Thy Will Be Done (02/09/2025)
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37:45The hardest prayer that you will ever pray is just 4 words: Thy will be done. Pastor Lee teaches from Mark chapter 14. Welcome to Heights Baptist Church! Our mission is to love and to lead all people to a new life with Christ. Digital Connect Card: To watch services online: T…
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Marta D'Orey é publicitária e apaixonada pela escrita, sobretudo a curta. Acima de tudo, adora literatura infantil ou, como prefere chamar, “álbuns ilustrados”, já que defende este tipo de leitura para os adultos. E mostra algumas das suas leituras favoritas e como a passagem longa pelo hospital a inspirou para o seu livro. Que é para todos. Os liv…
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Big God Bold Prayers: Praying for Revival (02/02/2025)
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34:37There are 2 prayers that God always answers: "God save me," and "God revive me." Find out more as Pastor lee continues our sermon series on prayer this week.Welcome to Heights Baptist Church! Our mission is to love and to lead all people to a new life with Christ.Digital Connect Card: watch services online: h…
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Quem se lembra do thriller “A Rapariga no comboio”? Alguns livros mais tarde, a premiada autora britânica Paula Hawkins tem nova obra e fala sobre ela. E, claro, como estamos num podcast de recomendações, ficamos a saber 4 livros que recomenda. Os livros que escolheu: Small Mercies, Dennis Lehane; Clean (Limpa), Alia Trabucco Zeran; Clear, Carys Da…
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Big God Bold Prayers: Praying for an Increase (01/26/2025)
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32:26The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Pastor Lee preaches from Matthew chapter 9.Welcome to Heights Baptist Church! Our mission is to love and to lead all people to a new life with Christ.Digital Connect Card: watch services online: give online: https://www.he…
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Pensei em separar esta conversa em duas partes mas seria maldade. Está tão boa, tão boa, que merece ser ouvida de enfiada. Um escritor incrível, um comunicador nato, um leitor inspirador. Lá está, faz jus ao nome: Vale a pena. Valeu. Vencedor do Prémio Saramago 2022 com o romance “Dor Fantasma”, hoje conhecemos melhor o Rafael Gallo, autor paulista…
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Big God, Bold Prayers: Preparing for Battle (01/19/2025)
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31:29This week Alan Larson preaches on prayer as preparing for battle.Welcome to Heights Baptist Church! Our mission is to love and to lead all people to a new life with Christ.Digital Connect Card: watch services online: give online:…
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Henry IV Part Two by William Shakespeare
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8:29Henry IV Part Two by William Shakespeare
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T3 #41 O Poeta da Cidade (Pedro Freitas)
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40:45Pedro Freitas é o “Poeta da Cidade”, poeta editado, dizedor de poesia e performer. Os livros que escolheu: Poesia de Daniel Faria; Mataram a Cotovia, Harper Lee; Crítica da Razão Negra, Achille Mbembe; Poesia Reunida, Maria do Rosário Pedreira. Outras referências: O poema do Carlos do Carmo cantado pelos Amor Electro: “No teu poema”; (José) Tolenti…
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Big God, Bold Prayers: The Power of Intercession (01/12/2025)
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33:02Prayer is a powerful weapon for change. Pastor Lee preaches from Genesis chapter 18, and we discover the power of praying for other people.Welcome to Heights Baptist Church! Our mission is to love and to lead all people to a new life with Christ.Digital Connect Card: watch services online: https://www.heights…
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É poeta na prosa e na fala. Que conversa tão boa, cheia de doçura e leituras que passam para a frente na lista por ler. Convido a conhecerem (e a lerem) a autora premiada Aline Bei. Os livros que escolheu: Jóquei, Matilde Campilho; É a Ales, Jon Fosse; A hora da estrela, Clarice Lispector; Livro do desassossego. F. Pessoa; Outras referências: A Pai…
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Big God, Bold Prayers: When You Pray Have Faith And. . .
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27:09Pastor Lee begins a new sermon series on prayer.Welcome to Heights Baptist Church! Our mission is to love and to lead all people to a new life with Christ.Digital Connect Card: watch services online: give online:…
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Jornalista, crítico literário, cronista, diarista, tradutor, poeta. Não necessariamente por esta ordem. O que escolheu o Pedro Mexia, entre tantos livros que diariamente o rodeiam e porque tem o T.S. Eliot um lugar especial? É um dos rostos do programa "Cujo Nome Estamos Legalmente Impedidos de Dizer" (eu não tenho medo: Voldemort!), anteriormente …
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Songs of Christmas: Messiah's Song (12/29/2024)
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40:55We welcome special guest Chuck Beem this week and he concludes our Songs of Christmas series with the Song of Simeon from Luke chapter 2.Welcome to Heights Baptist Church! Our mission is to love and to lead all people to a new life with Christ.Digital Connect Card: watch services online: https://www.heightsch…
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Pastor Lee shares good news from Luke 2 for our very special Christmas eve service
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Antes de ser escritora, e durante, e depois, a Paula Gicovate é uma leitora entusiasta. E trouxe esse entusiasmo para esta óptima conversa que... valeu. O que esta autora brasileira publicada em Portugal partilhou: As leituras escolhidas: Ioga, Emmanuel Carrere; A Boa Sorte, Rosa Montero; Poeta Chileno, Alejandro Zambra; A Solitária, Eliana Alves C…
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Songs of Christmas: A Song of Peace on Earth (12/22/2024)
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30:02What do you want for Christmas? If we were honest, many of us would answer, "peace." Pastor Lee preaches from Luke chapter 2 and we hear the song of the angels that promises peace on earth, and goodwill toward men.Welcome to Heights Baptist Church! Our mission is to love and to lead all people to a new life with Christ.Digital Connect Card: https:/…
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Rachel Lynn Solomon is a young journalist and bold writer that you can get to know also as a reader in this conversation. The books Rachel chose: Queenie, Candice Carty-Williams; Thank you for listening, Julia Whelan; We are ok, Nina LaCour; The neighbor favor, Kristina Forest. Other books mentioned: Meg Cabot: All American Girl; The Queen of Babbl…
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Songs of Christmas: A Song of Promises Kept (12/15/2024)
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30:30Pastor Lee continues our Christmas series and we explore how God keeps His promises in the Song of Zechariah (Luke 1:67-79).Welcome to Heights Baptist Church! Our mission is to love and to lead all people to a new life with Christ.Digital Connect Card: watch services online:…
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Jornalista, escritor, editor e comentador político português, o Miguel Sousa Tavares deu a conhecer alguns dos livros que adorou, e partilhou boas histórias à volta de outros. Gravado ao vivo numa capela lindíssima em Braga, onde decorreu o festival literário Utopia, o “Espaço Vita”. A acústica não é a melhor, um micro era fugidio e o áudio que me …
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Songs of Christmas: The Song of a Surrendered Heart (12/08/2024)
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29:34Pastor Lee begins our Christmas sermon series by looking at Mary's Song in Luke 1:46-55.Welcome to Heights Baptist Church! Our mission is to love and to lead all people to a new life with Christ.Digital Connect Card: watch services online: give online: https://www.heights…
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Quase que dispensa apresentações, esta super actriz, tão conhecida e respeitada. E a Rita Blanco enquanto leitora, quem conhece? Saímos ainda mais fãs e com novos livros por ler que, como tanto disse esta óptima convidada, valem a pena. Os livros que escolheu: Tempos difíceis, Charles Dickens; Sei porque canta o pássaro na gaiola, Maya Angelou; Da …
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Missio Dei: Blessed to Bless (12/01/2024)
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35:45Pastor Lee concludes our "Missio Dei" sermon series with a message from Psalm 67. Welcome to Heights Baptist Church! Our mission is to love and to lead all people to a new life with Christ.Digital Connect Card: watch services online: give online: https://www.heightschurch…
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Nunca pensei dizer isto mas esta conversa foi (e é) literalmente de ir às lágrimas. Que beleza. Encantei-me pelos seus livros e depois pelo escritor, que abriu o coração nesta conversa tão... quentinha. Saímos abraçados, não consigo explicar de outra forma. É considerado um dos escritores mais talentosos da literatura latino-americana contemporânea…
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Missio Dei: Mission Over Comfort -- Running Unhindered for Christ (11/24/2024)
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30:23Pastor Lee continues our series on what it means to be on mission for Jesus. This week we explore Hebrews 12:1-3.Welcome to Heights Baptist Church! Our mission is to love and to lead all people to a new life with Christ.Digital Connect Card: watch services online: give on…
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Episode 4: Bjorn Thelander: From the Frontier to the Mainstream and Back Again
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24:14In this Alvine Talks podcast Tom Raber and Aoifinn Devitt sit down with Bjorn Thelander, who is an experienced Family Office manager with broad international investment and industrial experience. His background is varied and involved many stints in emerging markets, punctuated by market crises which often necessitated a pivot - or two. We discuss h…
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Multi premiada jornalista, escritora e documentarista brasileira, a Eliane foi um encanto de convidada. Tem uma profunda conexão com a natureza, especialmente com a Amazónia. Quando era pequena, o seu sonho era ter uma biblioteca mas, há pouco tempo, o sonho mudou de rumo... Uma frase que sobressaiu desta conversa: “eu acho que as contradições são …
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Missio Dei: The Multiplication Effect (11/17/2024)
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37:48Pastor Lee preaches from Acts 13:1-3, and we hear from Cary Perrin, who will be planting our church plant, Living Oaks Church.Welcome to Heights Baptist Church! Our mission is to love and to lead all people to a new life with Christ.Digital Connect Card: watch services online:…
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Para este escritor colombiano “um romance é uma história das emoções”. E é sem dúvida a descrição que encontramos na sua escrita. Que maravilha receber este também jornalista e tradutor neste podcast. Já conhecem os seus livros? E os que adorou ler? Tudo neste episódio, que vale(u) a pena. Os livros que o Juan escolheu: O coração das trevas, Joseph…
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Missio Dei: Foundations of Our Great Mission (11/10/2024)
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29:39This week Anthony Svadja from the SBTC joins us to talk about the foundations of our mission from Acts chapter 1.Welcome to Heights Baptist Church! Our mission is to love and to lead all people to a new life with Christ.Digital Connect Card: watch services online: give on…
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When you get to interview an author you love about some books she loved. Uau, how lucky am I and how nice and generous super author Cecelia Ahern was. My mission: bring her last books to Portugal. Fingers crossed. The books Cecelia chose as favourites: The Magic Faraway Tree, Enid Blyton; The Time Traveller’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger (A mulher do…
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Missio Dei: The Divine Design -- Boundaries, Purpose, and the Pursuit of God
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32:01Pastor Lee begins a new sermon series and we explore what it means to be on mission for God. Welcome to Heights Baptist Church! Our mission is to love and to lead all people to a new life with Christ. Digital Connect Card: To watch services online: To give online: https://www…
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Speaking of true friends, everyone has their own definition. Well, I have mine. I’m hoping to take a moment to show gratitude for this episode and be open about the feelings that have been bothering me lately. It might be easier to leave them unspoken, but talking about it in this episode will show that I’ve been facing these emotions, and soon the…
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Editor e escritor, o Rui, como ouvinte que é do podcast, teve a amabilidade de escolher livros a pensar em quem nos ouve. Porque “apenas” 4 favoritos seria mais complicado. Espero que gostem tanto desta conversa (e dos livros que escreveu e leu) como eu. Os livros que o Rui escolheu: Dom Casmurro, Machado de Assis; Garcia Márquez - História de um …
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Rooted in Christ: Loving and Leading People to Christ (10/27/2024)
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31:30Pastor Lee concludes our sermon series in the book of Colossians.Welcome to Heights Baptist Church! Our mission is to love and to lead all people to a new life with Christ.Digital Connect Card: watch services online: give online:…
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Este episódio traz uma conversa de coração aberto. E tivemos direito a momentos mais profundos e a palmas e a risos. Que giro que foi fazer ao vivo. O Vítor começou por falar em camadas e acabou por ir largando algumas. Que convidado generoso. E com livros importantes para os jovens e para os pais. Os livros que o escritor escolheu: Quarto aberto, …
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Rooted in Christ: Living Out Christ in Every Role (10/20/2024)
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35:07How do we live for Christ in our marriage? In our families? And in our workplace? Pastor Lee continues our study in the book of ColossiansWelcome to Heights Baptist Church! Our mission is to love and to lead all people to a new life with Christ.Digital Connect Card: watch services online: https://www.heightsc…
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Com a tarefa difícil de escolher apenas 4 livros especiais, a Susana optou pelos que a inspiraram enquanto escritora. E vamos da não-ficção, neste caso, para a realidade e assim conhecemos a escritora – e leitora - de uma forma profunda e em crescendo. Os livros que a jornalista e escritora escolheu: The White Álbum, Joan Didion; Diário de Luto, Ro…
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Rooted in Christ: Preaching to the Choir (10/13/2024)
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34:47This week, Pastor Matt continues our series in the book of Colossians. We explore the importance of corporate worship, and why God's people sing together.Welcome to Heights Baptist Church! Our mission is to love and to lead all people to a new life with Christ.Digital Connect Card: watch services online: http…
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Que simpatia de convidada, com graça, cultura e generosidade na partilha. Fala de diferenças de classe, “o que se passa dentro de um quarto”, as vantagens de ter mais países como vizinhos... A Directora de programas da RTP2, onde está há mais de 30 anos, é como o seu canal: “culta e adulta”. Os livros que a Teresa escolheu: Os Santos Inocentes, Mig…
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Rooted in Christ -- New Identity: Living Transformed in Christ (10/06/2024)
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27:12Following Jesus leads to fundamental changes in your life. Pastor Lee continues our series in the book of Colossians.Welcome to Heights Baptist Church! Our mission is to love and to lead all people to a new life with Christ.Digital Connect Card: watch services online: giv…
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Esta conversa é com uma talentosa escritora americana, filha de pai Açoriano, que está a levar a cultura lusa para o seu lado do Atlântico. Em tantas conversas, nunca disse tantos “uau”. Que simpatia de convidada, que talento como escritora, que privilégio de a ter recebido no meu podcast. Que é nosso. E ainda trouxe histórias maravilhosas de outro…
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