同齡女子的不負責人生觀 有點正經又不太正經 可能會讓妳有些共鳴💕 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Hop in the passenger seat with two 30 somethings who take you over the potholes and through the intersections of life. Hosts Ashley (@everydaypursuits) and Eddie (@edvanced) are the bffs you didn’t know you had. Pack your emotional baggage and buckle up while they take you on a road trip with candid convos, throwback jams, and adult realness. Don’t worry, there will be pit stops to fill up your inquisitive tanks as we sip slurpees and spill tea. Yes, because we multitask up in here.
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00:00:44 不可預測的未來,如何調整心態面對一切? 00:10:35 當你很想做一件事時,你將會吸引到意料之外的貴人! 00:15:06 成長路上,一點一滴的鼓勵都會是養分,只要你堅持下去! 00:20:25 開路以來的點滴,我們的真心話時間~ 歡迎抖內我們,支持我們繼續瘋言瘋語 https://pay.firstory.me/user/asyourfriend 追蹤我們的 IG ,我們聽妳說心事❤️ https://www.instagram.com/as_yourfriend/ 音樂來源🎵 https://mixkit.co/free-stock-music/ Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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00:00:37 過去的自己,期待自己成為怎樣的一個人? 00:20:35 我的待辦清單完成了多少? 長大,其實是件很不容易的事! 00:22:01 當「出社會後的自己」收到「學生時期的自己」的一封信 00:27:47 人生這條路該如何走?是自己開墾出來的! 歡迎抖內我們,支持我們繼續瘋言瘋語 https://pay.firstory.me/user/asyourfriend 追蹤我們的 IG ,我們聽妳說心事❤️ https://www.instagram.com/as_yourfriend/ 音樂來源🎵 https://mixkit.co/free-stock-music/ Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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00:00:50 理想型大公開:X大彭于晏的老公是我期待的白馬王子嗎? 00:10:32 高富帥只存在戲劇裡,檢視期待合理性很重要! 00:14:47 成長路上的期待,你也成為沈重的駝獸嗎? 00:23:33 沒有期待,就不受傷害,可能會有意外收穫!? 00:26:52 面對壞結果,如何修正期待,調整心理? 歡迎抖內我們,支持我們繼續瘋言瘋語 https://pay.firstory.me/user/asyourfriend 追蹤我們的 IG ,我們聽妳說心事❤️ https://www.instagram.com/as_yourfriend/ 音樂來源🎵 https://mixkit.co/free-stock-music Powered by Firstory Ho…
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00:01:12 父母以愛為名的勉強,讓我們備感負擔 00:09:10 對自我的勉強:甘願做,歡喜受! 00:23:03 原生家庭、社會期待的勉強,剝奪了自我探索的機會 00:33:03 遇到勉強時,如何應對與自我對話? 歡迎抖內我們,支持我們繼續瘋言瘋語 https://pay.firstory.me/user/asyourfriend 追蹤我們的 IG ,我們聽妳說心事❤️ https://www.instagram.com/as_yourfriend/ 音樂來源🎵 https://mixkit.co/free-stock-music/ Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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小重點📝 00:00:39 生活瑣事好擾人呀!(所以不洗頭(°_°)? 00:11:43 那些人生大事的尖銳問題,能拖就拖 00:18:35 拖延是種生活態度,學會安排先後順序 00:24:01 拖延≠懶惰,我們不需要苛責自己! 歡迎抖內我們,支持我們繼續瘋言瘋語 https://pay.firstory.me/user/asyourfriend 追蹤我們的 IG ,我們聽妳說心事❤️ https://www.instagram.com/as_yourfriend/ 音樂來源🎵 https://mixkit.co/free-stock-music/ Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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小重點📝 00:03:54 外表帶來的自卑,讓我們對自己怎麼都不滿意~但男生卻可以開心比大小!? 00:13:37 我們都是被資本主義、大眾審美綁架的女生 00:15:18 內在的自卑,讓我們不敢做自己 00:17:48 因為社會化萌生的自卑感:城鄉、同儕比較 00:28:37 與自卑和平共處:醒醒吧,根本沒人關注你!臉皮厚起來~ 歡迎抖內我們,支持我們繼續瘋言瘋語 https://pay.firstory.me/user/asyourfriend 追蹤我們的 IG ,我們聽妳說心事❤️ https://www.instagram.com/as_yourfriend/ 音樂來源🎵 https://mixkit.co/free-stock-music/ Powered b…
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同齡女子的不負責人生觀 有點正經又不太正經 可能會讓妳有些共鳴💕 小重點📝 00:00:25 辦公室怪談、你敢看鬼片嗎?進旅館你會先敲門嗎? 00:15:20 實際的恐懼:我們是怕黑怕水膽小鬼! 00:21:54 抽象的恐懼:死亡、失敗你敢面對嗎 00:28:18 恐懼不好嗎? 00:31:45 面對恐懼:逃避也是一種面對! 歡迎抖內我們,支持我們繼續瘋言瘋語 https://pay.firstory.me/user/asyourfriend 追蹤我們的 IG ,我們聽妳說心事❤️ https://www.instagram.com/as_yourfriend/ 音樂來源🎵 https://mixkit.co/free-stock-music/ Powered by Firstory Hos…
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同齡女子的不負責人生觀 有點正經又不太正經 可能會讓妳有些共鳴💕 小重點📝 00:00:17 最近狀態:失業的我們好像有點孤獨!? 00:03:41 學生時代的邊緣人:自己去美國打工、紐西蘭 00:16:35 孤獨=獨立?你也需要工具人嗎 00:19:39 出社會的我們:真的治癒了害怕孤獨的心理嗎? 00:25:50 約X、固定伴侶 就不會孤獨?孤獨的好處與解法! 歡迎抖內我們,支持我們繼續瘋言瘋語 https://pay.firstory.me/user/asyourfriend 追蹤我們的 IG ,我們聽妳說心事❤️ https://www.instagram.com/as_yourfriend/ 音樂來源🎵 https://mixkit.co/free-stock-music/ Pow…
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We’ve all been there: waking up on a Saturday morning hungover and thinking “I’m never drinking again!” Well, there are some who keep their promise and the shift has proven transformative. This week we’re chatting Sobriety with our friend Emily Pope, Co-founder of The Temper, a platform that explores life through the lens of sobriety, addiction, an…
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We're taking a minute to answers your Qs and also debunking your assumptions. Is Eddie the life of the party? Is Ashley insanely wealthy? Apparently the fam thinks so! What's happening with babies, houses, and how can Andy trust Ashley so much? Also chatting about motivation, confidence, best life decisions, and career moves! Hosts: Ashley Torres (…
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Knowledge is Power: Fertility Chat with Dr. Roohi Jeelani
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48:33Knowledge is power: the more your know the more you can make well informed decisions. We sit down with Dr. Roohi Jeelani, a Reproductive Endocrinologist and Infertility Specialist to talk about all things fertility. When should you start thinking about freezing your eggs? (2:30) You’ll never guess peak fertility age! And did you know this is when y…
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Curious about open relationships? It’s not just about the sex, guys. We sit down with Imari + Vero who have been in an open relationship for over year and half. Has pop culture sensationalized the lifestyle (11:15)? Do they ever get jealous (15:53)? We have very real discussion on ownership vs. community (24:00), is this just a phase? (27:00), do t…
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Is CBD a fad or is it here to stay? We're chatting with Ellese Symons the VP of Marketing at CBDistillery about ALL things CBD. We're getting a little scientific, talking dosages (18:13) and reasons to take CBD (23:00). Can you fly with CBD (11:14)? Can you pass a drug test (30:00)? All the answers are in this episode. PS: podcast fam and EDPfam ge…
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We're really adulting today with Ashley's Financial Advisor. He answers all the questions you submitted about finances in a relationship (14:00) + (34:15). The truth about savings if your a woman. Girl, you're not going to want to hear it but it's SO important (15:49). How to tackle debt, retirement, and more. You'll walk away with at least three t…
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Season two is upon us! Eddie and Ashley touchbase on what's been happening the past few months like BLL, Pride, and summer adventures. They share deets on what's coming up this season: CBD, Fertility, Finance, and more. Plus, you'll never guess the ultimate hangover cure (4:45). Hosts: Ashley Torres (@everydaypursuits) and Eddie Watkins (@edvanced)…
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30 is just a number, not a mile marker for success. Eddie and Ashley touchbase on how they're feeling about career, marriage, kids, and houses. ADULT THINGS. Eddie expresses concerns about being married by 40 (4:00) and Ashley talks about how she thinks she'll get pregnant (15:00). The episode closes with a nice reminder to focus on what makes you …
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Let's get digital! 7 hrs of screen time a day? 2,000 email notifications? Are you sweating yet? We're diving into tech tendencies and what that says about each of us plus tips for getting back to REAL human connection. Hosts: Ashley Torres (@everydaypursuits) and Eddie Watkins (@edvanced) Don’t forget to follow us on IG: @asyourfriendspodcast…
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Body Positivity + Self Confidence with Curvy Model Kristina Zias
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52:50Here's the reality: everyone’s Facetuning something. Whether you're a VS model, a Kardash, or just a gal trying to live your best life... we are all feeling the pressures to look a certain way. Curvy Model + Body Positive Fashion Blogger Kristina Zias chats with us about her breaking point and how she found self love. We're also chatting body shami…
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It’s getting speecy spicy! Licensed Sex Therapist Dr. Shannon Chavez (@drshannonchavez) is answering all the questions. We’re talking about how to battle low libido (5:00) and tips for re-igniting the flame (26:00). Are open relationships trending (17:30)? Dr. Chavez gives us the 411. We’re really getting into ALL. THE. THINGS. that are bound to ma…
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Ashley + Eddie dive into all things dating. Explain it to Andy turns into Andy sharing a horrendous dating story from his first visit to LA (11:00), you'll never guess where Ashley almost got caught doing the deed (15:00), and Eddie explains "next best thing" syndrome and other dating insights throughout the episode. Don’t forget to follow us on IG…
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Beauty and The Beat with Injection Specialist Sari Hoban
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45:01Our first guest: Injection Specialist Sari Hoban @goseesari! We’re talking all things botox, fillers, and laser treatments. Sari gives us the 411 on preventative botox (7:00), the difference between botox and filler (13:00) and the reality of “not having work done” (16:20). Wait until you hear Sari’s POV about over the counter skincare and at-home …
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Touchbase: What We Learned in Our 20s
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35:11Touchbase: What We Learned in Our 20s Ashley + Eddie discuss what they wish they would’ve known in their 20s, the fact that all grown-ups are faking it until they make it (3:00), how Ashley navigated 5+ positions over 8 years (7:00), and an EMERGENCY convo about Jordyn and Tristan (27:57). Don’t forget to follow us on IG: @asyourfriendspodcast Host…
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New segment alert (4:29)! Ashley and Eddie get super deep about this week’s adulting moment (9:00), discuss stepping out of your comfort zone re: travel (14:39) and living life to the fullest NOW (15:20). Hear the first of many amazing Eddie impressions (31:00). Don’t forget to check out Ashley’s Travel Guides on Everyday Pursuits: https://www.ever…
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Eddie’s not sure if he can be Ashley’s friend since she doesn’t have TSA pre-check (2:30). Ashley introduces “explain it to Andy” (6:15) and during the Q + A segment shares a time when Eddie threw a tantrum in a foreign country (21:12). Deep dive into “can we have it all?”(27:30) and walk away with a quote that will have you feeling like you DO hav…
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Our First Episode + Lord of the Ring Chaser
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36:55Ashley and Eddie throw it back to Brandy + Monica (3:23), realize there's something WAY worse than your foundation getting discontinued (6:35), re-hash their Fyre Festival experience (9:45), and get real about engagement season and the pressures to keep up (17:23). Don't miss Eddie coming through with that gay unicorn advice (33:51). Hosts: Ashley …
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Hop in the passenger seat with two 30 somethings who take you over the potholes and through the intersections of life. Hosts Ashley (@everydaypursuits) and Eddie (@edvanced) are the bffs you didn’t know you had. Tune in weekly for candid convos, throwback jams, and adult realness. Subscribe now and get the first episode on Monday, February 18th!…
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