Molitveno bogoslužje nova verzija (2024)
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Bine te-am găsit! Sunt Mihai Constantinescu, gazda podcastului EducatsiBogat, locul unde găsești informații care te vor ajuta în drumul tău către properitate și către independența financiară! Vei găsi conversații cu persoane experimentate despre Educație Financiară, Economisire, Investiții, Psihologia Banilor și Antreprenoriat! Audiție plăcută!
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Lytt til taler og undervisning fra gudstjenester og studio i Bogafjell kirke. Vurder gjerne å rangere oss, og del episoder du liker med venner. For mer informasjon om menigheten vår, se
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Pentingnya kebersamaan
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Joseba Fiestras y Arantza Lalinde nos ofrecen toda la actualidad cinematográfica con los estrenos de la semana, ¡Entérate qué se está rodando!. ¡Escucha las entrevistas a los actores o directores de cine y consigue premios participando en nuestros concursos!
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Zwei Bogenschützen reden sich um Kopf und Kragen ... Themen: Bogensport, Equipment,3D, Feldbogensport, Turniervorbereitung, Training, Tipps und Tricks
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THE BOGART EFFECT: A Wealthy Wisdom Podcast is the official podcast of Bogart Wealth, featuring founder and CEO James Bogart, CFP®, ChFC® and his team of financial advisors and special guests having candid conversations about everything related to personal finance. Each will share personal stories and experiences, with the goal of taking a fresh look at what saving and planning for the future looks like. Tune in for insightful takeaways that you can apply to your own financial life! The audi ...
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A podcast for below average golfers, hosted by below average golfers. Every Wednesday since 2021, Tyler and Ryan do their best to make the "casual" golfer feel like they belong. If you don't tuck in your shirt on the golf course, never miss a chance to order a couple beers from the bev cart and almost always take a Breakfast Ball off the first tee then this is the podcast for you. The official podcast of the Breakfast Ball page. Sub-brand of You Betcha. Follow us 👇 ...
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Un podcast golf en français.
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Welcome to Boganwood, Canberra, (Au)stralia the forgotten suburb. In today’s adventure.........
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Welcome to the "Basic Bogeys" podcast, your go-to destination for all things golf! Join us as we navigate the greens, fairways, and bunkers of the golfing world including everything from covering current happenings in the golfing universe, talking through hilarious anecdotes and funny stories from our latest rounds, or our exclusive interviews with special guests who have made their mark in the golfing community. So, whether you are teeing off on the weekend, practicing your putt in the back ...
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A celebration of the wild and wonderful Co. Kerry philosopher John Moriarty. Manchán Magan engages with clips of his recorded talks. Produced by Ronan Coleman
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Channel Kujang Bogor
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Lo mejor y mas nuevo en la musica electronica, solo aqui
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Obrolan ini terjadi di sebuah kamar rusun yang di sewa per tiga bulan di daerah Jakarta Pusat, mungkin sore itu pikiran kita berdua lagi sama... mikirin orang yang belum tentu mikirin kita. tanpa pikir panjang ambil handphone+record+edit(seadanya)+upload. Guys.... BOGACI - Bodoh Gara-gara Cinta
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Welcome to Bogdan Gura, where amazing things happen.
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Concept store in downtown Reykjavík, Laugavegur 49, Bakhús. Fashion + Music + Coffee Podcast about music and fashion
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I interview interesting people and cover interesting events that work to change perceptions of a much-misunderstood country.
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Bincang seru seputar dunia teknologi pendidikan baik yg scope lokal, nasional maupun Internasional. Selamat mendengarkan
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freestyle flavours presented by Matthias Desch, Edgar Strobl and Flo Alike
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Bog je bog Cover art photo provided by Jonathan Gonzalez on Unsplash:
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Grupo de Oración de carácter Laical-Católico Carismático: Ayuno e Intercesión; Encuentro Carismático; Santo Rosario a María Rosa Mística, e intimidad con el Señor Jesucristo mediante la vivencia de la Palabra de Dios.===_____====_______________==_____===Miércoles de Victoria 10:am Ayuno e Intercesión; 2:00pm. - Encuentro Carismático;-Santo Rosario a María Rosa Mística.====__No tengo los derechos de autor de las alabanzas._Celular 3124562654
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போகரிஷி பிரசன்ன ஜோதிடம் வழங்கும் ஜோதிட ஆலோசனைகள் Hosted by Sankar Srinivasan
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BogDate er en blanding af forfatterinterview, reportage og anbefalinger fra værten Claus Vittus og bibliotekarer og litteraturformidlere fra Københavns Biblioteker.
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The Bogey Beast Cover art photo provided by Nahil Naseer on Unsplash:
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Podcast Sekolah Pascasarjana UIKA Bogor yang dikelola oleh laboratorium multimedia Prodi. Magister Teknologi Pendidikan Sekolah Pascasarjana UIKA Bogor.
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Existimos para entender y experimentar como el verdadero Evangelio transforma y moldea todas las áreas de la vida, produciendo pasión por comunicar la gloria de Cristo a todos los pueblos.
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Dr de boga!?
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Cześć, tu Justyna, mentorka Twojej kobiecej duszy. Zapraszam Cię do wyjątkowej podróży odkrywania siebie. Intencją tego podcastu jest inspirowanie Cię do osiągania obfitości zarówno w sferze duchowej, jak i materialnej. Będziemy tutaj poruszać tematy boskie i bogate, takie jak zarabianie w kobiecej energii, wyjście z mentalności braku, przebaczenie, uzdrawianie relacji i wiele więcej. Gotowa sięgnąć po więcej? Zaczynamy!
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Escucha este podcast y muchos más en o en las apps de iVoox para iOS, Android o Windows Phone.
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From the boggy pits of Michigan, Mike and Alex bring you their takes on nerd culture, metal music and more.
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Programista to obecnie jeden z najlepiej płatnych zawodów. Zwykle zarabia wielokrotność średniej krajowej. Duże zarobki to duże możliwości. Poznaj historie programistów, którzy wykorzystali swój potencjał. Zbudowali dodatkowe źródła przychodów po godzinach i są na drodze do wolności finansowej! Bez ściemy, same konkrety z pierwszej ręki. Jak zarabiać więcej w IT? Jak płacić mniejsze podatki? W co inwestować, aby pomnażać swój majątek?
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The Bogie Film Blog makes its way to podcasting as each new episode explores the films, costars, and directors of Hollywood's greatest actor! Find us at or!
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Three guys, a girl, one cup. An account following golfing buddies in their 6-month quest to lower their golf handicap and improve driver distance
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Matt Bogard is fastly becoming a well known DJ in London for his amazing sets! Playing the best in Upfront, Bassed Up, Electro, House, his mixing is never out of time and he know how to work a room: Find him on Facebook & Twitter: Facebook: DJ Matt Bogard Twitter: @DJMattBogard
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The 7 Myths of Management have been perpetuated for too long. This segment deals with Myth #1: “Managers Should Have the Answers”
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Welcome to the Bogeys and Beers podcast, where three average golfers share their take on the golf courses they play. We make bogeys, drink beers and tell you about our favorite golf courses.
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A podcast where two friends having no hope in hell of ever getting a tour card, talk golf. Join them on their journey as everyday golfers; both as fans, and as they try to improve their game - and the frustrations along the way!
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Den anden Radio introducerer nu et nyt litteraturmagasin. Det har fået det rummelige navn BØGER og omfatter alt godt fra skøn- og faglitteraturen og vil udmønte sig i udsendelser om nye og gamle bøger, forfattersamtaler, præsentationer, oplæsning samt reportager fra den danske litterære scene. BØGER vil i den første tid udkomme én gang om måneden.
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Bogeys & Brews Golf Club – the brainchild of two golf-addicted buddies who’ve swapped their ties for tees and their sales pitches for putts in 2023. These guys are on a mission to bring the party to the fairway and make golf more exciting than a hole-in-one celebration. We want to bring family, friends and strangers together through travel, bogeys and plenty of brews.
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Bogotá Hoy por Hoy
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Bogormens Megafon er en podcast, som guider dig igennem nogle af de spændende bøger og forfattere, der kommer til Literaturexchange, Aarhus Internationale Litteraturfestival. Første afsnit er ude torsdag d.12/4 og udkommer herefter hver anden torsdag op til festivalen.
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Toda la Actualidad en musical lleva a ustedes por Roberto Cardona y Canal Capital.
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Jake Ellenbogen takes you through the latest week of sports giving you his thoughts on the latest sports topics.
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BuProf ile Boğaziçi Hazırlık podcasti sizinle Boğaziçi Üniversitesi İngilizce Yeterlilik Sınavı (BUEPT/BÜYES) ile ipuçları ve kaynakları paylaşan bir program. Yıllardır farklı seviyelerden öğrencilerimizle sınav hazırlık sürecinde edindiğimiz tecrübe ve derslerin tüm öğrencilere fayda sağlaması için paylaşıyoruz. Şimdiden Boğaziçi proficiency sınavınızda başarılar diliyoruz 🧿
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Podcast by Bold og Bøger
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Vsi sveti»Blagor žalostnim, kajti potolaženi bodo.« (Mt 5,4)Bralci so: Matej, Magdalena, Andreja, JožefBởi
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Vsi sveti»Blagor žalostnim, kajti potolaženi bodo.« (Mt 5,4)Bralci so: Matej, Magdalena, Andreja, Petra, Katja, Šolske sestre, Domen, Ambrož, Luka, Dominik, Miran, Jože, AnaBởi
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Petek, 1. 11. 2024: Dnevna molitvena ura
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Vsi sveti»Blagor žalostnim, kajti potolaženi bodo.« (Mt 5,4)Bralci so: Matej, Magdalena, Andreja, Ana, Cecilija, Jožko, Ambrož, Vid, Valentina, Irena, Diana, Luka, Dominik, Domen, Maja, Matej, JurijBởi
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Vsi sveti»Blagor žalostnim, kajti potolaženi bodo.« (Mt 5,4)Bralci so: Matej, Magdalena, Andreja, Tatjana, Metka, Domen, Ambrož, Luka, Dominik, Zala, Metka, Jožef, Štefan, Jakob, Tanja, Janez, Šolske sestreBởi
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Petek, 1. 11. 2024: Bogoslužno branje
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Vsi sveti»Blagor žalostnim, kajti potolaženi bodo.« (Mt 5,4)Bralci so: Matej, Magdalena, Andreja, Matej, Jurij, Katja, Domen, Ambrož, Andreja, Zala, Metka, Mojca, Ana, Tanja, MetkaBởi
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Vsi sveti»Blagor žalostnim, kajti potolaženi bodo.« (Mt 5,4)Bralci so: Matej, Magdalena, Slavko, JožefBởi
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Vsi sveti»Glej, izganjam demone in ozdravljam še danes in jutri, in tretji dan bom dosegel cilj.« (Lk 13,32b)Bralci so: Matej, Magdalena, Andreja, JožefBởi
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Vsi sveti»Glej, izganjam demone in ozdravljam še danes in jutri, in tretji dan bom dosegel cilj.« (Lk 13,32b)Bralci so: Matej, Magdalena, Andreja, Petra, Janez, Domen, Luka, Katja, Ambrož, Tanja, Miran, Jože, Ana, Šolske sestreBởi
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Sunt entuziasmat să îți prezint un nou episod al podcast-ului Educat și Bogat, și de data aceasta am un invitat de excepție: VALENTIN NEDELCU. Valentin este economist, investitor, consultant fiscal, coach, trainer și totodata fondatorul blogului și comunității - cea mai mare și activă comunitate de finanțe personale și educație fi…
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Četrtek, 31. 10. 2024: Dnevna molitvena ura
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Četrtek 30. tedna med letom»Glej, izganjam demone in ozdravljam še danes in jutri, in tretji dan bom dosegel cilj.« (Lk 13,32b)Bralci so: Matej, Magdalena, Andreja, Ana, Cecilija, Jožko, Ambrož, Vid, Valentina, Irena, Diana, Matic, Anna, Matija, PeterBởi
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Četrtek 30. tedna med letom»Glej, izganjam demone in ozdravljam še danes in jutri, in tretji dan bom dosegel cilj.« (Lk 13,32b)Bralci so: Matej, Magdalena, Andreja, Tatjana, Luka, Dominik, Matic, Anna, Bena, Jakob, Primož, MetkaBởi
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Četrtek, 31. 10. 2024: Bogoslužno branje
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Četrtek 30. tedna med letom»Glej, izganjam demone in ozdravljam še danes in jutri, in tretji dan bom dosegel cilj.« (Lk 13,32b)Bralci so: Matej, Magdalena, Andreja, Matija, Peter, Katja, Marta, Diana, Domen, Ambrož, Tanja, Andreja, MatejBởi
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Četrtek 30. tedna med letom»Glej, izganjam demone in ozdravljam še danes in jutri, in tretji dan bom dosegel cilj.« (Lk 13,32b)Bralci so: Matej, Magdalena, Jakob, JožefBởi
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In this episode we talk about why golfers lie about their scores, why golf can be so frustrating, and some things that pro shop employees lie about.
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Palabra, Ministración y AlabanzaBởi Raúl Pinilla
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Sreda 30. tedna med letom»In glej, so zadnji, ki bodo prvi, in so prvi, ki bodo zadnji.« (Lk 13,30)Bralci so: Matej, Luka, JožefBởi
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Sreda 30. tedna med letom»In glej, so zadnji, ki bodo prvi, in so prvi, ki bodo zadnji.« (Lk 13,30)Bralci so: Matej, Luka, Leon, Bena, Matic, Anna, Zala, Metka, Mojca, Ana, Miran, Katja, Magdalena, KarmenBởi
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Alabanzas, adoración y palabraBởi Raúl Pinilla
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Sreda, 30. 10. 2024: Dnevna molitvena ura
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Sreda 30. tedna med letom»In glej, so zadnji, ki bodo prvi, in so prvi, ki bodo zadnji.« (Lk 13,30)Bralci so: Matej, Luka, Metka, Valentina, Irena, Diana, Zala, Metka, Mojca, Ana, Matija, PeterBởi
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Sreda 30. tedna med letom»In glej, so zadnji, ki bodo prvi, in so prvi, ki bodo zadnji.« (Lk 13,30)Bralci so: Matej, Luka, Katja, Dominik, Metka, Doroteja, Diana, Irena, Bena, Slavko, Magdalena, JanezBởi
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Sreda, 30. 10. 2024: Bogoslužno branje
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Sreda 30. tedna med letom»In glej, so zadnji, ki bodo prvi, in so prvi, ki bodo zadnji.« (Lk 13,30)Bralci so: Matej, Luka, Ema, Magdalena, Katja, Marta, Diana, Jožef, Ambrož, Matija, Peter, Tanja, Matevž, Nives, AndrejaBởi
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Sreda 30. tedna med letom»In glej, so zadnji, ki bodo prvi, in so prvi, ki bodo zadnji.« (Lk 13,30)Bralci so: Matej, Slavko, JožefBởi
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Toda la actualidad cinematográfica con los estrenos de la semana, ¡Entérate qué se está rodando! ¡Escucha las entrevistas a los actores o directores de cine y consigue premios participando en nuestros concursos!...Bởi EITB
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Toda la actualidad cinematográfica con los estrenos de la semana, ¡Entérate qué se está rodando! ¡Escucha las entrevistas a los actores o directores de cine y consigue premios participando en nuestros concursos!...Bởi EITB
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Ricky Reilly fresh off the GAP - Episode 41
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Ricky is fresh off an adaptive golf tournament in Philly and he joins again to catch up with what he has been up to since returning from the US Adaptive Open as he continues to refine his golf game and has added a few more competitive Adaptive Golf rounds which have helped to improve his World Ranking. Send us a message and let us know what you tho…
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We Answered Your Golf Questions (Q&A) ⛳️ #212
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In this episode we talk about the rounds that Tyler and Ryan played this last weekend, and answer some questions that listeners submitted!
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Gudstjeneste 20.10.24 - Åndens frukt er godhet - Torstein Eidem Nordal
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Hva om Jesus gjorde ting for sin egen skyld. Tenk om han gikk i synagogen "for å få noe ut av det". Den barmhjertige samaritanen handler om å vise godhet, men uten Jesus blir det loviskhet og moralisme. Men med Jesus og Guds godhet kan vi forstå mer av hva det vil si å møte vår neste, ta opp vårt kors og ta med vår lidelse og lidenskap til kirka. V…
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Toda la actualidad cinematográfica con los estrenos de la semana, ¡Entérate qué se está rodando! ¡Escucha las entrevistas a los actores o directores de cine y consigue premios participando en nuestros concursos!...Bởi EITB
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Toda la actualidad cinematográfica con los estrenos de la semana, ¡Entérate qué se está rodando! ¡Escucha las entrevistas a los actores o directores de cine y consigue premios participando en nuestros concursos!...Bởi EITB
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Retirement Cash Flow Planning – Episode 17
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On this episode of THE BOGART EFFECT, James Bogart, CFP®, CHFC®, is joined by Financial Advisor Brian Windsor, CFP®, to talk about different factors and strategies to consider in your Retirement Cash Flow Planning. Call, log in, or visit to learn how we can help. 703-570-8651 IMPORTANT DISCLOSURE INFORMATION The previous presen…
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Sunt entuziasmat să îți prezint un nou episod al podcast-ului Educat și Bogat, și de data aceasta am un invitat de excepție: ADRIAN CARUCERU, un profesionist cu peste 25 de ani de experiență în domeniul bancar, având o carieră impresionantă care îmbină activitatea operațională cu cea de educație financiară. Din 2017, s-a dedicat educației financiar…
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Morning vs Afternoon Golf - Episode 40
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When do you prefer to golf? Morning or Afternoon? Do you tend to play better one vs the other? Or possible putt better at a certain time of the day? Send us a message and let us know what you thought about this episode! Thanks for listening. Tune in next Thursday for our next episode! Acorn Hills Clothing Co. Use code BASIC15 for 15% off. Look Good…
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Golf Trends That Gotta Go ⛳️ #211
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Tyler and Grandpa Dave are having and end of the season show down. To start the pod we talk strategy to bring the old man down. In the second segment we talk a bunch of golf trends that have come and gone over the years. Fingers crossed that visors come back!
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Toda la actualidad cinematográfica con los estrenos de la semana, ¡Entérate qué se está rodando! ¡Escucha las entrevistas a los actores o directores de cine y consigue premios participando en nuestros concursos!...Bởi EITB
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Toda la actualidad cinematográfica con los estrenos de la semana, ¡Entérate qué se está rodando! ¡Escucha las entrevistas a los actores o directores de cine y consigue premios participando en nuestros concursos!...Bởi EITB
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Fall Golf plus other Fall Sports - Episode 39
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Fall golf is a wonderful time of year. Final few rounds of the year for the boys up here in Upstate New York. But that does mean it is Q zip season and also the great Saturday and/or Sunday vibe of getting to go home after your round for an afternoon and evening full of football. Also, want to give a special shoutout to one of our top listeners whi…
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Golf Things We Are The BEST At ⛳️ #210
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In this special episode (due to the power being out at the office) we talk about stupid golf inventions, hunting and golfing at the same time, and the things that we are the best at in golf.
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Toda la actualidad cinematográfica con los estrenos de la semana, ¡Entérate qué se está rodando! ¡Escucha las entrevistas a los actores o directores de cine y consigue premios participando en nuestros concursos!...Bởi EITB
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Toda la actualidad cinematográfica con los estrenos de la semana, ¡Entérate qué se está rodando! ¡Escucha las entrevistas a los actores o directores de cine y consigue premios participando en nuestros concursos!...Bởi EITB
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On this episode of THE BOGART EFFECT, James Bogart, CFP®, CHFC®, is joined by Financial Advisor Daniel Evans, CFP®, from Bogart Wealth's The Woodlands, Texas office, talking about the current state of the housing market and factors that led us here. Call, log in, or visit to learn how we can help. 703-570-8651 IMPORTANT DISCLOS…
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Amanda Cunha, Adaptive & Collegiate Golfer - Episode 38
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Amanda Cunha joins us to talk about all of her life experiences in golf. Originally from Hawaii, she now attends the University of Arizona and is on their Adaptive Golf Team. Amanda has been very involved in the game of golf form a young age. As she became visual impaired she did not give up the sport she loves and instead started to seek out other…
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Should I Break Up With My Golf Partner? ⛳️ #209
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In this episode, we talk about Ryans round out West in South Dakota, Noahs round at his first country club, and answer a question from a listener who is questioning leaving their golf buddy.
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Gudstjeneste 29.09.24 - Åndens frukt er vennlighet - Frode Helvig
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Med utgangspunkt i Jesu ord fra Bergprekenen "Elsk dine fiender" (Matteus 5,42) snakker byprest Frode Helvig om åndens frukt, vennlighet. Det handler også om hvordan vi tar imot en fremmed. Frode deler også fra Byprestens viktige arbeid i Sandnes.Bởi Bogafjell kirke
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The fear inside of us is one with that of the fear of colts of buffaloes and chicks of hawks. We are being led by our past terrors. Support the show Produced by Ronan ColemanBởi Manchán Magan
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More wisdom from the great bouffant-haired philosopher of the ditches and dairy yards. The Doctor Who of West Kerry Support the show Produced by Ronan ColemanBởi Manchán Magan
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Ep. 5. Obligatory dream sequence, feat. Robert Sheehan & Aisling Rogerson
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To help guide me through the mire of Moriarty's meandering mind I called upon the help of Robert Sheehan of this reality and beyond, and Aisling Rogerson of The Fumbally. Support the show Produced by Ronan Coleman…
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We're back with the great Swami Moriarty – Ireland’s Ram Dass, our very own Terence McKenna. Wondering what Yeats would have made of him. Would he have thought he had stumbled upon an actual druid? Had him plucked, stuffed and mounted in the National Museum? So many big questions in such a short space of time, such as are there bulbs of emerald gre…
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Ep. 3 Luring night-walkers and horses to the yard
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Moriarty explains how a river can call itself back into the eternity out of which it came, and leads us into a time that is older than the time of chronometers. Meet John's mother, a sovereignty goddess, with her womb of turf and eggs, and his father, king of the byre, haggard, and pig sty, basking in the low light of his lantern hanging from a nai…
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Toda la actualidad cinematográfica con los estrenos de la semana, ¡Entérate qué se está rodando! ¡Escucha las entrevistas a los actores o directores de cine y consigue premios participando en nuestros concursos!...Bởi EITB
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Toda la actualidad cinematográfica con los estrenos de la semana, ¡Entérate qué se está rodando! ¡Escucha las entrevistas a los actores o directores de cine y consigue premios participando en nuestros concursos!...Bởi EITB
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