Bachelor Podcast
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Recap, re-live and mock the current weeks episode of The Bachelor, The Bachelorette and Bachelor In Paradise
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We recap all things Bachelor, Bachelorette, and Paradise!
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Zwei Romantiker quatschen in ihrem Podcast jede Woche über die schönsten Liebesgeschichten, die das deutsche Trash-TV schreibt. Aktuell über die Bachelors 2024. Wenn ihr euch nach der Rosenvergabe ausheulen möchtet, schreibt uns gerne auf Instagram.
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Podcast by Comedians You Should Know
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Will you accept this podcast? We promise to be the best Bachelor podcast in the history of ever. A weekly roundtable discussing the best of The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, Bachelor In Paradise, and it's love-children UnReal and Finding Prince Charming.
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My Wife Is In This Room is a podcast about post-Bachelor life hosted by newlyweds Liz and Ross. Join them as they take a weekly deep dive into all things The Bachelor, recapping the latest episodes and the latest gossip, and peering into the souls of 25 year-old dental hygienists so you don't have to. New episodes drop Wednesdays in 2017.
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Archived material from DudesWatch The Bachelor & The Bachelorette... Reed is located in Houston, TX (@ReedStiles)
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Ein charmanter Mann, eine Villa voll schöner Frauen und die Suche nach der großen Liebe: Im offiziellen "Der Bachelor"-Podcast seid ihr hautnah dabei, wenn 23 flirt- und kampfbereite Single-Damen ihrem Traummann den Kopf verdrehen wollen! Wer hat die bessere Strategie? Wer meint es ehrlich und wer will nur spielen? Ganz neu in diesem Jahr sind die Moderationsteams. Steffi Brungs und Inken Wriedt freuen sich über tatkräftige Unterstützung und auf diverse Insider durch Ex-Bachelor Kandidatinne ...
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Podcast by Joshua Javier Rios
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When a man and a woman love each other, they want to express that love. So they get the iPad and watch The Bachelor.
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Melissa Stetten and Jensen Karp are Bachelor/Bachelorette super fans. They decided to sit down after each new episode for a few seasons, sometimes with a funny friend, to recap, analyze, and predict every single ridiculous thing that happened in Bachelor Nation. They no longer do this podcast because they began to respect their free time a little too much to always watch the show. Jensen and his mom now do a love advice podcast over at and iTunes. Check it out.
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Two "Bachelor" scholars dissect the most recent season of the ABC series.
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Emotional Breakdown is a weekly podcast recapping and reviewing the most recent episodes of The Bachelor, The Bachelorette and Bachelor In Paradise. If you're watching the show for all the wrong reasons, this is the podcast you're looking for.
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We’re two basic girls with one Bachelor podcast. Emma and Kristin don’t shy away from the “Basic Girl” label. They love coffee, fashion, millennial pink, Instagram, and of course The Bachelor! After years of gossiping too much about Bachelor Nation, they finally decided to do the ultimate basic millennial thing and start a podcast. Sit in on a weekly discussion about what is currently going down in the Bachelor universe, and while you’re here check out our personal blog about our (basic) liv ...
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Listen as Megan and Jenna tackle the whirlwind events from each week's episode of The Bachelor. They're here for the right reasons - they love watching the show, and they love talking about it. From the first impressions to the fantasy suites, join them and special guests as they discuss Juan Pablo's journey to find true love.
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The Bachelor Podcast: Accept These Bros.
Andrew Dyce, Brian Dyce, Ben Kendrick, Alex Smith, and Andy Squire
Four guys offer a fresh and funny perspective on ABC's The Bachelor & Bachelorette, seeing if they can spot a diamond in the rough (and entertain listeners along the way). Will you Accept These Bros?
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You play to win the game. You play to win the rose. A podcast on "The Bachelor" through the lens of competition from former sports talk radio show Host & Producer Ben Heisler (@bennyheis) and former television news Anchor/Reporter Andrew Carter (@andrew__carter).
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Can I Steal You for a Second? A Bachelor Podcast with Two Dudes Join Two Dudes - Seth & Phil - as they recap this season of The Bachelor with their unique masculine perspective. We do things just a LITTLE differently here.
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Podcast about ABC's The Bachelor and The Bachelorette
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ABOUT BACHELOR NATION WEEKLY: A weekly after-show series that breaks down episodes of ABC’s Bachelor franchise including spin-offs like Bachelorette and Bachelor in Paradise. During the hiatus weeks our hosts will discuss news & announcements surrounding Bachelor nation. Throughout the series we'll bring in guests to join in on the fun!
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Join us for the Bachelor Pad Podcast where AfterbuzzTV hosts break down every single episode of your favorite show!
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Hello! If you’re here, it’s probably because you love, hate, or love to hate the Bachelor like we do. This husband and wife duo watches Bachelor/Bachelorette/BIP/Winter Games and gives insight on what is organic and what’s producer-driven. Support this podcast:
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The hilarious weekly Bachelor nation comedy recap podcast that reigns over all others.
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Bachelor Nation, everything is about to change. Two of the biggest Bachelor haters on the planet have reformed their ways and created a podcast about their shared love of Bachelor Nation. Hosts Derek and Mike bring all the hot takes, episode recaps and zero insider info to slake your thirst for all things Bachelor.
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Each week childhood besties Ashley (a Bachelor newbie), Alex (a relative vet) & Jess (Bachelpr pro) recap each beautifully cringeworthy moment of the Bachelor/ette/inParadise! Join them on this beautiful "journey" to watch Bachelor Nation attempt to finally find love, and sit back and enjoy as they shamelessly roast the "process."
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Budding Romance is a marijuana-fueled podcast where Evan and Dana dive deep into ABC's #BachelorNation shows and all the tangential hoopla that comes with.
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Welcome to the first-ever Bachelor Fashion Podcast! If you love The Bachelor or fashion (or both!) then this is the show for you. In each episode, a guest and I will give our takes on the outfits featured that week on The Bachelor/Bachelorette. I'll describe the outfits, discuss what I love and what I don't love, and talk about current fashion trends and how they fit into the show. Share your thoughts about the outfits with me on Instagram: @A_Bachelor_Fashion_Podcast and @emma_anne_sorensen
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The End of an Era (DW not ours...yet) || Like Uh Literally
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39:37Vic and Jamie discuss the upcoming end of everyone's favorite social media platform...TikTok. Will anything ever replace it? Also Google Podcast doesn't exist anymore and nobody told us. What the frick guys?Bởi LikeUhLiterally
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New Year, No Resolution || Like Uh Literally
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54:48Vic and Jamie are back and better than ever at talking, and analyzing the world around us. With this new found realization we spend it on only the most important of details, Squid Game season 2. Jamie has given up on dressing properly. We then put on our suit and tie and become resident lawyers on a new and exciting legal case that was dropped at o…
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All Wrapped Up With Nowhere To Go || Like Uh Literally
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1:05:45Jamie and Vic wrap up their year with their own take on Spotify Wrapped, coming up with some real important categories, such as their top McDonald's order of 2024. Come let us wrap your day up with this very exciting new idea.Bởi LikeUhLiterally
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Smus Operator! | Golden Bachelor 2024 Folge 1 + 2
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53:34Wir wollen Euch beweisen, dass wir auch in fortgeschrittenem Alter noch klasse Recaps vom Golden Bachelor aufnehmen können (haben auch nur dreimal Tränchen verdrückt). Viel Spaß! <3 Wenn ihr noch mehr Gelaber von uns hören möchtet: Gelatine Kenobi - Noch ein Laberpodcast…
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Stuffed with Thanks || LikeUhLiterally
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54:35Vic and Jamie get down and dirty with the deets of our holiday excursions. We then fixate our attention to the gloomiest month of the year. We spill the beans on our Christmas movie rankings. We also want to give our thanks to you for tuning in!Bởi LikeUhLiterally
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Joan's Epic Finale || Golden Bachelorette Finale Recap || Like Uh Literally
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56:31Vic and Jamie go over the epic conclusion to Joan's journey as the first ever Golden Bachelorette. Will she find the second love of her life or will she walk away alone like she's afraid of. Heartbreak is guaranteed on this show but who will be on the receiving end of it?Bởi LikeUhLiterally
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Call of the Mansion Men || Golden Bachelorette Men Tell All || Like Uh Literally
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58:33Jamie and Vic are back to discuss the mansion men, the golden season mansion men who were there to win the heart of Joan. No but actually we cover the men tell all in all it's sweet and endearing glory. We also touch a bit on last week's episode because someone decided to get sick and unable to cover it...ahem.…
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"Er hat keinen hoch bekommen!" | Die Bachelorette 2024 Folge 12 / Finale
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41:52Klar, ein Podcaster genießt und schweigt, aber ich sag euch ganz ehrlich: Tolkie hat sein Mikro nicht anbekommen. Deswegen haben wir uns heute mit den Händen ein bisschen besser kennengelernt und im Recap des Bachelorette-Finales per Zeichensprache kommuniziert (Also nicht wirklich, Tonspur ist 1A). Viel Spaß! <3 Wenn ihr noch mehr Gelaber von uns …
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"Auf der Couch können die machen, was sie wollen!" | Die Bachelorette 2024 Folge 11
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46:20Haben uns auf unsere Couch gekuschelt und ein richtig angenehmes, null fremdschämiges Recap zu Folge 11 der Bachelorette aufgenommen. Viel Spaß! <3 Wenn ihr noch mehr Gelaber von uns hören möchtet: Gelatine Kenobi - Noch ein Laberpodcast…
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Home is Where the Joan Is || Golden Bachelorette Week 6 || Like Uh Literally
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48:29Vic and Jamie explain this week's episode of the Golden Bachelorette to you in an easy to understand way so that nobody misses any details. We first start out by explaining who Joan is and why you should care about her journey. We then go over who everyone else is. Then we visit the final four men's hometowns ourselves and ask their families what t…
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"Aber war's geschwisterlich?" | Die Bachelorette 2024 Folge 10
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51:37Haben uns in die Badewanne gesetzt und ein schönes Recap zu Folge 10 der Bachelorette für Euch aufgenommen. Da regt sich einiges. Viel Spaß! <3 Wenn ihr noch mehr Gelaber von uns hören möchtet: Gelatine Kenobi - Noch ein Laberpodcast…
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Bowling for Roses || Golden Bachelorette Week 5 || Like Uh Literally
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43:56Vic and Jamie are back! They leave no stone unturned as the pick apart every detail they can find. Joan has some tough decisions to make as she can can only visit four of these amazing guys' hometowns. We miss Charles!Bởi LikeUhLiterally
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"Jetzt heult die schon wieder!" | Die Bachelorette 2024 Folge 9
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41:24Haben beim Tantra-Yoga ein bisschen vor uns hingeheult, um mehr Sendezeit zu bekommen. Viel Spaß! <3 Wenn ihr noch mehr Gelaber von uns hören möchtet: Gelatine Kenobi - Noch ein Laberpodcast Verbrechen für W…
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"Naughty! Mehr naughty!!" | Die Bachelorette 2024 Folge 8
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49:59Tolkie und ich haben uns heute vorgenommen, uns ganz tief in die Augen zu schauen, richtig einen zu bechern, und dann ne richtig naughty Folge rauszuhauen. Viel Spaß! <3 Wenn ihr noch mehr Gelaber von uns hören möchtet: Gelatine Kenobi - Noch ein Laberpodcast…
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"You look like a bad boi!" | Die Bachelorette 2024 Folge 7
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50:58Damn girl, neue Folge, for real, for real! Viel Spaß! <3 Wenn ihr noch mehr Gelaber von uns hören möchtet: Gelatine Kenobi - Noch ein Laberpodcast Verbrechen für Weicheier - Der True-Crime-Podcast ohne Mord…
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Pickle-Ball & Cornhole Hearts || Golden Bachelorette Week 1 || Like Uh Literally
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53:09The boys are back and so is the best show on television. We hope you're ready to get wholesome because there's a lot of that to go around. Jamie and Vic can't contain their excitement as Joan embarks on her journey as the first ever Golden Bachelorette!Bởi LikeUhLiterally
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Confessions on the Dance Floor || Golden Bachelorette Week 2 || Like Uh Literally
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51:35Vic and Jamie explore this week's episode of The Golden Bachelorette. Many will be surprised as to what happens in this episode that is expertly talked about by two expert daters. We not only break it down, but we also build it up. We not only give you the tips only experts know, but we tell you how to use them.…
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"Hä, der ist doch gar nicht sportlich!?" | Die Bachelorette 2024 Folge 6
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44:28Haben unser Recap zur Folge 6 der Bachelorette 2024 irgendwo in der Villa versteckt - wir hoffen, ihr könnt uns zuhören, obwohl wir nicht so sportlich sind... Viel Spaß! <3 Wenn ihr noch mehr Gelaber von uns hören möchtet: Gelatine Kenobi - Noch ein Laberpodcast…
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"Sex zwischen Polizeiauto und Feuerwehr!" | Die Bachelorette 2024 Folge 5
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46:51Wir wollen nicht, dass ihr uns als Podcast treu bleibt... Ihr sollt die Folge für Euch hören. Wisst ihr? Viel Spaß mit Recap 5 zur Bachelorette 2024! <3 Wenn ihr noch mehr Gelaber von uns hören möchtet: Gelatine Kenobi - Noch ein Laberpodcast …
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"We got this shit on lock for real!" | Die Bachelorette 2024 Folge 4
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46:36Sorry für die lange Pause vor unserem Bachelorette-Recap, war besser für die Dramatologie! Viel Spaß! <3 Wenn ihr noch mehr Gelaber von uns hören möchtet: Gelatine Kenobi - Noch ein Laberpodcast Verbrechen für Weicheier - Der True-Crime-Podca…
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The Most Frustrating Finale in Bachelorette History || Like Uh Literally
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51:44They weren't lying when they said this is the most dramatic ending in the show's history. The only problem is, it's also the end of my respect for the show. The producers somehow got confused and thought they were making a horror show and did everything they could to give the star of the show as much trauma as possible. Vic and Jamie then die of di…
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The Bachelorette Jenn's Season Fantasy Suites & Men Tell All || Like Uh Literally
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1:16:30Jamie and Vic are excited to dive deep into the Men Tell All, but before that they cover Jenn's Fantasy Suite dates. There seems to be a theme of potentially unreciprocated love flowing through the air in Hawaii. Then we get to see our favorite (and other) men from Jenn's season back on our screens. Some seek redemption, others hoping for love on P…
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The Bachelorette Jenn's Season Hometowns Recap || Like Uh Literally
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1:02:41Vic and Jamie get real with Jenn and her boys. With their family in the mix, things get a little spicy, with one mom bringing the heat. Some interesting places get shown as well, making me question where I shop for groceries, and how much more horrifying it could be.Bởi LikeUhLiterally
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The Bachelorette Jenn's Season Week 6 Recap || Like Uh Literally
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1:15:05Vic and Jamie discuss this week's episode of The Bachelorette and the new Bachelor announcement. With one week before hometowns, Jenn has some tough decisions to make. One man pleasantly surprises us, while another aggressively surprises us. Well... it wasn't a surprise, but it was aggressively disappointing.…
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The Bachelorette Jenn's Season Week 5 Recap || Like Uh Literally
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1:05:38Jamie and Vic talk about hiding, and where to seek. Then get into the Bachelorette where we see Jenn, both hide and seek her future husband probably, maybe. Things heat up as the temperature rises. Then things get REAL as the fake all leave, or do they...?Bởi LikeUhLiterally
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The Bachelorette Jenn's Season Week 4 Recap || Like Uh Literally
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1:22:56Jamie details his recent painful experience before the boys then cover week 4 of The Bachelorette which was full of surprises. Some men had good showings while others just can't seem to get things right. The drama continues but fortunately so does the romance, as well as something we've all been waiting for.…
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The Bachelorette Jenn's Season Week 3 Recap || Like Uh Literally
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1:00:55Vic and Jamie discuss this week's episode of The Bachelorette. Things spice up as multiple things happen. What happens you might ask, well we are here to tell. Full frontal nudity (minus the nudity) was on display. Heated physical arguments (minus the physical) were being had. Then to top it all off, a shocking exit no one expected, (not even the c…
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The Bachelorette Jenn's Season Week 2 || Like Uh Literally
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1:21:01Vic and Jamie discuss this week's episode of The Bachelorette. Things heat up as Devin thinks the show is about him. Aaron's cool gets tested as he gets into the middle of the drama. People jump out of planes, Hakeem faces his biggest fear, and Thomas (T-Dawg) gets emotional.Bởi LikeUhLiterally
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The Bachelorette Jenn's Season Week 1 || Like Uh Literally
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1:07:20The Bach is finally back! It's Jenn's turn to look for love and we're here to cover it along the way. Jamie and Vic break down the season premiere and give our opinions on the men that have come for Jenn's heart. Your questions will be ours to answer...we're us.Bởi LikeUhLiterally
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Doobie with the Bros || Like Uh Literally
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59:01Vic and Jamie Doobie this one up with the Brothers (in Spirit). After that we move onto Spring Cleaning and the emotional impact it had on Jamie. We then nicely wrap up the pod with some of the normal questions of the week questions, planetary edition.Bởi LikeUhLiterally
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Hip New Date Fad || Like Uh Literally
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59:08This is Jamie here. I still genuinely have no idea if Vic's story is true or not, so I'm right there with you. Does anyone have an experience that tops his? I also had an instance that made me question my intelligence, ya know just the usual.Bởi LikeUhLiterally
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Unclothed and Unevolved || Like Uh Literally
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1:16:08Jamie and Vic totally redeemed themselves from being gone so long. Jamie talks about his experience in Ireland as well as his love for Bumble while he was there. Vic goes absolutely ballistic while they talk about recent movies and prequels. Would the boys survive in the wild? Also what urine superpower would they want?…
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Golden Bachelorette Reveal || Like Uh Literally
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45:34Jamie and Vic give their thoughts on the Golden Bachelorette announcement and what they hope for that season. Also, is Paradise over...maybe...who knows. We have some truly genius ideas on how to save it though. We also get into more balls today.Bởi LikeUhLiterally
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Red Flags and Balls || Like Uh Literally
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40:43The gang (Vic and Jamie) talk about our up and downdates in the (dating) scene. We psychoanalyze dating apps and the type of (people) who use them. We then deep dive into Bio-logy, (The study of the things people put into their bio). Then the topic of balls (come) up and we discuss how much we love (them).…
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Bachelor Updates and Connections || Like Uh Literally
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31:12Jamie talks about his time pondering the drab and dreary on his ride to the promise land that is Arizona. Vic also shows he's the master of Wordle. Just a fun time messing around in this desolate landscape without any Bachelor content to feed our addictions.Bởi LikeUhLiterally
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Bachelor Wishlist || Like Uh Literally
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1:16:45Jamie and Vic came up with their own wishlists of changes and additions to the Bachelor franchise. Trust us, they are good ideas. EQUAL NUMBER!Bởi LikeUhLiterally
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Golden Gerry's Divorce Recap || Like Uh Literally
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33:17Vic and Jamie talk about Gerry and the hope killing news. Love is fake, no one will ever be truly happy. There is no such thing as trust, and to be optimistic is to deny reality. We then talk about happier news including a certain popular breakfast drink.Bởi LikeUhLiterally
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"Kennt ihr Sex on the Beach!?" | Temptation Island 2024 Folge 4
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38:20Bruder, wir halten für diese Folge zusammen! Viel Spaß! <3 Wenn ihr noch mehr Gelaber von uns hören möchtet: Gelatine Kenobi - Noch ein LaberpodcastVerbrechen für Weicheier - Der True-Crime-Podcast ohne Mord…
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The Bachelorette Pregame Shot O'Clock || Like Uh Literally
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1:03:31Vic and Jamie discuss this week's episode of the uuuuuuhhh, wait what happened to The Bachelor? What are we going to talk about? Probably something cool, new, and exciting right? Wrong again bozo, April Fools, now you have to watch this week's podcast or else you will be cursed to never get a rose from anybody ever again. We then discuss the upcomi…
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The Bachelor Joey's Season FINALE Recap || Like Uh Literally
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51:44The boys get together to discuss this heart-wrenching and stomach churning finale. Who will Joey choose to be his forever person, and who will be left broken hearted? Vic and Jamie are here and ready to give you all the juicy details you could ever need. We also talk about how Joey is crushing us with his March Madness basketball bracket...for now.…
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Sebastian Klaus im Kreuzverhör: "Schildkröten sind nicht zu Schaden gekommen!" | Die Bachelors 2024 Recap
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1:15:02Noch ein ganz besonderes Päckchen für Eure Herzen: der große Staffel-Rückblick mit Sebastian Klaus! Wie hängt man Wäsche richtig auf? Wie war das Kennenlernen mit Dennis? Warum hat Detektiv Sebastian bei Leonie so hartnäckig ermittelt? War Larissas letzte Rose in Gefahr? Gab es ein Gym im Haus? Und: hat Sebastian immer brav aufgegessen? Viel Spaß! …
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The Bachelor Joey's Season Women Tell All Recap || Like Uh Literally
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54:35Vic and Jamie dabble in this newest episode of The Bachelor where the women attempt to tell all. What will happen with Kelsey and her mysterious note? Will Maria be able to deal with the drama? Is Lea being gaslit? Will someone be told to zip it? Stop with all the hating!Bởi LikeUhLiterally
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"Entweder Hochzeit oder Beerdigung" | Die Bachelors 2024 Finale / Folge 10
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50:16Schnürt Euch diese Folge in ein Päckchen, verstaut sie in Eurem Herzen und behaltet sie da für immer. Viel Spaß! <3 Wenn ihr noch mehr Gelaber von uns hören möchtet: Gelatine Kenobi - Noch ein Laberpodcast Verbrechen für Weicheier - Der True-Crime-P…
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"Mein Bauchgefühl schlägt Alarm!" | Die Bachelors 2024 Folge 9
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1:03:37Eine dicke Portion Podcast-Bombing! Viel Spaß! <3 Wenn ihr noch mehr Gelaber von uns hören möchtet: Gelatine Kenobi - Noch ein Laberpodcast Verbrechen für Weicheier - Der True-Crime-Podcast ohne Mord
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The Bachelor Joey's Season Fantasy Suites Recap || Like Uh Literally
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1:16:43Vic and Jamie talk about this week's episode of the Joey Show. It gets intense as we narrow down his lovers to the one he will maybe marry. But before that, we get to enjoy a couple suites in the luxurious arms of fantasy, known as the Fantasy Suites. Who will he choose? Who knows because we sure don't.…
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The Bachelor Joey's Season Hometowns Recap || Like Uh Literally
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1:13:26Vic and Jamie cover this week's episode where Joey gets to rizz all the women's families. After intense interrogation, Joey was found guilty of stealing these women's hearts. Love is professed to Joey, but do we know where his heart lies yet?Bởi LikeUhLiterally
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"Wir sind heute gut zu Vögeln!" | Die Bachelors 2024 Folge 8
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59:32Haben in unseren Knochen gelesen, dass das ne richtig geile Folge zu den Bachelors 2024 wird! Viel Spaß! <3 Wenn ihr noch mehr Gelaber von uns hören möchtet: Gelatine Kenobi - Noch ein Laberpodcast Verbrechen für Weicheier - Der True-Crime-Podcast ohne Mord…
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"Ich hab gern Sex an verrückten Orten" | Die Bachelors 2024 Folge 7
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1:01:50Holt die Eiswürfel raus, es wird heiß! Viel Spaß! <3 Wenn ihr noch mehr Gelaber von uns hören möchtet: Gelatine Kenobi - Noch ein Laberpodcast Verbrechen für Weicheier - Der True-Crime-Podcast ohne Mord
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The Bachelor Joey's Season Ep. 7 Recap || Like Uh Literally
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52:11Vic and Jamie plunge into their thoughts on the Presidential Fitness Test. They then eventually talk about this week's episode of the Bachelor. Joey gets a couple of one on one dates that both involve getting wet; a nice relaxing hot tub date, then a nice plunge into freezing water and risking hypothermia. After a lumbering group date and some dram…
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"Keine Sorge, ich verrate nichts!" | Die Bachelors 2024 Folge 6
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1:02:24Folge schneller online als ein Gepard sich streicheln lassen kann! Viel Spaß! <3 Wenn ihr noch mehr Gelaber von uns hören möchtet: Gelatine Kenobi - Noch ein Laberpodcast Verbrechen für Weicheier - Der True-Crime-Podcast ohne Mord…
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