This podcast is a compilation of Beach Bible teachings and various adult education classes. Visit us at
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Our world has been consumed by divisions based on opinions, politics, and all sorts of other things. The Gospel of Jesus Christ unites people, despite their differences, by faith.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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The gospel can become so familiar we forget how incredible it is. Hebrews chapter two warns the listener to not neglect such a great salvation.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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The letter to the Hebrews immediately clarifies that Jesus is greater than any angel or earthly messenger that preceded Him.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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How can an unsigned letter written to a skeptical audience get them to listen to the good news Jesus revealed?Bởi Beach Bible Church
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Looking at the perfect and powerful omniscience of GodBởi Beach Bible Church
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Pride, arrogance, and even depression disappear when a person realizes they are invited to be a part of something greater than they could ever be by themselves.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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Biblical sobriety entails being free of any influence that distorts their perspective or ability to see the reality of God's truth.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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Nothing does more harm to the gospel of grace than religious pride and arrogance.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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In this deep dive into Romans 12:3, we consider that the only thing that qualifies a leader to lead God's church is God's grace, which is given in spite of all that would disqualify them for the role.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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The New Year brings the desire for fresh starts and a better future. Understanding that that future is found in faith in the Lord rather than our own ability is key to our growth.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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The giving of gifts can easily be made something less than it should be. However, when we consider the gift of God, we see that His gift of Christ's birth sets the bar for all gifts we may receive in this life.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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God has created music to do what only music can do... turn sound into our heart's worship to be shared throughout the earth.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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Lights in the dark are a wonderful, God-given, metaphor for the nature and work of Christ.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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Jonathan Felix preaches on the announcement of Christ's birthBởi Beach Bible Church
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Feasts are the oldest of celebrations and celebrate both God's provision for life and the costly sacrifice which give us life.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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Holidays and their traditions have various origins, and they are not all man-made. God established holidays to celebrate His relationship with His people.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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In God's incredible foresight, when it looks like God's people lose on this earth... they will win.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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Wisdom is God's gift to us to navigate a broken world. There is no place where that wisdom is needed more than in the political sphere.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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As the American Church wrestles with the nature of its relationship with the State, The Bible is clear. We are ambassadors for Christ and citizens of heaven.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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Message by guest speaker, Brandon RidleyBởi Beach Bible Church
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In a world that believes politics are the most important thing, God's Word reveals they are not.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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The foundation of any Christian action or reaction to politics in our world is to know that God is in complete control.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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The Gospel is More than Words (9-29-2024)
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38:08We look at how the thief crucified next to Jesus was radically transformed by just watching Jesus die.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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When Pontius Pilate encounters Jesus, he is faced with the choice of standing for the truth or caving to the mob. What would you do?Bởi Beach Bible Church
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Desperation can be a dangerous place to be, but sometimes it is what we need to open our eyes to faith in Christ.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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We are disappointed when reality doesn't meet our expectations. Thus, we can even be disappointed in God. Yet, when we are, it is because His reality for us is better than what we had hoped for.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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Discussing the world's irrational disdain for the gospel of Jesus Christ.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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Bởi Beach Bible Church
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Both Mark and Luke record a fantastic encounter between Jesus and a man possessed by thousands of demons. The encounter is so extraordinary that we forget that it teaches us that no one (even today) is so far gone that they are beyond being restored by Jesus.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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Rules sometimes (often times) get in the way of faith. Jesus challenged the rules we don't. He encouraged us to seek God's will rather than follow man-made rules.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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We look at the fiery encounter between Jesus and the religious leaders when they dragged a woman caught in adultery and demanded he judge her.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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A look at Luke 7:1-10 and how Jesus' encounter with the centurion shows that faith is far more important that any group affiliation.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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Between Two Friends - The theology of Creation
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55:21Discussing the impact of God's Word about Creation and all the various theological positions that have developed from it.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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How being a Christian in a pluralist society is a good thing, it does mean that the Christian should be a pluralist.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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Nicodemus's expected encounter with Jesus reveals many of his false assumptions.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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Between Two Friends - Discussing God's Attributes
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56:06Bởi Beach Bible Church
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Introduction to a series in which Jesus engages with those the world have deemed unclean.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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Between Two Friends Podcast - Inerrancy of Scripture
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52:11Bởi Beach Bible Church
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Between Two Friends Podcast - Introduction to Systematic Theology
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42:40Mike and John begin their discussion about the value and purpose of systematic theologyBởi Beach Bible Church
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Truth's Uphill Battle - Jeremiah 23 (6/2/2024)
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40:19Standing for the truth is hard enough, but when you factor in all the lies in our world, it is near impossible.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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The Message We All Need to Hear (5/26/2024)
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36:40Discovering how our failure is a vital and necessary lesson to learning our need for God's provision. Our failure was always a part of God's plan.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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One doesn't have to be the truth-teller to support the truth when it is told.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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Created with God's heart but without His power, moms share God's struggle to love and protect their children without controlling them.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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Responding to God's Correction (5/6/2024)
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38:19Most of the greatest challenges we face are the result of resisting God's correction. The best path is the path of acceptance.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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Misunderstanding Discipline - A Study of Jeremiah
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42:21We hate being disciplined or facing consequences. We assume the one doing the discipline is against us when that couldn't be further from the truth.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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Jeremiah reveals our tendency to pursue worthless idols from the nations or the culture in which we live.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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God's people have and do struggle with taking the most important relationship in their life for granted.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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The Struggles of a Truth-Teller (4/7/2024)
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32:42Everyone needs a truth-teller in their life, but they may not like them being there.Bởi Beach Bible Church
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Bởi Beach Bible Church
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Strength in Number - James 5:13-20 (3/17/24)
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36:05Bởi Beach Bible Church
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