Echola, Alabama
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Getting a report card at school was always scary. The report card summarized my performance at school. I especially feared the “conduct” part! Hebrews 11 speaks of a report card of faith. What kind of grade would we achieve in the school of faith? This is not a report card that we report on each other, but a report card that comes from the Lord abo…
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The Bible says that a brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city. Oftentimes when someone offends us, we build walls, and it can be very difficult to repair a relationship. A mistake we as Christians make is to assume God deals with us in the way we deal with each other. While offending another person may bring lifelong separation rega…
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We don’t really experience real physical famines today, but we can experience drought, or dry and difficult times, in our marriages, our friendships, our churches. How do we handle that? We are conditioned to cut loose and run. But leaving in times of famine is not always the right course of action. Plus, we will totally miss out on the day before …
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Regardless of denomination, faith is one of the most common words heard among religious circles. However, you will find significant differences in an understanding of it. Some say it is a prerequisite to being born again while others say it is generated when one hears the gospel. When we look at the scripture, we see it is neither a prerequisite to…
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Isaiah 53 has often been referred to as the “gospel of Isaiah.” In this message, I look at one of the themes of this incredible and tragic description of our Savior on the cross. As tragic as it is, we rejoice that his suffering was not pointless, but Jesus was interceding for us.…
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In the concluding message of the framework series, I look at the 4th activity the early church engaged in – prayer. Acts 2:42 says they continued in doctrine (teaching), fellowship, breaking of bread and prayers. As a church and as individuals, we should follow the framework of the first church, and continue in these simple activities. http://www.b…
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On the eve of his crucifixion, Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. He took Peter, James and John with Him. Before he goes off to pray, he instructs them to watch. Three times he returns to find them sleeping. In this sermon Brother Luke looks at the definition of the word watch, to see exactly what the Lord wanted them to be doing and h…
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Have you ever wondered what the early church did for activities? It was very simple. They engaged one another in 4 basic activities. Acts 2:42 says they continued in doctrine (teaching), fellowship, breaking of bread and prayers. In the 3rd message of the Framework series, I look at how the church engaged in the activity of the breaking of bread. h…
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The activities described in the NT church are simple. In our present culture, we have complicated the church experience. From pre-K to the elderly, the idea of segregated activity for age-specific groups has taken over. But early church members of all ages and backgrounds, engaged in 4 basic activities. Acts 2:42 says they continued in doctrine (te…
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We all deal with bondage to some extent, whether it is the bondage of fear, depression, disease, grief or countless other ways. Thankfully God specializes in rescuing us from bondage. Sometimes he does it in miraculous ways as he did with Peter, Paul, and Silas. But for most of us, it may not be a dramatic rescue from a prison, but measures of grac…
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The Lord set up a simple framework for the church experience in the NT church. Worship has become complicated in our modern culture to the extent that it is often difficult to figure out where to fit in. But the early church engaged in 4 simple activities. Around this simple framework our worship life can still be experienced. In this message, I ta…
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Living in the modern church culture, we often lose sight of a Biblical understanding of what a pastor is. In this message, Brother Luke preaches about the characteristics of a good pastor. 01.26.25.A.Good.Pastor.Luke.Hagler…
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In the final justification sermon, Brother Luke looks at the most compelling type of justification. To be justified by works is when others declare us righteous, and justification by faith is when we experience it within based on our faith in Jesus’ work, it is only through grace that the Lord God Almighty declares us just. So, God according to his…
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When it comes to the daily grind of life, we all need a reset button. To go back to the basic, back to the foundation, to reset ourselves back on the right path. That is exactly what the father of faith – Abraham – had to do. And it works for us as well. In this message, I look at how we can press our reset.…
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In a follow up message to ‘Justification by Works’, Brother Luke examines what it means to be justified by faith. Justification by works has to do with the opinions of those who see our works and, based on what they see, declare us righteous. But to be justified by faith means that we see ourselves as righteous based solely on the testimony of God-…
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Living in the blessings of a free society, with very little threat of persecution for serving the Lord, we are often shocked by suffering. But the true experience of God’s children down through the years has involved much suffering. In this message, I look at how we should not be shocked when we suffer.…
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Peter writes in several places that his intention is to stir up our minds by his writing. In this message Brother Luke looks at the reasons we stir our food when we are cooking and compares that to our spiritual minds. In the same way failing to stir our food can cause it to burn or stick, failing to stir up our spiritual minds can lead to us being…
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To be justified means to be ‘declared just or righteous’. The Bible teaches 3 types of justification: by grace, by faith, and by works. So which one is it? The answer is – all of them. To understand how this works, we must look at each justification individually. In this sermon Brother Luke looks at justification by works. This occurs when others s…
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We recognize common phrases like “you only live once”, or “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” When Paul wrote the Corinthians, there was a common phrase they were accustomed to hearing: “Meats for the belly.” Like a code phrase, the initiated knew the devious double meaning behind this phrase. In this message I look at the meaning behind this …
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Many believe the parable of the Sower is given to show who is going to heaven or hell. In reality, the parable teaches that born again children of God are often at different stages. Personally, I have found myself in all 4 categories at times in my life. In this message, I look at one of the purposes of the parable – to direct us to examine our gro…
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In this message, I revisit a subject related to the location of Jesus’ birth. The traditional nativity scene is in a barn, with all types of barnyard animals surrounding Christ in a hay-filled manger. But there may be another possibility of the where the Christ was born – in the tower of the flock……
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In his previous two sermons, Brother Luke has answered the questions of when and how we are saved and born again. Having established both are the sovereign work of God alone, in this sermon he addresses man’s role in discipleship. If God Himself alone saves us eternally and borns us again, how does discipleship work?…
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In a follow up message to Firstfruits, I look at what it means to be a living sacrifice. This is a mystery, as the meaning of sacrifice is to kill, or put to death. So how can we be living but dead sacrifices? In this message, I look at how this works.…
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As a husband to my wife, a father to my children, a son to my mother – I am one person, but I have different roles. When it comes to our salvation, God is One, but He has different roles. In this message, I look at the roles of God in our salvation. 12.1…
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There are three important events in a child of God’s life – being saved, being born again, and discipleship. There is much confusion about when and how these events occur. In a follow-up message to the Chalkboard Message on 11/24/24, which answers the question when were you saved? – this message focuses on answering the question when and how were y…
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Following Thanksgiving, I have often spoken about leftovers, which is something we all partake of after a big celebration. But in this message, instead of leftovers, I focus on the Biblical teaching of firstfruits, which is the other end of the spectrum from leftovers.…
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Around Thanksgiving, black Friday seems to cast a dark shadow over the time of celebrating freedom, family and being thankful. In this message, I look at what should be our focus not just on Thanksgiving, but every day. If we had a gauge to measure how thankful we are, where would the meter rest? At full? At empty? Somewhere in between? http://www.…
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In this message, Brother Luke looks at the confusing and contradicting ideas that the religious world puts forth about eternal salvation. Then in a refreshing and simple way, he presents the simplicity of God’s truth on how we are saved. 11.24.2…
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To have someone’s back means that you will support them and not let anyone sneak up on them. In an eternal sense, the Lord has our back. There is nothing that can sneak up on us and take away our eternal salvation. But He also has us here and now. The question to ask is – Do we have each other’s back? As born again believers, do we love and support…
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We often feel like the Lord is not there for us, or that He is not doing something about our situation. In this message, I look at the mental process that David went through when he asked, “How Long, Lord?” Ultimately, David arrived at the right kind of thinking.…
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Two of the most powerful words we can have in our vocabulary, are “I’m sorry.” In this message I look at how these two words are essential for navigating the ups and downs of relationships in this fallen, broken world. 11.10.24.Im.Sorry.Tim.McCool…
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Broken fellowship, damaged relationships, severed ties – these are common experiences for us all. The Bible is filled with examples of this, from Adam in the garden to Peter with our Savior. Broken fellowship is a consequence of our broken world. But God in mercy shows the glorious path of restoration. In this message, Brother Luke looks at broken …
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Have you ever lain awake all night with your mind running in circles? Or thoughts come into your head that you can’t seem to shake out? Thankfully, the Lord knows how our broken minds run in circles. In this message, I look at how God gives us ways for us to retrain our brain and break out of harmful circular thinking and establish ways of thinking…
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In Jeremiah 35, the Lord told Jeremiah to bring the Rechabites to the house of the Lord and set wine before them. The Lord uses this family to demonstrate true faithfulness and show how unfaithful his own nation was to Him. In this message, Brother Luke looks at how the Lord saw the Rechabites as worthy of honor.…
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We have all heard the phrase “go getters”. In this message, I present a twist on that phrase, in an effort to teach how we should strive to be givers, just as our Lord gave His life, His time, His effort, and accomplished our salvation. Let us all set our hearts and minds to honor the Lord by being Go Givers.…
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If we call someone ignorant today, it sounds harsh. But the root word of ignorance is the word ignore. In this message, Brother Luke looks at the subject of ignorance as it is used in the Bible. We may find that it applies to us all in some ways.…
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All through the word of God, boasting is frowned upon, except in a few limited circumstances. From the ballpark to social media, we are saturated with boasting. In this message, Brother Luke takes up this subject of boasting and looks at the instances when boasting is approved and appreciated by our Lord.…
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What does the Bible teach about mission work? Is it scriptural? Are missions as commonly understood today, following a Biblical pattern? In this message of the “Why” series, Brother Luke looks at what the Bible teaches about missions.…
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In this message, I look at the difference between givers and takers. Sadly, among Christians there are a lot more takers than givers! It should be our desire to model ourselves after our Savior, who was the ultimate Giver. Will we take the giver / taker test?…
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Dust of the earth, stars of sky, sands of the sea – all are Bible descriptions of the vast number of God’s people. The purpose of these descriptions is to emphasize the large number of the chosen people of God. But we can lose ourselves in such large numbers. In this message, I look at the truth that applies not only to nature, but also to every si…
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Usually when we think of a woman at the well, we think of Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well in John chapter 4. But there are several accounts of women coming to a well in the Bible. In this message, I take a look at some of those accounts.…
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On Sunday morning, Elder Martin Onyoni, pastor of the First Primitive Baptist Church of Kisii, Kenya, delivered a message entitled, Avoid Babblings. The Apostle Paul warned against entertaining confusing questions and ideas that cause us to stray from the truth.…
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As the ordination service came to a close, Elder David Crawford and I delivered the final charges to Brother McNeil. Following the charges, the ordination was closed out. R_20140101-021825.output…
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As the ordination of Brother McNeil continued, his father, Elder Neil Honea, was asked to deliver the first charge. In this post, I share with you the charge delivered by Brother Neil. R_20140101-015226.output…
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During the Saturday service of our Anniversary meeting, we were blessed to ordain Elder McNeil Honea to the full work of the gospel ministry. In this posting, I share with you the portion of the ordination in which Brother McNeil was questioned by Elder Josh Coker, followed by the ordination prayer offered by Elder Luke Hagler. http://www.bethlehem…
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In the 2nd message of the Anniversary meeting, Elder David Crawford points out how we must be aware of the devices of Satan. We were blessed to host Brother David who will soon be a resident of Clinton, MS. R_20140101-031838.output…
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In the first message of the Anniversary meeting, Elder Martin Onyoni preaches about the life of the Apostle Paul. We were very blessed to host Brother Martin who was visiting from Kenya. He is the pastor of the First Primitive Baptist Church of Kisii, Kenya.…
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Living in a time when every little offense, real or fabricated, is posted online within seconds of it happening, a refresher course about what the Lord taught regarding how to deal with offenses is much needed. This is important for families, friends and churches. If we are truly peace seekers, we will take Christ’s instruction to heart. http://www…
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One definition of “spirit” is “the influence which fills and governs the soul of any one.” And there are evil, influential spirits that are higher than men but lower than God. The Apostle John addressed this in I John 4 by instructing the people of God to “try” the spirits. In this sermon, Brother Luke looks at what this means. http://www.bethlehem…
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In the next message in the “Why” series, I take a look at the meaning of Christ’s statements about binding and loosing. Both times He refers to binding and loosing in the context of His church, and it has a direct impact on how we conduct ourselves in His church today.…
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