These are the podcasts available from Big Emory Baptist Church in Harriman, TN.
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Pastor Neil will continue the "Things That Last" sermon series with the next message from Luke 19 titled: Eternal Hell. Hell as a eternal conscious torment is an uncomfortable topic, and people tend to turn away from it. Obviously, this topic is one of the most difficult to face, but we cannot avoid doing so. There is no future escape; the escape i…
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Pastor Neil will continue the "Things That Last" sermon series with a word from the Lord out of Psalms 119:89-93, titled: God's Eternal Word. Psalms 119:89 Your word, Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. When God speaks a word, it is established forever!Bởi Neil Crass
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"The Eternal Love Of God" from Ephesians 3:14-21 As we look at Paul's prayer together and as we learn to comprehend just how great and deep the love of Christ is towards us - we pray that it will help each of us to invest, to live, to guide our hearts and feelings in the eternal light of God's loveBởi Neil Crass
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Pastor Neil will continue the "Things that Last" sermon series with the next sermon being from Mark 8:34-38 titled : "Eternal Souls".Bởi Neil Crass
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Pastor Neil starts a new sermon series titled: "Things That Last". Todays sermon is titled Everlasting God based out of Isaiah 40:28-31.Bởi Neil Crass
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Brother Dustin Snow brings a New Years message from Luke 24:13-32.Bởi Dustin Snow
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Pastor Neil continues the seeking the savior Christmas sermon series with a message titled "The Light Has Come" from Isaiah 9:2Bởi Neil Crass
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Pastor Neil continues the Seeking the Savior Series. Todays sermon Hope Has Come is out of Luke 2:10-11.Bởi Neil Crass
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Pastor Neil will bring a message from Ephesians 5:20 and shares with us a message from the lord about the power of giving him thanks in everything - "even in the midst of hard times.Bởi Neil Crass
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Pastor Neil continues his sermon series on the Armor of God in Ephesians 6:13-26 on the Shield of Faith.Bởi Neil Crass
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Today is Youth Sunday where our youth lead us in worship!Bởi Matt Snow
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Pastor Neil continues the Sermon Series: Are You Ready to Rumble - Soldier's Shoes (Gospel of Peace) Ephesians 6:13-15Bởi Neil Crass
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Pastor Neil brings to next message in the "Are You Ready to Rumble" series. Today he will be speaking on the Breastplate of Righteousness. Please join us in worshiping our Lord and Savior and find out ways that we can fight against the schemes of the devil.Bởi Neil Crass
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Pastor Neil's first sermon from this series will be from Ephesians 6 titled-"The Armor of God" More than ever, we need to be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. God gives us the armor, and the power comes from Him. It’s up to us to put it on and be ready to fight against our enemy. Are you ready to rumble?…
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Pastor Neil will continue the Faith Sermon Series with a message titled: "Faith That Overcomes" (INCOMPLETE SERMON)Bởi Neil Crass
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Pastor Neil continues the Faith Series with a message from Hebrews 11:14-16.Bởi Neil Crass
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Pastor Neil continues the Faith sermon series with a message from Hebrews 11:1-4Bởi Neil Crass
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Pastor Neil will continue the Faith Series with a message from 1 Timothy 6: 11-14. titled-"Fight The Good Fight Of Faith" Rather than shrink from the match before us, the apostle Paul urges us to give this fight our best effort! He tells us, “Fight the good fight of faith…” The point we must see in this scripture is that: Paul recognized, that when…
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Pastor Neil will continue our faith series today with a message titled "Dead Faith" from James 2: 14-17 We're saved by grace, through faith, unto good works. Works doesn't save; grace saves. Our works are proof that we have faith in the grace of God. James 2 teaches us that a body does not have life by acting. It acts because it has life! Faith tha…
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Pastor Neil will continue the Faith Sermon Series with a message titled - "Risky Faith" from Matthew 14: 25-29 Risk taking helps us build trust with the Lord. Even as you face the unknown, even when you can’t see the outcome, take the risk because God is surely with you. He goes before you. And He is faithful in rewarding the risks you take to foll…
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Pastor Neil will continue the Faith Series with a message titled "Enduring Faith" from James 1:2-4.Bởi Neil Crass
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Pastor Neil begins a new series on "Faith" Trusting in the all-sufficient redeeming work of Christ is where we begin a life of faith. From there, the brilliance of this glorious reality is reflected and displayed in every area of our lives. Or at least it ought to be. The question is- Where is your faith?…
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Pastor Neil brings a message from 1 Peter 4:7.Bởi Neil Crass
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Bởi Chris Inman
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Dustin Snow fills in today for Pastor Neil as he is away on a mission trip to Peru. Dustin blesses us this morning with a message from the Lord to encourage us as a congregation to be fervently praying, supporting, loving and showing appreciation to our pastor. Life is better together at Big Emory Church, come join us and celebrate all the wonderfu…
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Pastor Neil will continue the RISE UP SERIES with a message from the Lord titled Rise Up "AND JOIN US" out of Acts 2:36-37.Bởi Neil Crass
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Pastor Neil will continue the RISE UP SERIES with a message from the Lord out of Galatians 5:1 titled RISE UP "AND BE FREE"Bởi Neil Crass
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Bởi Neil Crass
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Pastor Neil continues the Rise Up sermon series.Bởi Neil Crass
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Pastor Neil continues the "Rise Up" series with "Rise Up and Give Praise"Bởi Neil Crass
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Pastor Neil will continue the RISE UP SERIES with a message titled RISE UP AND "COMMIT" from Luke 14:26-27Bởi Neil Crass
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Pastor Neil will continue the RISE UP SERIES with a message from the Lord titled "REMEMBER" from Psalms 145:3-4. We must REMEMBER God's name, his greatness and remember that we have to continue to tell each generation of his mighty acts, so that they may continue to proclaim his power.Bởi Neil Crass
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Pastor Neil will continue the RISE UP sermon series with a message from the Lord out of Joshua 1:6-9 titled-"Be Strong & Courageous" God gives us the same command he gave Joshua-to be strong and courageous, to not be afraid or discouraged, because he is with us wherever we go!Bởi Neil Crass
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Mothers have such a distinct role in our lives. They fill the gaps in so many ways, when men fail to lead or can't enter the territory of a mothers influence. We see it many times in scripture. They nurture, they battle, they pray, they believe God like no other for their children. We absolutely thank God for them! In essence they have a godly duty…
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Pastor Neil will continue the RISE UP SERIES with the 2nd message titled Rise Up And Overcome from Genesis 37:18-24Bởi Neil Crass
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Pastor Neil starts off the new sermon series with a message titled-"RISE UP AND BELIEVE" from Genesis 15:6Bởi Neil Crass
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Pastor Neil brings the precursor to next week's sermon series, Who am I?Bởi Neil Crass
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Pastor Neil brings the message from Deut. about raising our children the right way.Bởi Neil Crass
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Pastor Neil brings the message today about breaking bread and how we are to do this always in remembrance of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.Bởi Neil Crass
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On this most wonderful celebration of our Lord and Saviors Resurrection day, we pray that the Lord will bless you with this message.Bởi Neil Crass
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Pastor Neil brings the message today about why we should chose Jesus over any other religion.Bởi Neil Crass
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Pastor Neil brings the next message in the Mission Possible series.Bởi Neil Crass
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Pastor Neil brings the next message in the sermon series "Mission Possible"Bởi Neil Crass
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Sermon Audio: Pastor Neil continues the sermon series today with "The Boss II."Bởi Neil Crass
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Deacon Dustin Snow brings the next message in the Mission Possible series.Bởi Dustin Snow
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Pastor Neil brings the next message in the "Mission Possible" Sermon Series. Are you going to join Team Jesus? Are you going to get in the game for Team Jesus?Bởi Neil Crass
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Pastor Neil brings the 3rd sermon in the new Sermon Series named "Mission Possible"Bởi Neil Crass
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Pastor Neil begins a new sermon series called Mission Possible. First in this series is the message "The Call".Bởi Neil Crass
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Pastor Neil talks about what is possible through God, even with the world in the state that it is.Bởi Neil Crass
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Pastor Neil brings a message from Luke 2 titled "A Time for Celebration!"Bởi Neil Crass
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