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Insight for Living Daily Broadcast

Chuck Swindoll - Insight for Living

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Join the millions who listen to the lively messages of Chuck Swindoll, a down-to-earth pastor who communicates God’s truth in understandable and practical terms—with a good dose of humor thrown in. Chuck’s messages help you apply the Bible to your own life.
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Sofia has an unhealthy obsession with all things Broadway. This podcast gives her the perfect excuse to geek out! Join Sofia as she interviews celebrated names from all areas of showbiz and discusses their journey from starry-eyed youngster to musical theater professional.
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Broadway to Main Street

Laurence Maslon

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Hosted by Laurence Maslon, BROADWAY TO MAIN STREET is a weekly radio program devoted to the greatest songs of the American Musical Theater. Originating from WPPB 88.3FM on Long Island's East End, each weekly episode celebrates the shows, stars, songwriters, and cultural phenomena that makes Broadway a legendary place. Music taken from classic original cast albums, film, cabaret, rare recordings, and unique interpretations, with commentary, guest appearances, and news from Broadway.
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Broadband Pulse

Endeavor Business Media

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In the Lightwave Broadband Pulse podcast, we will address the key issues affecting the optical and broadband industry segments. Join us every week for insights on these topics from industry leaders.
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Broadview Sermons

Pastor Wes

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Listen to past messages from Lead Pastor Wes Terry and other audio content from Broadview Baptist Church. This content is made available to you so that we might help you grow as a disciple of Jesus and empower you to make other disciples of Jesus. We hope you enjoy it!
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The Broadscast

The Broadscast

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Your local hockey girl gang are talking hockey and sports culture with a light-hearted, candid twist. Georgia, Mallory, Sam, and Vanessa are here to entertain and advocate for #WomenInSports. New episodes drop every Friday! Subscribe to our Patreon for bonus content: . Follow us on Twitter and Instagram: @broadscastpod. For inquiries: [email protected].
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Bro History

Bro History

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Bro History delivers an unapologetic and humorous take on history, geopolitics, and international news. Every week you will receive multiple hours of foreign policy & history-themed content that is thought-provoking, politically incorrect and educational. Bro History covers topics ranging from WW1, to the Russian Revolution, to modern geopolitics. Bro History is not just a podcast, but a secret society of special friends! Will you listen to Bro History, or will Bro History listen to you?
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Broadcast Unscripted

Radical Moves LTD

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As a PR and Marketing agency specialising in the broadcast and satellite industry, Radical Moves will be gathering experts to talk about the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities affecting these industries.
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Open the Bible UK presents engaging and accessible Bible teaching from Pastor Colin Smith. This programme is the radio broadcast also available on our website ( and at 7:30pm each weekday evening on Premier Christian Radio.
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On Broad Ideas, Rachel Bilson is joined by long-time best friend Olivia Allen to talk about sex, mental health, their belief (or lack of) in ghosts, and so much more. They’ll be joined by old friends, young friends, and some friends they haven’t met yet to have fun, casual conversations about the same kind of broad topics you'd find yourself discussing with your girlfriends.
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Each week, The Broadside highlights a story from the heart of the American South and asks why it matters to you. From news to arts and culture, we dive into topics that might not be on a front page, but deserve a closer look. Along the way, we explore the nuances of our home—and how what happens here ripples across the country. Hosted by Anisa Khalifa, The Broadside is a production of North Carolina Public Radio-WUNC. Find it every Thursday wherever you listen to podcasts.
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Broadway Baptist Church

Broadway Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky - listen to our worship services here. Pastor Daniel Ausbun preaches from the Christian Standard Bible (CSB). A Southern Baptist congregation at 2500 Harrodsburg Road in Lexington, KY 40503.

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Welcome Home 💙
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The Healthy Hustling Podcast discusses health, wellness, & entrepreneurship. Join Dr. Eric Broadworth as he interviews leaders and innovators in the business of health & wellness as well as the top therapists, trainers and researchers regarding today's hottest trends and best methods to get the best performance out of the human body. Dr. Eric Broadworth is a physical therapist and business owner in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He owns Fuel Physical Therapy & Sports Performance, a mobile/concierge ...
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The Thoughtful Bro

Mark Cecil

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The Thoughtful Bro, hosted by Mark Cecil, is a podcast for writers, readers, and anyone interested in a tale well told. Each episode features an author who's recently published a book, and we unpack how and why they wrote it. It's "Inside the Actors Studio"...but for storytellers.
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Bottomless Broadway

Bottomless Broadway

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Cindy and Christine praise the heroes of each Broadway season's newest musicals and bring its heinous villains to justice over bottomless libations. Who doesn't want to listen to two industry outsiders judge professionals who perform for a living? Experience is overrated...some would say. But alcohol is not. They know what they're talking about!
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Stuart Brown

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"On Broadway" (, hosted by Stuart Brown, features an array of music, interviews, and commentary. This half-hour bi-weekly podcast is a companion to ‘Sounds of Broadway’ ( - a 24/7 online music radio station featuring the best in Broadway, Off-Broadway, and the London stage.
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Bro is an Animal


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New podcast on zoology, animal facts, comedy, and taxonomy. Trying to watch the world learn through humor and mind bending animal information. Hosted by Jay simonson a wildlife biologist and wildlife rehabber.
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Broad Matters

Broad College of Business - Michigan State University

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Thought leadership, innovative perspectives and real-world impact from Michigan State University’s Eli Broad College of Business. Faculty and staff weigh in on relevant issues and discuss how their work makes an impact – illuminating how and why, Broad matters.
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show series
On today’s episode, we dive back into the Boer Wars, focusing on the tumultuous events leading up to the conflict and the complex relationships between the British Empire and the Afrikaner settlers. We explore the origins of Afrikaner identity, the economic implications of the gold discovery in the Transvaal, and the pivotal figures like Paul Kruge…
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It's March so it's time for the Bros annual movie madness tournament. This year it's pitting the best comedies of the early 2000's against each other in a 24 movie bracket. Join them as they draw the field, and discuss some other stuff they've watched lately. Stuff discussed in this episode includes Nosferatu, Severance S2, Sonic The Hedgehog 3, Ye…
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Unpacking storytelling with Callan Wink, who's out with a new novel, Beartooth. Topics: (1) reinventing the heist novel, (2) life in the *real* Yellowstone (as opposed to Kevin Costner’s TV version) and (3) the pros and cons of living the writers’ life far from the Brooklyn literary/publishing scene. All episodes of The Thoughtful Bro aired live or…
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In this episode of the podcast, Michael Keough from Region 16 Education Service Center shares how they’re upgrading Internet infrastructure for 60 Texas school districts. He explains how a new 10 Gig ring network and edge data centers will improve reliability, drive competition, and support future technologies. ★ Support this podcast ★…
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Szombat Esti Bláz – egy Szippantás a Jóból Adás: 2025. március 8. (zenei) szerkesztő – műsorvezető: Acsády-Pongyor Áron Műsorvezető – hangmester-szerkesztő: Boros Csaba RIP David Johansen (New York Dolls): New York Dolls – Personality Crisis RIP Roberta Flack Roberta Flack – Killing Me Softly With This Song Februárrés 2025 TOP 5 JPEGMAFIA – CULT ST…
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Fehlende Geschlechtergleichstellung in Österreich In einem Mediengespräch von Diskurs – Das Wissenschaftsnetz wurde auf die Bereiche hingewiesen, in denen Frauen in Österreich noch nicht gleichgestellt sind. Anlass war der 8. März, der internationale feministische Kampftag. Die Soziologinnen Andrea Leitner und Nadja Bermann veranschaulichten, dass …
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Es ist mir heute eine ganz besondere Freude, Anna Berger bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen. Als Studentin der „Elementaren Musikpädagogik“ an der Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität ist sie ein wahres Multitalent. Sie beherrscht mehrere Instrumente und hat gemeinsam mit ihren Schwestern das Familienensemble „Hausmusik Geschwister Berger“ gegründet. Am Samsta…
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Unter dem Motto „Smash the patriarchy, fight for democracy“ gingen in Linz rund 4500 Menschen auf die Straße, um ihre Forderungen für Gleichberechtigung und Anerkennung lautstark kundzutun. Der 8. März ist der internationale feministische Kampftag, an dem die immer noch existierende Diskriminierung von Frauen* sichtbar gemacht wird und sich Mensche…
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In der Welt ist gerade sehr viel los. Da ist es leicht zu übersehen, dass die EU gerade mit dem Omnibusgesetz eine Gesetzesinitiative plant. Damit ist der europäische Green Deal in Gefahr. Das Omnibusgesetz sieht unter anderem eine Abschwächung des Lieferkettengesetzes vor. Germanwatch unabhängige Umwelt-, Entwicklungs- und Menschenrechtsorganisati…
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In today’s show, we bring you the reopening of the investigation into Jan Masaryk’s death. Then we tackle whether US President Donald Trump could abandon Europe and why Czech top officials met as a result in Prague, on Monday. Finally, we have another episode of Prague Talk. This time, we meet Jerina Sykora, who is the focus of “Volver a Volver,” a…
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Neben der Bundestagswahl war in Halle am 23. Februar auch die Stichwahl der Oberbürgermeisterwahl. Dabei hatten die Hallenser:innen die Wahl zwischen dem SPD-Kandidaten Egbert Geier und dem fraktionslosen Kandidaten Alexander Vogt. Den ersten Durchgang gewann Egbert Geier, gefolgt von Alexander Vogt. Keiner von beiden erreichte jedoch die absolute …
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LUST AUF LESEN? Christine Lavant / Das Wechselbälgchen Die 1915 in St. Stefan im Lavanttal/Kärnten geborene Christine Lavant (gest. 1973) beleuchtet in Gedichten und Prosa stets die Schattenseiten irdischer Existenz. Von frühester Kindheit an hat sie die christlichen Lehren in der engen Dorfgemeinschaft kennengelernt und erlebt. Erstarrte religiöse…
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Jean Smart to Open One-Woman Show on Broadway This Summer, MTC Announces Fall Broadway Show, ‘Queen of Versailles’ to Open in Fall Since 2016, “Today on Broadway” has been the first and only daily podcast recapping the top theatre headlines every Monday through Friday. Any and all feedback is appreciated:Grace read more The post Today on Broadway: …
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Seit dem Sturz der Assad-Regierung in Syrien formieren sich die Machtverhältnisse vor Ort neu. Seit Donnerstag sind in Syrien neue Kämpfe ausgebrochen. Dabei sind nach Angaben der Syrischen Beobachtungsstelle für Menschenrechte 1.000 Menschen getötet worden. Sicherheitskräfte der islamistischen Übergangsregierung sollen demnach in 29 Orten regelrec…
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V zadnjih letih se je veliko govorilo, da smo „razdeljena družba«; torej družba z velikimi razlikami v političnih prepričanjih. Ali smo res tako močno razdeljeni, je vprašanje, na katerega nam danes odgovarja Martina Zandonella s Foresight inštituta. Zasnovala je monitor demokracije, s katerim spremlja družbene tendence na področju demokracije in n…
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In einem Mediengespräch von Diskurs – Das Wissenschaftsnetz wurde auf die Bereiche hingewiesen, in denen Frauen in Österreich noch nicht gleichgestellt sind. Anlass war der 8. März, der internationale feministische Kampftag. Die Soziologinnen Andrea Leitner und Nadja Bermann veranschaulichten, dass sich im Bereich Bildung und auch Erwerbstätigkeit …
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In Episode 57 des Engagierte Stimmen Podcasts dreht sich alles um die KI – die künstliche Intelligenz. Braucht es unseren Einsatz überhaupt noch oder macht in Zukunft ohnehin alles die KI? Und: Wie unterstützt uns die KI bei unserem freiwilligen Engagement bereits heute? Das fragt Host Andreas den wohl bekanntesten KI-Chatbot ChatGPT gleich selbst.…
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Um Reise-Hotspots für Jugendliche, Partyboote, nachhaltiges Reisen und Packlisten geht es in dieser Sendung von drei Schülerinnen der Fachrichtung ,,Kommunikations- und Mediendesign‘‘ der HBLW Saalfelden. Dazu gibt es auch allgemeine Tipps von Leuten, die viel unterwegs sind. Eine Einsicht vorweg: Nachhaltigkeit zu leben ist zu Hause leichter als b…
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Der Film „Kuhle Wampe oder Wem gehört die Welt?“ hatte seine Uraufführung am 14. Mai 1932. Bertolt Brecht und Regisseur Slatan Dudow zeigten eine kritische Darstellung der damaligen aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Situation. Im Rahmen der Bildungswochen gegen Rassismus in Halle ( …
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