Welcome to the weekly podcast of Christ Place Church lead by Rick Lorimer. To learn more, visit our website at ChristPlace.Church
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What does it look like to pray like Jesus? Join Pastor Rick as we being a new series about prayer. NEXT STEPS: Each day this week, I will start my day by praising God for who He is. This week, I will memorize The Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. Today I’m signing up for a Connect Group.
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Vision Builders Weekend - Vision Builders Is Who We Are
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33:26Join Pastor Johnathan as he dives into what it means to be a Vision Builder. NEXT STEPS: Today, I will commit to being a Vision Builder. I will make a Faith Commitment to Vision Builders.
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Vision Builders Weekend - Only God (Escaping Sudan)
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32:20Join guest speaker Pastor Parker Loy as he recounts the incredible story of how his team miraculously escaped Sudan during the war.
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A false teaching does not make someone a false teacher, but what are the guidelines? Join Pastor Rick as he dives into the Apostle Paul’s warning and how it applies to us. NEXT STEPS: I’m joining Pastor Rick for the 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. I will not allow untested teachers into my life or home. This week, I will set up a time to meet with a…
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JUSTIFIED - The Essential Point of Non-Essential Points
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36:21We don’t want to be judged but we’re usually pretty comfortable judging others. Why do non-essential issues become so important to us? Join Pastor Rick as he addresses the essential point of non-essential points. NEXT STEPS: I’m joining Pastor Rick for the 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. Today, I repent for judging other believers and I’m asking God…
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Join Pastor Kurt as he continues in our series in the book of Romans. NEXT STEPS: This week, I will seek to spend quality time with God considering the magnitude of His greatness over my life. This week, I will take inventory of the personal choices I am making in key areas of my life.
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Christmas At Christ Place - Lessons From Luke
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24:08Join Pastor Rick, two of his grandkids, and Pastor Johnathan as they share the Christmas story from the Gospel of Luke.
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ADVENT ANTHEMS - To Prepare for a Second Advent
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41:59Advent is about Advent. Yep. Join Pastor Rick as he addresses one of the four purposes of Advent. It’s called the Parousia. NEXT STEPS: Each day this week, I will look to the sky and pray, "Come Lord Jesus." Each day this week, I will take stock of my time, attitudes, and resources and give them to Jesus. I will invite as many people as possible to…
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ADVENT ANTHEMS - To Reveal The Father
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36:39Join Pastor Rick as he addresses the subject of God being our Father and the amazing implications. NEXT STEPS: Each day this week, I will address God as my heavenly Father who cares about me and my life. This week, I will go out of my way to invite others to join us for Christmas Eve at Christ Place.…
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We live in a culture where everyone is looking for a scapegoat. Join Pastor Rick as he explores Jesus' unique plan to change the world by volunteering for the job. NEXT STEPS: Today, I rejoice in Christ’s victory over sin. This week, I will invite at least three people to join me in celebrating Advent at Christ Place.…
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ADVENT ANTHEMS - To Destroy the Works of the Devil
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34:58We live in a world full of chaos. There is so much pain, despair, and hatred. Join Pastor Johnathan as he unpacks the song "O Holy Night" and addresses a reason to rejoice in this season. NEXT STEPS: Today, I will begin an Advent reading plan on YouVersion or Lectio 365. This week, I will focus on my victory in Christ.…
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Join us this week as Pastor Rick unpacks how we can rightly think of ourselves and operate in what the Apostle Paul calls gifts of grace. NEXT STEPS: Today, I will sign up for a Dream Team. Next week, I will attend Growth Track.
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Miracle Offering 2024 - Open Your Eyes
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32:12Join us this week as Pastor Johnathan talks with us about Miracle Offering and how we must open our eyes for the lost, forgotten, and broken.
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SERVANT OR SAVIOR - Being Better and Brighter
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37:06Jesus gave a vision for His people and it’s perfect for what our culture and communities are experiencing today. Join Pastor Rick as he unpacks this. NEXT STEPS: This week, I will look for opportunities to be better and brighter.
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SERVANT OR SAVIOR - Not Equal or Ideal
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36:14God gave us a maxim that should guide our political involvement. Join us as Pastor Rick addresses the one thing we can agree on. NEXT STEPS: This week, I will prayerfully research how I should vote this November.
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SERVANT OR SAVIOR - When Believers Clash
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38:54What happens when Christians differ on political issues? Join us as Pastor Rick dives into this subject. NEXT STEPS: I will engage in political discussions with the intention to love my brother or sister. I will use scripture to help me develop my political ideology. I will register and vote in November.…
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SERVANT OR SAVIOR - When Our Morality Clashes With The World's
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38:15Join us this week as Pastor Johnathan dives into the next sermon in the Servant or Savior Series. NEXT STEPS: Today, I commit to find the common ground with unbelievers in the realm of politics. Today, I commit to speak with tone that is respectful. Today, I commit to speak the truth in love.
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SERVANT OR SAVIOR - Finding Our Moral Compass
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39:02Involving oneself in politics these days is like waking up in a foreign city intertwined with a stark contrast of skyscrapers and shanties all the while there is cacophony of discorded sounds vying for your attention. It’s confusing and disturbing. Join us as Pastor Rick explores a way for us to find our way. NEXT STEPS: I will read the Holy Bible …
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We live in a divided land of treacherous politics and polarizing issues. How would God have us respond and what is our responsibility? Join Pastor Rick as he wades into this tense subject. NEXT STEPS: Each day this week, I will pray for our governing authorities. I will participate in 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting.…
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Why does the statement “It is what it is” bother Pastor Rick so much? Listen in as we dive into the Apostle Paul’s appeal to change a resigned mindset and reach for more. NEXT STEPS: Each day this week, I will be a living sacrifice for Jesus. This week, I will look to align my life with God’s will and not resist His grace. I will answer the call to…
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JUSTIFIED - From Blindness to Blessing
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37:22Join Pastor Jeremy as he takes us through Romans chapter 11, exploring God’s plan to lead us from being blinded by sin to being blessed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
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JUSTIFIED - It Was The Plan From The Beginning
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36:58Join us this week as Pastor Johnathan dives into the next sermon in the Justified Series. NEXT STEPS: Today, I will remember Salvation is for ALL PEOPLE. This week, I will invite someone to join me at Christ Place.
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Join Pastor Rick as he dives into some sensitive subjects about election and the doctrine of salvation. NEXT STEPS: Today, I am releasing the following to God’s merciful sovereignty:_______________. Each day this week, I will be asking God to help me grow in gratitude and flexibility.
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If God's love expressed in Jesus is so amazing, why did Israel reject it? And what is our relationship with the Old Testament and Israel today? Join us as Pastor Rick wades into this subject. NEXT STEPS: Today, I'm asking God to remove my apathy and help me love the lost. Each day this week, I will pray for Israel and peace in the Middle East.…
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Join us as Pastor Rick shares about his separation anxiety and how God wants to eliminate it. NEXT STEPS: Today, I will take down the umbrella that keeps me from basking in God’s love. Each day this week, I will ask the Holy Spirit to help me be convinced of God’s love.
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Join us this week as Pastor Johnathan dives into the next sermon in the Justified series. NEXT STEPS: Today, I will remember Jesus is for me. This week, I will invite someone to join me at Christ Place.
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JUSTIFIED - Adopted by God, Led by His Spirit
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28:21Join us as Pastor Danette continues in our “Justified” series from the book of Romans. NEXT STEPS: I will use a study Bible to read, study, and pray through Romans 8:12-18. I will identify unhealthy or unholy behaviors and seek life-giving accountability through a mentor or Connect Group. I will remind myself regularly that I am loved and adopted b…
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JUSTIFIED - Living the Life in the Spirit
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30:24Join us this week as Pastor Johnathan dives into the next sermon in the Justified Series. NEXT STEPS: Today, I will look for tangible ways to live by the Spirit. This week, I will invite someone to join me at Christ Place.
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JUSTIFIED - Rule Follower Vs. Rules Are A Suggestion
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31:26Join Pastor Nathan as he discusses the difference between being a rule follower vs. being a person who believes rules are a suggestion.
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Join us this week as Pastor Rick explores the affection and affirmation of our Father. NEXT STEPS: Today, I will rest in the acceptance and affection of the Father. This week, I will look for opportunities to obey the Father.
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Join us this week as Pastor Rick explores the collision of two worlds. Our former world before Jesus and our new life in Jesus. What will it take to be a disciple of Jesus even when the world of politics collides with the world of the Bible? NEXT STEPS: Today, I will embrace being a learner. I will speak for truth with love.…
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We Christians and those who don’t think of themselves as a Christian deal with temptations of many kinds. It is amazing to know that even Jesus was tempted. But He, unlike us, never sinned. Join Pastor Terry as he unveils a helpful tool Jesus used that can help us to resist giving in to temptation. NEXT STEPS: I will become more aware of times when…
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Join us this week as Pastor Rick explores the three contrasts that Paul mentions in Romans 6. How can each of them help us better understand God’s amazing grace? NEXT STEPS: Today, I will lean into God's grace and rest in it. This week, I will share with others about God's amazing grace.
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There is a war waging around us and in us. Join Pastor Rick has he unpacks a battle plan. NEXT STEPS: Today, I will obey Jesus and sign up for baptism orientation. Through the week I will resist my old nature and the devil. This week, I will seek accountability.
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Jesus has a new standard for you and your life, with it comes hope and victory. Join us as Pastor Rick explores the power of Christ in us. NEXT STEPS: This week, I will identify with Christ’s death to sin. This week, I will reflect on my milestones of new life in Jesus.
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What Are You Waiting For? - Embracing The Call To Baptism
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32:27Join us as Pastor Rick dives into the subject of water baptism. Obedience will either be a lid or lift to your spiritual formation. NEXT STEPS: Today, I will obey Jesus and sign up for orientation. Through the week, I will reflect on my identity being in Jesus. This week, I will be very intentional about sharing my story.…
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Join us this week as Pastor Johnathan unpacks the thought "What Moms Teach Us" on Mother’s Day. NEXT STEPS: Today, I will commit to growing in my prayer life, more love for others, and my faith in God. This week, I will invite someone to join me at Christ Place.
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Join us as Pastor Rick dives into humanity's origin story and how it impacts our life. NEXT STEPS: Today, I will confess my sin and profess my new nature in Christ. Each day this week, I will ask the Holy Spirit to help me be more like Jesus.
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Join us this week as Rod Whitlock talks about the power of healing.
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Join us as Pastor Rick explores the matchless love of God and why it is the bedrock of the Holy Spirit’s work in our spiritual formation. NEXT STEPS: This week I will boast on God’s love to at least three other people. This week I will reflect on God’s unrivaled love and His reconciliation.
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JUSTIFIED - Peace, Privilege, and the Presence of Hope
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39:28Join Pastor Jeremy as he walks through the benefits of peace, privilege, and hope of Jesus in the life of a disciple.
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How does God make people good without making them arrogant? Join Pastor Rick as he answers the question, "Why faith?" NEXT STEPS: This week, I will read all of Romans 4 and reflect on it. Each day this week, I will look for opportunities to exercise my faith and thank God for His forgiveness and righteousness.…
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Join us as Pastor Rick leads us in celebrating the greatest event in history and the power of Jesus’ three words. NEXT STEPS: I celebrate His resurrection and my new life in Him. This week, I will look to Jesus for my comfort and strength.
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Join Pastor Kurt on Good Friday as he talks about the importance of the cross and Jesus's sacrifice.
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PALM SUNDAY - A Look Back to Look Forward
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35:05Join us this week as Pastor Johnathan dives into the thought: “A Look Back to Look Forward.” NEXT STEPS: I will reflect on this Holy Week in Scripture. I will invite my neighbor or friend to come with me to Easter at Christ Place.
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Like a prosecuting attorney, the Apostle Paul has made it obviously clear that we are all guilty and deserve God's wrath. Join us today as Pastor Rick explores the nature of a God who wants to give us an alternative option. NEXT STEPS: Today, I will reflect on my redemption and the value God has placed on my life. This week, I will invite five peop…
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Join us as Pastor Rick contrasts the early church’s challenges with our own, specifically how we can learn to guard against hypocrisy and prevent ourselves from becoming irrelevant. NEXT STEPS: Today, I choose to repent for my disobedience in ____. This week, I will guard my heart from hypocrisy.
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Join us this week as Pastor Johnathan dives into the next sermon in the Justified Series. NEXT STEPS: Today, I will look for tangible ways to show empathy to those around me. This week, I will invite someone to join me at Christ Place.
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The apostle Paul knew something we don’t. Join us as Pastor Rick unpacks Paul’s secret for his uncompromising commitment to the Gospel. NEXT STEPS: Today, I will sign up for a Connect Group. This week, I will pray and profess the three I ams of Paul (obligated, eager, and unashamed.)
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Join us as Pastor Rick discusses what it looks like to be right with God. NEXT STEPS: Today, I will commit to joining a connect group. This week, I will read Romans 1 and reflect on what God is saying to me. I will ask the Holy Spirit to “gospelize” me.
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