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356: Many Moose (The Church on Ruby Road)
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1:25:02It’s The Church on Ruby Road, written by Russell T. Davies and originally aired on December 25, 2023. Show-notes: 1:23: To preempt me from a minute later in the episode, here’s the Independent article explaining what I’m talking about. 3:48: No, my memory is awful, I was born in 1996 and this makes me 13 not 10 in 2009. Silly me. 4:42: Here’s a wik…
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355: Take My Money and Run (The Giggle)
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1:25:50Oh… this money wasn’t for me? Well this is the end of the 14th Doctor, honestly gone too soon. We only just barely got to know you but already you’re dead. Kind of. Sort of. I dunno man, this is too confusing for me. It’s The Giggle, written by Russell T. Davies and originally aired on December 10, 2023. Show-notes: 11:52: The article is quite dens…
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354: A Silly Little Bean (Wild Blue Yonder)
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1:22:48Alternate title: It All Comes Back to Grapes This week the TARDIS ventures where it’s never been before, the wild blue yonder. Other yonders are available, however, including the newly released forest green yonder, in addition to the classics: fire red yonder and scorching yellow yonder. It’s Wild Blue Yonder, written by Russell T. Davies and origi…
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353: They’re Blowing Up Cars Now (The Star Beast)
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1:23:55It’s really here. The beginning of the second era of Trust Your Doctor. And you thought I’d never come back, oh ye of little faith. Trust Your Doctor in Distress and all that, I heard your cries. Back with a new cohost, it’s The Star Beast, written by Russell T. Davies and originally aired on November 25, 2023. Show-notes: 3:08: In true TYD fashion…
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The rumors are true, Trust Your Doctor is coming back. Listen in for more details. Show-notes: 0:16: Here’s the fan fiction episode, still extant in the feed. Doctor Who © The BBC Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts! Subscribe on Google Play! Subs…
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Dylan here. While editing this I remembered that we recorded this while I had covid. Yep. A year ago I had covid and I still sat down to record and now I can’t even edit one episode on time. How the mighty have fallen. I dunno man, we watched Atlantis, Treasure Planetand Princess Bride. Also this podcast is explicit, if you’re offended by bad langu…
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This episode was originally intended to be the conclusion of Triple Play, but as you’ll see, not everything goes the way you think. We watched these in person, and frankly even though it was so long ago I sill remember that it was some of the most fun we had doing these podcasts. Just hanging out, watching three movies while eating an overpriced pi…
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The Wachowski Sisters are one of the most accomplished directoral duos of our time. Their works include…. This week we watched a fake trilogy, because for some reason we both really wanted to watch more stuff by the Wachowskis. That’s right, we watched Speed Racer, Cloud Atlas and Jupiter Ascending. Why did we do this? 1:35: I was right, Matrix Res…
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“Unbreakable? more like unbearable” Lots of places refer to this as the Eastrail 177 trilogy since it’s based heavily around that train, so that’s what we’re going with here today. 2:50: Anyone claiming Glass to be worse than Beverly Hills Chihuahua is just lost in my book. Good thing Kiyan left the podcast so I can make fun of him for this in the …
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Badadadum *snap snap* Yeah, I bet you’re wondering how I got that text to sound exactly like the Addams family song. It’s because I’m a professional sound writer. I bet you didn’t even know that was a thing. Well, it is. I needed a job after the podcast died, and that’s what I ended up doing. This week Kiyan and Dylan talk about the Addams Family t…
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Aren’t all guns naked? I don’t really know what to write for this description in all honesty. I dunno. These movies were pretty funny, I guess, well the first one was anyway. After that I don’t think they were that great, and I don’t really know how to be funny about them here because it’s been so long since I’ve seen them I can’t even remember any…
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The Animated Netflix Godzilla Trilogy
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1:21:05Something something Blue Oyster Cult. This week we watched those random animated Godzilla movies that were released on Netflix. I feel like they flew under the radar, a bit, but here we are, Triple Play, the biggest podcast in the world, shining a light on it. That’s right, if it blows up tomorrow you know why. It’s Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters…
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I like ice cream actually. Triple Play returns from the dead (ironically) to shamble (unironically) towards a middling and mediocre conclusion followed by a spectacle no one will soon forget. Man it was so weird getting back into editing this. Felt like having to relearn a skill I had long since forgotten. Anyway, this was recorded in June 2021, ho…
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It’s really here. The end of the first era of Trust Your Doctor. Stay tuned to find out if the show regenerates just as the Doctor does. To peel back the curtain just a touch, it’s normally me (Dylan) who writes these descriptions. I don’t know really what to say so instead I’ll quote Brian May at Wembley: “I don’t have very much to say, so thank y…
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352: Really Say Goodbye (The Power of the Doctor)
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2:02:09This week we return to the podcast that kicked off everything. It’s the moment that started everything, Trust Your Doctor, coming back for its triumphant…. death. It’s the beginning of the end but the moment has been prepared for, but only as far as we usually prepare on Decorative Vegetable podcasts. It’s The Power of the Doctor, written by Chris …
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UFO 26: The Long Sleep ft. Steven Shinder
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1:26:49Speaking of long sleeps, it’s time for the podcast to rest. I need a long sleep right now to be honest. I caught a cold a day after recording this and my brain is in so much pain right now it’s insane. About ready to pass out right now but I’m waiting for the episode to upload. The things I do for the fans. It’s The Long Sleep, written by David Tom…
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UFO 25: The Responsibility Seat
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1:17:37You could argue that I (Dylan) have the responsibility seat, since I edit these shows every week. I actually recently adjusted my chair and have massively improved my seating arrangement. My arms can rest a little more naturally on the table now, instead of feeling like they’re at my shoulders all the time. It’s so much easier to type and just do t…
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The past few days I’ve spent a lot of time contemplating life, staring at my reflection. I used to have a fish pond at my parents house. It was filled with Koi. They used to stay pretty small since it was a small pond, and they’d eat the algae at the bottom. Sadly most of them are dead now, because of a stork that kept coming through and eating the…
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The real sound of silence is how crappy Kiyan’s audio is this week. Something something I could make a song reference here but it just seems too easy so why would I do that? Instead I’m just going to ramble at length about literally nothing. Just kidding, I won’t do that. Instead I’ll just end this description here. It’s The Sound of Silence writte…
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The More Things Change, The More They Come in Clutch. When I have parties at the airport they always make me do a confetti check when I leave. It’s required! I have to go through the metal detector, then the wand, then an x-ray machine, then an air blower, then a magnet… look it’s a whole process to get all the confetti out. Don’t even ask why it’s…
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I had an affair with a computer once. (Editor’s note: Her (2013)) It was a long time ago. Back when computers were curvy and that was attractive. She was a big hulking room sized machine. A Cray-1. Man the curves on that thing. Just knew how to turn me on in all the right ways. It’s Computer Affair written by Tony Barwick and aired on April 28, 197…
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I’m an expert on Court Martials. Look I was just kidding with that by-line. I don’t know anything about court martials actually, all I know is that they’re basically just military trials. I have as little contact with the military as possible in all honesty, although… nah I won’t say anything more. It’s Court Martial, written by Tony Barwick and ai…
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Recording this episode was an Ordeal. I’ve survived loads of ordeals though. This one was pretty trivial compared to some of the ordeals I’ve been through in my life. There was that time I got held up at a red light when I really needed to pee. Now that was what I call a true ordeal. It’s Ordeal, written by Tony Barwick and aired on April 14, 1971.…
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UFO 18: Timelash ft. Steven Shinder
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1:17:39Is there a spacelash? Timelash, spacelash, temporallash, they’re all the same thing. It’s just a time corridor that links you to the future. Or the past. And you have to jump into it and travel through time and… I don’t know where I’m going with this, it’s 10:30 at night and I only just remembered I needed to edit the episode and quite frankly I’m …
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I had an affair with a Dalek once. No, I swear, I did! He was very loving. He treated me nicely and would always hunt down anybody who ever hurt me. If somebody said something mean to me he would exterminate them. If somebody got in my way he would destroy them. And if I did anything wrong he’d…. It’s The Dalotek Affair, written by Ruric Powell and…
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butnowimback-pinkmartini.wav Guess who’s back? Back again? Inevitable. Inevitable is back and you might say that it was all Inevitable because god dammit that’s exactly why we named ourselves that. Because this was always inevitable. Always. For all time. It’s The Man Who Came Back, written by Terence Feely and aired on February 3, 1971. Show-notes…
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The FAA did not approve this episode. I had a flight path filed once, for the local airport. It was a pretty steep path, came in right over these houses. And we saw a guy just standing in the road with a rocket launcher. I dunno how they got there, but there they were. Just shooting off some missiles. It’s Flight Path, written by Ian Scott Stewart …
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When it comes to benders, you’ve got a couple types to choose from. First. there’s bender from Futurama, Then, there’s bendy straws. And that’s it. Usually, those are your only options. But UFO provides a third. It’s Mindbender, written by Tony Barwick and aired on January 13, 1971. Show-notes: 3:50: Pretty sure Steven will suggest “Fully Armed and…
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Guess what? Inevitable survived our hiatus and we’re officially back in action. So this week I was walking down the road when I was bitten by a cheetah person. Oh shoot, wrong show. Uh, shoot, uh actually it was an alien. With green skin. It bit me on my arm, through my space suit. Yeah that’s what happened. It’s Survival, written by Tony Barwick a…
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Audio 28: Theatre Theater (Redacted)
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1:50:53We all now belong to the Church of Sil. Look, it’s a podcast about old doctor who characters coming back and appearing in the most random way possible. How can you not expect that Sil would make an appearance? He’s basically the greatest character that’s ever graced our television screens. And I mean that most sincerely. It’s Redacted, written by J…
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Audio 27: Spinach Detector (Winter for the Adept)
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1:07:16I need a spinach detector to get all of my spinach organized. Coming soon from Big Finish Productions, for all your kitchen needs: Spinach Detectors. Joining their long and extensive line of kitchen equipment, like Potato Detectors, Beet Detectors, and angry Time Lord Detectors. Winter for the Adept written by Andrew Cartmel and released in July 20…
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Audio 26: Comes in Clutch ft. Steven Shinder (The Spectre of Lanyon Moor)
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1:28:40I think Kiyan spent a little too much time on knowyourmeme this week. So one time I was driving my car away from the shop after replacing my transmission fluid and Dom Toretto pulled up next to me. He rolled down his window, and I obliged the unspoken invitation to do the same. He had been looking for a challenge, he said, and offered to race me. I…
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Audio 25: Martian Instinct Moments (Red Dawn)
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1:06:52We call those MIMs in the business. I can’t even have any Earth Instinct Moments. You ever look at a bug and go “huh it’s 4 inches long and it’s bright red with black stripes, it’s probably harmless?” Well good news, you just had an Earth Instinct Moment. And you’re doing better than I am. It’s Red Dawn written by Justin Richards and released in Ma…
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Audio 24: The Need to Read (The Genocide Machine)
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1:11:10It’s kind of like the need for speed but more academic. So once upon a time I opened up a book. And I wanted to just go ahead and read it and be all chill. I sat down, I lit a candle. I fluffed up my couch cushion. And just as I started to read I felt an itching. A need. A need for cheese. It’s The Genocide Machine written by Mike Tucker and releas…
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Audio 23: Hot Chocolate Technology (The Marian Conspiracy)
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1:23:16Damn, now I want Hot Chocolate. Conspiracies. Can’t live with ’em, can’t live without coming up with a new one every 4.6 seconds. Well, maybe that’s just me. Or maybe, just maybe, it’s just this week’s story, coming your way via our way courtesy once again of Big Finish. It’s all about conspiracies – actually just one conspiracy in particular, that…
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Audio 22: Chekhov’s Firebomb (The Fearmonger)
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1:30:40Ever stop and wonder what your biggest fears in life are? Probably, but what about whether you yourself are someone or something’s biggest fear? Whether you yourself are stirring a pot of of warm, bubbly fear without even knowing it? Whether you may be called a true fearmonger, which, coincidentally, is the name of the audio we’re covering this wee…
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Audio 21: The Common Courtesy to Die (Land of the Dead)
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1:23:26I wish I had the common courtesy to die I wrote a Doctor Who fan fiction called “The Colony of the Dead” once. This is a true story, by the way. Anyway, I wrote it long before I knew this audio existed. It features the First Doctor in an icy wasteland where dead people are coming back to life. I’m pretty sure I still have it somewhere actually… It’…
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Audio 20: Blended Seaweed (Whispers of Terror)
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1:24:18Just drop that seaweed in the blender and blend it right up. Yum. Did you hear that? That noise. The one just behind you. The one that kind of sounded like a door opening. Nah, never mind, it probably wasn’t important. Probably just the wind. It’s Whispers of Terror, written by Justin Richards and released in November, 1999. Show-notes: 0:37: Ironi…
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Audio 19: The Waking Dead (Phantasmagoria: Revisited)
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1:16:03Alternate title: Hell Yeah, Mark Strickson! We were less enthusiastic about old Mark after we learned he was maybe possibly theoretically hypothetically a redhead, but also not one at the same time. Got give it up to him though. He was pretty fantastic in this story. Or should I say phantastic, with a “ph?” Probably not because it’s not spelled wit…
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Audio 18: Cheesegrating Yourself (The Sirens of Time)
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1:10:36Nothing more grating than a cheese grater, especially when you’re using it to grate yourself. Going to town with it on your own body. Turning yourself into a bloody pulp if you know what I’m saying. Tearing your flesh to shreds if you catch my drift. Permanently maiming yourself in the most hideous and painful way possible if you get my meaning. Th…
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351: Super Mario Hops (Legend of the Sea Devils)
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1:25:02Did you know that Sea Devils actually have major hops? This week we return to the podcast that kicked off everything. It’s the moment that started everything, Trust Your Doctor, coming back for its triumphant return. Unfortunately, its to cover an episode that is… less than triumphant if we do say so. It’s Legend of the Sea Devils, written by Ella …
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Topic of the week: hiatuses. I’m kind of confused about this episode actually. The explanation for the super strength is the fact that people’s nervous systems were super charged, but does that also mean they got stuffed with thirty kilos of C4? Because some of those explosions were absolutely bananas. No way there wasn’t some accelerant involved. …
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This week on Space Inevitable: A Space Sci-Fi Space Podcast. I’m ready for my close up, are you? Cuz this week the aliens are coming in full force to take some snaps of us while we podcast. That’s right, real live aliens are currently taking pictures of us right now. You could be their next feature, their next cover model! So you better make sure y…
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Our audio tracks somehow got slightly misaligned in this episode, so the conversation is a little off. Sorry. I never realized triangles could be squares you know? In the future, I think we should aim to reduce the number of sides in a polygon, rather than increasing. So that would be the triangle would go to… the biangle? Which is possible, just n…
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This week we learned not to plant seeds in Straker’s head. Sometimes I wonder if maybe the biggest threat to SHADO is Straker himself. So many of the things he does seem to be the detriment to the organization as a whole, it’s a hard theory to ignore. Should Straker be replaced? Was Paul onto something in Kill Straker? Find out this week, on Destru…
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Something something title of this episode something something Freeman Apologist. Look if I had a sub as a kid, I would smash it too. Actually, I have this Lego set of the Beatles Yellow Submarine, and when I got it and I used to have this obsession with taking it apart and rebuilding it. I got to the point where I could basically rebuild it from me…
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Something something, we didn’t even make an Eldrad Must Die reference somehow. Honestly, with a name like Straker, it’s not too hard to comprehend why people would want to kill him. I mean, it’s such a pretentious name. Just listen to it as it rolls off the tongue. Straker. It’s harsh. Arrogant. Bombastic. Not saying we should kill Straker, just sa…
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I used to have ESP, then I took an arrow to the brain. Can’t believe I just unironically referenced Skyrim in the episode description. When was the last time that was even relevant? Would you consider magical mind reading as ESP? That feels like a whole new can of worms that I’ll leave closed for now. You’re welcome. It’s ESP, written by Alan Fenne…
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UFO 5 – A Question of Priorities ft. Steven Shinder
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1:25:30I have plenty of questions about this episode, to be honest. Look, if I’m being straight with you, I always go into every episode of UFO with a bunch of questions. Dozens of them. Hundreds even. And every time the episode answers every single one of them. Can you believe that? Really just proves how good of a show this is. It’s A Question of Priori…
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This week on Inevitable: mild conflict over whether this episode is good or not. Was Conflict good? Was it bad? Don’t worry, it’s all up to you. We just sit here and talk about the episode for an hour and that’s about all we’re good at, if you think about it. We can really lay on those plot summaries like nobody else. Enough talk, it’s Conflict, wr…
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