Whether you are currently a digital nomad or aspiring to become one, this is the podcast for you. We talk all things remote work and travel with fascinating guests from all types of backgrounds. We talk about how to become a digital nomad, how to optimize your experience as a current digital nomad, and top travel destinations and personal experiences. We talk with guests who have traveled to nearly every corner of the planet. Get access to 300+ companies that let you work from anywhere: http ...
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Digital Nomad Nation - Inspiring Stories From the Location Independent Lifestyle
Ryan Mellon | Serial Entrepreneur/ Personal Coach
Welcome to Digital Nomad Nation, the podcast that brings you extraordinary stories of those who dared to redefine work and life. Host Ryan Mellon, a seasoned Digital Nomad and serial entrepreneur, takes you on a thrilling journey through the lives of Location-Independent pioneers. From the software engineer coding from a villa in Canggu to the freelancer building marketing funnels in a coworking space in Lisbon, each episode uncovers the captivating stories behind the digital nomad lifestyle ...
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Welcome to the Digital Nomad Life Podcast hosted by long-time digital nomad and online business coach, @ChristabellaTravels. These episodes are for people who WANT to travel the world and live a life of freedom, BUT feel stuck in their current situation. Whether you’re in a thankless 9-5, working your @$$ off in hospitality ora hospital, or even currently out of work, this podcast is meant to serve the masses as a place of inspiration and (seriously helpful and actionable) information & advi ...
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BecomeNomad is a podcast explaining the nomadic lifestyle. Whether you are a digital nomad on the road, or thinking about changing your current life to becoming a nomad, we aim to supply you with insights and resources to make you a better and more balanced long term traveler and nomad.
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Travel and Work with Human Design - Personal Growth made Practical for Digital Nomad Entrepreneurs
Astrid Heystee
Do you want to tame your Inner Critic and experience more freedom, alignment & abundance in your life? Are you ready to unpack your “Inner Backpack” and enjoy a stress free travel and (remote) work life? Astrid, Human Design Coach of palmtreemoments.com, takes you along her journey into personal development and how to practically use and embody Human Design in your daily life. She talks with fellow Digital Nomads about Travel, Mindset, Self Care, Lifestyle Design, Money Mindset and Entrepren ...
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This is a podcast for aspiring digital nomads teaching how to travel the world on a budget, generate passive income, stay at hotels for free, and much more!
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What does your dream digital nomad lifestyle look like? Every week, you'll hear from a new guest how they live their life filled with travel, remote work, online business and personal growth. Get inspired & enjoy the journey ✨
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Podcast produit par Kalagan, blogueur et webentrepreneur nomade depuis 2011.
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Vous écoutez le podcast du Kitsune Dandy, l’histoire d’un type qui a tout quitté pour aller vivre au Japon et qui s’est retrouvé Digital Nomad un peu par hasard. Suivez mes aventures, mes galères, mes conseils dans cette nouvelle vie de nomade
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Digital Nomad host Steve Dez aka "The Retired Comedian" gives you life advice to OPTIMIZE your LIFE or your travels on your journey to become a digital nomad 😊
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Interviews with digital nomads and location-independent entrepreneurs. This podcast shares success stories and practical tips to inspire and help anyone who is looking into the location-independent career path. Livin That Life is the YouTube travel vlog and video podcast by Riley Bennett, a full-time digital nomad since 2015. Based mostly in Southeast Asia, Riley has visited over 30+ countries and interviewed dozens of successful location-independent entrepreneurs, remote workers, freelancer ...
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Weekly Breaking Technology, Careers, Startups, Travel News from the world of Digital Nomads and Remote Work. For travel tips, business advice, and interviews with location independent entrepreneurs, check out the Badass Digital Nomads Podcast. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/travelingwithkristin/support
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This is a podcast for digital nomads and aspiring nomads, people who want to be location independent or work remotely. What's a digital nomad? Someone who works online, not tied to a specific location - we work from anywhere. I'm talking about my daily life as a nomad, about issues, problems, wins, successes, different countries, languages and ways to make more money nomadically. Tune in to find tools to help you nomad better.
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The modern day digital fempreneur guide! Digital Nomad Girl is a destination for entrepreneurs to grow their online income 💰 and intuition ✨. I cover business & holistic topics from making an income online, inspiring location freedom, the best digital marketing practices for your biz, growing on social & traveling the world – to using meditation, mindfulness & energy healing as tools for health & wellness. This podcast covers a range of topics for the WHOLE fempreneur. Mind, body, business + ...
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Digital Nomad Experiences is a network to learn knowledge and experiences from experienced remote workers and digital nomads. We want to change the vision about remote work, for this reason, you could find great content related to remote workers and digital nomads. From Digital Nomad Experiences, we want to share with you interviews with great remote workers. Through these micro-interviews, we share their experiences, knowledge, and tips with you.
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Digital Nomad Podcast|Interviews with Digital Nomads about Location Independence, Travel & Business
Olumide Gbenro
The Digital Nomad Podcast is the authority in the digital nomad movement providing rare insights and interviews from the world's leading digital nomads. The podcast covers important topics regarding lifestyle, business and travel tips for those who are already nomadic and also those looking to start the journey. Each episode features freelancers, remote workers, travel influencers, and entrepreneurs from around the world. Subscribe now to access the entire series of interviews.
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The Nomad Together Podcast | Location Independent Families & Digital Nomad Families
Paul and Rebekah Kortman
Location independence as a family is possible for everyone! Along our travels, we have met families all around the world who have embraced this lifestyle. This podcast is all about how you too can choose to live a location independent lifestyle as a family. We cover topics such as homeschooling, roadschooling and worldschooling as well as remote working and running a location independent business. Join us as we fly, sail and RV around the world!
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The Digital Nomad Quest Podcast with Sharon Tseung teaches people how to build passive income, become financially free, and design their best lives. Sharon gives her insight on growing a business, traveling long term, and finding fulfillment and purpose. She also interviews entrepreneurs, digital nomads, early retirees, and other inspiring people building financial independence and location independence.
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Mel is a French digital nomad based in Bali for 6 years now. She was born in a small village in Normandy, and now helps ambitious people to build their dream business and get the lifestyle they deserve. She's a marketing professional who went from working 9-5 to quitting her job and building a business in a foreign country - to finally start living a life full of freedom. Follow her journey and learn more about the nomad lifestyle, Bali tips, business, marketing, and more. Instagram: www.ins ...
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The Remote Podcast: Digital Nomad Interviews w/ Remote Workers, Freelancers, Location Independent Entrepreneurs
Victor Kung: Digital Nomad, Online Entrepreneur
The Remote Podcast is for anyone looking to become a digital nomad and join the location independent movement. The podcast features in-depth and unfiltered one-on-one interviews with digital nomads. It gives you a behind-the-scenes look at what a location independent lifestyle is really like. Living a remote lifestyle is a choice. Through listening to each guest’s story, you’ll see that there are infinite ways in which you can live and work remotely. All you need is a computer, internet acce ...
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Nomadtopia Radio features interviews with people all over the world who have created their ideal lifestyle through location independence, long-term travel, living abroad, and more. Guests run the gamut from serial expats to slow travelers, digital nomads, location-independent entrepreneurs escaping winter, families traveling overland (and homeschooling!), solo backpackers and road-trippers... you name it. Their stories highlight all the different ways to explore the world, live and work on y ...
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The Digital Nomad Wannabe podcast teaches you how to turn your blog into a business with sustainable passive income. Each week, you’ll find actionable tips and strategies for growing traffic and income with no fluff so you can quit the day job and have more freedom to do what you love. Whether you aren’t sure if you are in the right niche, want to become an expert in SEO, can’t figure out your whole monetisation strategy or have had some success and want to work out what’s next, Make Money B ...
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🎙️ Nómada Digital, el podcast de Carles Navarro, reflexiones, consejos y estrategias sobre nomadismo digital y emprendimiento remoto. Está diseñado para quienes sueñan con vivir y trabajar sin ataduras, explorando el mundo mientras crean una vida alineada con su propósito. ✉️ Suscríbete a la newsletter de ViveDistinto.com y únete a Alternatribu.com, la comunidad para quienes buscan libertad y cambio. ¡Transforma tus ideas en acción y construye tu futuro ideal mientras exploras el mundo! 🚀
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Digital nomads behind the scenes shares inspiring interviews from successful digital nomads and conscious entrepreneurs or leaders in their fields— their journeys, failure(s), exclusive experiences, and best practices to uncover some useful tips, inspire you to unlock your inner genius and live your best nomad life. Matthieu Zeilas is a digital nomad and entrepreneur, co-founder of Palmacoliving.co, conscious coliving places in sunny locations where digital nomads live, work, and grow together.
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Trabalhar para Viver e não o contrário... Este podcast é o resultado de conversas que temos no nosso Colectivo Online de Nómadas Digitais portugueses. www.nomadadigital.pt
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Entrepreneur français dans le digital, partiellement nomade et en quête d'une vie plus simple et plus minimaliste. Je suis aussi mari et papa de 3 enfants. On en parle ?
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Er livet som digital nomade lykken? Det Gode Liv giver et ærligt indblik i, hvordan det er at tage en stor chance i livet for at forfølge en drøm om at rejse på fuldtid. Det Gode Liv præsenteres af kæresteparret Maja og Stefan, der deler deres op- og nedture, mens de jagter drømmen om at leve som digitale nomader. De har sagt deres “voksenjobs” op, pakket lejligheden i kasser og satset hele opsparingen på at skabe sig en hverdag, hvor de arbejder digitalt uafhængigt af tid og sted. En hverda ...
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Digital Nomads Daily - Real Life Stories, Tips & Inspiration
Nienke Nina | Digital Nomad & Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur
Are you dreaming about traveling the world and working from anywhere? Do you want to know how to build a successful remote career or turn your passion into a profitable business? Host and digital nomad Nienke Nina brings you unfiltered digital nomad stories and practical tips via interviews with experienced digital nomads. We talk about travel, making money online, mindset, entrepreneurship and where to find the best digital nomad hubs. Get ready for life advice you don't want to miss out on ...
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Wing-It Worldwide | Travel + Adventure = Freedom | Digital Nomads, Worldschoolers
Scot and Emily McKay | Location Independent Travelling Family
Discover all the show notes, funny stories, pretty pictures and shiny toys at: www.wingitworldwide.com/podcast | Scot and Emily McKay are well-known dating coaches who've been helping men and women all over the world find love for over a decade. Get their unique, location-independent view into the wild, unpredictable, nutrageous, often hilarious but always adventurous side of traveling the world...usually with their four kids. | Please subscribe to the show to get updates automatically, and ...
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That Remote Life | Interviews with Digital Nomads and Location Independent Entrepreneurs
Mitko Karshovski
That Remote Life is a podcast focused on helping you become location independent in order to live life on your terms. Serial entrepreneur and traveler Mitko Karshovski interviews some of the most successful entrepreneurs and digital nomads to help uncover the strategies and skills to help you reach the same success. Follow Mitko's journey in real-time as he builds his own location independent business and shares all the lessons and experiences. If you are someone who wants to get out of a de ...
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The Nomadic Executive is about interviewing online entrepreneurs, remote workers, and digital nomads about business and the traveling lifestyle including making active and passive income online that helps you live the life you've always dreamed of. We talk marketing tactics, entrepreneurship, and a host of other topics that help you achieve happiness, health, wealth, and freedom as an online entrepreneur, remote worker, or digital nomad. We also go into detail regarding travel logistics such ...
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90: How to have a passion-led Business and Life as a Digital Nomad
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48:11I think you deserve to life a passion filled life, but what if you don't know what you passion is? If you are the kind of person who doesn't know what your passion is or how to make a dream digital nomad life career out of it this episode is for you. Many of us feel stuck in unfulfilling jobs, craving a lifestyle that offers location independence, …
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An Invite I Wasn't Prepared For, Having to Leave Amed Early, and The Kecak Ritual in Uluwatu - Nomad Notes | EP 19
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7:45Get Your Free Guide: 7 Ways to Become a Digital Nomad https://www.thedigitalnomadcoach.com/ What happens when a dream location can't support your work? Journey with Ryan to the stunning beaches of Amed. He reveals the tough decision-making process that every digital nomad eventually faces when beauty and functionality collide. Discover the cultural…
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6 Rapid-fire digital nomad Q&A, our most unfiltered episode yet | Ep 189
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47:04We asked, you delivered—this episode is fueled by YOUR burning questions! We’re diving headfirst into the most controversial, hilarious, and brutally honest topics in the digital nomad world. 🔎 What’s inside? 🧳 Are your favorite digital nomad cities actually overrated? We set the record straight 🔥 🏝 Jeff’s unexpected love affair with a beach town… …
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Hot Seat Coaching Session with Jessica Summers a 5/1 Sacral Manifesting Generator #048
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1:13:22In this episode of Travel and Work with Human Design, Astrid holds an on air hot seat coaching session with Jessica Summers, a hypno-psychotherapist and coach specializing in highly sensitive individuals and those with ADHD. Jessica, a 5/1 Sacral Manifesting Generator, opens up about her journey as a digital nomad, balancing motherhood with busines…
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Building the World’s Largest Digital Nomad Community & Embracing Failure with Danish Soomro
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39:43In this episode, we dive into community-building, resilience, and redefining failure with Danish Soomro, the visionary behind Digital Nomad Nation, the world’s largest Facebook group for digital nomads with over 150,000 members. Born in Pakistan and now a Canadian citizen, Danish has lived in over 50 cities, building companies while constantly on t…
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348. La llave de la libertad está en el Dinero.
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19:38Nos guste o no, el dinero es el eje central de la vida de la mayoría de las personas. Determina dónde vives, cuánto tiempo pasas con tu familia, las decisiones que tomas y hasta la calidad de la comida que ingieres. Pero, ¿y si en vez de estar sujetos a un trabajo que nos encadena, pudiéramos generar dinero desde cualquier lugar y en cualquier mome…
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347. Cómo ofrecer servicios Digitales y empezar a ganar dinero online.
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14:38Ofrecer servicios digitales es la forma más sencilla y rápida de empezar a generar ingresos online. No necesitas una gran inversión ni una audiencia enorme, solo una habilidad que otras personas necesiten. En este episodio hablamos de por qué este modelo tiene tanto sentido, qué tipos de servicios puedes ofrecer y por qué todo se reduce a una sola …
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346. Comprar 14 pisos en 2 años con 1.000 eur y Libertad Financiera
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32:38Estoy en Costa Rica, donde he recibido la visita de un grupo de emprendedores, y entre ellos está Marc Bové, con quien he estado viajando estos días aquí en Costa Rica. Su historia es impresionante: ha comprado 14 pisos en solo 2 años, empezando con una inversión inicial de 1.000 euros. Ahora es libre financieramente, se dedica a lo que le da la ga…
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How She Went From Corporate Burnout to Traveling the World Solo with Ali from @alisrealities | EP 18
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51:29Get Your Free Guide: 7 Ways to Become a Digital Nomad https://www.thedigitalnomadcoach.com/ Feeling trapped in a successful life that looks perfect on paper, but leaves you empty inside? Ryan sits down with Ali, a former corporate accountant who traded her six-figure salary and downtown Toronto apartment for a life of adventure in Southeast Asia. T…
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Are you cut out to be a digital nomad? | Ep 188
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48:49🎙 Are You Really Cut Out for the Digital Nomad Life? Let’s Find Out. Ever daydreamed about working from a beach in Bali or a café in Paris? 🌍 The digital nomad lifestyle sounds like a dream, but is it actually right for you? In this episode, we reveal the must-have qualities, surprising dealbreakers, and personal stories that will help you decide i…
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345. Vender imágenes online para ganarse la vida.
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9:37Apúntate a la newsletter y no te pierdas el contenido en: https://vivedistinto.com Sigo con la serie de episodios sobre cómo ganarse la vida online, y en este episodio extra te hablo de una de las formas que mejor conozco: la fotografía de stock. Desde hace años, con Stockeros.com, he enseñado cómo vender fotos en bancos de imágenes y generar ingre…
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How do you want to spend your 24 hours? Designing a Life of Freedom with Human Design #047
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5:47Have you ever stopped to ask yourself: How do I really want to spend my 24 hours? Whether you're a digital nomad craving more alignment, or you're feeling stuck in a corporate office routine that no longer serves you, this episode will spark a new perspective on crafting a lifestyle by design. Next to a few questions to contemplate on I am also men…
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344. Cómo conseguir rodearte de emprendedores de Éxito.
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25:25Esta última semana la he compartido con un grupo de emprendedores de los más TOP de España, gente a la que admiro y de la que aprendo. Gente que tiene proyectos como los míos, con los que es normal hablar de mejorar tu vida. De proyectos y negocios, de emprendimiento, de cuidarse, de viajar y de crecer. No voy a recalcar lo importante que es rodear…
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89) Advice to my Broke Younger Self, who wanted to Become a Digital Nomad
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43:04In today's episode, I am talking to my younger self and anyone out there who has lost their job, quit their job or wants to know the next steps to freedom as a digital nomad. I tell my honest story of how I lived in a shoebox apartment with no light or privacy in New York City and even eventually lost my corporate job. I had to hustle many jobs fro…
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Inside Bali Real Estate, Savaya Beach Club, and a Unique Barbershop Experience - Nomad Notes | EP 17
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6:57Get Your Free Guide: 7 Ways to Become a Digital Nomad https://www.thedigitalnomadcoach.com/ Host Ryan visits Asia's #1 rated beach club, and discusses the breathtaking views and high-end atmosphere. Learn about the unique real estate market in Bali as he looks at condos and villas for sale, including a beautifully furnished one-bedroom unit near Th…
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Top 7 digital nomad locations in 2025 | Ep 187
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41:53In this episode, Jeff and Marisa break down the 7 hottest nomad hubs for 2025—but we’re not just giving you the same overhyped cities you’ll find on Google. They're revealing where the real nomad community is thriving, where the cost of living actually makes sense, and where your Wi-Fi won’t let you down (most of the time 😉). In this episode, they …
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343. Cómo vender tu conocimiento online . -Esp. Ganarse la vida online-.
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8:22A lo largo de los años, he explorado muchísimas formas de generar ingresos online. Algunas han funcionado mejor que otras, pero hay algo que he aprendido y que no cambia: todos tenemos algo que podemos vender. No hablo de productos físicos ni de grandes estrategias de marketing. Me refiero a algo mucho más simple y accesible:tu conocimiento. Piensa…
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From Failure to 7-Figure Success: Mindset, E-Commerce & The Power of Attraction with Jordan Elal
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44:43In today’s episode, we’re uncovering the raw truth behind resilience, reinvention, and building a life on your own terms with Jordan Elal—a 7-figure Amazon seller, digital nomad, and Instagram influencer with a community of 100K followers. Jordan’s journey wasn’t always smooth. From serving in the Israeli Army to losing half a million in fundraisin…
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From €0 to €300K Monthly Revenue: The Freedom-Driven Playbook of Rasmus Holst
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30:03In today’s episode, we uncover the entrepreneurial mindset, freedom-driven business strategies, and scaling secrets of Rasmus Holst, a serial entrepreneur & digital nomad who turned bold ideas into big success. After building successful festivals before Covid-19, Rasmus pivoted and launched The Accounting Hero, now one of Denmark’s fastest-growing …
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The Art of Impact: From 0 to 10M Views & Finding Your Higher Frequency with Matthias Fernandes
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1:05:59In today’s episode, we dive into the power of art, self-reflection, and creative success with Matthias Fernandes, a Portuguese travel photographer whose work has captivated millions across the world. From 0 to 10 million views and a community of thousands of followers, Matthias has mastered the art of visual storytelling, using photography to evoke…
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From Rock Bottom to Leading the Global Coliving Movement: How Gui Perdrix is Shaping the Future of Community Living
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43:31In this powerful episode, we dive deep into reinvention, resilience, and the future of coliving with Gui Perdrix—a serial entrepreneur, author, digital nomad, and DJ who turned adversity into purpose. After traveling the world and living in over 60 coliving spaces, Gui created an online ecstatic dance movement with Nomad X and became the Director o…
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200K Followers & a Life Rebuilt: How Yoga Transformed Florina Becichi’s Journey to Healing & Freedom
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58:22In today’s episode, we dive into the transformative power of yoga, self-discovery, and embracing uncertainty with Florina Becichi, better known as @flow_yoga_journey—a certified yoga teacher with a thriving 175K+ Instagram community. Flo didn’t just build a career around yoga—she rebuilt her life through it. After falling seriously ill and being un…
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From 100 Countries to 400K Followers: Mastering Personal Branding & Bold Storytelling with Alex Vizeo
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37:01In today’s episode, we dive into the power of personal branding, fearless storytelling, and creating a life of adventure with one of France’s top travel influencers, Alex Vizeo. After traveling to 100 countries over 10 years, Alex built a thriving digital empire, amassing millions of views and a 400K-strong community. Now, he helps others craft the…
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From SEO Genius to Global Entrepreneur: How Matthew Davison Built Thriving Remote Businesses & a CBD Brand
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36:44In this episode, we explore the intersection of digital marketing, entrepreneurship, and building freedom-driven businesses with Matthew Davison, a South African serial entrepreneur, SEO expert, and founder of multiple successful companies. From Google Launchpad Developer to Y Combinator School, Matthew has spent years mastering SEO artistry, leadi…
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Mastering Slow Travel & Inner Balance: How Kristin Vierra Empowers the Nomad Lifestyle
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58:39In today’s episode, we dive into finding balance, slow travel, and self-empowerment with Kristin Vierra, a Lifestyle Transition & Transformation Coach and a certified ACC coach with the International Coaches Foundation. As a digital nomad & slowmad, Kristin helps others design a fully remote lifestyle while staying grounded, intentional, and fulfil…
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From Burnout to Global Impact: How Michelle Maree is Redefining Remote Work & Empowering Nomads
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1:02:46In today’s episode, we dive into resilience, transformation, and creating life-changing experiences with Michelle Maree, a digital nomad and retreat founder who has helped over 1,000 professionals through 30+ business retreats in exotic destinations. Her journey wasn’t always easy—from being homeless and isolated to facing burnout and even near-dea…
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Revolutionizing Nomad Travel: How Johannes Voelkner Built Thriving Communities at Sea & Beyond
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35:55In this episode, we dive into the evolution of the digital nomad lifestyle, resilience, and building global communities with Johannes Voelkner, a true pioneer in the nomad world. A German slowmad and passionate kitesurfer, Johannes has traveled to 50+ countries while working remotely. He first built a global destination guide for nomads, then one o…
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342. Reflexiones, malestares y cambios de perspectiva.
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25:41Vengo de Nicaragua, he pasado allí apenas una semana, justo antes de ir a buscar a mi amigo Iñigo a Costa Rica -ahora estamos viajando juntos unos días-. El caso es que en Nicaragua he reflexionado muchísimo: Sobre cómo un estado puede condicionarte la vida. Sobre mi relación con Nicaragua. Sobre lo que me pesa en mi día a día. Sobre lo que quiero …
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I want to share a little bit with you about toxic positivity. I actually mentioned this briefly in a different podcast episode, so I'll make sure that I will link to that one as well. If you haven't heard that one, I really invite you to listen to that one as well:Episode From Frustration to Freedom I talked about the inner realms and how, um, How …
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88) Scared to be Lonely as a Digital Nomad? How & Where to Find Digital Nomad Communities
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59:36A big fear stopping people from traveling the world as a digital nomad is the fear of loneliness on the road. I personally have experienced feeling lonely as a digital nomad until I found digital nomad communities, specifically one fateful trip with Wifi Tribe. So today we have my friend and community manager of the Digital Nomad Life Academy, Juli…
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The Truth About Digital Nomad Life: Challenges, Rewards, and How You Can Start with Dat Tai, Remote Sales Professional | EP 16
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41:57Get Your Free Guide: 7 Ways to Become a Digital Nomad https://www.thedigitalnomadcoach.com/ How do you turn nomad life into a sustainable long-term lifestyle? Ryan is joined by Dat Tai, an Australian sales professional who turned his traditional corporate role into a remote career spanning Southeast Asia. After experiencing one of the world's longe…
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300+ companies that let you work from anywhere | Ep 186
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48:24Ever feel like searching for a truly remote job is like finding a needle in a haystack? Well, we did too – until we created the Anywhere Atlas. The Anywhere Atlas is theonly database of 300+ fully remote companies thatactually let you work from anywhere in the world. And the best part? It’s completely FREE. In this episode, we reveal everything you…
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341. No permitas que tu entorno destruya tus sueños
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32:43Hace tanto tiempo que desconecté mi entorno de la vida dentro del sistema que, sencillamente, no me acuerdo cómo es tener a alguien a mi alrededor que: • Se queje constantemente. • Me diga lo que tengo que hacer. • Opine sobre mis ideas y proyectos sin tener ni puñetera idea. • Reprima mis sueños… Parece que hoy me haya ido al lado negativo de la v…
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Do you have to believe in Human Design to use it? - #045
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11:42Recently I had a conversation with somebody who said, "I am so skeptical of Human Design How can it be that, you only have need to have your birth data and then make all these assumptions about somebody's behavior? And I said, well, it's very interesting that you posed this question. And first of all, I encourage everybody to be as critical as poss…
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6 Red flags to avoid when you apply to "remote" jobs | Ep 185
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32:16Tired of job listings that claim to be remote but come with a million restrictions? Jeff and Marisa are breaking down six red flags that could mean the difference between working from anywhere… or being stuck at home. They’re revealing: 🚨 The misleading phrases companies use to sound remote-friendly (but aren't). 🚨 The hidden clauses that force you…
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How to Get the Digital Nomad Visa for Indonesia with Young from Bali Travel Solutions [KITAS E33G] - Nomad Notes - EP 15
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12:06Get Your Free Guide: 7 Ways to Become a Digital Nomad https://www.thedigitalnomadcoach.com/ Tired of visa runs and the stress of short-term tourist visas in Bali? If you've dreamed of making Bali your home base while working remotely, this episode is your golden ticket. Ryan sits down with Young from Bali Travel Solutions to unpack everything you n…
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87) How to Live Extraordinarily and Design Your Dream Digital Nomad Life ( + journal prompt)
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1:07:23Today I am recording this this episode for anyone who thinks differently and doesn’t feel like they want the same life as everyone around them. We are talking about designing your dream digital nomad life and have your pens and paper ready to journal by the end of the episode. We are also talking about the pros and cons of backpacking, getting a re…
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Meet My Retreat Cohost Kristin Yates from Soulrise Medicine #044
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1:05:28Kristin Yates a 6/3 Sacral Generator and I bumped into each other at Bansko Nomad Fest. And we decided to combine our forces and to co-create a Human Design Embodiment retreat in Portugal together. Because knowing about Human Design is not the same as living your design. So we are weaving Breathwork, authentic relating, Reiki, Yoga and a Human Desi…
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340. Plan maestro - como funciona mi cabeza a la hora de planificar
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44:59Estos días tengo mucha claridad mental, aunque estoy a tope de cosas y me parece que voy sacando la lengua siempre, empalmando una con otra, sé hacia donde quiero ir. Y cuando tengo esto claro, no hay quien me pare. Estoy creando un espacio guapísimo, y voy a crear otro mucho mejor. No tengo ni idea de cuánto tiempo y esfuerzo me costará, ni el din…
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How a US Naval Engineer Built a Business to Work From Anywhere and How You Can Too with Dev Chandra, Business Systems Consultant | Ep 14
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48:26Get Your Free Guide: 7 Ways to Become a Digital Nomad https://www.thedigitalnomadcoach.com/ What's the real cost of living the nomad lifestyle around the world? Ryan welcome’s US Reservist, Dev Chandra, whose journey from Navy engineer to international business systems consultant reveals a completely different approach to building location independ…
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From nurse to nomad - Kristen’s transition to a digital job & world travel | Ep 184
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47:42Have you ever felt stuck in a career you thought you'd be in forever? In this episode, Marisa sat down with Kristen, a former nurse turned digital nomad, who dared to reimagine her life—and made it happen. Kristen shares her incredible journey, including: 🌟 The pivotal moment that inspired her to leave nursing after 8 years. 💡 The life-changing pro…
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339. Crear un CoLiving y proyectos de construcción en Costa Rica.
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28:41Hace ya dos meses que llegué a Costa Rica y me han pasado volando. La mayor parte de este tiempo lo he pasado en la construcción del CoLiving y CoWorking. ¡Ha sido un buen trabajo! Aunque inauguramos la semana pasada, y ya tenemos huéspedes, todavía hay algunas cosillas por terminar. De hecho, hoy hemos estado haciendo 3 nuevas plazas de parking y …
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BN 125: Building Your Career While Location Independent
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42:46It's always on our minds as we seek to make this lifestyle sustainable -- the financial aspect of location independent work. Because let's not sugar-coat it: building a career that lets you enjoy such freedom requires work. It requires asking some tough questions and finding your particular answers. Here, Eli touches on how to approach tackling unc…
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86) Dying to Become a Digital Nomad, But it's not Happening? THIS is probably why ( Tough Love on Work Ethic)
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48:53Today I'm sharing with you some tough love advice on why you haven’t become a digital nomad yet and it has to do with Kim Kardashian, yes Kim Kardashian. If you are tired of your commute to work, the boss you hate, or the job that gives you no pleasure, I get it. If you are tired of watching others travel the world and watching, I get it. Today I a…
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Unexpectedly Getting Stuck in Seminyak, Bali and Finding a Dream Villa - Nomad Notes | EP 13
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9:27Get Your Free Guide: 7 Ways to Become a Digital Nomad https://www.thedigitalnomadcoach.com/ Ryan Mellon shares his exciting journey of living in a stunning villa in Seminyak, Bali. Despite initial plans to move to Ubud, his plans changed due to something he was not expecting. This lead him to discover a beautiful one-bedroom loft villa. Ryan detail…
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5 fully remote companies hiring right now | Ep 183
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49:46In this episode Jeff and Marisa bring you insights from two very different backdrops—California and Costa Rica—and dive into the freedom of living and working from anywhere. They spotlight five incredible companies currently hiring remote talent, breaking down their work-from-anywhere policies, unique perks, and open roles. Are these companies the …
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338. ¿Buscas la Libertad o Evitas la ausencia de Libertad?
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29:24Apúntate a la newsletter en: https://vivedistinto.com/ Entra en Alternatribu: https://www.alternatribu.com/vivedistinto ¿De verdad quieres libertad o solo quitarte un peso de encima? En este episodio del podcast quiero hablarte de un tema que muchas veces se queda en el aire cuando hablamos de cambiar de vida: la libertad. Mucha gente sueña con ell…
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85) How (& Why) to Balance Masculine & Feminine Energy in your Digital Nomad Business
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47:56Today I want to turn you on to the topic of masculine and feminine energy and how masculine and feminine energy are actually really important concepts when it comes to building a digital nomad business that feels sustainable for you. Building your digital nomad business is all about balance and even having the energy to do so. I’ve seen entrepreneu…
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Location Freedom Formula: 10 Years of Making Digital Nomad Life Real with Writer, Suzanne Wentley | EP 12
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1:01:11Get Your Free Guide: 7 Ways to Become a Digital Nomad https://www.thedigitalnomadcoach.com/ Curious about how to actually make money while exploring the world's most beautiful places? Ryan is joined by Suzanne Wentley, a former journalist who escaped 14-hour workdays to build a thriving remote career that lets her live anywhere - from mountain vill…
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7 questions about digital nomad life & remote work | Ep 182
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47:20🎙️ Are remote workers secretly in "goblin mode"? 🌍 In this lively episode of the Digital Nomad Experts podcast, we dive into the seven most unique and unexpected questions about digital nomad life and remote work—questions you didn't know you needed answers to! From the rise of surveillance software (Big Brother vibes, anyone?) to whether remote jo…
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