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The gospels contain two (very different) genealogies. Both genealogies establish Jesus’ Davidic lineage, but while Matthew traces Jesus’ ancestry through Solomon, Luke traces it through Nathan. The reason for this discrepancy continues to be debated by scholars. What is even more telling, though, is that while Matthew’s genealogy starts with Abraha…
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In Matthew 28:18-20, we see that disciples of Jesus ought to be baptized just as Jesus was, but why was Jesus baptized? Luke 3:3 tells us that John was “proclaiming a baptism for the forgiveness of sins,” but Jesus had no sins that needed to be forgiven as the sinless Son of God. In Matthew 3:15, we see that Jesus says He is being baptized to “fulf…
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Our culture often defines freedom as the absence of rules or responsibilities, but the Bible teaches us that that type of freedom is no freedom at all, instead it is enslavement to sin. In opposition to the world that holds out license as the essence of freedom and religions that seek to burden us with the law and legalism, Jesus calls us into a ne…
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While many of us are tempted to find our value, identity, and meaning in our productivity, it’s also true that we’re also tempted to believe we will find our satisfaction and comfort in consumption. We’re constantly fed the lie that what we’re longing for will be found if we had “just a little more.” The truth is that ultimately true satisfaction i…
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There is no such thing as a solo Christian. Coming to Christ means becoming a part of his church. From the very beginning of the church, we see that, although every individual has to make their own decision about who Jesus is, for those who decide to follow Jesus, they are not only joined with Christ, they are joined with everyone else who has clai…
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There is no such thing as a solo Christian. Coming to Christ means becoming a part of his church. From the very beginning of the church, we see that, although every individual has to make their own decision about who Jesus is, for those who decide to follow Jesus, they are not only joined with Christ, they are joined with everyone else who has clai…
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One of the most beautiful truths of the gospel is that Jesus died for us “while we were still sinners.” He knew the real us, not some glossy, photoshopped, curated version for us. He knew us completely, even the parts of us that we’re terrified anyone else would find out about, and yet He loved us so much He died for us. We live in a world that cra…
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We live in a culture where everything feels up for grabs and change seems to be the only constant. On a macro level in Canada, we have experienced and are continuing to experience huge economic, political, geo-political, technological, and cultural upheaval. On a personal level many people are in the midst of situations that have or will turn their…
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One of the mind-bending truths of Christianity is that the man Jesus, born of Mary as a baby, who grew up in Nazareth and developed and matured like all humans do, is also the second person of the Trinity, God the Son, creator of all things. This section of scripture helps us see both Jesus’ absolute and foundational humanity and His absolute and f…
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Jesus was born a Jew. In fact, He would end up being the ultimate Jew. The only one to ever fulfill completely and fully all the requirements and commands of the Old Covenant and in so doing He would usher in a new covenant by fulfilling the old one. This new covenant through Jesus is the means by which all people, Jews and Gentiles, could become t…
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It’s easy to become so familiar with a passage like this that we lose the immensity of what is taking place. In this passage Luke records that the one who is beyond time is born into human history, that the creator of all thing’s has stepped into His creation. And what makes this even more startling is the setting. Jesus, God become flesh, enters t…
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The faith of Mary is an example for us. It’s marked by humility that demonstrates itself two ways: First, she is surprised that God would grant to her the honor and blessing to be the mother of the Messiah. Second, she is humble enough to take God at His word. It’s also marked by a willingness to trust God despite what it might cost her. Having a c…
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As Luke begins recounting the events leading up to Christ’s birth, he starts with a prediction of another birth—that of John the Baptist. John’s birth serves as a powerful reminder that God remains faithful to His promises, even when it seems like He’s gone silent. John’s birth marks the end of the 400-year period of silence in the salvation narrat…
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In the first few verses of his Gospel, Luke wants to make it clear that what he is about to tell us is not myth, fable, or fantasy, but history. The Christian faith is ultimately rooted in history. It’s important that we understand that Christianity isn’t merely a philosophy or a set of moral teachings. At its core, Christianity is about a real God…
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When Jesus was asked what the greatest command is, He replied: ““Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. 38 This is the greatest and most important command.” If being a disciple of Jesus is learning to obey all that He commands, then it would seem being a disciple has to start with growing our love fo…
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When Jesus departed the earth to return to the Father he gave tasked His disciples with a mission: “make disciples.” Accomplishing this task would require a few things: 1. It would require going, in fact it would require going to the whole world. Disciple making couldn’t be accomplished through passivity it would require initiative and activity. Th…
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When Jesus departed the earth to return to the Father he gave tasked His disciples with a mission: “make disciples.” Accomplishing this task would require a few things: 1. It would require going, in fact it would require going to the whole world. Disciple making couldn’t be accomplished through passivity it would require initiative and activity. Th…
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