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Join Fr. Innocent, Fr. Angelus, Fr. Pierre Toussaint, and Fr. Mark-Mary, priests of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, each week to discuss authentic faith in today's world as they share stories and wisdom from years of prayer, community life, and work with the poor. It all comes back to this: finding deep friendship with Jesus. Seeing him work in our lives everyday. Through topics as varied as mental health, the confessional, and NYC neighbors, the Poco A Poco Podcast is here to accompan ...
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show series
Episode 256 - Patriarchs, Prophets and Jubilee ft. Dr. John Bergsma - Series on Jesus and the Jubilee (Part 5) What role do the prophets play in this Jubilee? The heart of the Jubilee is spiritual freedom and spiritual reconciliation, and the prophets saw that. They saw that the Jubilee is a year to recall ourselves to our fundamental relationship …
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Episode 255 - The Exodus and Jubilee ft. Dr. John Bergsma - Series on Jesus and the Jubilee (Part 4) What does true freedom look like, and how can we restore what was lost? In the Book of Exodus, the Israelites' journey from slavery to freedom is a profound story of spiritual liberation. Led by Moses, they confront the oppressive forces of Egypt an…
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Episode 254 - The Garden and Jubilee ft. Dr. John Bergsma - Series on Jesus and the Jubilee (Part 3) What is restored during the Jubilee? The Jubilee reminds us that hope is available to us, a hope that we can be restored to our original state and roles as it was in the Garden of Eden before sin came into the world. In this episode, together with o…
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Episode 253 - Lent Prep: Desert Spirituality Why does the desert during Lent matter? Why do we journey there every year for three weeks, alongside our brothers in faith? The desert isn't just a place of physical challenge or adventure—it's a biblical invitation to encounter God in a profound way. It’s a place where we can strip away distractions, f…
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Episode 252 - Lent Prep: On Fasting What does fasting in Lent mean to you and to Jesus? Fasting from food for the sake of health benefits is good, however fasting to bring us closer in relationship with Jesus, now that's something else entirely. Fasting is also an opportunity to feel the hunger in our bodies so that God can come and fulfill our hun…
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Episode 251 - Jesus's Favorite Things: Seeing the Unseen, Series on Jesus's Favorite Things (Part 6) How do you think Jesus sees us? Jesus's heart desires to see us, to have the unseen be seen. But he doesn't just want us to be seen as collected and consumed. Jesus likes us for us and sees us for who we are and how we want to be truly seen. This ep…
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Episode 250 - Jesus's Favorite Things: Faith, Series on Jesus's Favorite Things (Part 5) Why is Faith so important to Jesus? Faith is the proof of our belief in God's goodness. It's seeing that God is all-seeing, all-powerful, and all-good. Ultimately, faith shows that we have complete trust and confidence in Him and that He matters more to us than…
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Episode 249 - Jesus's Favorite Things: Repentance, Series on Jesus's Favorite Things (Part 4) What does repentance truly look like? A good way to look at repentance is that it brings us back to love. It's one of Jesus's favorite things because he sees our hearts and desires change so that we do not live sinfully anymore. Repentance is not just abou…
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Episode 248 - Jesus's Favorite Things: Quality Time, Series on Jesus's Favorite Things (Part 3) Do you also spend quality time with Jesus? We believe part of Jesus's favorite thing is to be with us. He desires to be with us and wants to spend time with us. He chooses people to be with Him as He's with His Father. Jesus has given himself to us in th…
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Episode 247 - Jesus's Favorite Things: Lowliness, Series on Jesus's Favorite Things (Part 2) What does lowliness mean to you and to God? The experience of lowliness can sometimes be what we dislike about ourselves. These are times when we're not doing great, or when we're not rich or not attractive—these are usually the parts that we reject about o…
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Episode 246 - Jesus's Favorite Things: The Father, Series on Jesus's Favorite Things (Part 1) Have you ever wondered how Jesus experienced The Father? What was it like for Him to be in His Father's presence in the temple? What was it like to offer himself and suffer for the Father? What was it like for Him as he loved the Father with his every bein…
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Episode 245 - Jubilee Year Where is your focus set on this new year, 2025? This year we begin a jubilee year in the church. It is a consecrated time, a special year to stop and take a step back—it's a year of rest to reset while inviting the Lord into it. It is also a year to make a breakthrough or a major shift in our lives with an invitation to a…
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Episode 244 - Merry Christmas What does Christmas offer to the reality of our lives? The reality of holidays and people's lives is not always as happy or merry as we've hoped. But amidst all that, the invitation is to be with Jesus and go through whatever the reality of Christmas is with Him. The Lord desires to be born even in the mess of our live…
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Episode 243 - Hot Takes 7 We have to understand that we are going through different journeys. God is doing something completely different in each of our lives and we have to be attentive to that. Let us not be so quick to judge—everything is not as simple as it may seem. As we continue our journeys through life, we will constantly encounter our own…
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Episode 242 - Marian Consecration, Series on the Sons in the Son (Part 7) What does it mean to be consecrated to Our Lady and what do we do after that? We've been on this journey of restoration in preparation for this consecration, so what should we expect during this consecration and the days after that? What happens next doesn't have to be super …
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Episode 241 - Mary As Mother, Series on the Sons in the Son (Part 6) What does your relationship with Mary look like? As we draw closer to the consecration of Our Lady of Guadalupe, we believe it's a good time to reflect and look at our relationship, journey, and encounter with Mary. We are invited to dive deeper into our relationship with her, our…
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Episode 240 - Restoring Our Mission, Series on the Sons in the Son (Part 5) What's the mission that Jesus is calling you to do? We all have a mission that we are picked to do and that mission should be something that we share with Jesus. We are invited to love like Jesus and ultimately, love like The Father-we are invited to live in greatness and g…
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Episode 239 - Restoring Our Actions and Attitudes, Series on the Sons in the Son (Part 4) How do we act? What are our attitudes toward our relationships, our lives, and our vocations? The invitation to restoration this week is to start to live like Jesus, and we present the Beatitudes as a way to make this happen in our lives. Beatitudes are the ac…
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Episode 238 - True Masculinity and Femininity, Series on the Sons in the Son (Part 3) What does it mean to be sons and daughters who are living true masculinity and femininity? In a world that has kind of a broken understanding of masculinity and femininity, it seems that our identities as sons and daughters of God—the idea of masculinity and femin…
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Episode 237 - Restoring Communion, Series on the Sons in the Son (Part 2) What does it mean to be restored, sons and daughters? How do we begin? Jesus was always in prayer, and we are invited to do the same. This is why restoration should begin with the gift of prayer and communion with God. We would also need to create a space for restoration and …
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Episode 236 - Rebuild to Reconsecrate, Series on the Sons in the Son (Part 1) What does restoration or reconsecration look like, why do we need it? Restoration and reconsecration mean finding our lives once again in Christ and putting Jesus right at the center of our lives. It means to desire to grow, go deeper, and learn again that God is our Fath…
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What is spiritual direction really about and how do we do it? Nowadays it seems that there is an increasing trend of people who are seeking spiritual direction however there aren't a lot of spiritual directors to help us with that. In today's episode, we're gonna try and explain what is spiritual direction, who needs it, and what would be the best …
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How do you experience beauty and how are you moved by it? God presents to us the gift of the beauty of the world. Beauty is usually in the eye of the beholder, and we all experience and see beauty differently. But at the same time, it is commonly an experience of awe and wonder before the other or before the world. We are invited to be more open to…
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If you don't value something, does it mean it's not really valuable to others or to the world? Our life experiences form us and our hearts respond in different ways particularly where there are areas of something that we didn't experience or something that we grew up without in our life. We can have a coping mechanism or a defense mechanism of numb…
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What's your experience of St. Francis? You might know St. Francis in a different way or may have a different experience of St. Francis, but in this episode, we're gonna look at the life of St. Francis through the lens of the CFR brothers themselves and highlight what part of St. Francis' life stands out in their own lives. This episode gives a deep…
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The Poco a Poco podcast happens because of many generous donors, including recurring monthly donations of any amount. Thinking about helping out? You can give at Thank you! 🛒 You can also grab your Poco a Poco Merchandise at! Purchase tickets for Heart of a Servant: The Father Flanagan Story here: …
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How do I hear and know God's Voice? God desires to break into our lives and speak with us—to communicate with us. But most of the time, what that looks like can be quite unclear. That is why it's important that we are able to discern how God speaks. In this episode, we're gonna look at some practical ways to hear and know the voice of God and see h…
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How can we bring our feelings to the Lord? Once we have a sense of what we are feeling and why we are feeling that way, this would be the next step that we're invited to do—to turn to Jesus in prayer in great faith and trust then relate and bring these feelings to him and let him respond to it. In this episode, we'll talk about how we can relate ou…
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Why do we feel a certain way? This would be a great question to ask ourselves once we identify and name what we feel. It's good to learn what's ultimately at stake in every emotion, test, or situation we encounter and understand why it's so important to us. This episode talks about some practical examples and applications of how we can dive deeper …
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How do you feel? And why do emotions matter? Valuing the emotional life as important, they are an intrinsic part of us. Emotions are neutral in nature but how we respond to them can be both fruitful and dangerous, this is why knowing how to navigate them is vital in our human life. In this episode, we'll talk about the importance of emotions, the r…
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How much do you know about yourself? This might be a good starting point to ask ourselves in our interior life pilgrimage. From self-protection to self-acceptance, to self-possession, and ultimately to self-gift, it's a journey to know oneself. And the beauty of being in prayer with the Lord is that we're growing in self-knowledge and self-acceptan…
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What do you do when God comes to you in mystery? If we are willing to search for God in the mysteries of suffering, the ordinary, and the sacraments, hidden somewhere in there, we can find medicines. God uses these mysteries to communicate medicines, for our transformation, our holiness, the things we most deeply need to grow, change, heal, and bec…
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Series on "Mysteries & Medicine" by Fr. Isaiah, CFR (Part 4) Are you able to see the goodness of God? We are invited to trust and surrender that God is good and is always with us, to be rooted in the truth that God is Father, that He knows us, that He is good, and that He loves us. This is the fourth and last episode on the Mysteries & Medicine alb…
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Series on "Mysteries & Medicine" by Fr. Isaiah, CFR (Part 3) Have you experienced being confined in self-centeredness? Sometimes we can have a pretty self-focused approach to our lives where it's all about what we need or what we want. But the invitation for us in this Exodus is to always move towards someone else, towards relationship, towards God…
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Series on "Mysteries & Medicine" by Fr. Isaiah, CFR (Part 2) What do you desire and how do you respond to it? One reality of our humanity is that we can forever be dissatisfied and expect a different answer to our desires. But we are invited to let this desire, this hunger, become a pathway that brings the Lord closer to us, to offer Him the desire…
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Series on "Mysteries & Medicine" by Fr. Isaiah, CFR (Part 1) Would you agree that life is a journey or a pilgrimage? The journey to say yes to what God wants for our life, it's not just this thing that happens like a contract and we say, "Yes,", it's a journey. The holiness, the sanctification, the healing, it takes time. The pilgrimage of life is …
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We have to understand that we are going through different journeys. God is doing something completely different in each of our lives and we have to be attentive to that. Let us not be so quick to judge—everything is not as simple as it may seem. As we continue our journeys through life, we will constantly encounter our own and other people's strugg…
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We have to understand that we are going through different journeys. God is doing something completely different in each of our lives and we have to be attentive to that. Let us not be so quick to judge—everything is not as simple as it may seem. As we continue our journeys through life, we will constantly encounter our own and other people's strugg…
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Have you ever felt rejected by God or the church, as you try to get into religious life? This can be an utterly heartbreaking experience. When faced with "No" as a response to the desire to get into religious life, one might feel that they are being rejected by God or the church, that they're undesirable, or too broken for religious life. But in re…
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We have to understand that we are going through different journeys. God is doing something completely different in each of our lives and we have to be attentive to that. Let us not be so quick to judge—everything is not as simple as it may seem. As we continue our journeys through life, we will constantly encounter our own and other people's strugg…
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Series on "The Father" by Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR (Part 11) As a shepherd, what are you willing to lay down for your sheep? For shepherds nowadays, and even in the times of the Apostle, the sheep are for the shepherd's sake, they serve him. It's not like vice versa, sheep are the product and we get them to pasture so they can grow, so we can slaugh…
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Series on "The Father" by Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR (Part 10) Can you imagine how it feels for a parent when their child dies? A father and a mother don't want to lose any of their children and this is an icon of understanding how God doesn't want any of his children to be lost—how passionate God is about our salvation. God desires none to be lost. T…
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Series on "The Father" by Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR (Part 9) Do you trust God's mercy? We are invited to bring to light those things that we are keeping in the dark, things that are tough, and trust that God in his mercy will love and care for us there. When we bring something to the Lord, it's forgiven and it's gone, He no longer sees us with that. …
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Series on "The Father" by Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR (Part 8) What's your initial response to difficulty? Difficulty and suffering is something that's part of the world we live in and to move forward with the Lord we have to live in this reality, even though it's hard. God is with us in it! One of the things a father also has to do is to teach their c…
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Series on "The Father" by Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR (Part 7) What's the role that rules and laws play? Rules create boundaries and usually define the best way to do things. However, following rules can also NOT lead to freedom, this is why we need to learn to find the right balance in following the rules. In this episode, we will talk about the spiri…
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Series on "The Father" by Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR (Part 6) What does it mean to be safe? Safety is not the absence of suffering, it's not like we're not going to struggle with anything but it's the recognition that when we are vulnerable, we don't have to escape it, because someone wants to be with us and provide for us and that is our Lord, Jesus …
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Series on "The Father" by Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR (Part 5) What does it mean to be loved and celebrated? We are favored sons and daughters worthy of celebration—of being served. We are worthy and loved by God and this episode talks about a step in the right direction on what it means to be loved and celebrated. This is a gentle call to conversion a…
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Series on "The Father" by Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR (Part 4) What does it mean to be made for freedom? We are all called to live in freedom as sons and daughters of God. The reality is we are seen, loved, and chosen by God the Father and there's freedom when we experience that. In this episode, we're going through the mechanics of freedom and learn m…
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Series on "The Father" by Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR (Part 3) Can you imagine how you would gaze upon your newborn baby for the first time? This is the way the Father loves everyone. He's constantly looking at us and is constantly delighting in us. The Father always looks at us with the same delight, love, and rejoicing as a father looks at his newbor…
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Series on "The Father" by Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR (Part 2) Do you know how much your heavenly Father delights in you? The part of the heart of the Father is to care for his children in whatever shape or form that would take. It might feel a lot or even tiresome but because of the uncalculated love of the father, the time when he gets to take care o…
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