Aprende inglés desde cero, gratis y con nativos del idioma formados en su enseñanza.
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O Inglês do Zero Podcast é destinado às pessoas que têm dificuldade em encontrar bons materiais online para aprender inglês sozinhos. Aqui você encontrará o passo a passo do estudo auto-didata de um jeito descontraído e com uma metodologia que te ajudará a aprender definitivamente o idioma. Apresentação: Jader Lelis (Teacher Jay).
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For Spanish speakers learning English. Level B1 and above. | Mejorar tu ingles con nuestros podcasts. Desde el nivel B1.
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Bienvenido al mejor podcast para aprender inglés. Vocabulario, gramática, pronunciación, phrasal verbs, expresiones para hablar y mucho más. ¿Quieres aprender inglés con un profesor nativo? Soy Daniel Welsch, de Estados Unidos. Hace tiempo que vivo en Barcelona, España, así que este podcast sobre el inglés es en español. ¡Disfruta!
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An exvangelical circle jerk.
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Listen weekly to Sunday sermons given at Ingleside Baptist Church in Macon, GA.
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Podcast de la Academia de Idiomas de El Palo en Málaga, en el que damos consejos para aprender inglés. Todo el contenido del programa está extraído del blog de nuestra web https://belingua.es/
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inglês como o nativo fala
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Episódios voltados para ajudar você a alcançar a liberdade linguística falando inglês naturalmente através de dicas práticas e conversações reais. Acesse https://waveidiomas.com/ para mais conteúdo.
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"Inglorious Globastards" è un progetto che nasce da un idea di Fabio Scacciavillani e Alberto Forchielli. Attraverso i loro video ci raccontano la verità, sparata a bruciapelo e senza filtri, su diverse tematiche di carattere economico e geopolitico, che riguardano l'Italia, l'Europa ed il mondo nella sua complessità. Perchè? Perchè un informazione manipolata produce una nazione infetta e conduce al disastro economico.
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Considera l’inglese la tua migliore opportunità! Siamo convinti che la lingua inglese sia un formidabile strumento per essere cittadini del mondo! Ascolta le nostre pillole di Inglese settimanali.
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Acompanhe nossos três programas: "Starting Up", com conteúdos para o nível iniciante, "Way Ahead", para quem já está mais avançado e preparado para acompanhar um conteúdo 100% em inglês, e "The Blah Blah Spot", programa em que os teachers Carina Fragozo e Fábio Emerim batem um papo sobre algum assunto relacionado à língua inglesa em português, em inglês, ou em uma mistura dos dois idiomas.
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Untold adventures still await you! Listen to the Inglorious Bards battle strange beasts, thwart evil plans, solve mysterious mysteries, and do something with vegetables that will make your grandpa cry. ... I'm talking about chopping onions. The Inglorious Bards!
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Aprimore o seu inglês diáriamente com estes mini-podcasts de 5 minutos com o professor Tim Barrett de www.domineingles.com.br. Aprenda inglês do dia a dia, expressões, phrasal verbs, preposições, collocations e muito mais!
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¡Aprende inglés desde un nivel inicial con los podcasts de Trainlang! Practica tu listening y mejora tu inglés de la forma más divertida. En este podcast encontrarás contenido para el nivel A1 Beginner. ¿Quieres saber más sobre nuestros cursos de inglés y las clases online? Aprende inglés con la academia de idiomas número 1 online: https://www.trainlang.com/es/
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Die Hosts des VDI-Podcasts, Sarah Janczura und Marco Dadomo erklären Hintergründe zu Techniktrends und geben euch einen Einblick hinter die Technikkulissen: Denn Technik muss nicht schwer sein! Ob Innovationen in der Energiebranche, der Medizintechnik oder Automobilindustrie, wir stellen euch eine breite Palette an Themen und Gästen vor und geben der Technik-Community eine Stimme. Wann? Immer donnerstags, alle zwei Wochen. Weitere Infos gibt es auf www.vdi.de/podcast.
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Learn all about investing in real estate in Inglewood, California with a combination of real estate financial planning and modeling with numbers specific to Inglewood plus syndicated, more generalized recordings of live and pre-recorded real estate investing classes (not all specific to Inglewood).
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Managing love intelligently involves understanding your emotional, spiritual, and sexual needs, your boundaries, your deal-breakers, your fantasies, and everything else that allows you to optimize your success in letting the right one into your heart, life, and home. For advertising opportunities, email jason@stevening.com.
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THINK aloud is a podcast by ING Global Research hosted by Senior Editor Rebecca Byrne. Subscribe to hear expert analysis on the global economy, monetary policy, and financial markets, that you won't find anywhere else.
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Inga dônare! är en fotbollspodd från Göteborgs-Posten. Varje vecka pratar GP:s reportar om de senaste snackisarna inifrån fotbollsvärlden. Framförallt med blicken riktad mot våra lag IFK Göteborg, Gais, Häcken och Elfsborg i allsvenskan. Och Öis och Utsikten i superettan. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Need Help Understanding+Memorizing Verb Tenses in English? Press Play+Follow Bia Valle on Clubhouse
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Mejora tu nivel de inglés con los podcasts de Trainlang. En este nivel B2 Upper-intermediate repasa la gramática más avanzada y perfecciona tu inglés. ¿Quieres saber más sobre nuestros cursos de inglés y las clases online? Aprende inglés con la academia de idiomas número 1 online: https://www.trainlang.com/
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Derek Chilin
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Take your professional English to the next level by listening to this podcast! You will hear me chatting with native speaking coaches who have YEARS of experience helping Spanish speaking clients develop their English as a business communication tool! So, jump in and enjoy it!
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Conversaciones REALES en Inglés
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Druckwelle – ingenieur.de-Podcast zur Additiven Fertigung
ingenieur.de in Kooperation mit VDI nachrichten
Ohne dritte Dimension ist alles flach. Additive Fertigung ist der Trend in der Produktion und Industrie. Bei Druckwelle holen wir führende Köpfe der Additiven Fertigung vors Mikrofon, die Ihnen 3D-Druck plastisch erklären. Die Experten erläutern neue Drucktechnologien und Materialien. Sie bewerten Entwicklungen und geben Praxis-Tipps. VDI-nachrichten-Redakteur Stefan Asche beschäftigt sich seit Jahren mit der Trend-Technologie. Als Ihr Host präsentiert er immer donnerstags, alle 14 Tage, ein ...
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Um podcast para quem quer aprender inglês
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¡Practica tu inglés con los podcasts de nivel B1 de Trainlang! Practica tu listening y mejora tu inglés de la forma más divertida. En este podcast encontrarás contenido para el nivel B1 Intermediate. ¿Quieres saber más sobre nuestros cursos de inglés y las clases online? Aprende inglés con la academia de idiomas número 1 online: https://www.trainlang.com/
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Legendary Treksperts MARK A. ALTMAN (showrunner of Pandora, author of the bestselling The Fifty-Year Mission, writer/producer Free Enterprise), DAREN DOCHTERMAN (associate producer of Star Trek: The Motion Picture - Director's Edition) & ASHLEY E. MILLER (screenwriter; Thor, X-Men: First Class, showrunner, Netflix's DOTA: Dragon's Blood) examine 58 years of STAR TREK every Thursday along with celebrity guests in the podcast awarded "Best Star Trek Podcast 2021" by Trek Movie. #Trekucation Be ...
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Mejora tu inglés y tu conocimiento del mundo angloparlante gracias a fascinantes historias de la vida real, narradas en un inglés fácil de entender y con comentarios en español para ayudarte con el contexto. Creado por Duolingo, la mejor manera de aprender un idioma. Presentado por Diana Gameros en colaboración con Adonde Media.
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In Blik op de beurs praten we je bij over beursnieuws, bedrijfscijfers, duurzaam beleggen, aandelen, obligaties en meer. Samen met beleggingsexperts van het ING Investment Office kijken we terug en vooruit op de belangrijkste ontwikkelingen voor beleggers.
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Podcast em inglês
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Vamos a ejercitar tu oído para inglés! Practicar y aprender con Brian, un norteamericano, y Cecilia, una Mexicana. Las sesiones incluyen entrevistas, practicas de conjugación, consejos, grabaciones de discursos, y otros recursos. Éxito con tu inglés! http://www.Tu-Ingles.com
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ingles Cover art photo provided by Joel Filipe on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@joelfilip
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di Massimo Temporelli | Il podcast irriverente ma rispettoso che racconta le grandi figure della scienza e della tecnologia che hanno cambiato la storia dell’evoluzione umana. Illustrazione di Emiliano Ponzi
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O LeigoCast é o podcast do blog Inglês para Leigos (www.inglesparaleigos.com). Nele você aprenderá dicas de pronúncia e tudo o mais relacionado à língua inglesa
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From music to radio to life!
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Aprender inglés de oído!
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The ”VAMOS HABLAR INGLÉS” Podcast, hosted by LA REINA TAÍNA, offers a revolutionary perspective on the good, bad, and complex truths shaping our world and society. Drawing from her Ivy League education and expertise, LA REINA TAÍNA delves into Afro-Jotería Studies—a field she developed to explore and celebrate the lived experiences of Queer and Trans Afro-Latinx, Afro-Caribbean, and Afro-Indigenous people. This podcast invites listeners to challenge conventional narratives and embrace a deco ...
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Hello, English explorers! Welcome to FYI (For Your Inglés)! You'll learn so much more than just English in this weekly show. We delve into a wide range of fascinating topics. No topic is too tough to tackle: jeans, dogs, sneakers, Central Park, wine, Area 51, essential verbs, and etc. Send me suggestions for topics you'd like to hear about in future episodes. I'd love to hear from you. My aim is to educate, enlighten, and entertain you, all at the same time. Have fun while learning about spe ...
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Curso completo de 200 audios, Vaughan 4.0. Nivel Básico
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Lecciones de inglés gratuitas, divertidas e inmersivas para todos.
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In de eerste aflevering van 2025 bespreekt Simon Wiersma van het ING Investment Office de start van het beleggingsjaar. Wat hebben we gemist en waar moeten we op letten? Luisteren dus, de nieuwste blik op de beursweek.Dagelijkse updates, uitgebreide analyses, inspiratie voor duurzaam beleggen en meer info bij deze podcast vind je op: ing.nl/beursni…
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Episode 57: Why You Must Have a Safe Relationship to Have a Good Relationship
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A safe relationship is free of abuse. Abuse, at any level, destroys a couple's ability to engage in successful and productive problem-solving. It is perhaps the single most self-defeating behavior in relationships. For 35 years, Steven Ing, MFT, has been a Marriage and Family Therapist with a specialty in forensic work. He is a contributing writer …
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Negli ultimi giorni si sono svolti tre grandi eventi dell'Associazione Drin Drin a Vicenza, Milano e Roma. La partecipazione è stata massiccia, i posti disponibili sono andati esauriti in breve tempo e un numero consistente di iscritti e simpatizzanti non è riuscito a partecipare. In generale l'iniziativa continua a suscitare entusiasmi in crescita…
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Vi hälsar på hos Fidde Holmberg på Gaisgården
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I veckans avsnitt av Inga Dönare gästar vi Gais-tränaren Fredrik Holmberg på Gais-gården! Det pratas uppstart, trupp och hur man bygger vidare för att göra en minst lika bra säsong i år. Dessutom kommer framtiden på tal – “Fidde” är öppen med att han vill förlänga med Gais, men varför har ingenting blivit officiellt än? När det kommer till IFK Göte…
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Conversação em Inglês (Living Abroad) MY NEIGHBOR
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Para participar gratuitamente da Imersão Inglês Fluente Wave acesse o site waveidiomas.com e para receber o PDF desse episódio envie uma mensagem via WhatsApp para (32) 98810-3208.
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Bởi Ingleside Baptist Church
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192 - Prefix and Suffix Words - Palabras con Prefijos y Sufijos
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¿Recuerdas todo lo que aprendimos sobre prefijos y sufijos? Hoy vamos a llevar ese conocimiento al siguiente nivel. ¿Qué pasaría si combináramos ambos en una sola palabra? No solo cambiaríamos su significado, ¡podríamos crear palabras más complejas y útiles para expresarnos mejor en inglés! Estos tipos de palabras son llamadas multisilábicas, y por…
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352 - Phrasal verbs con RUN en inglés
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Aquí un poco sobre el verbo run en inglés: tanto los phrasal verbs como el tema de "run" con una dirección del movimiento. Además, la pronunciación del sonido en medio (que no es muy obvio). Más en la web: https://aprendemasingles.com/352/ Sígueme en Instagram para más inglés: https://instagram.com/aprendemasinglesonline/…
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VAMOS HABLAR INGLÉS Podcast Episode 5: “From Trauma to Triumph: A Personal Story of Liberation"
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VAMOS HABLAR INGLÉS Podcast Episode 5: “From Trauma to Triumph: A Personal Story of Liberation" In "From Trauma to Triumph: A Personal Story of Liberation," I’m sharing a deeply personal journey of survival, healing, and accountability. This episode dives into my lived experiences of trauma within a systemically violent household, which became the …
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#29 Present Perfect: Have You Ever Made a Bucket List? | Podcast para aprender inglés | A1
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En este Podcast veremos cómo usar el Present Perfect para hablar de tus experiencias de vida en inglés. Además, te explicaremos qué es un bucket list y cómo puedes hacer tu propia lista de deseos en inglés. ¡Es hora de hablar de tus aventuras y sueños usando frases como “I have been to New York” o “I have never swum with dolphins”! ✈️ Si alguna vez…
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Gerunds and infinitives: the basics- AIRC553
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In this podcast, we intend to explain some common verbs that are followed by gerunds and the ones that are followed by infinitives so that you can avoid making mistakes when speaking English. Show notes and more podcasts to improve your English at: http://www.inglespodcast.com/ Las notas del episodio y más podcasts para mejorar tu ingles están en: …
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#36 Master Present Perfect! Talk About Healthy Habits | Podcast para aprender inglés | B2
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En este Podcast veremos cómo usar el Present Perfect Simple y Continuous de forma práctica y divertida, mientras hablamos sobre hábitos saludables y cómo distintas culturas del mundo los abordan. ️♂️ ¿Sabías que en países como Australia las actividades al aire libre son clave, mientras que en Escandinavia priorizan la salud mental? ¡Descubre todo …
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225. The Missing Piece - Análise do livro em Inglês
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Aprender inglês com livros pode ser uma das formas mais eficazes de memorizar novas palavras e também reter conteúdo devido a mensagem do livro. A Parte que Falta, de Shel Silverstein, é uma fábula poética e ilustrada que conta a história de um círculo incompleto em busca da peça que falta para se sentir completo. Durante sua jornada, ele encontra …
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Learn the secrets to real estate investor bookkeeping and accounting in Inglewood. This class is Module 18 of 46 in a series called Real Estate Investing Secrets. Topics covered in this module include: What are the ways that real estate investors can use to keep their books (track income and expenses) for their real estate investing business? What …
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Trump è stato lesto ad attribuirsi il merito dell'accordo tra Israele e Hamas per una tregua a Gaza, anche se a negoziare sono sempre gli stessi soggetti degli ultimi mesi. Ma considerando l'imminente ritorno di Trump alla Casa Bianca è probabile che la cessazione delle ostilità consenta a Netanyahu di concentrarsi sull'attacco all'Iran che costitu…
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Welcome to season 7 of FYI. This season instead of tackling topics we’ll discover the most common verbs in the English language! Are you USED to me USING the verb in the intro in several USES? We’ll get USED to USE on this week’s episode of FYI! Support the show JOIN our curious community for tons of EXCLUSIVE BONUS content: early access bonus cont…
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Formazione del Past Simple: Guida pratica | Pillole di Inglese
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Vuoi parlare del passato in inglese? 🎙️ In questa puntata impariamo a formare il Past Simple, con regole semplici e tanti esempi per padroneggiare i verbi regolari e irregolari. _________________________ 🌐 Esplora il Mondo del Learning Linguistico di HS School! 🌟 👉 Visita il nostro sito web: https://www.hsschool.it 📩 Iscriviti alla nostra Newslette…
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BeLingua 9x07 - Keep in touch o get in touch
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¿Sabes si tienes que usar keep in touch o get in touch? Si tienes dudas al respecto, nosotros te explicamos qué significa cada una y te damos ejemplos para evitar errores en exámenes de Cambridge y en la vida real.https://belingua.es/¿keep-in-touch-o-get-in-touch?-¿cual-utilizar?/Academia de idiomas BeLingua, tu centro de idiomas en El Palo (Málaga…
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Diálogo em Inglês (Real Life Conversations) SLEEPING OVER
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Para participar gratuitamente da Imersão Inglês Fluente Wave acesse o site waveidiomas.com e para receber o PDF desse episódio envie uma mensagem via WhatsApp para (32) 98810-3208.
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THIS VOYAGE, it's The Kai Who Loved Me as the Treksperts go undercover for TOP 10 SPY TREKS EVER as we tackle classic spy and espionage episodes of Star Trek. Join MARK A. ALTMAN (author, The Fifty Year Mission, writer/producer, Pandora, Agent X, The Librarians, writer/producer Free Enterprise), DAREN DOCHTERMAN (associate producer, Star Trek: The …
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Folge 97 - Kaum ein Drucker an der Front?
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Jörg Sander, AM-Experte im Rüstungskonzern Hensoldt, erklärt in dieser Folge die Möglichkeiten des „Frontline-Printing“ – und dessen Limitationen. Außerdem erklärt er, wo der 3D-Druck in der hauseigenen Fertigung eingesetzt wird. Ein Beispiel: Das Hochleistungsradar TRML-4D, dass aktuell in der Ukraine eingesetzt wird. Zusätzlich macht er deutlich,…
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Net Neutrality: Totem, Tabù o Foglia di Fico?
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La net neutrality (neutralità della rete) è stato finora un principio cardine della rete internet. Stabilisce che tutti gli utenti vengano trattati allo stesso modo, siano essi multinazionali o semplici utenti privati. Una junk mail o uno Streaming di Netflix hanno la stessa priorità quando viaggiano sulla rete. Questo principio viene sempre più in…
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Bill Emmott is a legend of international journalism. He has been editor of The Economist the most prestigious weekly magazine in the world. He has always shown a keen interest on Italy, where people still remember thte front cover of the Economist with Berlusconi's photo and the title "unfit to govern". He is also the author of the documentary "Gir…
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Welcome to Episode 147 of the TRANSFORMA TU INGLÉS PROFESIONAL podcast! I'm your host Daniel Smith. Today we have an amazing show lined up for you and by the end of it you will know: how to apply the golden rule to your regular verbs in English discover why "d" and "t" sounds are so difficult for Spanish speakers and how to put the golden rule into…
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Get Pasterds Merch @ Meaningless Apparel: https://meaninglessapparel.etsy.com PASTERDS LINKS: Pasterds Website: www.ingloriouspasterds.com Pasterds Twitter: www.twitter.com/PasterdsPodcast Michael Twitter: www.twitter.com/mjbaysinger Pasterds Threads: https://www.threads.net/ingloriouspasterds Michael Threads: https://www.threads.net/mjbaysinger Ma…
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Doktor kan ta över Blåvitt och Per Frick förnekar mustasch
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Händelserika dagar – händelserikt avsnitt! GP har avslöjat vem Blåvitts valberedning vill se som ny ordförande. Svennis bouppteckning blev offentlig och det visade sig att legendaren dog med stora skulder. Dessutom ska en otäck agentkonflikt uppstått i Göteborgsområdet med sprängningar och skottlossningar som följd. Och så är Elfsborgs kultspelare …
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Diálogo em Inglês (Real Life Conversations) BUYING A HOUSE
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Nghe Sau
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Para participar gratuitamente da Imersão Inglês Fluente Wave acesse o site waveidiomas.com e para receber o PDF desse episódio envie uma mensagem via WhatsApp para (32) 98810-3208.
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Bởi Ingleside Baptist Church
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¿Te has preguntado cómo palabras simples se transforman en términos nuevos y complejos en inglés? La clave está en los sufijos o suffixes. Estos pequeños añadidos al final de las palabras permiten cambiar el significado y función, creando adjetivos a partir de sustantivos, sustantivos a partir de verbos, y mucho más. Por ejemplo, al agregar -er al …
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351 - Diez phrasal verbs con TURN en inglés
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Aquí tenemos 10 phrasal verbs importantes con el verbo "turn" en inglés. La semana pasada hablamos de turn on, turn off, etc pero aquí tenemos phrasal verbs más exóticos: turn over, turn back, turn into etc. Este artículo está en la web aquí: https://madridingles.net/351 Sígueme en Instagram para mucho más inglés: https://instagram.com/aprendemasin…
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In this podcast, you’ll learn about the kings and queens of Europe and some English vocabulary related to monarchies. Show notes and more podcasts to improve your English at: http://www.inglespodcast.com/ Las notas del episodio y más podcasts para mejorar tu ingles están en: http://www.inglespodcast.com/…
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Secrets to Getting Your First Deal Done
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Learn the secrets to getting your first real estate investment deal done in Inglewood. This class is Module 17 of 46 in a series called Real Estate Investing Secrets. Topics covered in this module include: A 90-day plan to buy your first rental property. Why there is nothing difficult to do in the real estate investing business and why it is really…
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Behind the Language #71 - Live Below Your Means
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In this episode of BTL, we will talk about money. How can you make your life better? How can you save up, so that you can develop financially? Well, first things first, live below your means! Let’s discuss ways not to waste your money. Here are my two cents! Pronunciation Masters https://go.hotmart.com/E74795312J English in Brazil Plus https://go.h…
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224. Plano de Estudo Autodidata 2025 + New Year 's Resolutions
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SE TORNE APOIADOR DO NOSSO PODCAST À partir de o preço de um cafézinho por mês. 📌https://apoia.se/inglesdozeropodcast LINK PARA USAR O CAMBLY https://www.cambly.com/invite/inglesdozero MATERIAL DE APOIO (PLANO DE ESTUDO) https://inglesdozeropodcast.com.br/plano-de-estudo-2025/ 👉 AULAS AO VIVO 3X POR SEMANA: https://www.shre.ink/AulasYoutube ⠀⠀ …
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Way Ahead | Episode 144 - News in English from January 1st until January 10th
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Today, teacher Fabio Emerim reads a compilation of important news that made headlines at the beginning of 2025. It's a great way to practice your listening comprehension and stay informed! Acompanhe as notícias: https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/trump-wants-to-control-the-panama-canal-level-3/https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/fireworks-and-…
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Welcome to season 7 of FYI. This season instead of tackling topics we’ll discover the most common verbs in the English language! All RISE and RAISE your hands if you want to learn all about RISE and RAISE on this week’s episode of FYI! Support the show JOIN our curious community for tons of EXCLUSIVE BONUS content: early access bonus content PDF re…
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Avverbi di Frequenza: Parla delle tue abitudini in inglese | Pillole di Inglese
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“Always, Sometimes, Never”: Scopri come usare gli avverbi di frequenza in inglese per parlare delle tue abitudini quotidiane con esempi pratici e regole semplici! 🎙️ _________________________ 🌐 Esplora il Mondo del Learning Linguistico di HS School! 🌟 👉 Visita il nostro sito web: https://www.hsschool.it 📩 Iscriviti alla nostra Newsletter Intraprend…
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Get Pasterds Merch @ Meaningless Apparel: https://meaninglessapparel.etsy.com PASTERDS LINKS: Pasterds Website: www.ingloriouspasterds.com Pasterds Twitter: www.twitter.com/PasterdsPodcast Michael Twitter: www.twitter.com/mjbaysinger Pasterds Threads: https://www.threads.net/ingloriouspasterds Michael Threads: https://www.threads.net/mjbaysinger Ma…
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Meloni va da Trump umiliando l'Italia
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Il viaggio lampo in Florida di Giorgia #meloni per chiedere a Trump il permesso di rilasciare il ricercato iraniano (in cambio della liberazione di Cecilia Sala) umilia l'Italia e ne scardina il prestigio internazionale. Il disprezzo degli alleati è già palpabile. In qualsiasi modo finisca la vicenda del rapimento di Sala sarà un disastro per Palaz…
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ARE YOU READY TO HAVE YOUR HEAD EXPLODE? Get ready for TOP 10 TREK MIND FUCKS (a/k/a TOP 10 TREK TWISTS) as we unpack the episodes that surprised and shocked us in the Twilight Zone tradition. Join MARK A. ALTMAN (author, The Fifty Year Mission, writer/producer, Pandora, Agent X, The Librarians, writer/producer Free Enterprise), DAREN DOCHTERMAN (a…
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Diálogo em Inglês (Real Life Conversations) THE PURSE
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Para participar gratuitamente da Imersão Inglês Fluente Wave acesse o site waveidiomas.com e para receber o PDF desse episódio envie uma mensagem via WhatsApp para (32) 98810-3208.
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