Podcast by MBRSG
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Your monthly dose of innovation, leadership, and public policy by one of our own professors and researchers: listen to insightful conversations and talks about deep research into a range of management and agile government topics, leaving you with thought-provoking ideas to ponder and discover. Presented by the MBRSG faculty.
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Zëri i Amerikës në shqip me të rejat e fundit nga ngjarjet ndërkombëtare, rajonale dhe vendore. Analiza, materiale shkencore dhe rubrika kulturore
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ما هي فوائد الشراكة بين القطاع العام والخاص؟
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من أهم الاستفادات التي يحققها نظام الشراكة هي خفض تكاليف الإنشاء والتشغيل حوالي ـ50%، وتقليص احتمالية عدم التأخر في تنفيذ المشاريع بما يقارب 40%! إضافة إلى تحسين نوعية الخدمات وترسيخ اللامركزية وتعزيز القدرة التنافسية وزيادة الرشاقة الحكومية. تعرّفوا على المزيد من خلال بودكاست "آليـــــــة الشراكة هي وسيلة الدولة لتحقيق الرشاقة في جهاز الإدارة ال…
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"The Nexus of Crisis Management and Public Policy" by Dr. Immanuel Azaad Moonesar
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To proactively respond to crises, organisations must be forward looking, display creativity and innovative focus, as well as plan ahead using appropriate policymaking. Dr. Immanuel Azaad Moonesar, Associate Professor of Health Policy at MBRSG, discusses multiple ways governmental entities can adopt to manage crises ideally and proactively, explaini…
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Successful Delivery of People-Centric Public Services with Digital Technologies
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Measuring people-centric public sector services in three key steps: diversity, values, and satisfaction. Dr. Racquel Warner, Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator for Master of Public Administration Program at MBRSG, discusses the various ways that government services can be geared towards the needs of the general public in "Successful Delive…
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Exponential Thinking for an Innovation-Driven Government
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Reimagining the future, changing our expectations, 10x value, and human centred design thinking are just a few of the key ideas that Dr. Melodena Stephens proposes as a way for governments to look at future innovation. Listen to her full podcast on “Exponential Thinking for an Innovation-Driven Government” at mbrsg.ae…
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Healing from COVID-19: Achieving Better Mental Health Through Policy Interventions
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On World Mental Health Day, Lana Zakzak, one of our very own principal researchers, discusses the effects of the pandemic and lockdowns on mental health, and suggests policy recommendations that can be explored to promote better mental health for our nation as it heals from the COVID-19 pandemic.Bởi كلية محمد بن راشد للإدارة الحكومية MBRSG.AE
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Bởi كلية محمد بن راشد للإدارة الحكومية MBRSG.AE
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Join Dr. Mohammad Habibur Rahman, Professor at MBRSG, as he looks into the effects and usage of social engineering in achieving successful socio-economic transformation, particularly with regards to the nation's Emiratisation programme. The fourth broadcast of the MBRSG podcast series, “Social Engineering & Emiratisation” is available now at our ch…
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Bởi كلية محمد بن راشد للإدارة الحكومية MBRSG.AE
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استمعوا إلى الحلقة التعليمية الثانية حول "الرّشاقة في الإدارة الحكومية" عبر منصة البودكاست الخاصة بكلية محمد بن راشد للإدارة الحكومية. حيث تركّز هذه الحلقة على ماهية الرشاقة المؤسسية وأبرز العناصر التي تحوّل المؤسسة إلى مؤسسة أكثر رشاقة، مع أمثلة توضيحية محلية وعالمية. ابقوا على اطلاع دائم على قناتنا ليتسنى لكم الاستماع لكل ما هو جديد في الإدارة ال…
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تعزيز فرص التعلم والتطوير في الجهات الحكومية
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Zëri i Amerikës në shqip me të rejat e fundit nga ngjarjet ndërkombëtare, rajonale dhe vendore. Analiza, materiale shkencore dhe rubrika kulturoreBởi VOA
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Zëri i Amerikës në shqip me të rejat e fundit nga ngjarjet ndërkombëtare, rajonale dhe vendore. Analiza, materiale shkencore dhe rubrika kulturoreBởi VOA
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Zëri i Amerikës në shqip me të rejat e fundit nga ngjarjet ndërkombëtare, rajonale dhe vendore. Analiza, materiale shkencore dhe rubrika kulturoreBởi VOA
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Zëri i Amerikës në shqip me të rejat e fundit nga ngjarjet ndërkombëtare, rajonale dhe vendore. Analiza, materiale shkencore dhe rubrika kulturoreBởi VOA
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Zëri i Amerikës në shqip me të rejat e fundit nga ngjarjet ndërkombëtare, rajonale dhe vendore. Analiza, materiale shkencore dhe rubrika kulturoreBởi VOA
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What Defines A Strategic Thinking by MBRSGBởi MBRSG
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"a Success Story.." Dr. Anwar Gargash
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"a Success Story.." Dr. Anwar Gargash by MBRSGBởi MBRSG
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