The Big Dream of Meadow Heights Church is to be equip people to become an unstoppable source of God's love that changes our world. As we share practical truth from the Bible with you each week, we pray that you'll take new steps toward a life-changing relationship with Jesus. – Listen to Big Dream Podcast instantly on your tablet, phone or browser - no downloads needed. Visit us at for locations and current gathering information.
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We hope our lives will change for the better when God changes our circumstances. But God invites us to help create the change we want tomorrow by investing in something different today.
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We haven’t yet met the person we’re becoming and don’t know what they’ll be like when we do. But what we practice today are the seeds of that new person’s living and legacy.
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Many people spend their lives pining for the past, settling for status quo, or fantasizing about the future, but we know that God is making all things new. When we embrace his invitation to dream and plan alongside him, we bring the hope of his future kingdom into the reality of our lives today.
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Design Your Life - "One Of a Kind Design"
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Design Your Life - "Unique Contribution"
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31:11It’s possible to spend your entire life doing all the things you can do without doing what you must do. But when we discover what we must do and why we must do it, we can finally live the life we most want to live.For links and more info, visit:
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Christmas Lights - "Light of Love" [A 573 Christmas]
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18:34Christmas illuminates the whole world with God’s love. But even that isn’t enough unless that love includes me. The good news of Christmas is that along with everyone else, I am a much-loved child of God.
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Jesus comes to be with us in our present sacrifices and suffering. He illuminates our way with great joy today while we trust that he’s coming again to make everything right someday.
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Hope is more and better than an escape plan. The hope we find in Jesus isn’t that we get to leave this earth and go to heaven, but that we get to participate in bringing heaven to earth.
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Jesus came into a world marked by conflict to restore what is broken. Christmas illuminates the peace and wholeness God offers us and invites us to gift others that same peace.
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There’s no such thing as a private relationship with God. We only become human again when we live up close and personal with friends who are committed to following Jesus in their flesh, too. The more of us who do, the more of us who will.
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God doesn’t ask us to confront people with their sin or their need for him. Instead, we trust the Spirit of Jesus at work in us and let the Spirit convince others of God’s goodness as they encounter his love through us.
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God doesn't need me to judge others, but he does want me to share the good news of Jesus with them. When grace oozes out of my life, people may want to hear the truth in my life.
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Jesus came in the flesh to make his home among us. If our hearts are now his home, then our homes can be reflections of his heart. When we open the doors of our homes and our hearts, we invite others to come home to God’s love for them.
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Jesus came in the flesh to help us get back what’s good, beautiful and true and to oppose everything that isn’t. When we live as Jesus we fight like Jesus—for what he’s for and against the injustice that opposes it.
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We’re tempted to view work as either a necessary evil or an idol to chase. But Jesus came in the flesh to show us that in God’s kingdom, all work is an opportunity to reclaim the joy of partnering with God to love and care for one another and our world.
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We often feel pressure to deny our humanity or be more godlike in order to follow Jesus. But Jesus came to show us how and set us free to be more human, allowing God to be God through us.
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Jesus came in the flesh to show us how to live in our flesh. We miss the incarnation when we view Jesus only through his death on the cross instead of through his life in the neighborhood.
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Good news has to first of all be good, which is why it can’t be about religious legalism, empty ritual, or personal judgment. The good news Jesus brings is that more of the life and love from up there can show up down here in our every day lives right now.For links and more info, visit:…
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Bad religion, bleak lives and a broken world have always made it difficult for people to see God for who God really is. Jesus came in the flesh so people can see the real face and character of God and so our lives can reveal God now, too.
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God longs to return to the good, beautiful, and true reality he created. So Jesus came in the flesh to get it all back and to show us the way. Because of his power over sin, death and hell, the dream God wanted from the beginning is once again coming true!
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For links and more info, visit:
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The story of Jesus is a story to hear and a story to share. In a bad news world, naming good news in my life can help others name good news in their lives, too. The best stories are the ones we tell together.
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There is no brokenness or need we’ll encounter in our world that God doesn’t already see and care about more than we do. Because He is already present and working to bring his healing love to every situation, we get to partner with him to meet the needs of people and places around us in practical and impactful ways.…
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In a world full of increasing loneliness, isolation and division, intentional shared meals have the power to transform us. Eating together removes barriers, builds bridges and communicates belonging like almost nothing else can.
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We live in a world where there’s more talking and less listening all the time. But when we listen with compassionate curiosity, God will reveal the desires of people he loves and the needs of places where he’s at work.
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As God’s much-loved children, we have access to the blessing of life in God’s kingdom of love. When we notice where God is at work in and around us, we get to help him extend that blessing to others where we live, work, learn and play.
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When we don’t know how we got the Bible, we won’t know how to read the Bible. But understanding the plot of the story and connecting the parts of the story helps us lean into and live out the point of the story.
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When we can’t see God at work within an old story to tell a better story, we can lose hope. But a perspective bigger than the present moment often leads to a new story full of God’s goodness.
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When we don’t know where we came from or why we’re here, our story gets lost among every other story. But when we recover the unique source of our story, we also discover the meaning we long for.
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When what we expect from the Bible doesn’t square with what we experience of the Bible, we can be tempted to abandon the Bible & the God it represents. But knowing the backstory of the Bible raises our confidence in the Bible and the God of life and love it reveals.
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Nothing can change the bad things that happened to you, but God cares. His heart is broken by the bad things that happen in our world, and his love is capable of healing your broken heart.
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Focusing on negative thoughts perpetuates the world's system of death and destruction in us and around us. But when our thoughts are directed by God’s Spirit, we operate as God’s agents of life and peace in the world.
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When we focus on the worry, we let our minds run wild with it. When we focus on our Father’s love and provision, we wake up to a God who is with us and working for our good.
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I can feel beaten down until I even despair of life itself. But my feelings aren’t forever. God always provides help and hope when I need a way out.
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Our overwhelming culture can lead us to be anxious about many things. But, we are not alone in our anxiety and we can practice an anxious free life that God invites us into.
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Jesus is enough but my current capacity for trusting Jesus may not be. God makes help available when something blocks my access to peace while I’m learning to trust him more.
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Easter at Meadow Heights - "The Coin"
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20:56It’s unthinkable that death is the end of someone we love. That resistance deep inside us is an echo of the heart of God. We rejoice because Easter declares that LOVE, not death, gets the final word!
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To learn from Jesus without practicing what he says is a foolish and unstable way to live your one and only life. Wise people build their lives on an unshakable foundation by choosing again and again to love like Jesus and live as Jesus.
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Choosing life over death requires discerning between true and false influences. Seeing the good or bad fruit they produce empowers us to choose the influence we want to follow.
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In Christ, God has already chosen life for us all, but he lovingly lets us choose when and how much we experience the new life he gives. Why would we miss out by going down the wide road when the road less traveled leads to more and better life both now and later?
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Because the way of life is a person, discipleship to Jesus is an experience of loving and being loved. We come alive in God’s kingdom when we choose to practice God’s love, not by our devotion to theories and ideas about God. Our choice to practice love or not determines whether we’re moving closer to or further from the invitation of Jesus to beco…
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We anticipate with great hope the day that God’s justice fully arrives and forever changes the world. Trusting God to be the judge frees us to live in love. By learning a life of love now, we’ll be prepared for a future when only love will remain.
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No judgment doesn't mean no feedback or input, but it does mean we don’t see ourselves as superior to others. Instead, we live in mutual relationship with them, humbly giving and receiving feedback. It’s in the absence of judgment that we are free to help each other grow and flourish in love.
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Fake news about God, ourselves, others and reality lies at the root of all that is wrong in the world. When we act on these lies, destruction always follows. But when we see and act on the truth about God and ourselves, we will also see the truth about others and reality. The truth frees us to live fully in love.…
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We are constantly tempted to place ourselves in the center of everything, creating a false orbit that traps us in perpetual judgment. But when we recenter our lives in God and receive his love as the grounding force that provides everything we need, we’re empowered to love people instead of judging them.…
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The culture teaches us to respond to judgment with judgment in a never-ending cycle, fueling more and more anger and hate. Jesus invites us to the slow burn of love that’s kindled by a commitment to remain in love in the midst of judgment.
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There’s no need to work harder or climb higher to get more love, because we have all the love we can live in right now. We are learning to live in that love, so we practice love to become more loving.
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God’s love is directed to us, dwelling in us, and flowing through us—back to God, to ourselves, to others, and to all creation. As the much-loved children of God, we become an unstoppable source of God’s love that changes our world.
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