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Milan Mikulecký má zkušenosti z manažerských pozic v byznysu i státní správě, a to jak v České republice, tak v zahraničí. Se svými hosty diskutuje před kamerou a mikrofonem bez ohledu na dnešní většinové názory. Hlas volajícího na poušti je historicky vyjádřením toho, kdy někteří lidé hlasitě upozorňovali ostatní na nebezpečí, do kterého se jejich společenství dostává, a nebyli včas vyslyšeni. Každý týden otevíráme nové téma.
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המשורר שלומי חתוכה מדבר בכל תוכנית עם משוררת או משורר ישראלים ולא מפחד לשים על השולחן את האג'נדות, האהבות והכעסים שמהם עשויה שירה || פרק חדש ליום עם המשורר אורי בר
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Pittore, scultore, ingegnere, architetto, urbanista. Leonardo da Vinci è un artista poliedrico che ha coltivato la bellezza e l'ingegno studiando i segreti della natura e gli strumenti dell'uomo. Milano è una città che cambia continuamente, una Grande Milano in continua espansione, dove il Genio Universale ha vissuto e lavorato, contribuendo più di ogni altro a definirla e reinventarla. In "Genius - Leonardo nella Grande Milano" faremo un viaggio attraverso il tempo, per conoscere meglio la ...
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The MilArt Podcast

Joe Karsonovich

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Mil Art, Made Easy.In 30 Minutes or Less:Key TermsChapter Narrative SummaryDiscussion of Key Chapter PointsFollow us on Instagram @milArtPodCast for the latest updates and post notifications!
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Kamila Wiyono

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Wadah Kamilun dan Wawe obrolin ide-ide yang berkelebat habis nonton, baca ato ngelamun. Seringnya tentang lingkungan dan perintilannya. Selalu antusias dengan Obrolan Warkop bareng teman-teman seperti jaman kuliah dulu yang santai, ngalur ngidul tapi tidak jarang berfaedah.
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What Would Milayo Say

Dr. Milayo Negesti

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Listen to Milayo Negesti brilliantly and boldly express her and her guests perspectives on how life is directly impacted by our thoughts of love, magic, sensuality, sex & spirituality. No topic is taboo! Milayo says what everyone else is thinking. Listen in to see if she reads your dirty mind.
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la vita di milano

Liu TianHang 刘天航

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(本播客平台由于服务器空间已满,要收听最新podcast请移步本台在iTunes上发布的其他订阅 搜索 米兰生活 即可订阅收听)La vita di milano,a studenti che vivono a Milano. 官方微信号:milanradio,QQ群:209749134 Twitter:lucianolth 公共主页 有任何问题和建议可以微博@lucianoliu
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Join us as we explore the stories, traditions, and recipes behind the dishes that define this vibrant food culture. From street food to gourmet experiences, our show serves up conversations with chefs, foodies, and culinary experts who share their passion for flavors that go beyond borders.
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Mia Milano, DJ Francaise, en production et diffusion internationale. Tout le son minimal underground du moment qui vous emmenera loin dans les recoins de votre conscience...Chaque mois, un nouveau Mix... Mia Milano is a French DJ, she will take you deep into the recesses of your conscience...
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JUG Milano Blog

JUG Milano

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Welcome! This is the Java User Group Milan Blog. Here you can find our media contents like pdfs, mp3s and video as created after a speech, presentation or monthly meeting. You can click the link here or have feedburner enclose everything for you in your favourite podcast reader (iTunes for example): simply point here: Happy reading, listening, watching!
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Parachuting Milan

Karen Mark

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Are you really willing to enjoy one-of-a-kind experience? Then, Experience the thrill of parachuting in Milan with professional instructors of Lancio Paracadute. These instructors are experienced and knowledgeable can provide you the great experience. More details at:
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המשוררת שי שניידר אילת עם ספר שירה שלישי "מחזה קצר" מספרת על התאטרון בחיים שהפך לשירה, כיצד הכתיבה על בן זוגה ואבי ילדיה, שהלך לעולמו, השתנתה עם השנים ומיהו האיש החטוף שמוזכר בשיר שנכתב אחרי השבעה באוקטובר מגישה ועורכת: ענת שרון בלייס, הפקה: עמרי קפלן, קרדיט תמונה: בר גורדון See for privacy information.…
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We’ve been talking a lot this year about effective resistance and the need for each of us to do something. That’s all well and good, but it can be hard to figure out exactly how to start. Jamia Wilson’s new book Make Good Trouble: Discover Movements that Sparked Change can help! Jamia is an award-winning feminist activist, writer, speaker, and podc…
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Milano è una città che si rigenera, intrecciando passato e futuro, proprio come fece Leonardo nel suo lungo soggiorno milanese. Dall’anfiteatro romano ai Navigli, la sua eredità è un modello di innovazione e pragmatismo che può ispirare un nuovo Rinascimento. Tra scienza, arte e visione, la Grande Milano continua a reinventarsi. See…
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שלומי חתוכה פוגש את בכל סרלואי וצילה זן-בר צור בניסיון להבין כיצד הולכים כמשוררים בעולם של בשורות איוב, האם באמת אפשר לראות בשערה מקור לנחמה ומה מקומה של קריאת תהילים ב-2025 עורך: נדב הלפרין, מפיק: עמרי קפלן See for privacy information.Bởi כאן | Kan
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Can you believe it’s barely been one month? Trump’s regime has only been in power a few weeks, and it has already done so much damage to the basic tenets of our democracy that it’s hard to get our heads around it. And while Trump is moving quickly, this is not the product of quick and fast action. Rather, it's the result of a decades-long effort th…
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Total disaster! Milan are eliminated from the Champions League as they get knocked out in the play-off round by Feyenoord mainly thanks to Theo Hernandez getting two useless yellow cards. Become a supporter of this podcast:ởi Milan Club Montreal
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La Grande Milano è un viaggio nel tempo, un organismo fluido che intreccia passato e futuro. Leonardo, oltre che artista, fu ingegnere e urbanista, lasciando il segno nei Navigli e nell’architettura della città, ispirando un modello di innovazione e integrazione culturale che ancora oggi ispira Milano. See for privacy inform…
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שלומי חתוכה משוחח עם המשורר צוריאל אסף על היכולת של שירה להגן על הגבול, על כתיבה שנובעת מנצחיות הטבע הגלילי, על היכולת לתלות ערסל בין שני עצים ב-2025 עורך: נדב הלפרין, מפיק: עמרי קפלן See for privacy information.Bởi כאן | Kan
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Dopo L’Arminuta, romanzo vincitore del Premio Campiello 2017, e Borgo Sud, finalista allo Strega 2021, Donatella Di Pietrantonio torna nelle librerie con L’età fragile. All'origine di questo nuovo lavoro c'è un episodio di cronaca che risale agli anni Novanta nel cuore dell'Abruzzo appenninico, quando l'orrore si era insinuato in un luogo fino ad a…
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