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Welcome to "Learn Levantine Arabic On The Go," your go-to Arabic podcast for interactive, downloadable Arabic lessons. I'm your host, Khaled Nassra, a seasoned Arabic teacher, content creator, and writer. In this podcast, I'll guide you through a fast, fun, and engaging journey to mastering Levantine Arabic through audio lessons and transcripts. Whether you're a beginner or an intermediate learner, this podcast is tailored just for you. Join me for engaging and practical lessons that break f ...
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Iz naših krajev

Radio Ognjišče

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V oddaji Iz naših krajev spremljamo dogajanje po slovenskih občinah. V njej poročamo o različnih prireditvah, slovesnostih, običajih in drugih zanimivih dogodkih. Oddajo z izjavami oziroma sodelovanjem v krajših pogovorih posamezniki, ki delujejo v različnih družbeno-političnih sferah lokalnega okolja.
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Nassau Beach Club Ibiza

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After being nominated one of the Worlds Finest Beach Clubs, Nassau Beach Club wants to bring you every week the freshest vibes straight from Ibiza island. Get ready to have journey to Ibiza without leaving home, now you will have the chance to enjoy anywhere at any time the Nassau Beach Club sounds by Alex Kentucky one of our resident Djs. Stay tuned for the best beach mixes.
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Naš pogled

Radio Ognjišče

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Naš pogled je kolumna, ki jo pišejo sodelavci Radia Ognjišče. Pogled je sicer rezerviran za oči. Kot takšen pozna več perspektiv. Ker je »naš«, se trudimo, da ima pogled na dogodke, ki se dotikajo vseh nas, tudi globino, še več, naša želja je, da se naš pogled sreča z vašim.
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NASA's Curious Universe

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

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Come get curious with NASA. As an official NASA podcast, Curious Universe brings you mind-blowing science and space adventures you won't find anywhere else. Explore the cosmos alongside astronauts, scientists, engineers, and other top NASA experts who are achieving remarkable feats in science, space exploration, and aeronautics. Learn something new about the wild and wonderful universe we share. All you need to get started is a little curiosity. NASA's Curious Universe is an official NASA po ...
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Sami naši


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Oddaja Sami naši je namenjena pripadnikom etničnih skupnosti s prostora bivše Jugoslavije in tudi vsem poslušalkam in poslušalcem, ki želijo širiti svoje vedenje o delovanju teh skupnosti in njihovih posebnostih. Polurna oddaja bo mozaično sestavljena iz novinarskih prispevkov, reportaž, informacij, intervjujev in glasbe.
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O Bola nas Costas

Rede Atlântida

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Resenha, corneta e futebol! Debates sobre as notícias diárias do futebol com humor, opinião e informação. Episódio novo aqui de segunda a sexta! Integrantes: @rodrigoadams @lelebortholacci @espinosapedro @lucianopotter @rafeldiverio @diorv @gomesraphael @oleooliveira
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Nass und Schaumig

Marvin Mieth

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Licht ins Dunkle, oder Schaum in die Ritze - wie auch immer du es nennen magst. In diesem Podcast behandeln wir die spannendsten Fragen rund um das Thema Autopflege und Detailing. Oder quatschen einfach nur.
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Portret umetniške in življenjske poti ustvarjalca, glavnih postaj na njegovi poti, umetniških smernic in ciljev. Gostimo umetnike vseh zvrsti, tako s področja literature, scenskih umetnosti, filma, glasbe, arhitekture in vizualne umetnosti.
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Nassaumen Hockey Podcast

Nassaumen Hockey Podcast

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A New York Islanders podcast brought to you by The Hockey Podcast Network hosted by Jon Zella. Each week, Jon will discuss the latest Isles news and interview guests from across the Isles community.
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The NASS Podcast

North American Spine Society

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The NASS Podcast is a great way to consume education content on-the-go! The episodes offer in-depth discussions of a variety of topics in spine from key opinion leaders, including: 3D Printing; ACDF vs. Cervical Disc Replacement; Complications; Laminoplasty vs. ACDF; Neuromonitoring During Spine Surgery; Cellular-Based Allografts; Is Surgery for Axial Back Pain Still an Option?; Surgical Management of Degenerative Spondylolisthesis; SpineLine Author Discussions.
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Naš gost

Radio Ognjišče

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Pogovorna oddaja „Naš gost“ prinaša pred poslušalce potret znane osebnosti. Navadno gostimo ljudi, ki so s svojimi znanji, uspehi na kulturnem, športnem, glasbenem, znanstvenem ali kakem drugem področju dosegli izstopajoče uspehe. Po drugi strani pa v teh oddajah prisluhnemo tudi osebam, ki so si tekom let pridobile veliko življenjskih izkušenj in modrosti. Oddaja Naš gost je vsekakor ena od kronskih oddaj našega sporeda, saj lahko poslušalcu predstavi zanimive ljudi, pa tudi življenjske oko ...
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Omar Nassra, a native Arabic speaker with 20 years of teaching experience, is a highly skilled Arabic teacher. He specializes in teaching various dialects of Arabic, including the Levantine dialect (used in Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria), Gulf Arabic (Khaliji Dialect), Business Arabic, and Media Arabic. His students range from students to journalists, businessmen, diplomats from the Foreign Office, and even actors and actresses. Omar has a wealth of experience teaching individuals fr ...
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Kasia Chrobak i Agnieszka Szczepanek spotykają się co dwa tygodnie. Są feministkami, jak każdy rozsądny człowiek. Gadają o tym wszystkim, też o tym co dla nich znaczy być feministką, bo cały czas sobie to definiują. Trzy odcinki podcastu opowiadające o historii feminizmu są lekturą i wstępem do kursu „Płeć, seksualność, polityka /Gender, sexuality, politics/” na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim. Portal Vogule Poland określił podcast jako jeden z ich „najukochańszych polskich podcastów. Uwielbiam mądroś ...
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Nassau Presbyterian Church

Nassau Presbyterian Church

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Nassau Presbyterian Church is a member of the Presbyterian Church (USA), located on Palmer Square, in Princeton New Jersey. The Rev. Dr. David A. Davis serves as head of staff, and preaches most Sundays. The Rev. Lauren J. McFeaters is the associate pastor.
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Społeczeństwo nie mogłoby funkcjonować bez pracy emocjonalnej – to ona sprawia, że relacje są płynne, konflikty są łagodzone, a ludzie czują się komfortowo. Jednocześnie jest niewidzialna, ponieważ nie jest traktowana jako „prawdziwa” praca, lecz jako naturalna cecha kobiet (hello, esencjalizm!)Wraz z Angeliką Kucińską dyskutujemy o książce Rose Ha…
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This week in spaceflight: Firefly Aerospace makes history with a successful Moon landing, while Intuitive Machines’ Athena mission doesn’t go as planned. Meanwhile, SpaceX’s Starship Flight 8 suffers another major failure, and rumors swirl about a Chinese rocket explosion at the launch pad. With NASA missions failing, ESA retiring old spacecraft, a…
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Pogovore s prejemniki nagrade Prešernovega sklada danes nadaljujemo z glasbenikom in umetnikom v več drugih medijih, kontrabasistom, improvizatorjem, skladateljem, organizatorjem, vodjem Zavoda Sploh Tomažem Gromom.Bởi RTVSLO – Ars
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Bu bölümde konuğum Silk & Cashmere markasının kurucusu ve 30 yıla yakın yöneticisi olan Ayşen Zamanpur. Ayşen Hanım ile sohbete 'çok taşınmalı' çocukluğundan, okullarının ve ailesinin ona kazandırdıklarından konuşarak başladık. Ardından Şişecam'daki planlama yılları, Galleria-Benetton ile perakendeye giriş ve 1992 yılında daha da bilinmez olan Çin'…
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V tokratni oddaji Sami naši na Prvem prinašamo ostre, iskrene in globoko človeške zgodbe. Srbska stand-up komičarka Jagoda Jovanović z brezkompromisnim humorjem razkriva korupcijo in družbene absurde – od politike do položaja žensk. Hrvaška pesnica Monika Herceg, dobitnica dveh prestižnih evropskih nagrad, razmišlja o književnosti kot zatočišču in …
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Send us a text Join Omar Nassra Method Premium Podcasts With Transcripts + Lessons Note Known for his 20 years of teaching experience and expertise as a native Arabic speaker, Omar Nassra is a highly capable instructor in various Arabic dialects. He is well-versed in teaching Levantine dia…
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Send us a text Join Omar Nassra Method Premium Podcasts With Transcripts + Lessons Note Known for his 20 years of teaching experience and expertise as a native Arabic speaker, Omar Nassra is a highly capable instructor in various Arabic dialects. He is well-versed in teaching Levantine dia…
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Learn how to greet and respond during Ramadan in Levantine Arabic! Whether you're a language learner or want to connect with Arabic-speaking friends and family, this podcast covers essential Ramadan greetings, their meanings, and proper replies. Tune in for practical language tips and deepen your understanding of Ramadan traditions! 🕌✨ Join My Patr…
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Send us a text Join Omar Nassra Method Premium Podcasts With Transcripts + Lessons Note Known for his 20 years of teaching experience and expertise as a native Arabic speaker, Omar Nassra is a highly capable instructor in various Arabic dialects. He is well-versed in teaching Levantine dia…
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Oddaja je prinesla vpogled v svet tekmovalnega plesa s 23-kratno državno in štirikratno svetovno prvakinjo v standardnih in latinskoameriških plesih Katarino Venturini. Gostja je z nami delila grenke plati sijoče kariere pa tudi čudovite občutke biti najboljši na svetu. Slišali smo, kako se po nenehnem potovanju na vse konce sveta prikrade želja po…
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Send us a text Join Omar Nassra Method Premium Podcasts With Transcripts + Lessons Note Known for his 20 years of teaching experience and expertise as a native Arabic speaker, Omar Nassra is a highly capable instructor in various Arabic dialects. He is well-versed in teaching Levantine dia…
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Pogovor s člani oblikovalskega kolektiva Grupa Ee, ki so med letošnjimi prejemnike nagrade Prešernovega sklada. V komisiji so o kolektivu zapisali, da mu je "v zadnjih letih delovanja z vztrajnim ukvarjanjem z naročniki na področju kulture uspelo ustvariti poseben in zelo izrazit oblikovalski opus, ki ga odlikujejo izjemna inventivnost, sporočil…
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NASSAU BEACH CLUB IBIZA nbci399 01. Pupkulies, Rebecca - Juvinal (Phonique Remix) / Normoton Germany 02. Phonique - Vincent Price (Original Mix) / Dessous 03. Joachim Pastor - Eche (Original Mix) / Stil Vor Talent 04. DP-6 - Borderline (Original Mix) / DP-6 Records 05. Bruno From Ibiza - Good Time feat. Paul Powell (Trujillo Disco Mix) / Be Adult M…
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V tokratni oddaji Sami naši se bomo pogovarjali s pisateljico Nado Gašić, ki v svojih zgodbah razkriva skrite plati mestnega življenja ter preplet zgodovine in sedanjosti. Nato bomo spoznali Kristjana Popovskega, mladega ekonomista, ki gradi svojo pot med Skopjem in Ljubljano ter deli izkušnje o prilagajanju, mobilnosti in kulturni integraciji. Za …
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Welcome to "One Idiom a Week," where I share one of the many Arabic idioms and phrases that I have on my Patreon page: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Khaled Nassra Method Patreon ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ To learn more, go to ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Khaled Nassra Method on Patreon ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⬇️ Check out my new Shop on Patreon: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Learn Arabic with Khaled Shop…
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O svojem duhovniškem poslanstvu, glasbenem delu in še čem je pripovedoval župnik v Levpi Lojze Kobal. Igranja orgel se je učil pri prof. Jožetu Troštu, vodil razne pevske zbore, tudi v koprski stolnici, bil ravnatelj Orglarske šole Nova Gorica, na začetku pa sodeloval v enem prvih ansamblov, ki so ustvarjali t. i. duhovno ritmično glasbo, Klicarji.…
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Med letošnjimi Prešernovimi nagrajenci in nagrajenkami je prejemnica nagrade Prešernovega sklada tudi vizualna umetnica Nika Autor, ki je diplomirala in magistrirala na Akademiji za likovno umetnost v Ljubljani, doktorirala pa na Akademiji za likovno umetnost na Dunaju. Njena praksa temelji predvsem na eksperimentalnih video in dokumentarnih filmih…
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Poročali smo o prenovi kovaškega muzeja v Kropi, končni rešitvi za Plečnikov paviljon, obnovi dijaškega doma v Celju, projektih v sklopu participatornega proračuna v Ajdovščini, gradnji kulturnega stičišča v Kopru in o manjšem smučišču v Šentjoštu nad Horjulom.Bởi Andrej Šinko
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