Basically about how distinct and interesting I see life, different perspectives that have not exactly been explored, plus everything mind blowing.
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In a world filled with extreme optimism and wishful thinking, sometimes, just sometimes, it might be nice to view things from a realistic and data-driven POV.
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We have probably all heard the very popular phrase “No food for a lazy man”, unfortunately the world requires more and average people are slowly falling into the same bracket. Hear my thoughts around it in this new podcast episode.
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In a typical African upbringing, the luxury of making mistakes is often absent; mistakes can be more costly and detrimental. This episode primarily explores the parallel between being African and being confident.
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Life is not black or white, it is colored.
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In this episode I talk about how two people can have the same experience but different results.
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You have probably had an encounter with tech and about it’s possibilities, in this new podcast season I will be talking about tech, and this is only an introduction. There’s a lot of peer pressure to do something around technology, this episode gives a background to everything.
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Sometimes when we hear the word regrets, it oftentimes depicts doing something wrong, but you can do everything right and still have regrets. Please do listen to this new episode of Obscure thoughts.
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Stuck up with making hard choices and decisions??
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As humans it feels like making hard decisions is one of our greatest responsibilities that we have, and what makes this even more difficult is how much impact these decisions have on our lives. This is me sharing my thoughts on how to stay calm through it all.
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Hard-work doesn’t exactly guarantee success 100%, but it does increase our chances of being successful. Plus what we often call luck isn’t exactly luck in itself, find out the relationship between luck, hard-work and privilege in this new episode of Obscure thoughts with Ohans Emmanuel.
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Lost in between a complete restart and a reboot?
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At some point in our lives we are/were convinced there is/was no way forward and we just want(ed) to start over. It’s a pretty difficult place to be but I hope this podcast strengthens us.
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Valentine’s Day: Trust and vulnerability.
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Oftentimes, there is either a miscommunication issue, no communication at all or lack of trust when it comes to partners expressing their love to one another, I recorded this mind blowing episode with Nihinlolamiwa Adekanye and it is the best thing ever! We asked people what their Val experiences were like in the past and we had a full blown amazin…
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Instant gratification and disregard for processes.
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It is almost human to want to have everything good now and fast, but how sustainable is that? This episode with Okunade Toluwanimi addresses this.
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Is Social media a safe resource for your relationship?
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Social media as a whole gives this vibe and perspective of how perfect the world should be even in relationships. But is social media always right though?
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It’s a new year and the whole idea of having wholesome changes in your life seems cool, but do you really need a new version of yourself every year?
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The year 2020 has been “interesting” and “wild”, this is just my general thoughts on how you should approach the end of the year reflection.
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