Weekly sermons from Boston's historic Park Street Church
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Weekly series "From Heaven or From Men" produced by the Park Street Church of Christ
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The Podcast of Park Street Baptist Church in St. Petersburg, FL
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Mark Booker | Revelation 2:1-7 | In this sermon exploring the first of seven messages to the churches in Revelation, we discover how Jesus both commends the Ephesians for their commitment to doctrinal truth while rebuking them for abandoning the the love they had at first. The message invites us to examine our own hearts with regard to love even as…
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Mark Booker | Revelation 22:6-21 | This sermon explores how Revelation calls us to urgent, faithful, worshipful, Christ-centered, and hope-filled witness amidst conflict as we wait for Christ to return. The epilogue remind us that this book is not primarily a puzzle to decode but a manual of discipleship for followers of the Lamb whose are empowere…
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Mark Booker | Revelation 21:1 - 22:5 | We come to the encouraging vision of God's new creation in Revelation 21-22. This message explores the fact that God is making all things new, flooding the new creation with his immediate presence, and inviting us to share in his reign. We take heart that our future hope is in God's life-giving presence where …
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Mark Booker | Rev 19:11 - 20:15 | From Revelation 19:11-22:5, John shares visions that encompass the transition from this present age to the age to come (new creation). This sermon explores the three visions of the end of this age and the defeat of evil: the final battle, the millennium reign, and the final judgment. These visions remind us that Je…
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Mark Booker | Revelation 19:1-10 | This sermon explores the vision of heavenly rejoicing both over God's judgment of evil and, even more intensely, over the ultimate union between Christ and his Church at the marriage supper of the Lamb. This rejoicing reveals God's heart for intimate relationship with us.…
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Mark Booker | Revelation 17:1 - 18:24 | In Revelation, Babylon represents both ancient Rome and timeless worldly powers that oppose God through excess, exploitation, and persecution. The message challenges disciples of the Lamb to discern "Babylonian" influences today while taking comfort in God's ultimate victory.…
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Mark Booker | Revelation 15:5-16:21 | The seven bowls are the third of three cycles of seven in Revelation which depict God's judgment against evil and sin. This sermon reflects on the theme of God's judgment, considering its source, its recipients, and how we avoid it by embracing the gracious provision of God.…
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Adam Herndon | Matthew 20: 1-16 | God generously gives of himself to us in this life. God has been generous to us through Jesus and he is all we need. Therefore, we should not be envious of others, but joyful for what have in Jesus. We can rejoice at the good fortune of others because we who deserve nothing have been given everything in Christ.…
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Randall Wetzig | Matthew 2:1-12 | Will we respond to the message of God's kingdom in Jesus with fear and rejection, like Herod? Or, like the magi, will we hear the good news, change our plans, and come to worship?Bởi Park Street Church
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Chris May | Luke 8:40-56 | In Chris May's retirement sermon, she preaches from the book of Luke.Bởi Park Street Church
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Adam Herndon | Luke 2:40-52 | This is a unique account of Jesus' pre-teen life only found in Luke's Gospel. It serves as transition as we prepare for Jesus' adult ministry. It shows us that Jesus' priority in the beginning through the end of his life was about doing the will of his Father in Heaven. We are called to prioritize our relationship with…
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Mark Booker | Revelation 14:1 - 15:4 | This sermon explores four visions contrasting the benefits of following Jesus versus the cost of choosing to align with worldly powers and thus experiencing divine judgment. We see how life is offered to all who follow the Lamb - the one who begins his rescue missions as a baby in Bethlehem - and we are called…
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Mark Booker | Revelation 13:1-18 | In this exploration of Revelation 13, the battle between God's people and the forces of evil is unveiled further, revealing how empires and cultural systems can become "beasts" that demand false worship. This sermon challenges us to recognize the spiritual warfare happening around us, to resist subtle idolatry, an…
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Mark Booker | Revelation 11:19, 12:1-17 | This sermon explores the vision of the cosmic conflict between the woman (the church) and the dragon (Satan) in Revelation 12. This conflict forms the backdrop of our lives today - see Ephesians 6.12 - and this sermon offers insights for how we are to overcome.…
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Mark Booker | Revelation 11:1-18 | Given on the first day of the season of Advent, this sermon considers four aspects of the church's profound calling to be faithful witnesses that arise from these two visions in Revelation 11.Bởi Park Street Church
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Mark Booker | Revelation 10:1-11 | This sermon unpacks the details of John's encounter with an angel in which he receives, and eats, a scroll. It explores the fact that the scroll is both sweet and bitter and considers the implications of this for the life of disciples of the Lamb today.Bởi Park Street Church
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Mark Booker | Revelation 8:7 - 9:21 | This sermon explores the vivid imagery of the seven trumpets as symbols of divine judgment. It draws insights about God's judgment, rescue, sovereignty, responsiveness, and restraint as a means of encouraging Christian disciples and inviting all to respond to God's mercy.…
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Mark Booker | 1 Peter 2:9-12 | Given on the final day of our Mission Conference, this sermon reminds us that when we receive God's mercy, we are given a new identity which entails a vocation of proclaiming Jesus through both our words and deeds in a broken world.Bởi Park Street Church
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Uchenna Anyanwu | Corinthians 4:1-6 | Uchenna Anyanwu opens Park Street's 2024 Mission Conference by examining Paul's encouragement to the Corinthians to proclaim Jesus in their lives and service, even in the midst of conflict.Bởi Park Street Church
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Mark Booker | Revelation 7:1-17 | The sermon examines the two visions in Revelation 7 - the 144,000 sealed servants and the innumerable multitude - arguing they represent the same group (the church) from different perspectives: those enduring trials now and those triumphant at the end (and new beginning) of history. Through this parallel, the passa…
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Mark Booker | Revelation 6:1-17, 8:1-5 | As John's vision continues, this sermon considers the first of three cycles of seven in Revelation: the seven seals. The visions in these cycles communicate the victory of God over the powers of darkness and, as a result, serve as an encouragement for God's people to remain faithful. This sermon explores the…
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Mark Booker | Revelation 5:1-14 | In our second look at this chapter, we return to the theme of worship. This sermon makes observations about the expansion of worship in relation to its object, its reasons, and its scope. We're reminded that we are called to worship and that this is critical for sustaining our witness.…
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Randall Wetzig | John 16:32 - 17:8 | What is life? What is eternal life? Jesus redefines both for us in his prayer before going to the cross. By his death, he gives us life: to know the only true God.Bởi Park Street Church
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Mark Booker | Revelation 5:1-14 | We continue looking at John's vision of the heavenly throne room and we see the lamb standing as slain through whom God's kingdom is established. This sermon examines how he conquered and what this means about God and for us.Bởi Park Street Church
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Mark Booker | Revelation 4:1-11 | This sermon considers John's vision of the core of reality: the heavenly throne room in which there is unceasing worship of the one seated on the throne. Through this breathtaking vision, we are invited to think more deeply about - and to enter into - that worship for which we were made.…
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Mark Booker | Revelation 1:9-20 | The book of Revelation begins with a powerful, evocative vision of the glorious Christ, a vision which comforts and encourages disciples as they seek to walk faithfully with Jesus through the challenges of life. This sermon explores this vision in the context of tribulation and considers how it provides unshakeable…
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Mark Booker | Revelation 1:1-8 | Revelation can be a haven for sectarian thinking and for Christian disagreement. Why would we preach and engage this book? This introductory message for a new sermon series on the book of Revelation offers seven reasons to engage with Revelation that arise from the prologue to the book: Revelation 1.1-8.…
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Mark Booker | Matthew 6:33 | As we begin a new academic year in Boston, we examine Jesus's exhortation to seek God's kingdom and righteousness as the top priority in life, above all other pursuits. We are liberated from an anxious life because our heavenly Father knows our needs and promises to meet them.…
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Mark Booker | Ephesians 6:18-20 | This is the third and final sermon in a short series on Ephesians 6.10-20. This message considers Paul's exhortation for us to pray at all times and the importance of prayer in helping us to put on the armor and stand firm. It also addresses the key reason for our struggles in prayer.…
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Mark Booker | Ephesians 6:14-17 | This second sermon in a three-part series on Eph 6.10-20 examines the armor that God supplies us so that we might stand firm against the devil. It considers the different pieces of armor and then reflects on how to put the armor on.Bởi Park Street Church
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Mark Booker | Ephesians 6:10-13 | In this opening sermon in a short series on Ephesians 6.10-20, we look at vv.10-13 and consider the following: 1) that we are in a battle, 2) the need to know our enemy, and 3) the call to stand.Bởi Park Street Church
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Jonathan Gibson | Luke 10:38-42 | In this encounter between Jesus, Martha, and Mary at Martha's home, we are encouraged to order the many important things in life by the one necessary thing.Bởi Park Street Church
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Scott Sunquist | Colossians 4:2-6 | Guest preacher Scott Sunquist, President of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, examines the call to prayerful watchfulness, wisdom, and witness to the mystery of Christ, found in Paul’s letter to the Colossians.Bởi Park Street Church
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Sandy Willson | Titus 3:1-11 | Guest preacher Sandy Willson, interim president of The Gospel Coalition and pastor emeritus at Second Presbyterian Church in Memphis, Tennessee, opens Pauls' considers Paul's letter to Titus. As Christians, we are called to be different because of the grace that God has shown to us.…
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Leonard Mosiah | Psalm 23 | Those whose shepherd is the Lord have provision, salvation, restoration, and life everlasting.Bởi Park Street Church
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Mark Booker | Psalm 33 | We look at the exhortation to shout for joy from this psalm and at the reasons given for doing so. Living a life of joyful praise flows out of who God is and the fact that he is for us.Bởi Park Street Church
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Mark Booker | Acts 2:42-47 | In this sixth and final message in a series on Acts 2, we consider the earliest Christian community which is the fruit of the gospel. We look at the hearts of the earliest community, their devotion, and what they are devoted to.Bởi Park Street Church
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Randall Wetzig | Psalm 65 | In this psalm, we see how God abundantly provides for his people, turning the waters of chaos into good.Bởi Park Street Church
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Mark Booker | Acts 2:37-41 | This sermon considers the response to Peter's preaching of the gospel in Acts 2 under the headings of conviction, actions, gifts, and fruit.Bởi Park Street Church
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Mark Booker | Acts 2:33-36 | Peter's sermon stays focused on the crucified and raised Jesus and drives to the declaration that this Jesus is both Lord and Messiah (Christ). This has implications for his original hearers, for us, and for Christian witness.Bởi Park Street Church
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Mark Booker | Acts 2:22-32 | Christian witness is all about Jesus. As Peter turns to Jesus, he initially addresses his life, death, and resurrection. We also see some deeper dimensions of the way that God works in the world in these verses.Bởi Park Street Church
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Mark Booker | Acts 2:12-21 | As Peter begins his Pentecost sermon, he declares that this event is the fulfillment of Israel's great hope that God would pour out his Spirit in a fresh way. This sermon explores the texture of this fulfillment through Peter's quotation of the prophet Joel.Bởi Park Street Church
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Mark Booker | Acts 2:1-13 | We look at the the giving of the Spirit on Pentecost in this first message in a new series on Acts 2. We consider the context of the call to witness and the provision of God's Spirit who enables us to fulfill that call.Bởi Park Street Church
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Ronnie Collier Stevens | John 2:1-11 | Pastor Stevens shared the story of Jesus' first miracle, turning water into wine. He encouraged us to follow Mary's command, to do whatever He tells you.Bởi Park Street Church
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Leonard Mosiah | Jonah 1 | God is the main character in redirection, restoration, repentance, and grace.Bởi Park Street Church
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Mark Booker | John 21:20-25 | As the Gospel according to John comes to an end, Peter learns not to compare his situation to John's but rather to stay focused on Jesus and to follow him. This message explores our tendency to compare and invites us to trust Jesus, the good shepherd, as he leads us down our particular path.…
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Mark Booker | John 21:15-19 | Do you love me? In this poignant encounter with Peter, Jesus demonstrates the centrality of love for the life of discipleship. We look at the larger context of this question and consider what a life of loving Jesus looks like.Bởi Park Street Church
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Chris May | John 21:1-14 | Jesus still invites us for breakfast on the beach, meeting us in our emptiness by the power and compassion of his strong right hand.Bởi Park Street Church
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Randall Wetzig | Colossians 3.1-4 | Christ has risen from the dead, and Paul claims in Colossians that if we are united with Jesus in faith, we have died and have been raised with him as well. What does that mean? And what are we to do as resurrected humans?Bởi Park Street Church
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Mark Booker | Mark 16:1-8 | Alleluia! Christ is risen! This Easter sermon considers the reactions of the women to the resurrection to help us think about our own reactions to this life and world altering event that is at the foundation of the Christian faith.Bởi Park Street Church
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