Ridgecrest Baptist Church is located in Dothan, AL and exists to Reach the lost, Build the believer, and Connect people of God to the mission and purpose of God.
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Chase Faulk shares a message from Psalm 90 entitled, "Time Flies."Bởi Ridgecrest Baptist Church
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Chuck Locke shares a message from Galatians 5 entitled, "Everyday Patience."Bởi Ridgecrest Baptist Church
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Lance Griffin shares a message from Romans 12:2 entitled, "The Matter Of The Mind."Bởi Ridgecrest Baptist Church
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In this powerful message, we're challenged to examine what it truly means to be a disciple of Christ. The central scripture, Mark 8:31-38, reveals Jesus' call to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him. This isn't a call to casual Christianity, but to a life of deep commitment and transformation. Just as maple syrup requires a painstaking…
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In this powerful message, we're invited to explore the nature of faith that is both tried and triumphant. The story of the Syrophoenician woman in Mark 7 serves as our guide, revealing profound truths about tenacious belief. We learn that faith is not a spiritual game, a magic formula, or a blind leap, but rather a confident trust in Jesus Christ. …
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Andrew Murray wrote, “The world asks, ‘What does a man own?’ Christ asks, ‘How does he use it?’” Pastor Ray concludes this series with his message, “The FaithfulSteward.”Bởi Ridgecrest Baptist Church
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Charles Spurgeon once said, “No man ever served God by doing things tomorrow.” Pastor Ray continues the series “Faithful” with his message titled The Faithful Servant.Bởi Ridgecrest Baptist Church
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As we embark on a new year, let's reflect on the profound importance of faithful worship in our spiritual lives. The message draws inspiration from Psalm 100, reminding us that worship is not a spectator sport, but a participatory event that should fill us with joy and gratitude. We're challenged to enter God's presence with gladness, even when we …
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Watchman Nee wrote, “Spiritual advancement is measured by faithful obedience.” As we start the new year, join us as Pastor Ray shares a message on how we can live faithfully for God in 2025.Bởi Ridgecrest Baptist Church
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In this message from Pastor Ray Jones, we're challenged to examine the authenticity of our faith. Are we like the Pharisees, holding to a superficial religion, or do we have a genuine, transformative relationship with God? The sermon dives into Mark 7, where Jesus confronts the Pharisees about their traditions and lip service to God. We're reminded…
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In this powerful exploration of the feeding of the 5,000, we're reminded of God's limitless provision and the importance of faith in seemingly impossible situations. This pivotal miracle, recounted in all four Gospels, teaches us that Jesus not only meets our physical needs but also nurtures our spiritual growth. As we face our own 'impossible' cha…
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In this powerful message, we're challenged to consider our true identity as citizens of God's kingdom. Drawing from 2 Peter 3, we're reminded that while we live in this world, our ultimate allegiance is to Christ. The sermon emphasizes the urgency of living with kingdom intensity, recognizing that Christ's return is imminent. We're called to be ale…
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In this powerful message rooted in Joel chapter 1, we're called to 'Wake Up' and recognize the spiritual challenges of our times. The prophet Joel's warnings to ancient Israel resonate deeply with our modern struggles. Just as locusts devastated the land then, our joy and spiritual vitality can be devoured by worldly distractions today. We're urged…
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Watchman Nee wrote, “I need forgiveness for my sins, but I need also deliverance from the power of sin... I appreciate the blessed fact of God's forgiveness, but I want something more than that: I want deliverance. I need forgiveness for what I have done, but I need also deliverance from what I am.” Pastor Ray continues his series, The Story of Jes…
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In this powerful exploration of the Parable of the Sower, we delve into the four types of soil representing different conditions of the human heart. This parable, found in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, offers profound insights into why people respond differently to God's Word. We're challenged to examine our own hearts: Are we the hard path where the Wo…
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Billy Graham said, “To be a disciple is to be committed to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and committed to following Him every day.” Pastor Ray shares a message titled, “A Call to Action” from his series, The Story of Jesus.Bởi Ridgecrest Baptist Church
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This week, we explore the profound lessons from the story of Jesus healing a leper in Mark 1:40-45. We're reminded of our own spiritual condition - our sin sickness that separates us from God. Just as the leper approached Jesus with desperation, we too must come to Him with urgency, recognizing our need for His cleansing touch. The leper's humble s…
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This week, we're reminded that Jesus is still the answer to all of life's questions and challenges. The Gospel of Mark shows us Jesus' threefold ministry of healing, deliverance, and declaration. We see how Jesus healed Peter's mother-in-law and many others, demonstrating that He still heals today through medicine, miracles, or by taking us to heav…
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This week, we look into the reality of spiritual warfare and the authority of Jesus Christ over demonic forces. The key scripture comes from Mark 1:21-28, where Jesus confronts an unclean spirit in the synagogue. We learn that demons are real, active in our world, and often hide behind seemingly good or progressive ideas. However, we're reminded th…
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This week we explore the call of Jesus to discipleship through Mark's Gospel. We're reminded that following Jesus is not just about salvation, but a complete surrender of our lives. The story of Jesus calling His first disciples teaches us that God often chooses ordinary people for extraordinary purposes. We're challenged to consider our own respon…
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Bro. Ray begins a BRAND NEW sermon series called "The Story Of Jesus." We explore the significance of baptism through the lens of Jesus' own baptism in the Jordan River. We learn that baptism is not just a ritual, but a profound act of obedience and identification with Christ. Biblical baptism is by immersion, as demonstrated by Jesus Himself. This…
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Bro. Ray is back from his July sabbatical and concludes his series "On Purpose." In this message, we're reminded of God's purpose for our lives and the importance of living it out faithfully. The central theme revolves around 2 Corinthians 13, where Paul admonishes the Corinthians to examine themselves and get their spiritual act together. We're ch…
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Aaron Dickinson shares a message from Colossians 1 entitled, "Two People You Need To Know."Bởi Ridgecrest Baptist Church
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Lance Griffin shares a message from John 18 entitled, "The Truth Is Out There."Bởi Ridgecrest Baptist Church
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John Mark Comer once said, “Spiritual friendships do not work unless both members are fully committed to the transformational journey with Christ.” Chase Faulk shares a message from Hebrews 10 entitled, "A Confident Plan."Bởi Ridgecrest Baptist Church
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Corrie Ten Boom said, “Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible.” Join us this Sunday as Pastor Ray shares a message titled “Faith Displayed—On Purpose.Bởi Ridgecrest Baptist Church
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Paul Washer writes, “The mark of a man of God is God upon the man.” Pastor Ray shares a message from his current series “On Purpose” titled, Be A Man of God.Bởi Ridgecrest Baptist Church
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Pastor Chuck Locke shares a message from Psalm 95 entitled, "The Weight & Wonder of Worship."Bởi Ridgecrest Baptist Church
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Pastor Chuck Locke shares a message from Psalm 28 entitled, "What's Your Song?"Bởi Ridgecrest Baptist Church
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John Wesley said, “One of the principal rules of religion is, to lose no occasion of serving God. And, since he is invisible to our eyes, we are to serve him in our neighbor; which he receives as if done to himself in person, standing visibly before us.” Pastor Ray continues his series “On-Purpose” with a message titled, Serve God—On Purpose.…
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Ronald Reagan said, “The time has come to turn to God and reassert our trust in Him for the healing of America - our country is in need of and ready for a spiritual renewal.” Bro. Ray shares a special message titled… Three Dangers Facing America.Bởi Ridgecrest Baptist Church
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“A Christian home is a place where Christ’s love is not only taught but lived out daily.” –Charles Stanley. Bro. Ray shares a message on home and family titled. “Building a Home that Honors God—On Purpose.”Bởi Ridgecrest Baptist Church
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Be A Culture Warrior For God On Purpose
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46:03Someone has written, “I am a soldier in Christ’s Army. I will not be shaken.” Indeed the Bible teaches that we are engaged in a cosmic spiritual battle that is being fought every day. Bro. Ray shares a message titled, “Be A Culture Warrior for God—On Purpose”.Bởi Ridgecrest Baptist Church
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John Stott said, “We should not ask, ‘What is wrong with the world?’ for that diagnosis has already been given. Rather we should ask, “What has happened to salt and light?” Jesus calls us to infiltrate our culture. Bro. Ray continues his series, On Purpose with his next message—“Be Salt and Light—On Purpose.”…
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Billy Graham once said, “Our world today so desperately hungers for hope, yet uncounted people have almost given up. There is despair and hopelessness on every hand. Let us be faithful in proclaiming hope that is in Jesus.”Bởi Ridgecrest Baptist Church
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Neil Anderson writes, “Your greatest fulfillment in life will come when you discover your unique gifts and abilities and use them to edify others and glorify the LORD.” You have been gifted by God on purpose! Join us this Sunday as Bro. Ray shares a message titled, Gifted—On Purpose.Bởi Ridgecrest Baptist Church
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As Christians we should be different. The Bible says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” (2 Corinthians 5:17) Bro. Ray continues his series, On Purpose with a message titled, “Be Different—On Purpose (Pt. B)Bởi Ridgecrest Baptist Church
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Michael Youssef said, “Only in the Cross of Christ will we receive power when we are powerless. We will find strength when we are weak. We will experience hope when our situation is hopeless. Only in the Cross is there peace for our troubled hearts.” Pastor Ray shares a message titled, 5 Things to Remember About the Cross.…
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William Lane Craig said, “If you are sincerely seeking God, God will make His existence evident to you.” Pastor Ray shares a message titled, The Pursuit of God from his current series… Living On Purpose.Bởi Ridgecrest Baptist Church
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Charles H. Spurgeon said, “The seasons change and you change, but the Lord abides evermore the same, and the streams of His love are as deep, as broad and as full as ever.” Pastor Ray shares a new message titled, Live in Your Season—On PurposeBởi Ridgecrest Baptist Church
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Thomas Watson said, “If God be our God, He will give us peace in trouble. When there is a storm without, He will make peace within. The world can create trouble in peace, but God can create peace in trouble.” Pastor Ray shares his next message from his current series titled, Live In Peace—On Purpose.…
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What Does The Bible Say About Forgiveness?
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45:51C.S. Lewis said, “To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you.” Pastor Ray shares entitled, “Let’s Forgive” from his current series On Purpose.Bởi Ridgecrest Baptist Church
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Charles Spurgeon said, "True prayer is neither a mere mental exercise nor a vocal performance. It is far deeper than that - it is spiritual transaction with the Creator of Heaven and Earth." Pastor Ray shares a message titled, Let’s Pray—On Purpose from his current On Purpose series.Bởi Ridgecrest Baptist Church
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How To Grow: 4 Keys to Spiritual Growth With A Purpose
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49:43Hebrews 5:11-14 is the central passage discussed in this sermon, emphasizing the need to move from spiritual milk to solid food, which symbolizes advancing from a basic understanding to a deeper, more discerning faith. The passage calls believers to practice discernment and progress toward maturity, leaving elementary teachings about Christ to embr…
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Pastor Chuck Locke shares a message on Psalm 139.Bởi Ridgecrest Baptist Church
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Take A Stand: You Have To Do What Is Right
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54:36Billy Graham said, “Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened.” Pastor Ray shares a vital message on “Taking A Stand” for God in a godless age.Bởi Ridgecrest Baptist Church
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Randy Alcorn has written, “If God was the owner, I was the manager. I needed to adopt a steward's mentality toward the assets He had entrusted - not given - to me. A steward manages assets for the owner's benefit. The steward carries no sense of entitlement to the assets he manages. It's his job to find out what the owner wants done with his assets…
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Intentional Living [3 Ways To Live With Purpose]
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42:59Want to experience intentional living in 2024? Pastor Ray starts a brand new sermon series called "On Purpose."Bởi Ridgecrest Baptist Church
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James Aughey, wrote, “Christ is the Good Physician. There is no disease He cannot heal; no sin He cannot remove; no trouble He cannot help. He is the Balm of Gilead, the Great Physician who has never yet failed to heal all the spiritual maladies of every soul that has come unto Him in faith and prayer." Pastor Ray completes his sermon series on Fai…
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Warren Wiersbe writes, “Those times when you feel like quitting can be times of great opportunity, for God uses your troubles to help you grow.” Pastor Ray shares a message from his series Faith-Just Live It!, titled “Be Patient”.Bởi Ridgecrest Baptist Church
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