Fetch your headphone to USB-C dongle as James and Chris ramble about the web, share views, trues, and a few bits of news.
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We're here, we're here! Don't panic. Phew! Yes, it's a little late — but we knew you were busy anyway. This week (in a slightly shorter episode) James gives us an update on his Amazon S3 investigation, we ponder ways to improve iOS's creepily-exploited AirDrop feature, and discuss a nifty way of utilising URL-shortening services to store large amou…
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This week’s episode explores what happens when cloud storage security policies, such as S3 buckets, aren’t given the attention they deserve, and how some of our data might not be as private we’re all lead to believe.Bởi Two Hundred OK
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Fetch your headphone to USB-C dongle! Episode 0 of Two Hundred OK is out now - a weekly ramble of views, trues, and a few bits of news from the world of the web. In this weeks episode the guys discuss the benefits of Amazon Prime in the final days leading up to Christmas, the scientific breakthrough (and ensuing app) that’s emerged from Fiji, the p…
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