On the Good Life Rodeo Trail! Welcome to this week's episode of Good Life Western Sports! Keep it here as we bring you all the action happening in rodeo Nebraska! Watch as we catch up with Jared Slagle - Professional Rodeo Announcer for our Pro Rodeo Updates, and showcase a cowgirl who is on FIRE and no where close to slowing down! Reece Stanley has competed at the Junior High National Finals Rodeo held in Lebanon, TN as well as qualified for a run in the bright lights of the Junior NFR in Las Vegas this past December! Meet Norfolk resident, Carol Nielsen. Carol has been training horses and riders for over 40 years! Many 4-H exibitors and parents as well as 4-H leaders and trainers can trace their early beginnings back to Carol. Watch her full story here on GLWS. . . . We are starting 2018 with a bang and we want you to be a part of it! Our team strives to interact and engage with our viewers and we want to feel a part of the rodeo Nebraska community. Therefore, we want to hear from you! Are you attending or hosting an event this month? (Jackpot, roping, barrel racing, bull riding, etc.) If so, please post all your event info in the link: https://www.facebook.com/goodlifewesternsports/photos/a.1743896132597541.1073741828.1743883642598790/1947356818918137/?type=3&theater If you would like to be featured athlete on GLWS, fill out the "Get to know you form." This will allow us ot get to know you and to better prepare or your interview! Once you fill out the quick and easy form, hit submit, and our team will be in touch with you to schedule an interview. https://goo.gl/forms/zcrTv5s6PAFCbkg13 Do you have any story ideas that you think should be featured on Good Life Western Sports? Don't hesitate to send us a facebook message or email us at goodlifewesternsports@gmail.com and we will be in touch with you! As you prepare for your upcoming rodeo or association finals, keep in mind the Good Life Western Sports team. We invite the opportunity to see how we can work together on your event! Send us a message on facebook or email us at goodlifewesternsports@gmail.com and we will be in contact with you! If you haven't already be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the Good Life Western Sports Podcast on Itunes!You can just search "Good Life Western Sports" or click the link below and hit subscribe! ---> https://itunes.apple.com/…/good-life-western-…/id1315173801… Check out the Good Life Western Sports website ---> goodlifewesternsports.tv and be sure to like our facebook page ---> www.facebook.com/goodlifewesternsports for all your up-to-date information surrounding Rodeo Nebraska!…