Lesson 95 Homeschool Tip 2 How to Create Lesson Plans
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Please check out the Podcast Transcript of episode 95: Tip 2 How to Create Lesson Plans.
Elle 0:09
Elle and Miriam are two black homeschooling moms embarking on a self-defining journey. Listen in on conversations that will encourage you to be your authentic self while uplifting your spirit and motivating your inherent potential. They're defining what culture is for their families and want you to do the same. Bring your children along so they can meet the cleverly cultured kids. They're all for teaching the babies while they're young, adapting to the challenges of parenting, homeschooling, and being willing to learn the lessons that the children have to offer. It's all about uplifting one another and reclaiming your innate greatness.
Elle Cole 1:12
It's now time for the word of the episode.
Elle Cole 1:17
Keh means "to demonstrate" or "to teach" in Mende.
Elle Cole 1:36
Hello, everybody. Welcome to another CleverlyChanging Podcast. I am one of your hosts I will call, and today we are talking about our second homeschool tip. Yes, we are getting back to the basics for those of you who are interested in learning more about homeschooling and teaching your children. Again, this podcast isn't just for homeschoolers but also for people who want to supplement their child's education. So today, we are talking about Tip number two, lesson plans. Now, if you're not a teacher, no worries. We are going to walk you through how to create a lesson plan and how to make it work for you. So first, I want to share that a lesson plan is important. If you want to organize and prepare information, it keeps you on track and focused. When creating a lesson plan, identify your subject, then research the concept your child needs to learn. So when I was homeschooling, I had to often reteach myself different subjects. So if it had been years since I had seen some of the math problems that I needed to teach to my kids. It wasn't a big worry. It just meant I had to utilize different resources so that I could refresh my memory. One of the tools I use to do that was YouTube, they have great tutorials where people will work out the problems, and you can practice. Also, if you are a bit hesitant about some subjects and you feel like, they are outside of my scope. No worries, you don't have to do it all personally. You can hire tutors, tap into your village, your resources, your support system, and even classes online. So there are multiple ways to ensure your child or children are getting a solid education.
Elle Cole 3:48
for preschoolers, I feel like preschool and elementary school many of us can handle those areas fairly well on our own. And we should probably go back to thinking about the learning cells. And there are three learning styles I talked about last year. The first was auditory, the second visual, and the third kinesthetic or tactile. And when I was teaching my preschoolers, I often went to the library and got CDs or videos to reinforce those lessons. Kids learn so well through song. So even if you're not a singer, it doesn't mean that your kids don't have to have an opportunity to be exposed to new music, expose them, teach them, and sing with them, but you can also get CDs to sing along, especially if that's not your wheelhouse.
Elle Cole 4:53
The other thing I encourage you to do is use apps like we are living in a wonderful day.
Elle Cole 5:00
technology age where we have different resources at our disposal. And one of those resources is being able to type into apps. There are also educational programs like BrainPOP. I've always said that as one of my resources because it was one that I found easy to use. They often had supplemental resources to go along with it and even sample lesson plans. So that's why I highly recommend BrainPOP so much. There's also Khan Academy and many other resources. Visit the show notes page. And I will link to some of my favorite resources I use during my homeschooling.
Elle Cole 5:47
For kinesthetic lessons, encourage your child to create a 3d model or take a field trip, so your child can see how the lesson appears in real life. A lot of kids, when you're using many different senses together, they're going to remember the information better. So you want them to be hands on to be able to look at different concepts from different perspectives. And that is what field trips can offer. So
Elle Cole 6:23
I live in the DC, Maryland area, and we have a wealth of museums. The Smithsonian was just an area where we loved going to the different museums. They often offered classes and various resources. So wherever you live, there are definitely some educational resources in your area that you can take advantage of with your children.
Elle Cole 6:53
So remember, when you are doing your lesson plans, I want to give you a few steps to keep in mind. So step one, research and write out the objectives. So research what your child should be learning. What does your state require? How much does your child already know? Then use all that information to write out the objective step to find out what your child needs to learn? So I just spoke about the need to look up the state requirements. So no, you don't have to ensure your children are at the same level as their peers. But keep in mind, if something were to happen, and you needed to put your child in school, you want to make sure that they're at least on par if they're going to be learning at
Elle Cole 7:54
school or traditional school at some time. So you don't want to be so far removed that your child can't compete with other kids. Now with that said, don't use that as a crutch. If your child is already advanced and has already mastered areas in their grade level, by all means, move on, and teach them where they are. What I love about homeschooling the most is you're not competing against anyone. Your child is literally learning at his or her best ability, regardless of where anybody else is. So when you are teaching your child, keep that in mind. That is not what you love to do. How you learn best is really about the child, ...
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