Dissecting Gender Pay & Tax Gap - Shifting Paradigms and Overlooked Narratives
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Join us on "Information for Life - Insights and Ideas to Navigate Your World" as we delve into the complexities of the gender wage gap. In this episode, we dissect the misunderstood narratives surrounding the gender pay gap and the lesser-known gender tax gap. Using principles of univariate and multivariate analysis, we investigate the many variables at play, from occupational choices to work-life balance and societal value judgments. We aim to move beyond oversimplified notions, uncover the true depth of these issues, and highlight the necessity of understanding the interconnected reality we all share.
#informationforlife #genderpaygap #gendertaxgap #univariateanalysis #multivariateanalysis #wagedisparity #occupationalsorting #statisticalresearch #equalpayact #societalissues #incomeinequality #worklifebalance #careerchoices #complexityofwagegap #overlookednarratives #womeninworkforce #meninworkforce #shiftingparadigms
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1. Dissecting Gender Pay & Tax Gap - Shifting Paradigms and Overlooked Narratives (00:00:00)
2. Dissecting Gender Pay and Tax Gap (00:00:11)
3. Occupational Segregation and Gender Wage Gap (00:07:54)
4. Gender Segregation in Professions (00:16:38)
5. Exploring Wage Differences and Promoting Cooperation (00:21:47)
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