Worship and events at Cedar Hills Community Church. We are live online Sundays at 8:30am and 11am. Local to Cedar Rapids, Iowa? Join us in person and experience forgiveness, authenticity, hospitality and restoration among a community of others who seek to love, belong and serve Jesus.
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The Parable of the Ten Minas Pastor Steve Poole TEXT: Luke 19:11-27 FOUR MAIN POINTS 1. The faithful servant submits to the Lord’s authority. 2. The faithful servant acts with integrity even in the lord’s absence. 3. The faithful servant doesn’t make excuses. 4. The faithful servant is rewarded with more authority, providence and responsibility. Lu…
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Good Seed, Bad Seed, and Kingdom Treasure
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27:14Good Seed, Bad Seed, and Kingdom Treasure. Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - When good and evil grow side by side - we keep trusting! TEXT - Luke 13:18-19 Three responses to evil in the world: 1. Plant seeds. * Luke 13:18-19 (Matthew 13:31-32) * Matthew 13:1-9, 24-27 * Romans 12:9 2. Leave weeds. * Matthew 13:28-30 * Wisdom * Patience. * Luke 13:24-43 *…
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Speakers: Kent Landhuis, Tim Vink, Gary Sager and Steve Poole. Scripture: Luke 14:25-33. Theme: Treasure hunters (disciples) must count the cost of following Jesus.Bởi Pastor Tim Vink, Gary Sager, Pastor Steve Poole
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The Treasure of a Merciful Moneylender
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20:42The Treasure of a Merciful Moneylender (Luke 7:36-50) Pastor Leah Carolan 1. Which Subtitle Best Describes the Story * "Jesus Anointed by a Sinful Woman" * "A Sinful Woman Forgiven" 2. No Ordinary Tears 3. Three Basic Signs of Hospitality Ignored * Washing of the Feet * A Kiss on the Face * Head Anointed with Oil 4. Another Story to make a Point * …
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A Formula for Finding Kingdom Treasure
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27:45A Formula for Finding Kingdom Treasure. Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - Treasure Hunters in the kingdom actually find real treasure. TEXT - Luke 18:9-14 OUTLINE 1. Enter the Kingdom. * Luke 17:20-37 * Luke 18:9 * Luke 6:20-26 2. Receive Mercy. * Luke 18:9-14 * Avoid Contempt * Remain Humble * Luke 16:14-15 3. Go Justified. * Luke 18:14 * Philippians 3…
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Treasure Hunters Celebrate Pastor Kent Landhuis TEXT - Luke 15 1 Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. 2 But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” 3 Then Jesus told them this parable: 4 “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. D…
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Wealth Management Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - Each one of us has a responsibility to manage our wealth wisely. TEXT - Luke 16:1-13 Three spirits of wealth enhancement: 1. The spirit of money management. Luke 16:1-2 1 Peter 4:10 Colossians 3:23 2. The spirit of relational investment. Luke 16:3-7 Luke 15 3. The spirit of treasure multiplication. Luk…
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Beware the Love of Money Pastor Steve Poole TEXT - Luke 16:19-31 The Big Ideas Jesus Wants to Challenge: 1. The rich man goes to hell and the poor man, Lazarus, goes to heaven. 2. The resurrection will not persuade those who have not believed the truth revealed in Scripture. 3. Beware the love of money. · Luke 16:13-14 · “Mammon” is used in some tr…
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Treasure Hunters Ask Courageous Questions
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25:07Treasure Hunters Ask Courageous Questions Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - Beware of Greed. TEXT - Luke 12:13-21 The Parable of Bigger Barns is about you. 1. Do I want to know the truth? * Matthew 13:10-17 * Philippians 2:3 2. Do I recognize the seductive power of earthly treasure? * Luke 12:13-21 * Luke 18:18-27 3. Do I build bigger barns? * Luke 12:3…
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Where is Your Treasure? Following the Treasure Map
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38:21Where is Your Treasure: Following the Treasure Map Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - Parables provide a map to find kingdom treasure. TEXT - Matthew 20:1-16 Treasure maps orient us in at least three ways: 1. Know where you are going: What does the treasure look like? * Matthew 20:1-2 * Isaiah 52:7a. “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those …
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Where is Your Treasure: The Pearl of Great Price
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29:02Where is your Treasure? What is of Greatest Value? Pastor Steve Poole Matthew 13:45-46 - “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.” 1. Two Interpretations of Matthew 13:45-46 * God/Jesus is the merchant and we are the pearl of gre…
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A presentation of Noah's Ark PreschoolBởi Kris Crowther
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Where is your Treasure? Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - God’s kingdom brings surprising value. TEXT - Matthew 13:44 1. Kingdom treasure has hidden value. * Matthew 13 * Isaiah 55:1-2 2. Kingdom treasure has immense value. * Matthew 13:44 * Matthew 6:21 3. Kingdom treasure has incomparable value. * Matthew 16:24-26 * Matthew 6:33 NEXT STEPS 1. Pray the…
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Songs of Abundant Forgiveness: A New Song
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20:33SONGS OF ABUNDANT FORGIVENESS: A New Song Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - Do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance, and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance? Romans 2:4 TEXT - Psalm 40 1. Set your Feet on the Rock! * Psalm 40:1-2 * Psalm 18:1-3 2. Tell the Story to Everyone! * Psalm …
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SONGS OF ABUNDANT FORGIVENESS Remember the Resurrection Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - Resurrection reshapes our lives… forget not. TEXT - Psalm 103 1. Remembering resurrection reshapes our souls. * Psalm 103:1-2 * Isaiah 17:10, 48:9-10 * Joshua 4:6-7 2. Remembering resurrection reshapes our values. * Psalm 103:3-10 * Deuteronomy 8:1-5 * 2 Peter 1:5-…
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Songs of Abundance Forgiveness: Hosannas and Hallelujahs
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33:20SONGS OF ABUNDANT FORGIVENESS: Hosannas and Hallelujahs Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - Our victorious Messiah offers songs of rejoicing when we are rescued. TEXT - Psalm 118 1. Hosanna - “Save us.” 2. Hallelujah - “Praise God! 3. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. · Psalm 118:26 · Zechariah 9:9 · John 12:12-19 4. Give thanks to the Lord…
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Songs of Abundance Forgiveness: Songs of Right Paths
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34:41SONGS OF ABUNDANT FORGIVENESS: Songs of Right Paths Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - God leads us to right paths. TEXT - Psalm 142 and 23 1. Right paths lead to contentment. Psalm 142:3 Psalm 23:1-3 2. Right paths lead to assurance. Psalm 142:4 Psalm 23:3 John 10:1-17 3. Right paths lead to security. Psalm 23:4 Psalm 143:8 4. Right paths lead to safe p…
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Songs of Abundance Forgiveness: Benefits of Brokenness
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33:16SONGS OF ABUNDANT FORGIVENESS: Benefits of Brokenness Pastor Steve Poole TEXT – Psalm 51 (ESV) DEFINITIONS: The Severe Love of God דָּכָה (dā·ḵā(h)): verb · be crushed, i.e., be in a crushed state, or possibly actively to press on someone, implying destruction · be crushed, be despondent, i.e., have an attitude or emotion of distress · contrite, i.…
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Songs of Abundance Forgiveness: Songs of Safety
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27:02Songs of Abundant Forgiveness: Songs of Safety Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - God is safe. Church should be safe too. TEXT - Psalm 32 1. God is our hiding place. * Psalm 32:6-7 * The rising waters will not harm us. * Troubles will not find us. * Songs of deliverance surround us. 2. Forgiveness is a blessing. * Psalm 32:1-5 * Zephaniah 3:17 * Isaiah 4…
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Songs of Abundance Forgiveness: Lament - Grief Over Sin
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38:08SONGS OF ABUNDANT FORGIVENESS: Lament - Grief Over Sin. Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - True confession comes with groaning but it yields rejoicing. TEXT - Psalm 130 1. Name the grief of sin. a. Seven Penitential Psalms (Psalm 130:1-2) i. Psalm 6 ii. Psalm 32 iii. Psalm 38 iv. Psalm 51 v. Psalm 102 vi. Psalm 130 vii. Psalm 143 b. King David’s sin - 2 …
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SONGS OF ABUNDANT FORGIVENESS Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - Because God forgives us, we forgive others. TEXT - Psalm 25, Matthew 18:21-33 1. Affirm God’s Merciful Character. * Psalm 25:1-11 * “According to your mercy, remember me for your goodness sake.” Psalm 25:11b 2. Follow God’s Merciful Way. * Psalm 25:12-22 * “Good and upright is the Lord; the…
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Abundance: An Abundance of Seeing Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - Every person we meet is made in the image of God. TEXT - Genesis 1:27 OUTLINE 1. Mankind was made in the image of God. - Genesis 1:26-31 - Genesis 2:7 - “God-breathed is warmly personal, with the face-to-face intimacy of a kiss and the significance that this was an act of giving as well…
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ABUNDANCE: God's Abundance Pastor Steve Poole TEXT: Genesis 3:10-24 1. God’s abundance on display in Genesis 1-3 a. Creation b. Relationship c. Provision d. Deliverance 2. THE BAD... Sin is real and has real consequences a. Sin is rejecting, ignoring, or disobeying God. b. Sin alienates us from God. c. Sin turns blessings into curses. d. Sin fractu…
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Abundance: Is Forgiveness Scarce or Abundant?
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21:10Abundance: Is Forgiveness Scarce or Abundant? Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - We will not thrive with a scarcity mindset. TEXT - Genesis 3:1-13 1. Doubt - Did God really say? * Genesis 3:1 * Psalm 27:1 2. Disguise - They realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings. * Genesis 3:2-8 * Hebrews 4:13 3. Denial - She gave …
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Installing our new 2024 board of Elders and Deacons.Bởi Pastor Kent Landhuis
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Abundance: Together is Better Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - We enjoy God’s abundant provision in community. TEXT - Genesis 2:4-20 OUTLINE 1. God Makes Everything Good. * Genesis 1:28 * Genesis 1:31 * Genesis 2:4 2. It is Not Good to be Alone. * Genesis 2:7-8 * Genesis 2:15-18 * Genesis 2:21-25 3. God Invites us Together. * Genesis 1:26-27 * Genesis …
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Abundance: God's Abundance in Creation
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37:38ABUNDANCE: God’s Abundance in Creation Pastor Steve Poole TEXT: Genesis 1:1-31, 2:1-3 “And God saw that it was good.” GENESIS 1 1. God finds pleasure in His created world. 2. God is glorified when we enjoy His creation. (Genesis 1:27-28) 3. God created you on purpose for a purpose. (Psalms 8:1,3; 19:1-2, Romans 1:19-20) 4. Creation testifies to the…
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Abundance: Union With Christ Gary Sager 1. What is union with Christ? (Galatians 3:26-29) · Vine and branches. John 15, · Head with its body, Ephesians 1 · Temple and the cornerstone. 1 Peter 2 · Husband and a wife. Ephesians 5 2. Why is it important? · We receive a new record. · We get a new life. (Galatians 2:20) · There’s a new freedom. · We get…
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The Word Made Flesh: Character Development
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35:13Word Made Flesh: Character Development Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - The character of Jesus developed to accomplish the purpose for which he came. TEXT - Matthew 2:1-18 1. Threatened. (Matthew 2:1-18) 2. Tempted. (Matthew 4:1-11) 3. Tested. (Matthew 16:13-20) 4. Trampled. (Matthew 26-27) 5. Triumphed. (Matthew 28:1-10, Colossians 1:9-20, Philippians…
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Christmas Eve at Cedar Hills Community ChurchBởi Pastor Kent Landhuis, Pastor Leah Carolan
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The Word Made Flesh: Growing up Jesus (8:30am Service)
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29:23Word Made Flesh: Growing up Jesus Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - Jesus grew in stature and wisdom and in favor with God and man. (Luke 2:52) TEXT - Luke 2:41-52 1. Do you focus more on the humanity or the divinity of Jesus? · Isaiah 9:6 · Luke 2:41-42 · Luke 2:49-50 2. Do you recognize what Jesus accomplished? · Luke 2:40,52 · Luke 24:26-27 · Luke 2:…
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The Word Made Flesh: Water Into Wine Feasting (11:00am Service)
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38:41Word Made Flesh: Water into Wine Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness. TEXT - John 2:1-12 OUTLINE 1. We have no wine. * John 2:3 * Matthew 25:1 * Revelations 19:7 * Ephesians 5:25-26 2. Do whatever he says. * John 2:4-7 * Hebrews 9:22 * John 6:53-56 3. The best is yet to come. * John 2:8-10 * Isaiah 25…
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Word Made Flesh: Life and Death Pastor Steve Poole THEME - The flesh and blood Jesus deals with death. TEXT - John 11:17-44 1. Jesus doesn’t blame Lazarus or his sisters. “The flesh and blood Jesus doesn’t rebuke any of the mourners for showing their grief over the death of Lazarus, and he could have!” ~Steve Poole 2. Jesus doesn’t condemn their em…
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The Word Made Flesh: Resurrection and Return
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31:37Word Made Flesh: Resurrection and Return Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - Jesus' flesh and blood resurrection and return give us hope. TEXT - John 1:1,14; Acts 1:3-11 OUTLINE - How important is flesh and blood? 1. Celebrate flesh and blood Jesus. John 1:1,14 Incarnation: the in-fleshing of Jesus. Hebrews 2:17; 4:15 2. Touch flesh and blood Jesus. - Luk…
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The Out of Rhythm Life: Idolatry Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - Idols take us out of rhythm. The gospel keeps us in rhythm TEXT - Matthew 6:19-21 OUTLINE A brief idolatry diagnostic: 1. What do I worship? * Matthew 6:21 - "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." * What is an idol? It is anything more important to you than God, any…
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The Out of Rhythm Life: Fasting Pastor Leah Carolan THEME – Fasting is a powerful prayer we can use to realign our lives when we get out of rhythm. TEXT – 2 Chronicles 20:12 Fasting in the Bible is: 1. A regular scheduled spiritual practice 2. For mourning, to show grief or great distress 3. A sign of repentance 4. To prepare for ministry 5. To see…
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We installed Steve Poole and Leah Carolan as pastors on Sunday, Nov. 12, 2023Bởi Pastor Kent Landhuis, Pastor Steve Poole, Pastor Leah Carolan
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The Out of Rhythm Life: Dechurching Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - Without the church, we cannot grow in our faith. TEXT - Acts 2:37-47 OUTLINE What shall we do? 1. Repent and turn to Jesus. * Acts 2:38 * Acts 2:22-24 * Acts 4:12 2. Embrace the community of Jesus. * Acts 2:41-47 * Hebrews 12:1-3 * Hebrews 10:25 3. Follow the Spirit’s leading. * Acts …
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The Out of Rhythm Life: Freedom in Jesus
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35:34The Out of Rhythm Life: Freedom in Jesus Pastor Steve Poole Text: John 8:30-47 Two definitions of freedom: 1. The absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action. 2. The right to do what you want to do whenever you want to do it. Freedom in Jesus: 1. Real freedom means to follow the Jesus rhythm. 2. Real freedom is experienced onl…
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ROOTED: Worship Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - Life in Jesus is rooted in worship. TEXT - Psalm 100 and Job 1 OUTLINE 1. Find the rhythm of worship. - Psalm 100 - Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17 2. Keep the rhythm of worship. - Job 1 -…
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ROOTED: Telling Your Story Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - We have the best story to tell. TEXT - Psalm 107:1-9 OUTLINE 1. Classic Storytelling Structure * Beginning - life happens. * Middle - trouble/despair. * End - rescue. 2. Classic Christian Storytelling Structure * Psalm 107 - Give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deed…
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ROOTED: Sacrificial Generosity Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - We are blessed to be a blessing. TEXT - 2 Corinthians 8:1-7 OUTLINE 1. The Threat of Money. * 1 Timothy 6:10 * Matthew 6:24 2. The Rhythms of Giving. * Giving germinates out of God’s Grace. * Giving sprouts as a Joyful Response. * Giving grows into Sacrificial Generosity. * Giving flourish…
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ROOTED: Serve Others Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”~ John 15:12 TEXT - Mark 10:35-45 Whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. Mark 10:44 1. Servants surrender. Mark 10:43-45 Romans 12:10 2. Servants embrace humility. Philippians 2:1-11 Galatians 5:13 3. Servants show compassion. Mark 6…
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ROOTED: Repentance Pastor Steve Poole THEME – Repentance: Discovering Joy in Grief TEXT - Psalms 51:1-17 About the word ‘repentance’ · Μετάνοια · Transliteration: metanoia · Phonetic Spelling: (met-an'-oy-ah) · Definition: change of mind, repentance · Usage: repentance, a change of mind, change in the inner man OUTLINE 1. Repentance fully recognize…
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ROOTED: Prayer Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - Pray always and never give up! TEXT - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 OUTLINE - A vibrant prayer life is possible for you. 1. Prayer begins with God. Hebrews 4:15-16 Isaiah 62:6-7 Jeremiah 33:3 2. Prayer is not detached from reality. Psalm 34:17 Psalm 55:17 Psalm 72:12 3. Prayer isn’t too complicated. James 4:8 1…
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ROOTED: Daily Devotions Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - A Daily Devotion is the spiritual practice of dwelling in the Word to connect with God. TEXT - Deuteronomy 6:1-12 Throughout history - from generation to generation - right up to today people connect with God through the practice of daily devotions. This connection with God transforms us. 1. Reme…
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ROOTED: An Overview Pastor Kent Landhuis (and guest panel) THEME – Engaging the rhythms of rooted will connect you with God, the church, and your purpose. TEXT – Psalm 1, John 15 1. What helps you abide with God? I want to be like a tree… Psalm 1 Abide in me… John 15 Notes: 2. What are the rhythms? Daily Devotion. Prayer. Repentance. Sacrificial Ge…
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Meeting God: The Sensate Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME – The sensate meets God with their whole being. TEXT - Psalm 141; Mark 12:30 1. Hearing God. “Whoever has ears, let them hear.” ~Matthew 11:15 2. Seeing God. “The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole b…
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Meeting God: The Activist Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - Activists meet God in their zeal for doing good. TEXT - Romans 12:9-21, John 2:13-17 OUTLINE 1. Zealous for good. · Romans 12:9-13. · Hate evil. · Cling to good. 2. Zealous for people. · Romans 12:14-20. · Matthew 5:43-45. · Love people. 3. Zealous for God’s Glory. · Romans 12:21. · Romans 12:1…
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Meeting God: The Contemplative Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - Contemplatives meet God with ideas and images, connecting with God in their minds. TEXT - 2 Timothy 1:1-7 , 2 Timothy 3:10-17 OUTLINE 1. Contemplatives meet God through curiosity. * All truth is God’s truth. * Love God with all your mind. 2. Contemplatives love words and images. * To know …
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