Todas as semanas, debate com Sérgio Sousa Pinto, Ana Sá Lopes e João Marques de Almeida - com moderação de Anselmo Crespo. Na CNN Portugal
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Portugal simplificado em poucos minutos. Um noticiário humorístico, inspirado na actualidade do país e arredores. As vozes das figuras públicas ou anónimas e os efeitos sonoros (do trânsito, da natureza ou do que for preciso) são feitos por Manuel Marques e António Machado. Textos de Patrícia Castanheira, sonoplastia de Thomas Anahory.
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El programa de las tardes de Onda Cero con análisis, entrevistas, crónicas y mucho más.
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Weekly sermons from Newmills Presbyterian Church, Portadown
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Paulo Portas analisa a atualidade internacional e traduz os problemas com que nos defrontamos à escala global.
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Komentarji prinašajo poglede na aktualna doganjanja v družbi. Pri tem ostajajo zvesti narodu, domovini in krščanski tradiciji.
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Podcast com os lives do grupo FIRE Talks Portugal no Facebook. Grupo de educação e discussão sobre como atingir a independência financeira em Portugal e como tirar anos à idade legal de reforma. Projecto de literacia financeira sobre temas ligados a FIRE, por Luís Lobo Jordão, CFA, um profissional de investimentos com mais de 25 anos de experiência. Sponsor do podcast: Soluções Stoik - - Ponha o seu dinheiro a trabalhar para si! 🔥
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Electrónica de amplio espectro. Atmósferas expansivas. Vivencias, reflexiones, personajes interesantes, ciencia ficción... Todo lo que al "Portavoz" le parezca interesante.
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O melhor podcast de sempre.
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土曜0時二配信 | 思索生知ポッドキャスト番組 #レクリエーションポート 俳優と写真家のふたりが深夜にお届け!! クスッと笑える音声をあなたの日常に。 辞書を使ったお勉強コーナーも有り。 👽 深夜ノ、リラックストークヲドウゾ 番組のご感想、お便りはお気軽に公式から! 【公式サイト】 【Twitter】@RECREATION_Port
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Todas as regiões num só programa. De norte a sul, da Madeira aos Açores, do interior ao litoral. Os grandes temas que atravessam o país, em reportagem, debate e entrevista. Segunda a sexta, depois das 13h na Antena1
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Bem-vindos ao Podcast da Hillsong Portugal! É o nosso desejo que cada episódio te encoraje e desafie a viver uma vida com propósito. Visita para mais informações sobre onde e quando nos reunimos!
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O Podcast do Banco de Portugal. Criado para dar a conhecer as atividades desenvolvidas pelo Banco de Portugal e abordar temas que possam ser úteis no dia-a-dia dos cidadãos, sejam dicas para a utilização de serviços financeiros e de pagamentos ou informação sobre os diferentes serviços disponibilizados a particulares e empresas.
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Não sabes o que ver a seguir na Netflix ou na HBO? Nós estamos aqui para ajudar. Todas as semanas falamos dos novos conteúdos que aterram nas plataformas de streaming para que não te percas no imenso mar do binge watching
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Portal del Web
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A D&D actual-play podcast featuring comedians and actors from Sydney, Australia. The Adventuring Portal will take them to new and exciting worlds filled with monsters to fight, treasure to find and laughs to be had.
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Audiolibros en español. Cuentos leídos por Cecilia Bona.
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Ser colaborativo é uma realidade. Acesse o link e faça parte da verdadeira advocacia colaborativa.
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Subscribe for your latest News Briefing
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Port Orange Church Of The Nazarene
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Biografias e comentários
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NPC is a podcast about one of the hottest corners of the gaming world: portable hardware. Every other week, Federico Viticci, John Voorhees, and Brendon Bigley cover portable gaming news and share their experiences with everything from the simplest retro gaming handhelds to cutting-edge handheld PCs.
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The latest news and information about North Port.
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Portal Quandary is a real-play dramedy Dungeons and Dragons podcast. Magnolia, Lucille, Noah and Hymmbo are four strangers who find themselves stuck in a mystical land farther away than they ever thought possible. Our party must explore this dangerous land to return home, but somehow, this alien world provokes questions about home they never thought to ask.
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Faith comes by hearing! - STAY FRESH Ecc. 9:8 "Let your garment always be white, and let your head lack no oil"
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The world is full of mystery. Man's hubris would have you believe that the world is mapped, it is explained, it has been conquered. But many would disagree. We believe the world still has mystery. That there are layers upon layers of the world that remain unexplored and unexplained. That there is still magic and mystery all around us.. if only we would open our eyes and our hearts to understand. Paranormal Portal explores the many mysteries that still persist. Discussing theory, testimonial ...
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神戸市から兵庫県の主要なニュースをお届けするPODCASTです。 今日も、地域のニュースを一緒にキャッチしていきましょう! Welcome to "NEWS PORT Hyogo"! Curious about what’s happening in Hyogo? We’ve got all the top stories you need to know, right here. Follow us to add a touch of local news to your day! Let’s dive in and catch today’s headlines together!
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With this podcast, you can turn any portable mediaplayer into a 'Praystation Portable '. When you subscribe to the feed, you'll be able to download a daily morning and evening prayer that you can take with you on the road. The prayers are taken from the Catholic Liturgy of the Hours.
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Conteúdo Pavilhão do Conhecimento: A pergunta de uma criança respondida por um cientista do Pavilhão.
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Welcome to Port City! We are located in the sunny harbour city of Gladstone, Central QLD. We love to greet new people and spread the gospel message. We meet each week for two services on Sunday morning at 8:30am and 10:30am.
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Podcast aimed at helping employers improve workplace safety, wellness & more! We are a non-profit program based in Portage County, Ohio.
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Iniciativas interessantes e projetos inovadores desenvolvidos em Portugal, com João Bacalhau
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Lecturas. Alighieri,Anderson,Arlt,Aurelio, Bach,Benedetti,Borges,Bradbury,Buber, Bucay, Camus, Collins,Cortés,Dickens,Didion,Dostoievsky,Duras,Eliot,Epicteto, Estés,Exupery,FosterWallace,Frankl,Freud,Fromm,Gibrán,Hanh,Heine,Higa,Hemingway,Hesse,Hillman,Kafka,Kästner,Kolesnicov, Krishnamurti,Kübler-Ross,Saramargo, Lao-Tse, Levi,Levin,Lispector,Lovecraft, Lukas, Maté, Márquez,Moore, Nietzsche,Ocampo,Orwell,Palacios,Plath,Platón,Peterson,Pizarnik,Prado,Poe,Proust,Saramargo, Storni,Thoreau,Tolle ...
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Cuentos y narraciones
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One Controller Port is a video game podcast focused on niche games, news stories, and topics. Learn something new every week with a show that differs from your typical weekly gaming podcast. Part of, which features video reviews, articles, podcasts, streams, and more! Find me on Twitter @Oculin
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Libros,libros y más libros...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...
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An ongoing exploration of the complexity of being human, through monthly conversations about trust, loss, feelings and perspective.
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Explore and Expand your consciousness at Portal to Ascension. Bringing forth revolutionary and empowering conscious individuals that have dedicated their lives to the paradigm shift that is now occurring on the planet.
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Patrícia Ferraz, editora do Paladar, dá dicas para deixar a sua experiência gastronômica mais saborosa.
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Bởi dyman1966
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El hombre que amó a las Nereidas. Marguerite Yourcenar.
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Escucha el programa completo de 'Por fin', conducido por Jaime Cantizano. Entretenimiento, curiosidades, entrevistas y mucho más en el magazine de las tardes de Onda Cero.
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Oeiras e Sintra ligadas por autocarros elétricos
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44:01O projeto orçado em 100 milhões de euros deve estar no terreno, em via única, daqui por 3 anos. Edição de Cláudia Costa
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Por Fin es Viernes (14-02-2025)
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4:46:22Magazín de los viernes con entrevistas de actualidad, política, secciones, tertulias y programas en los exteriores de nuestros estudios. Todo a nivel local y regional. Con Daniel Montesdeoca y Patricia Hernández.
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Num cenário do século XIX e sob um sol escaldamte, Alentejo: Tinto's Law é um videojogo em que cowboys lutam pelo domínio do contrabando e de outros negócios no Alentejo. Vai ser editado para Game Boy.
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La vuelta al mundo en 72 días (fragmento) - Nellie Bly | Audiolibros Por qué leer
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21:05Vivir una aventura no es para todos: hay que enfrentarse a los peligros, aceptar las sorpresas, animarse a cambiar. Viajar entre continentes en 1889 no era para casi nadie… especialmente para las mujeres. Entonces, donde la puerta decía “no”, la periodista estadounidense Nellie Bly leía “sí”. Atraída por la idea de superar las 80 jornadas de viaje …
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Episódio #24: Aquele que veio de longe contar as coisas
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34:01Um breve resumo da vida e obra de um dos maiores autores do folclore argentino: Atahualpa Yupanqui. A transcrição do episódio está aqui. Músicas deste episódio estão nesta playlist no Youtube:ởi Julián Catino
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E o bombeiro? Sim ou não?
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O Bottega Bernacca no Parque do Ibirapuera é uma lugar perfeito para uma noite de verão. O cenário é o seguinte: um restaurante sem paredes, com a maioria das mesas num deck ao ar livre, que funciona como um grande terraço debaixo das árvores centenárias do Parque do Ibirapuera. See for privacy information.…
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Flood warnings remain in place following Cyclone Zelia
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2:08Flood warnings remain in place following Cyclone Zelia See for privacy information.Bởi LiSTNR
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Port Orange Church Of The NazareneBởi Ponaz
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Port Orange Church Of The NazareneBởi Ponaz
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半世紀で990回受賞「投稿マニア」 総理大臣賞に輝いた交通安全標語「危険です…」の続きは 兵庫県中学新人駅伝、男子は稲美北が初優勝 女子は飾磨西が2年連続3度目V
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Tango- The Aftermath || Pastor Joel Udegbe
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58:23For more information, visit us at
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EP.372 - Fluxo de capuccino numa manhã fria de inverno
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48:16Eu sei lá.
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Psalm 86 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10 Prayer Requests to
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Psalm 45 Ephesians 1:3-10 1 Thessalonians 2:13 Prayer Requests to
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Psalm 119:41-48 Psalm 40:2-14,17-18 Jeremiah 32:40 Prayer Requests to
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Psalm 42 Sirach 36:1-5,10-13 Psalm 19A Jeremiah 15:16 Prayer Requests to
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Psalm 31:1-17,20-25 Proverbs 3:1-20 Prayer Requests to
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Psalm 95 Prayer Requests to
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16 Feb 2025 - Ps James Hewitt - Spiritual Weapons - Its Time to Declare
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39:08Spiritual Weapons Series - Its Time to DeclareBởi Port City Christian Church
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Se não estás à mesa, é porque estás no menu
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49:18O debate político com Maria Castello Branco, Sérgio Sousa Pinto e João Marques de Almeida, todas as sextas-feiras, com a moderação de Anselmo Crespo e esta semana com a participação do embaixador António Martins da Cruz See for privacy information.Bởi CNN Portugal
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Psalm 91 Revelation 22:4-5 Prayer Requests to
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Psalm 110:1-5,7 Psalm 115 Revelation 19:1-7 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14 Prayer Requests to
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Psalm 23 Psalm 76 Romans 8:26 Prayer Requests to
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Psalm 118 Daniel 3:52-57 Psalm 150 Ezekiel 36:25-27 Prayer Requests to
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Psalm 104 Proverbs 1:1-7,20-33 Prayer Requests to
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Psalm 95 Prayer Requests to
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国宝姫路城の入城料、2500円に値上げ 年10億円増収、維持管理に利用 地元市民は千円に据え置き 神戸市営地下鉄とJR西、1枚で通勤通学OK! 3月15日、イコカの連絡定期券を発売
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Portal del Web (14/02/2025 - Tramo de 15:00 a 16:00)
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59:59Portal del Web (Tramo de 15:00 a 16:00)
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Portal del Web (14/02/2025 - Tramo de 14:00 a 15:00)
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59:59Portal del Web (Tramo de 14:00 a 15:00)
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Fernando Eiras nos trae la actualidad más desternillante para estar entretenido en fin de semana
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Vuelve 'Física o química' con 'FoQ: La nueva generación': "Es importante que los padres la vean para que haya un lugar de debate"
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15:52'Física o Química: La nueva generación' se estrena este domingo en Atresplayer y en 'Por fin' hablamos con dos de sus protagonistas, Itziar Miranda y María Bernardeau.
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Entrevistamos a Carmen Lomana con motivo de la publicación de su último libro "Pasión por la vida"
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La hora brava - Juan Soto Ivars 14/2/2025
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24:11La Hora Brava de los viernes en ‘Por Fin’ es para los ‘Libro-Club’ con Juan Soto Ivars
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El negocio de los "niños influencers": cómo evitar una situación de explotación laboral
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4:58En Por fin hablamos con Jorge Flores, fundador y director de Pantallas Amigas, sobre la intención del Gobierno de regular las horas que invierten los niños y niñas frente a la pantalla realizando campañas publicitarias o trabajos vinculados con su aparición en diferentes aplicaciones digitales.
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Los dispares con Rebeca Marín y Daniel Ramírez 14/2/2025
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31:51Junto a Rebeca Marín y Daniel Ramírez comentamos la Conferencia de Seguridad de Múnich que se celebra este viernes y la posición de la Unión Europea tras las negociaciones de Donald Trump y Vladimir Putin sobre la paz en Ucrania. Además, analizamos las declaraciones de la ministra de Hacienda, María Jesús Montero, sobre Yolanda Díaz a la que ha vue…
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なぜこんなに話せるのかわからないが、気付けば腹十分目を通り越しているのであって… --------- ℝ𝕖:𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 ℙ𝕠𝕣𝕥. 【毎週土曜0時配信|レクリエーションポート】 俳優・ナレーターの武藤翔馬と写真家・ソーシャルワーカーの小宮京がお届けする、思索生知ポッドキャスト番組。 日常の些細なことから世の中のこと、それぞれのクリエイティブな話など、独自の視点でトークします。 思索生知、思考をデザイン。 ▷公式サイト/お便りはこちらから!! ▷Twitter @RECREATION_Port ▷Caster Shoma Muto(@shoma674) / KOMIYAMIYAKO(@KkOoMmIiY…
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El análisis político llega los viernes con Ignacio Varela
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1984. Cuarto episodio. George Orwell.
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49:01Capítulo Vlll. Final Primera Parte.
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Más de 90.000 firmas para evitar que una pareja con Alzheimer se separe tras 60 años de matrimonio
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7:18José Hernández inició una campaña de recogida de firmas en para evitar que sus padres, Desiderio Hernández y María Soledad Domínguez, fuesen a dos residencias diferentes y se separasen tras más de seis décadas juntos. En Por fin nos cuenta cómo se encuentra su familia y qué espera de la Consejería extremeña de Salud.…
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Trees uprooted as Tropical Cyclone Zelia moves inland as a category 3 system
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2:08Trees uprooted as Tropical Cyclone Zelia moves inland as a category 3 system See for privacy information.Bởi LiSTNR
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Psalm 4 Psalm 134 Deuteronomy 6:4-7 Prayer Requests to
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Psalm 119:105-112 Psalm 16 Philippians 2:6-11 Colossians 1:2b-6a Prayer Requests to
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