A podcast for true comic book fans
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Podcast by Caleb Isinghood
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3 black nerds that love discussing and debating ALL things Marvel & DC! Try not to laugh too hard while at work 😉
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Why comparing moms to super heroes can actually be a bad idea!
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The Door Monster crew shares unpopular opinions on writing and visual storytelling through the lens of superhero films while trying to keep a positive outlook on all of them.
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"Fortunato il paese che non ha bisogno di eroi..." Gilgamash, Achille, Ercole, Thor, Sansone... e poi Sherlock Holmes, James Bond, Superman e Spider-Man. L’umanità ha sempre avuto bisogno dei suoi SUPER-EROI. Questo podcast esplora la storia degli eroi attraverso i secoli di storia umana, esplorando come ogni cultura e ogni epoca abbiano forgiato le loro icone di forza, coraggio e speranza. Dalle leggende degli antichi, tra dèi e semidei che hanno plasmato la mitologia, il viaggio del supere ...
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debate de los super heroes
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Weekly observation on Black Super Heroes in black twitter, social media, politics, hip hop, business and comedy.
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Quand on pense aux super-héros, on imagine un être doté de muscles, de super pouvoirs et d’une volonté de sauver le monde à l’instar des super-héros américains comme Superman ou Spider-Man. Comment le super-héros a-t-il traversé les frontières pour se rendre jusqu’à nous? Comment le contexte social a-t-il influencé la création de super-héros typiquement québécois? Dans cette série, l’expert en bande dessinée et passionné de super-héros Philippe Rioux et le sociologue Jean-Philippe Warren nou ...
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Super Heroes fight crime, save the world, and bring justice in action adventures of Blue Beetle, Superman, Green Hornet, Dick Tracy and many more all from old time radio and the silver screen.
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What do you get when you combine two teenage boys, musical instruments and no musical expierience; Super Happy Hero Force The band that brought nothing to the table now has a podcast.
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D'Iron-Man à Ant-Man, Charline Roux et ses super-experts nous racontent les super-héros Marvel au cinéma. Une série de 7 épisodes proposée par Création Collective et France Inter. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir des milliers d'autres podcasts.
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Movement, rabbit holes and wonderlands, no bullshit, mad ones and disrupters, rediscovering what we really are
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Datos interesantes de caballero de la noche
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Que se passerait-il si, j'utilise les questions posées en coaching pour interviewer des spécialistes sur des sujets que vous vivez dans la vie de tous les jours ? LA VOIX DES SUPER-HÉROS, c'est un podcast qui mélange le développement personnel, les neurosciences et la spécialité de nos invités pour une meilleure compréhension de ce que l'on vit au quotidien. Des solutions dans la discussion. Je me présente Willem GONZAGUE je vous souhaite la bienvenue sur ce podcast :)
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UberNeuro explores the world of Neuro Diverse Super Heroes. My son was recently diagnosed with Autism (ASD) and to inspire him my mission is to interview amazing champions and winners from the worlds of business, sports, film and tv, music, etc who have triumphed despite (or often because?) of their neuro diversity. We will ask them three questions and see where the conversation takes us over 10-15 minutes. What challenge did you face? What happened next? Where are you now? The only question ...
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Il existe des hommes et des femmes, ordinaires, qui un jour ont dû dépasser le regard des autres et surtout le leur, pour non seulement réapprendre à vivre, mais surtout, à retrouver un emploi. Bien entendu ils n'en parlent pas, on ne les remarque pas, mais ils sont plus forts, car ils ont eu besoin de se surpasser. Cette série d'émissions, réalisées en partenariat avec l'AGEFIPH dans le cadre de sa campagne Activateur de Progrès, vous emmène dans une enquête pour tenter de retrouver certain ...
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Society’s Super Heroes is a podcast series celebrating the men, women and organisations who have dedicated their lives to empowering communities, and who work tirelessly to improve the lives of others. Each sector commemorates an annual day. The days are occasions to educate and to reinforce achievements in humanity. These days are the perfect springboard for awareness raising actions. We will be curating conversations with Super Heroes to explore what their day means to them and shine a spo ...
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#597: Now Something Completely Different SHS 2.0
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43:06Can’t keep a good podcast down. John may have stepped away but Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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The only constant in the universe is change. BIG changes coming to Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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#595: Captain America: Brave New World
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1:28:06Join us as we review and discuss Captain America: Brave New World, Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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#594: First Steps towards a Fantastic Film
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1:13:58This week the guys discus the Fanatic Four trailer, Rob Liefeld disavowing Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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#593: Your Friendly Neighborhood Tim Jones
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1:38:16This week the guys are joined by cartoonist and friend of the Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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This week the guys round out there DC Absolute talk with Absolute Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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This week the guys discuss the Star Wars: Skeleton Crew finale, the Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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This week the guys discuss the Absolute Superman #1 does is it Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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This week the guys return for 2025 by looking back at the Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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In questa puntata esploriamo il ruolo del mago attraverso la storia, dalla figura archetipica di Merlino fino alla sua evoluzione nei fumetti e nel cinema. Parliamo di Doctor Strange come simbolo del mago eroe e di personaggi caotici come Joker, che incarnano il lato oscuro della magia e del potere. Un viaggio tra miti, leggende e cultura pop. Buon…
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In questa puntata, esploriamo il legame sorprendente tra mitologia, leggende medievali e i supereroi moderni. Partendo dai maghi della tradizione, come Merlino, ci immergeremo nel ciclo arturiano per scoprire come queste figure iconiche abbiano ispirato i personaggi più amati dei fumetti e del cinema. Quali sono le somiglianze tra un re come Artù e…
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La rappresentazione del Cristianesimo nei Supereroi
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11:47In questa puntata parleremo di come il cristianesimo viene rappresentato nei fumetti dei supereroi. Analizzeremo come temi come il sacrificio, la redenzione e la giustizia ispirati dalla fede cristiana si riflettono nei personaggi e nelle storie di alcuni dei più famosi eroi e villain. Vedremo esempi concreti, come Superman e il suo ruolo di "salva…
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This week the guys review the final live action Spider-Man adjacent Sony Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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Gesù e l'etica del sacrificio del Supereroe
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9:32In questa puntata, esploriamo il legame tra la figura di Gesù e l'archetipo del supereroe moderno. Analizziamo come il sacrificio, la responsabilità verso gli altri e l'altruismo, valori incarnati dalla figura di Cristo, abbiano ispirato le storie e le motivazioni di molti eroi contemporanei, cambiando il paradigma di molte narrazioni popolari nel …
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This week the guys discuss the premiere of Star Wars: Skeleton Crew. Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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#586: A Super Hero Speak Thanksgiving special
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52:01The guys from Super Hero Speak take a moment to say what Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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Supereroi, Ebraismo e Cristianesimo: i miti del Messia
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9:49In questa puntata esploriamo come il concetto di Messia, centrale nell’Ebraismo e nel Cristianesimo, abbia influenzato la creazione di personaggi come Superman, Spider-Man e altri. Attraverso il parallelo tra i salvatori biblici e i moderni eroi dei fumetti, scopriremo temi universali come il sacrificio, la redenzione e la lotta tra bene e male. Un…
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This week the guys discuss the hottest DC book in a long Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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In questo episodio esploriamo come le figure sciamaniche e le loro tradizioni spirituali abbiano ispirato la creazione di alcuni dei personaggi più iconici dei fumetti. Analizzeremo miti, simboli e archetipi che collegano antiche pratiche rituali a eroi villain come Spider-Man, Batman e Ghost Rider. Scopriremo come il viaggio interiore, il rapporto…
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#584: What If and other stupid questions
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1:27:38This week the guys are joined by special co-host Montago Bradley (Fans Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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I supereroi sono i nuovi miti del nostro tempo: storie che riflettono paure, speranze e valori di una società in continua evoluzione. Questo video esplora come figure iconiche come Superman, Batman o Spider-Man siano diventate archetipi universali, eredi dei grandi eroi dell'antichità come Achille o Ercole. Analizziamo il legame tra queste narrazio…
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#583: Is Snatch a comic book movie?
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1:07:33This week the guys discuss the Guy Ritchie movie Snatch. Don maintains Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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This week the guys discuss the finale of Agatha All Along and Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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Join. us as we rate, review and discuss Venom The Last Dance, Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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Come nasce il termine "Super-Eroe"? Chi è stato il primo Super-Eroe della storia?
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7:53In questa puntata, esploriamo le origini del termine “super-eroe” e il momento storico in cui questa figura emblematica prende forma. Partendo dalla nascita del termine negli Stati Uniti degli anni ’30, analizziamo come l'idea di super-eroe si sia evoluta da antiche leggende e figure mitologiche. Chi è stato il primo a essere chiamato "super-eroe"?…
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This week the guys bring you the excitement of New York Comic Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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#579: Wild reveals and other news
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1:16:45This week the guys discuss the wild Billy reveal on the latest Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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#578: The Joker 2 Conspiracy Theory
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1:21:01This week the guys discuss with Joker: Folie à Deux getting such Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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#577: Agatha All Along vs. The Penguin
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1:06:47This week the guys discuss compare and contrast Agatha All Along and Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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This week the guys review Transformers One. Is this really how it Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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#575: Remembering the Legend James Earl Jones
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1:15:13This week the guys remember the Legend that is Jams Earl Jones. Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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This week the guys review Beetlejuice Beetlejuice a sequel 36 in the Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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#573: Let’s talk about a Thing or two
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58:03This week the guys discuss the latest nerd news like the leaked Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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This week the guys review the 2024 remake of The Crow staring Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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This week the guys discuss the news around Beau Demayo and the Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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This week the guys discuss the latest DC anime series available on Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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This week the guys discuss and review the biggest movie of 2024, Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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This week the guys finally discuss the final Fox marvel movie, The Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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#565: Are Publishers Stretching Out Stories?
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1:50:25This week the guys discuss the current trend in comics to stretch Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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This week the guys look back on on the DC Animated. movie Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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#563: Our Adventures with Superman
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2:07:33This week the guys catch. up with their favorite DC animated show Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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This week with all the hate The Acolyte is generating from Star Read MoreBởi Super Hero Speak
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