Welcome to the Five Books for Catholics podcast, where experts explain their pick of five outstanding books on an aspect of Catholic life, doctrine, or culture. Visit the website at www.fivebooksforcatholics.com
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Episode 100: St. John Cassian - Interview with Thomas Humphries
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31:01The books recommended in this episode are: The Institutes by St. John Cassian The Conferences by St. John Cassian On the Incarnation of Christ: Against the Heretic Nestorius by St. John Cassian Cassian the Monk by Columba Stewart John Cassian by Owen Chadwick Five Books for Catholics may receive a commission from qualifying purchases made using the…
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Episode 99: Learning Latin - Interview with Charles G. Kim
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29:53The books discussed in this episode are: Biblia Sacra Vulgata De imitatione Christi (The Imitation of Christ) by Thomas À Kempis Collationes in orationem dominicam (Sermon-Conferences on the Our Father) by St. Thomas Aquinas Sermones de tempore (Sermons for the Liturgical Year) by St. Augustine Epitome Historiae Sacrae by Fr. Charles François Lhomm…
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Episode 98: Creation and Evolution - Interview with Matthew Ramage
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32:40The books discussed in this episode are: Faith, Science, and Reason: Theology on the Cutting Edge by Christopher T. Baglow Thomistic Evolution: A Catholic Approach to Understanding Evolution in the Light of Faith by Nicanor Pier Giorgio OP et al. Creation through Evolution: New Perspectives from Thomistic Philosophy and Theology edited by Nicanor P…
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The books discussed in this episode are: The Song of Songs, Commentary and Homilies by Origen of Alexandria On Christian Teaching (De doctrina christiana) by St. Augustine Questions on Love and Charity: Summa Theologiae, Secunda Secundae, Questions 23–46 by St. Thomas Aquinas, edited by Robert Miner The Church Speaks to the Modern World: The Social…
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Episode 96: Learning Ancient Greek - Interview with Michael Boler
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21:53The books recommended in this episode are: Introduction to Classical and New Testament Greek: A Unified Approach by Michael Boler A Reader's Greek New Testament: Third Edition by Richard J. Goodrich and Albert L. Lukaszewski A Patristic Greek Reader by Rodney A. Whitacre A Student Handbook of Greek and English Grammar by Robert Mondi and Peter L. C…
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Episode 95: Theology of Religions - Interview with Fr. Sameer Advani LC
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33:21The books discussed in this episode are: Lumen gentium and Nostra aetate by Second Vatican Council Dominus Iesus, Declaration on the Unicity and Salvific Universality of Jesus Christ and the Church by Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Salvation Outside the Church: Tracing the History of the Catholic Response by Francis Sullivan SJ Christia…
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Episode 94: Pelagianism - Interview with Andrew Chronister
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31:58The books discussed in this episode are: Answer to the Pelagians I by St. Augustine The Pelagian Controversy: An Introduction to the Enemies of Grace and the Conspiracy of Lost Souls by Stuart Squires Religion and Society in the Age of Saint Augustine by Peter Brown The Heart of Perfection: How the Saints Taught Me to Trade My Dream of Perfect for …
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Episode 93: Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange OP - Interview with Matthew Minerd
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40:06The books discussed in this episode are: Knowing the Love of God by Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange OP Three Conversions in the Spiritual Life by Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange OP Providence: God's Loving Care for Men and the Need for Confidence in Almighty God by Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange OP On Divine Revelation: The Teaching of the Catholic Faith (vol. 1…
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Episode 92: Chinese Catholicism - Interview with Joshua R. Brown
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27:27The books discussed in this episode are: The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven by Matteo Ricci SJ Yang Tingyun, Confucian and Christian in Late Ming China: His Life and Thought by Nicholas Standaert Ways of Confucius and of Christ: From Prime Minister of China to Benedictine Monk by Dom Pierre-Célestin Lu Beyond East and West by John C.H. Wu Mater…
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Episode 91: Sacramental Theology - Interview with Fr. Uwe Michael Lang
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24:21The books discussed in this episode are: The Sacramental Mystery by Fr. Paul Haffner Touched by Christ: The Sacramental Economy by Lawrence Feingold General Principles of Sacramental Theology by Roger Nutt Introduction to Sacramental Theology: Signs of Christ in the Flesh by Fr. José Granados Rite and Man: Natural Sacredness and Christian Liturgy b…
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Episode 90: Fourth Week of Advent, 2024 - T.S. Eliot's Ariel Poems
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13:13The recommended book in this episode is Ariel Poems by T.S. Eliot. Five Books for Catholics may receive a commission from qualifying purchases made using the affiliate links to the books listed. Read the interview at www.fivebooksforcatholics.com/fourth-week-of-advent-2024-t-s-eliots-ariel-poems/ For more interviews like this, visit www.fivebooks…
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Episode 89: Third Week of Advent (2024) - Saint-Saens's Christmas Oratorio
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10:18This week recommendation is a CD: the Christmas Oratorio of Camille Saint-Saens (1835-1921). Five Books for Catholics may receive a commission from qualifying purchases made using the affiliate links to the books listed. Read the article at www.fivebooksforcatholics.com/third-week-of-advent-2024/ For more interviews like this, visit www.fivebooksf…
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Episode 88: The Second Week of Advent, 2024
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15:02The book discussed in this episode is: The Nativity: Themes in Art by Jeremy Wood. Five Books for Catholics may receive a commission from qualifying purchases made using the affiliate links to the books listed. Read the interview at www.fivebooksforcatholics.com/second-week-of-advent-2024/ For more interviews like this, visit www.fivebooksforcath…
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Episode 87: First Week of Advent 2024 - St Bernard of Clairvaux's Sermons for Advent and the Christmas Season
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18:04The book discussed in this episode is: Sermons for Advent and the Christmas Season by St. Bernard of Clairvaux Five Books for Catholics may receive a commission from qualifying purchases made using the affiliate links to the books listed. Read the interview at www.fivebooksforcatholics.comfirst-week-of-advent-2024/ For more interviews like this, vi…
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Episode 86: Aurel Kolnai - Interview with Graham McAleer
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29:11The books discussed in this episode are: On Disgust by Aurel Kolnai The War Against the West by Aurel Kolnai Privilege and Liberty and Other Essays in Political Philosophy by Aurel Kolnai Ethics, Value, and Reality by Aurel Kolnai The Utopian Mind and Other Papers: A Critical Study in Moral and Political Philosophy by Aurel Kolnai Five Books for Ca…
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Episode 85: The Symphonies of Anton Bruckner
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16:06The recordings recommended in this episode are: Complete Symphonies Rundfunk-Symponieorchester Saarbrücken, conducted by Stanisław Skrowaczewski Symphony No. 4 Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Gunther Wand Symphony No. 7 Vienne Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Karl Böhm Symphony No. 8 Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, conducted by Mare…
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Episode 84: The Confessions of St. Augustine - Interview with Jared Ortiz
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30:28The books discussed in this episode are: Confessions translated with introduction and notes by Thomas Williams The Conversion of Augustine by Romano Guardini Augustine: Conversion to Confessions by Robin Lane Fox A Reader's Companion to Augustine's Confessions edited by Kim Paffenroth and Robert Peter Kennedy Augustine the Bishop by Frederick van d…
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Episode 83: Dignitatis humanae and Religious Liberty - Interview with Michael Dunnigan
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42:53The books discussed in this episode are: Mirari vos, Quanta Cura (print edition), Immortale Dei, Libertas (print edition) by Gregory XVI, Pius IX, Leo XIII Religious Liberty and Contraception by Fr. Brian Harrison We Hold These Truths and More: Further Catholic Reflections on the American Proposition : The Thought of Fr. John Courtney Murray, S.J. …
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Episode 82: Purgatory and Prayer for the Deceased - Interview with Fr. Luke Wilgenbusch
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23:31The books discussed in this episode are: Purgation and Purgatory by St. Catherine of Genoa Life Everlasting and the Immensity of the Soul by Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange OP On Purgatory: The Members of the Church Suffering by St. Robert Bellarmine The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri Saved in Hope (Spe salvi) by Benedict XVI...see also... Manual of I…
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Episode 81: The Sacred Music of Anton Bruckner
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17:32The works discussed in this episode are Bruckner's: Requiem, Psalms 114 and 112 Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, RIAS Kammerchor, directed by Łuckasz Borowicz The Masses Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, directed by Eugen Jochum Motets Tenebrae, directed by Nigel Short Te Deum Chor des Bayrischen Rundunks, Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, directed by…
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Episode 80: Apologetics and Protestant Objections - Interview with Trent Horn
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17:19The books discussed in this episode are: Catechism of the Catholic Church by John Paul II The Case for Catholicism: Answers to Classic and Contemporary Protestant Objections by Trent Horn The Apostolic Fathers Teaching with Authority: How to Cut Through Doctrinal Confusion & Understand What the Church Really Says by Jimmy Akin Pope Peter: Defending…
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Episode 79: Gregorian Chant - Interview with Jennifer Donelson-Nowicka
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34:33The books discussed in this episode are: Leisure: The Basis of Culture by Josef Pieper The Musical Shape of the Liturgy by William Peter Mahrt Graduale Romanum Medieval Music and the Art of Memory by Anna Maria Busse Berger That All May Sing (vol. 1) (vol. 2) by Justine Ward In addition, the recordings of Gregorian chant by Dom Joseph Gajard, Mary …
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Episode 78: The Council of Florence - Interview with Fr. Thomas Crean OP
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33:28The books discussed in this episode are: The Council of Florence by Joseph Gill Personalities of the Council of Florence by Joseph Gill The Filioque: History of a Doctrinal Controversy by. A. Edward Siecienski The Orthodox Eastern Church by Adrian Fortescue Rome and the Eastern Churches: A Study in Schism by Aidan Nichols OP Christian Unity. The Co…
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The books discussed in this episode are: Celestial Hierarchy by Pseudo-Dionysius The Angels and their Mission: According to the Fathers of the Church by Jean Daniélou SJ Angels and Demons: A Catholic Introduction by Serge-Thomas Bonino OP World Invisible: The Catholic Doctrine of the Angels by Fr. John Saward Angels and Demons in Art by Rosa Giorgi…
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Episode 76: St. John of Cross - Interview with Edward Howells
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29:23The books discussed in this episode are: The poem "One dark night" (En una noche oscura) by St. John of the Cross The Ascent of Mount Carmel (Prologue, Diagram, and Picture) by St. John of the Cross The Spiritual Canticle by St. John of the Cross The Living Flame of Love by St. John of the Cross The Ascent of Mount Carmel and The Dark Night of the …
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Episode 75: Fatherhood - Interview with David Delaney
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28:27The books discussed in this episode are: Love and Responsibility by Karol Wojtyła Taking Sex Differences Seriously by Steven E. Rhoads The Great Mystery: Formation for Flourishing Marriages by David H. Delaney Jesus the Bridegroom: The Greatest Love Story Ever Told by Brant Pitre Supernatural Fatherhood Through Priestly Celibacy: Fulfillment in Mas…
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Episode 74: John Duns Scotus - Interview with Thomas M. Ward
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24:56The books discussed in this episode are: Ordinatio (online translation) by John Duns Scotus, translated by Peter Simpson Treatise on the First Principle by John Duns Scotus, edited and translated by Thomas M. Ward John Duns Scotus: Selected Writings on Ethics translated and edited by Thomas Williams Duns Scotus by Richard Cross Understanding John D…
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Episode 73: Lying - Interview with Christopher Tollefsen
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23:31The books discussed in this episode are: On Lying & To Consentius, Against Lying by St. Augustine Summa theologiae II-II, qq. 57-120 (esp. 108-110) by St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Teaching About The Morality Of Falsehood by Rev. Julius A. Dorszynski Moral Absolutes: Tradition, Revision, and Truth by John Finnis Truthfulness, Lies, and Moral Philosop…
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Episode 72: Vatican I - Interview with Shaun Blanchard
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28:12The books discussed in this episode are: Vatican I: The Council and the Making of the Ultramontane Church by John W. O'Malley SJ The Conciliarist Tradition: Constitutionalism in the Catholic Church 1300-1870 by Francis Oakley Triumph in Defeat: Infallibility, Vatican I, and the French Minority Bishops by Margaret O'Gara The Pope and the Professor: …
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Episode 71: Servais Pinckaers - Interview with Craig Steven Titus
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31:26The books discussed in this episode are: The Sources of Christian Ethics by Servais Pinckaers OP The Pinckaers Reader: Renewing Thomistic Moral Theology edited by John Berkman and Craig Steven Titus Morality: The Catholic View by Servais Pinckaers OP Passions and Virtue by Servais Pinckaers OP The Pursuit of Happiness - God's Way: Living the Beatit…
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Episode 70: Geoffrey Chaucer - Interview with Megan E. Murton
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22:35The books recommended and discussed in this episode are: Troilus and Criseyde by St. Gregory Nazianzus The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer Oxford Guides to Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales by Helen Cooper Feminizing Chaucer by Jill Mann Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius Five Books for Catholics may receive a commission from qualifying purchas…
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Episode 69: Liturgical History and Theology - Interview with Fr. Uwe Michael Lang
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23:52The books recommended in this episode are: Theology of the Liturgy: The Sacramental Foundation of Christian Existence (Collected Works, vol. 11) by Joseph Ratzinger Altar and Church: Principles of Liturgy from Early Christianity by Mons. Stefan Heid My Body Given for You: History and Theology of the Eucharist by Helmut Hoping The Roman Mass: From E…
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Episode 68: St. Ambrose - Interview with Fr. Brian Dunkle SJ
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25:57The books recommended and discussed in this episode are: Theological and Dogmatic Works by St. Ambrose Enchantment and Creed in the Hymns of Ambrose of Milan by Brian Dunkle SJ Ambrose of Milan: Deeds and Thought of A Bishop by Caesare Pasini Ambrose by Boniface Ramsay OP The Spirit of Early Christian Thought: Seeking the Face of God by Robert Loui…
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Episode 67: Attention, Gateway to the Soul - Interview with Gregory Reichberg
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38:31The books discussed in this episode are: The Principles of Psychology by William James On The Trinity (De Trinitate), Book 11 by St. Augustine Summa theologiae, Secunda Pars (I-II, qq. 1-70) (I-II, qq. 71-114 ) (II-II, qq. 1-56) (II-II, qq. 57-140) (II-II, qq. 141-189) by St. Thomas Aquinas Treatise on the Love of God by St. Francis de Sales The At…
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Episode 66: G.E.M. Anscombe - Interview with Roger Teichmann
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33:56The books recommended in this episode are: Intention by G.E.M. Anscombe Ethics, Religion and Politics: Collected Philosophical Papers, Volume III by G.E.M. Anscombe Faith in a Hard Ground: Essays on Religion, Philosophy and Ethics by G.E.M. Anscombe edited by Mary Geach and Luke Gormally The Philosophy of Elizabeth Anscombe by Roger Teichmann The W…
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Episode 65: Bach's Sacred Music - Interview with Daniel R. Melamed
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18:39The books and resources recommended in this episode are: Listening to Bach: The Mass in B Minor and the Christmas Oratorio by Daniel R. Melamed Bach by David Schulenberg Texts and Historically-Informed Translations for the Music of Johann Sebastian Bach by Michael Marissen and Daniel R. Melamed Bloomington Bach Cantata Project directed by Daniel R.…
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Episode 64: St. Maximus the Confessor - Interview with Bronwen Neil
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25:47The books recommended in this episode are: Maximus the Confessor by Andrew Louth The Cappadocians by Anthony Meredith Seventh-Century Popes and Martyrs: The Political Hagiography of Anastasius Bibliothecarius by Bronwen Neil Maximus the Confessor: Jesus Christ and the Transfiguration of the World by Paul Blowers Crisis of Empire: Doctrine and Disse…
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Episode 63 :Jonathan Swift - Interview with Dutton Kearney
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29:24The books recommended in this episode are: A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift The Battle of the Books by Jonathan Swift A Tale of a Tub by Jonathan Swift The Drapier's Letters by Jonathan Swift ...and for some additional recommendations... Jonathan Swift: Irish Blow-In and Jonathan Swift: Our Dean by Eugene Ham…
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Episode 62: St. Gregory of Nazianzus - Interview with Fr. Andrew Hofer OP
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34:39The books recommended in this episode are: Gregory of Nazianzus by Brian E. Daley SJ On God and Christ: The Five Theological Orations and Two Letters to Cledonius by St. Gregory Nazianzus Festal Orations by St. Gregory Nazianzus On God and Man: The Theological Poetry of St Gregory of Nazianzus by St. Gregory Nazianzus Christ in the Life and Teachin…
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Episode 61: Devotion to the Sacred Heart - Interview with Timothy O'Donnell
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43:27The books discussed in this episode are: Annum sacrum (print edition) by Leo XIII Quas Primas (print edition) by Pius XI Miserentissimus Redemptor by Pius XI Haurietis aquas (print edition) by Pius XII Dives in misericordia (print edition) by John Paul II Five Books for Catholics may receive a commission from qualifying purchases made using the aff…
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Episode 60: Jansenism - Interview with Shaun Blanchard
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41:08In this episode, Dr. Shaun Blanchard discusses the Jansenist controversy, its impact, and some of the best books on the subject: The Provincial Letters by Blaise Pascal Adoration and Annihilation: The Convent Philosophy of Port-Royal by John J. Conley S.J. The Wanton Jesuit and the Wayward Saint: A Tale of Sex, Religion, and Politics in Eighteenth-…
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The books recommended in this episode are: On God and Christ: The Five Theological Orations and Two Letters to Cledonius by St. Gregory Nazianzus The Wellspring of Worship by Fr. Jean Corbon Three Treatises on the Divine Images by St. John of Damascus Called to Communion: Understanding the Church Today by Joseph Ratzinger The Trinity: An Introducti…
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Episode 58: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit - Interview with Prof. John Meinert
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35:14The books recommended in this episode are: I Believe in the Holy Spirit by Yves Congar OP The Sanctifier by Archbishop Luis Martínez Summa theologiae (IaIIae, qq. 68-70) by St. Thomas Aquinas Catecheses on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit by Pope Francis In the School of the Holy Spirit by Fr. Jacques Philippe Five Books for Catholics may receive a com…
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Episode 57: Biblical Typology - Interview with Dr. Andrew Swafford
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28:02The books recommended in this episode are: A Father Who Keeps His Promises: God's Covenant Love in Scripture by Scott Hahn The Idea of Israel in Second Temple Judaism: A New Theory of People, Exile, and Israelite Identity by Jason A. Staples Jesus and the Last Supper by Brant Pitre Acts and the Isaianic New Exodus by David W. Pao God with Us: Encou…
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Episode 56: Devotion to Mary - Interview with Colin B. Donovan
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34:49The books recommended in this episode are: Our Lady of Fatima by William T. Walsh The Secret of the Rosary by St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort True Devotion to Mary by St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort The Glories of Mary by St. Alphonsus Ligouri Calls from the Message of Fatima by Sister Lucia of Fatima Five Books for Catholics may receive …
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Episode 55: Distributism - Interview with Alexander W. Salter
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35:21The recommended books for this episode are: The Servile State by Hilaire Belloc An Essay on the Restoration of Property by Hilaire Belloc An Outline of Sanity by G.K. Chesterton A Humane Economy by Wilhelm Röpke The Economics of the Free Society by Wilhelm Röpke Five Books for Catholics may receive a commission from qualifying purchases made using …
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Episode 54: Eucharistic Ecclesiology - Interview with Richard G. DeClue, Jr.
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24:02The books recommended in this episode are: Corpus Mysticum: The Eucharist and the Church in the Middle Ages by Henri de Lubac SJ Called to Communion: Understanding the Church Today by Joseph Ratzinger Flesh of the Church, Flesh of Christ: At the Source of the Ecclesiology of Communion by Jean-Marie Roger Tillard Eucharist, Bishop, Church: The Unity…
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Episode 53: Marion Montgomery - Interview with Michael M. Jordan
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35:02The books recommended in this episode are: On Matters Southern: Essays About Literature and Culture, 1964-2000 by Marion Montgomery Possum, and Other Receipts for the Recovery of "Southern" Being by Marion Mongomery Liberal Arts and Community: The Feeding of the Larger Body by Marion Mongomery Romantic Confusions of the Good: Beauty as Truth, Truth…
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Episode 52: Flannery O'Connor - Interview with Fr. Damian Ference
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33:28The books recommended in this episode are: The Complete Stories (also available for Kindle) by Flannery O'Connor Mystery and Manners: Occasional Prose (also available for Kindle) by Flannery O'Connor, seleceted and edited by Sally and Robert Fitzgerald The Habit of Being: Letters of Flannery O'Connor (also available for Kindle) by Flannery O'Connor…
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Lent is just a preparation and spiritual warm-up for Easter. Now that it is Easter, it is time to get down to exercising the Christian life in full. It makes sense, therefore, to keep setting aside some time for reading about the mysteries we celebrate and how we can live them out. Here then are some books and music that might be helpful. For furth…
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