Connect with Jesus, Connect with Others, Change the World. Listen to the sermons of Pastor Jon Thomas, Pastor Tim Perkins, and Pastor Jet Jones of the St John Lutheran Church in Mansfield, Texas.
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If you are looking to buy or sell a home, get all the information and the latest updates, tips, and tricks from John Teixeira- your professional Mansfield Arlington Real Estate Agent.
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The law has negative connotations for most. It reminds us that we are in trouble. But if you're a Jesus follower, it reminds you that you need Jesus, and He is your place of refuge and forgiveness when you make a mistake. Don't drift and live under the law. Discover and live under grace. Pastor Jon 2-20-22…
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God Provides "The Scapegoat" Sermon only
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25:09Ever wonder what in the world the Biblical book of Leviticus has to offer for you today? Check out why God wrote this book. and how He provides for the greatest need you'll ever have: the scapegoat. Pastor Tim 2-6-22
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Order In Chaos "It's No Mistake" Sermon Only
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28:41What would the world look like if there were no rules? If there were no traffic laws and everyone just drove how they wanted to? Chaos. Danger. God spoke into the chaos of His people in the Old Testament through Moses to bring order. God established how His people would live according to His perfect will through His law. But no matter how hard they…
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Order In Chaos "Repeat Offenders" Sermon Only
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28:33Have you ever made a promise to yourself, "if I get out of this I will never..." Or maybe offered a prayer "if you get me out of this God, I promise..." Only to go back to doing the thing you wish you hadn't done the first time. If so, today's message is for you as we learn how to get out of the destructive cycles of our life. Pastor Jon 1-23-22…
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Order In Chaos "Forgiveness Wins" Sermon Only
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1:16:44Is it easier to hold a grudge or to forgive? Have you ever wanted to forgive someone but didn't know how? Watch as we see what God can do when we seek His forgiveness and give it to others. Pastor Tim 1-16-22
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Lies We Believe & the Truth that will Set Us Free "The Bible Is A Myth"
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24:23Lies We Believe & the Truth that will Set Us Free Do you have regrets? Of course you do. Everyone does. But why do you have regrets? There were times in the past that you thought you knew better, but now you do know better. How can you limit your regrets in the future? Examine what you believe and seek the truth. Come discover Jesus, the truth that…
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Lies We Believe and the Truth that will Set Us Free " No Right No Wrong"
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24:09Have you seen the approval ratings lately? The approval ratings of Christians is appalling. Many believe that being a Christian means taking sides and being angry. Jesus has a better model. One that changed the world. And it can happen again. Join us today as we look at right and wrong from a different perspective. Pastor Jon 11-28-21…
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Some of the givers Jesus encountered were wearing masks to hide their motives while one woman worshipped by giving all that she had. We’re going to learn that Jesus celebrates the heart and the sacrifice of the giver, not the size of the gift. Pastor Jet 11-7-21
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Health in and Unhealthy World "Margin"
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32:41Like our bodies need sleep, our lives need space to be healthy. On the seventh day of creation, God rested. Jesus made it a priority to make time away from the crowds to spend time alone with his Father. Learn the value of margin in your life physically, emotionally and spiritually. Pastor Jet 8-15-21…
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The perspective of the Father. He lavishes generosity. Pastor Jon 10-24-21
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Does Jesus teach us to be dishonest, or is encouraging something different? What you find from His message just might surprise you. Pastor Tim 10-31-21
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Health In an UnHealthy World "Guardrails"
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41:37If you put into practice the lessons of the first three weeks of this series, your life will BE better. If you put todays lesson into practice, your life will STAY better. Find out why you need guardrails in today's message. Pastor Jon 8-22-21
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Ever feel like you need a true place to put down some roots, a place to find the strength to face each day? We'll find it together as we develop a plan to get into the Bible this next year. Pastor Tim 12-12-21
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Lies We Believe & the Truth that will Set Us Free "No Right Or Wrong"
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24:09Have you seen the approval ratings lately? The approval ratings of Christians is appalling. Many believe that being a Christian means taking sides and being angry. Jesus has a better model. One that changed the world. And it can happen again. Join us today as we look at right and wrong from a different perspective. Pastor Jon 11-28-21…
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Lies We Believe and the Truth that will Set Us Free "I Don't Need God"
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24:17Are you a control freak or know someone around you who is? The Bible says God created us in HIS image...but how often do we return the favor and make God into our OWN image? Being in control of our own lives and depending on only ourselves is at the heart of today's lie: "I don't need God." Long before we ever even knew we needed him, Christ gave H…
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What's the most important thing in life? Hint: It isn't extending your life on this earth at all costs. It isn't even extending or improving the life of your neighbor. The most important thing is to be right with God. To have the favor of the one who made you. Both for this life and the next. Jesus warns us not to be confident in our own righteousn…
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Jesus saves me by his grace and his influence transforms my life from the inside out. Pastor Jet Jones 3/28/21
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We were created by God to represent Him to the world (a kingdom of priests) to shine like stars. How do I do this? Why should I do this? In this world, people will disappoint. God will not. Pastor Tim Perkins 2-21-2021
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We naturally feel guilt. We also naturally try to hide it. It is through our brokenness that the power of the Gospel transforms lives. God has been using broken, incapable, flawed people throughout history. We have this treasure in jars of clay. This treasure is Jesus who has overcome the world. So don't hide your imperfections. Learn how to live d…
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How much are you worth? In America, companies spent over 253 billion dollars each year in advertising. Why? They want to influence your buying decisions. While it might seem easy to ignore all the ads, the influence of the culture is harder to ignore. How can a follower of Jesus survive in such a world? How can a follower of Jesus make a difference…
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Sermon - Worship - "Until The Whole World Hears"
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26:51When we surrender our lives to God, we offer Him a life that allows Him to guide our thoughts, words, and actions. When we surrender, we die to ourselves so we can be instruments of righteousness living for God’s will. Worship requires us to lay down our desire to conform to the world. Worship is less me and more Jesus. That means honoring God by t…
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Who or what has the top spot in your heart? Spend some time with Jesus and he will help you find the answer and in the end fill you with His love....if you let Him. Pastor Tim Perkins 2-21-2021
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"Love the Lord with all your heart..." What true worship demands. Spirit & Truth If we don't do what we say we believe, we aren't living authentically. If we worship with our mouth, but our actions don't follow, it's a ritual, not worship. Pastor Jet Jones 2-14-2021
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God created us to worship. He doesn’t need sacrifices. That is why He offered Himself as a sacrificial lamb once and for all. Pastor Jon Thomas 2-7-2021
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Have you ever experienced unconditional, constant love from someone? God desires to share this type of love with you. Join us today as we explore how God shows this loyal love to a person in need through His servant King David. Pastor Tim Perkins 1-31-2021
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Vengeance: everyone feels like this sometimes, but God I'm going to state my case to you and leave it in your courtroom. You know the best dispensing of justice. Who of us would make a good judge? Bias? Pastor Jet Jones 1-24-2021
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When was the last time you got angry? I'm sure it was justified. You were hurt or wronged in some way. But maybe you are still uncomfortable with being angry, like you shouldn't be angry. Maybe you don't like the thought of God being angry. But in today's message, you will see why we need God to be angry and why we are fortunate that He is slow to …
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God understands our weaknesses and shows us compassion. Wear are thankful that God is compassionate and merciful. So we should "Clothe" ourselves with compassion. God has shown us His compassion by putting what we deserve on His Son. Pastor Jet Jones 1-10-2021
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To start the new year, what if you tried viewing the world through the lens of who God really is, not just what you imagine or guess about him? Knowing and focusing on who he is will change they way you experience and process what comes at you each day. Pastor Tim Perkins 1/3/2021
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The Thrill of Hope - "Hope Has Arrived!"
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22:18Story of Christ's Birth Pastor Jon Thomas
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The Thrill of Hope - "Repeat the Sounding Joy"
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24:51Everyone can experience joy. Whether you feel lonely, forgotten or insufficient, the Christmas story points us to a God who gives joy. Discover the secret to a joy-filled life in today's message. Pastor Jon Thomas
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The Thrill of Hope - "Expect the Unexpected"
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23:36We all have ideas about how we expect life to turn out, but God is not bound by our narrow expectations. Are you ready? Have Total Trust in Jesus despite the unknown & the opinions of other people. "Let it be as You have said.." Surrender and be available to be used by God. Jesus was born to give us the most unexpected Gift of all. His life in plac…
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The Thrill of Hope - "Hope is On the Way"
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22:41When Jesus shows up, life begins to stir in the most impossible places. Have confidence that even in the "silent times," God is at work. Prepare your heart... make room for Jesus this Season. Christmas is for everyone. The One who coming for ALL. Pastor Jet Jones 12-6-2020
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You reap what you sow. I am blessed, So I can be a blessing. So Give Cheerfully. The gift of Jesus is still reaping a harvest. Pastor Jon Thomas 11/29/2020
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Generosity - "The Work of Generosity"
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22:19Desiring is different than being generous. Have freedom from guilt giving. Decide and prepare what to give. God planned to send Jesus from the beginning. Pastor Tim Perkins 11-22-2020
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Generosity - "The Choice of Generosity"
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24:01You can grow in the grace of generosity. So you will have room to grow when it comes to generosity. Answer the question, what is keeping me from becoming more generous? Remember, Jesus, though rich, became poor. Pastor Jon Thomas 11/15/2020
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Generosity - "The Absurdity of Generosity"
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26:26Generosity doesn't make sense. But aren't you inspired when you see it? In a dog eat dog world, generosity sticks out. It is noticeable. And perhaps the craziest things of all about generosity is that it is fun. It is life-giving. Perhaps those that have discovered the joy of generosity have discovered something about God, that He is generous and l…
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Jesus desires unity, but it takes a plan. By following Jesus you are on you way. Pray and plan because God's plan of Jesus' death and resurrection leads us to new life. Pastor Jon Thomas 11-1-2020
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Praise Service - Unity - "Discipline"
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26:06Unity - "Discipline" Jesus desires unity, but it takes discipline. We should have humility when going through discipline and hope when God brings them through it. Consider others above or before ourselves; dispense God's grace to others. Discipline from God is done in love and so that we don't miss the grace of God Pastor Tim Perkins 10/25/2020…
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New Series Unity - Closing the Gap between you, Jesus and others The day Pearl Harbor was attacked, it galvanized a nation. The Miracle on Ice brought together a country. In the days following 9/11, unity in America was at an all time high. Why didn't it last? We crave unity but we naturally move toward disunity, in our homes, in our community, in …
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Liquid Church - "Solid Financial Footing"
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30:39What we see reveals our internal spiritual condition. It is natural for our desire for earthly things to increase over time. What is one area of stored treasures here on earth for you? We all stumble, but remember Jesus will forgive and raise us up to begin anew. Pastor Jon Thomas 10-11-2020
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Liquid Church - "Reaching the Next Generation"
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22:35God is ready to flow His church into the next generation. We Should have the passion to not only share Jesus with other generations, but to empower them as well. Jesus is all about developing those relationships through His grace. Pastor Tim Perkins 10-4-2020
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Liquid Church - "Strategic Partnerships"
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28:19The church is a living body and we need and desire to continually change and adapt. Commit to pioneer the future rather than preserve the past. God is in the resurrection business. Pastor Jon Thomas 9-27-2020
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The church should be the most creative place on the planet because we serve the Creator of the plants. An urgency that we don't just NEED to reach people for Christ, but we HAVE to reach people for Christ. Embrace creativity and technology to reach a new audience with the Gospel message Jesus didn't just TELL us he loved us, he SHOWED us on the cro…
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Liquid Church - "Local and Global Missions"
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26:21What or Who does my heart ache for? God makes it a priority to care for and serve the most vulnerable and poverty stricken. Pastor Tim Perkins 9-13-2020
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Liquid Church - "Raising up Future Leaders"
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25:44New Series - Liquid Church - Taking the Church to the World Among unchurched US adults, 51% say they are seeking something better spiritually than what they have experienced. Ezekiel had a vision from God that a small flow of water was coming from the temple and the farther the water got from the temple, the deeper it becomes. As we embark on our k…
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Connected 3D - "Connect Others to God"
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23:33Three questions to consider in today's message: Why have so many people walked away from God and His church? How does God feel about you if you have done so? And how can I live in a way that helps connect people to Jesus? Watch and find out. Pastor Jon Thomas 8-30-2020
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God wants us to disconnect in order to connect others with Jesus.. Deepen our values to connect others with Jesus. Develop external boundaries to protect that connection. Pastor Tim Perkins 8-23-2020
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