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Have you ever been in a conversation with someone sharing a struggle or experience and you can tell that they just can't relate? When it comes to our pain and struggles, it often feels like others don't fully understand, not to mention the God of the universe. He seems so far off and disconnected. But, what if God fully understands and has experien…
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Life can be hard. Through our various experiences we can find ourselves challenged to “drift away” from Jesus. We're often times looking for hope in all the wrong places. For many of us we'd rather go back to what is known or comfortable rather than inviting God into those difficult spaces of life. But when we recognize the complete Jesus, we see G…
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Each of us probably have our idea of a “Dream Home!" Maybe it’s a 2-story colonial with a white fence on 20 acres or maybe it’s a penthouse condo in a high rise in the city. God has a “Dream House” as well. As we wrap up our “Room for One More” series we are going to look at what God’s dream house looks like and what that means for everyone who cal…
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Join us this Sunday as we officially launch three services at DRCC! We’re on a mission to create Room for One More; one more person, one more family, one more community to experience the hope of Christ and catch the vision for how our lives can make a difference in the Kingdom of God. As we celebrate the launch of our third service, we’ll dive into…
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We kick off a brand new series this weekend titled, "Room for One More," where we will be talking about how, at some point in our lives, we have all faced a task, challenge, or situation we felt was much larger than what we could handle on our own. Larger-than-life issues need solutions that are larger than this life. This is why we rely on the str…
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The loneliness epidemic continues to grow. While it might be tempting to diagnose the contributing factors such as Covid-19, social media, or the rise of the one-person household; the reality is connection between humans has always been complicated. The faithful questions we need to wrestle with are, “What is God’s response to our loneliness, and d…
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his shouldn't even be a question! In a world full of selfishness and hate, Jesus said, "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." Love is literally the main identifier for Jesus followers! So what's going on? Join us this weekend as we talk about the way we treat each other, what that says to a world hungry for…
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Why does the church want my money? Join us as we continue our series "Church, But Make it Better" where we will explore the ever-sensitive topic of tithing. First, we will put everyone at ease and let you know that this Sunday will not include a giving push or any hard sell on why you need to give more to the church. Second, this week will include …
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Most of us have what appear to be never-ending to-do lists. As we complete one list, another one begins, and we find ourselves behind when we feel like we have just gotten ahead. Life is filled with problems to be solved, tasks to be completed, and issues to be addressed. Church is really no different. As we seek to do the work of a “Life Saving St…
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One of the most amazing truths of the human experience and one of the most glorious realities of God is that there is always a new day coming and a subsequent opportunity to choose who we want to be and how we want to live. When the calendar flips each year, it brings this reality into clear focus with the freshness of a new start and all the resol…
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Kick off the New Year with us at Declaration Sunday! On the first Sunday of 2025, we’ll gather to worship, pray, celebrate baptisms, and take communion together as we consider what we want this New Year to be like for ourselves, our church, and our community. We’re expectant for how God will meet us as we come curious and open-handed for the year a…
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Merry Christmas and Happy (almost) New Year! We're shaking things up this week and creating space for our volunteers and staff to rest and celebrate the holidays with their families by experiencing church online. Join Pastor Faith, Andy and the team, and a few special guests for worship, a word, and an activity for the whole family. We'll wrap up o…
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Life moves fast—trends come and go, news changes every minute, and it’s easy to feel like you’re just trying to keep up. But what if, in the middle of all this change, there’s something constant, something solid? The Christmas story is 2,000 years old—angels, shepherds, a baby in a manger—but it’s not just history. It’s hope that doesn’t fade, love…
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So… what is your favorite moment in the whole wide world of Christmas movies? Is it when Buddy screams out “SANTA!!!!” in the middle of the department store from the movie Elf? Maybe it’s the moment when Kevin McCallister breaks the fourth wall and says directly into the camera: “This is it. Don’t get scared now,” in the 90’s classic Home Alone. Or…
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What are you feeling as you come to the end of 2024? Joy? Hope? Fear? Loneliness? Confusion? Assurance? Anger? Peace? All of these emotions are part of the human experience - impacted by both our personal circumstances and the state of our world. God understands all of these emotions because He came and shared our life. He experienced and bore the …
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Join us this weekend as we begin a new sermon series focused on the Christmas story. Over the next five weeks, we will examine this familiar story through a different lens wrestling with the question “What relevance does the Christmas story have in my life today? “ As we embark on this journey together, our hope and prayer is that God will speak to…
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When you think about eternity, what comes to mind? For some of us, eternity looks like pearly gates and streets paved with gold. Others envision disembodied spirits floating on clouds playing harps. Still others envision… nothing. In our series Kingdom Come, we’ve been on a five-week journey examining what it means to be a part of the Kingdom of Go…
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Everyone wants to be an influencer it seems. Maybe we can learn from the greatest Influencer the world has known. His influence has nothing to do with marketing or style or getting people to buy stuff. Rather his influence led people to abandon their old life and their old way of evaluating what’s valuable. And He invites us to influence others lik…
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When I was in middle school, all the kids identified with one of two distinct groups. You were either a “head banger” or you were a “yo boy or yo girl.” To identify with one group or the other came with a whole list of activities, music, clothing that were associated with each group. The "bangers" skateboarded, listened to grunge music, wore JNCO j…
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We continue our “Kingdom Come” series this weekend as we look to answer the question: “WHY AM I HERE?” So often, we ask ourselves questions about life and its meaning. Given the circumstances and situations we face today, we can develop legitimate feelings of confusion, doubt, and anxiety. Could this be due to viewing our lives and existence from t…
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Have you ever woken up, maybe when you were on vacation, and it took you awhile to figure out where you were? Or, have you ever thought you knew where you were but then looked around and found you were in a completely different location than you thought? The technical term for these feelings is “disorientation,” and we have all experienced them at …
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Jake and Elwood knocked on the door and said: “We are on a mission from God” in the classic film “The Blues Brothers." They really weren’t, but those who have experienced God are. Why? Because the reality of meeting God changes you into a person of mission: one who is willing to leave what is comfortable in order to love and serve others. As you ta…
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I saw a guy at a coffee shop last week wearing a shirt that said "What is your WHY?" I have been thinking about that question a lot ever since. I'd like to make that a two-part question: "What is your WHAT?" and then, "What is your WHY?" Serving is my WHAT... but that isn't my WHY… Would you join me in reading Isaiah 58:6-12 every day between now a…
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Indescribable. Devastating. Unbelievable. If you have watched any news recently, you have likely heard these adjectives employed in attempt to capture the effect Hurricane Helene had on communities across the southeastern United States. Many prayed to be spared from the disaster, but the reality is that storms happen. Storms large and small are a f…
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Do you ever wish others could see the world as clearly as you do? If only other people could see where they mess up, surely the world would be a better place. Sound familiar? There is little we love more as a society than pointing out where others are wrong; and Christians are no exception. Call it accountability, helping a struggling friend, or ev…
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Ever heard the quote “you can’t take it with you?” This can have two meanings and presents us with two options: consume and accumulate as much as possible now while you can OR consume and accumulate no more than you need because abundant, eternal life isn’t found in the abundance of stuff. How do we live in a way where our money and possessions don…
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The center of the Sermon on the Mount is The Lord’s Prayer - a prayer still prayed daily by Christians all over the world. It’s more than a few familiar stanzas to hurriedly rehearse. In fact - it summarizes and empowers Jesus’s teaching. It has shaped Christian hearts and minds for 2000 years - and it has the power to do the same for us today. Joi…
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Does your life make for great theater? “All the world’s a stage” according to Jaques in Shakespeare’s As You Like It. Regardless of whether or not you consider yourself a “performer,” you don’t have to put on “an act” to earn the applause of Christ. No matter what “stage” of life you are in, Jesus wants to be your secret “Audience of One.” Join us …
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In Jesus' most iconic sermon, he drops a truth bomb on his audience, declaring, “You’ve heard it said… but I say to you…” What’s Jesus saying? Today he might have said it like this, "You think you know, but let me tell you the real deal.” Life in His Kingdom is a game-changer. It's not just surface-level, it's a deep dive into the core of our being…
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Jesus has this way of turning our culture inside out and society upside down. He has this way of doing and saying things, and even blessing people, that is counter-cultural and revolutionary. It doesn’t always make sense to us. This Sunday kicks off our Inside-Out, Sermon On The Mount, 7-week Fall series, along with our new LifeGroups launch. Toget…
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Come join us as we wrap up the Chosen series with a focus on Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:13-16. As followers of Christ, we are called to be “salt” and “light” in this world. What exactly does this mean and is it possible? Together, let’s explore what Jesus meant when He first issued this challenge to His disciples and the vision that He is holding ou…
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Imagine you are one of the disciples who did life with Jesus each and every day. You saw Him turn water into wine and feed thousands. You were there when He healed the woman with the issue of blood. You witnessed Him eat with sinners, inviting them into new life and relationship with Him. You were there with a front row seat to the raising from the…
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Most of us have a funny relationship with freedom and control, don’t we? We love the idea of freedom for ourselves and wouldn’t hesitate to say: “I don’t need anyone telling me how to live my life!” But we’re also very quick to fight against what we believe is wrong. We often try to control the behavior of others, especially when we think it will a…
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Life can be going well when suddenly… A chance encounter; an unguarded moment; a painful betrayal... and all seems lost! Mary Magdalene has one of those days and suddenly finds herself walking down steps into a dark and dimly-lit past. Jesus tells a story in Luke 15 about a lost sheep and how the shepherd drops everything and runs to rescue... our …
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He was exhausted. The disciples? They were comfy around the campfire, until tensions arose after a long and exhausting day. Now they were waiting on Jesus. The conversation is being driven by four brothers whom Jesus recently called to join him in full time ministry. They are core members of his small group (Matthew 4:18-22). What starts out as fun…
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The Beatles once sang “All the lonely people, where do they all come from? All the lonely people, where do they all belong?” One of the greatest desires of the human heart is finding a place where we belong – a place to fit in – in a world that can, at times, feel lonely and unfamiliar. In fact, of all the topics that singers and songwriters mine f…
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Last year, we journeyed through scripture (inspired by Season 1 of The Chosen) and this year we will pick up where we left off with Season 2. From James and John wanting to call down fire on the Samaritans to the breaking of the Sabbath laws, see the adventure of the four gospels come to life. Together, we will explore the parable of the Lost Sheep…
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Come join us this Sunday as we wrap up the "Between the Lines," series with a focus on the Book of Isaiah. Our key passage of scripture will be Isaiah 52:13- 53:12. Referred to as the gospel of Isaiah, this is one of the clearest references to Jesus Christ in the entire Old Testament. Written 700 years before Jesus showed up, the prophet Isaiah for…
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Most of us contain multitudes – human beings are complicated and often confusing. Once when asked to “just be yourself,” Bob Dylan responded with: “no problem, but which self do you want me to be?” Many of us can relate to this because we can be one way in one situation but completely different in another. We’re all a complicated mix. Our temptatio…
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The book of Ruth is a pretty wild story… A young woman with her whole life in front of her, leaves everything familiar and goes to a place she's never been, with her mother-in-law no less. The story includes famine, loss of loved ones, unexpected kindness of strangers, a dramatic rescue, and a surprise ending - and Jesus has His fingerprints all ov…
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Join us as we continue the Jesus in the Old Testament series with a focus on the book of Joshua. Our key passage of scripture will be Joshua 2:1-21. We would encourage you to read this ahead of time and ask yourself, “What does a prostitute and a scarlet cord have to do with Jesus? And how does this relate to our lives today?” Come find out as we e…
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Following our 1st Corinthians sermon series, Damascus Road is offering a late Spring class exploring key themes in 1st Corinthians. This class will be co-taught by DRCC’s retired Founding Pastor, Richard Fredericks, PhD, and Teaching Team Pastor, Michelle Rader, M.A. They will explore in greater depth some of the rich themes of 1st Corinthians, esp…
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I had a friend who dreamed for years about building his dream house. I would stop by to visit him and he would have the plans spread out on the kitchen table… All the attention to detail… The fixtures in the bathroom… The size of the windows… Which direction should the house face to get the morning sun… should I build a one car garage or a two car?…
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Following our 1st Corinthians sermon series, Damascus Road is offering a late Spring class exploring key themes in 1st Corinthians. This class will be co-taught by DRCC’s retired Founding Pastor, Richard Fredericks, PhD, and Teaching Team Pastor, Michelle Rader, M.A. They will explore in greater depth some of the rich themes of 1st Corinthians, esp…
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What word or idea do you most associate with the Old Testament? Scary? Ancient? Violent? Exciting? Weird? Lots of laws? Puzzling? Jewish scripture? God's story? Don't know where to start? The Old Testament is much longer and older than the New Testament. It has even more genres and authors and speaks from and to a wider variety of cultures and time…
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Following our 1st Corinthians sermon series, Damascus Road is offering a late Spring class exploring key themes in 1st Corinthians. This class will be co-taught by DRCC’s retired Founding Pastor, Richard Fredericks, PhD, and Teaching Team Pastor, Michelle Rader, M.A. They will explore in greater depth some of the rich themes of 1st Corinthians, esp…
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“I wonder what sort of tale we have fallen into” Frodo Baggins For the last five years we bumped into each other on the way to work or while walking our dogs. There was always the friendly "hi, how are you", nothing more. Recently we invited them over for a meal. The following Monday Sherresa & I happened to be going to work at the same time, and w…
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Following our 1st Corinthians sermon series, Damascus Road is offering a late Spring class exploring key themes in 1st Corinthians. This class will be co-taught by DRCC’s retired Founding Pastor, Richard Fredericks, PhD, and Teaching Team Pastor, Michelle Rader, M.A. They will explore in greater depth some of the rich themes of 1st Corinthians, esp…
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Inviting others into genuine relationship and conversations can be intimidating. As we become vulnerable and open ourselves up to share our stories we can be tempted to become someone we are not. In a world where we are constantly told who we should be and what we should look like, God desires for you to be uniquely yourself! Join us this week as w…
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