show episodes

Exploding Head Movies

CiTR 101.9 Vancouver

Hàng tháng
Join gak as he explores music from the movies, tunes from television and any other cinematic source, along with atmospheric pieces, cutting edge new tracks and strange old goodies that could be used in a soundtrack to be. The spotlight swings widely to encompass composers, genres and other categories, but all in the name of discovery and ironclad whimsy.
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show series
Romance in the Mundane: Letters to 1970/80s Cantopop 鹹魚白菜也好好味:給廣東歌的情書 (Café exhibition + Radio show + Round table talks) Opening Night:14 September 2024, 7:30 - 10pm (Free to join, no register required) // Date:12 - 29 September 2024 // Time:Tue - Fri 12 - 8:30pm (last order 8pm), Sat - Sun 9am - 7pm (last order 7:30pm). Closed on Mondays // Venue:…
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A nostalgia subsumes an hour of waiting, / when glancing over two long benches at the storefront, / still soaked after a heavy night's rain. /// Slowly, then, / the action of your body / will carry you back to life. The horror / will turn sporadic, pools on the beach / in the tidal ebb of a poisoned ocean. / At last you'll remember me happily. /// …
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Romance in the Mundane: Letters to 1970/80s Cantopop 鹹魚白菜也好好味:給廣東歌的情書 (Café exhibition + Radio show + Round table talks) Opening Night:14 September 2024, 7:30 - 10pm (Free to join, no register required) // Date:12 - 29 September 2024 // Time:Tue - Fri 12 - 8:30pm (last order 8pm), Sat - Sun 9am - 7pm (last order 7:30pm). Closed on Mondays // Venue:…
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This episode features the conclusion of our conversation with Jennifer Feeley. Where in previous episodes we discussed specific Hong Kong literature that Jennifer has translated, here she shares some advice for anyone interested in getting into literary translation. We are also thrilled to announce that since taping this episode, the American Liter…
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Romance in the Mundane: Letters to 1970/80s Cantopop 鹹魚白菜也好好味:給廣東歌的情書 (Café exhibition + Radio show + Round table talks) Opening Night:14 September 2024, 7:30 - 10pm (Free to join, no register required) // Date:12 - 29 September 2024 // Time:Tue - Fri 12 - 8:30pm (last order 8pm), Sat - Sun 9am - 7pm (last order 7:30pm). Closed on Mondays // Venue:…
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Romance in the Mundane: Letters to 1970/80s Cantopop 鹹魚白菜也好好味:給廣東歌的情書 (Café exhibition + Radio show + Round table talks) Opening Night:14 September 2024, 7:30 - 10pm (Free to join, no register required) // Date:12 - 29 September 2024 // Time:Tue - Fri 12 - 8:30pm (last order 8pm), Sat - Sun 9am - 7pm (last order 7:30pm). Closed on Mondays // Venue:…
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Whatever it is, to woo her back / from across the widening void / of our disparity, / my stubbornness, her vanity / finally, sent in / black-and-white- / on an electric ice neon blue screen / a few simple / plastic clicks / my plea / waiting, breathless, in silence. /// Featured book: 《Smoked Pearl: Poems from Hong Kong and Beyond》Akin Jeje Playlis…
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A moment of mortal glory: flimsy wings / are transparently bright. Moths succumb to themselves; / fly to sparks of light, get burnt and do not regret. / That’s their destiny – whole life condensed / into one wish – to die proving the right to perform. /// Featured book: 《Hula Hooping》Tammy Ho Lai-Ming Playlist: / Curated and pres…
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This episode features the second portion of our conversation with the award-winning literary translator Jennifer Feeley. Where last time we learned about her journey to Cantonese and her work translating the poetry and prose of the Hong Kong author Xi Xi, this time we hear about her recent translation of the psychological thriller Tongueless, by La…
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因為卑微 / 我們需要遊戲 / 像用雙手造一隻兔子 / 白牆上的黑影 / 明明是一頭狼 / 手指凸出的關節並不刺眼 / 我應該知道左邊的光 / 正向右邊撤離 /// Featured book: 《我是象你是鯨魚》呂永佳 Thoughts: 至於點樣同孤獨共處,我懷疑我已經認定孤獨係我最好嘅朋友。 Playlist: / Curated and presented by Atom Alicia C for the radio station CFMS 105.9 FM The RegionBởi Atom Alicia 紫虹
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In this episode we interview the award-winning literary translator Jennifer Feeley. Jennifer has helped introduce English-language readers around the world to a variety of works of Hong Kong poetry and fiction. She has been particularly prolific this year—her translation of Lau Yee-Wa’s novel Tongueless came out in June, and her translation of Xi X…
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看過你,於是畫畫你 / 聽過你,所以歌唱你 / 想過你,最後寫詩給你 / 執著詞語生出幻想的甜蜜 / 獨一無二的押韻,逆世界而行 /// Featured book:《抓住那個混蛋》陸穎魚 Thoughts: 我不會想太多 時間會幫我找到出口 相信你現在一定很快樂 Playlist: / Curated and presented by Atom Alicia C for the radio station CFMS 105.9 FM The RegionBởi Atom Alicia 紫虹
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Measure words (also referred to as "classifiers" in linguistics, or 量詞/loeng6 ci4) appear in multiple languages, but they have some special functions in Cantonese. Today we begin to discuss what to watch out for when studying or teaching them, as well as some of the ways that their usage differs between Cantonese and Mandarin.…
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長滿了青苔和藤蔓的木椅子 / 有的獨自面海,有的三五圍聚 / 有的在無人的長街轉角,背光 / 木然,不顯得過分憂傷 /// Featured book:《而又彷彿》羅樂敏 Thoughts: 希望以下嘅詩句可以帶你進入坪洲呢個地方。又或者呢幾首詩,會令你諗起另一個你熟悉嘅地方。 Playlist: / Curated and presented by Atom Alicia C for the radio station CFMS 105.9 FM The RegionBởi Atom Alicia 紫虹
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寬頻人可以給你優惠,但這是最後一天 / 信用人送你未來的贈品,要是你能填滿一個數 / 保險人教你相信未來:未來隨時都會變改 /// Featured book:《市場,去死吧》陳滅 Thoughts: 經過中環遮打花園,見到好多支旗 。原來又到咗熱烈慶祝嘅時間。 Playlist: / Curated and presented by Atom Alicia C for the radio station CFMS 105.9 FM The RegionBởi Atom Alicia 紫虹
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沒有人知道它們的意義 / 但知道它們的安靜 / 交通燈知道 / 欄杆知道 / 郵筒知道 / 城市的衣服是安安靜靜的 / 連花開的聲音都没有 /// Featured book:《連花開的聲音都没有》 西草 Thoughts: 有一刻,我喺度諗…真係好呀…可以同一班同我差唔多年紀又鍾意寫詩嘅朋友一齊食飯。 但係又偏偏得我自己一個係寫英文。如果有一日,我啲中文都好似大家咁好就好啦。 Playlist: / Curated and presented by Atom Alicia C for the radio station CFMS 105.9 FM The Region…
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也許她會偷偷地躲在棉被 / 用手機翻開那些不敢看的訊息 / 指尖在刪除的版面上 / 猶豫幾分鐘 /// Featured book:《漁父》黎漢傑 Thoughts: 你寫嘅親人,我未能夠原諒。你寫嘅感情,我曾經盼望可以遇見。當時嘅我十分不完整,住喺一個每日都要揸車嘅國家。冇一條高速公路通往香港文學。詩,離我更遠。 Playlist: / Curated and presented by Atom Alicia C for the radio station CFMS 105.9 FM The RegionBởi Atom Alicia 紫虹
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還不夠理解你的愛 / 還站立在海螺、船隻和沙灘之間 / 直到蟹子在沙面和潮水簽下分手信 / 時閒刮掉肚子上的橙皮紋 / 思念還繼續在海面摺疊 /// Featured book:《尖削與圓渾之間》米米 Thoughts: 新書發佈會嗰日,我遲到咗少少,所以企咗喺後面。第一件事就買咗你本書,想喺你讀詩嘅時候我都可以跟住啲文字。當時嘅我總係覺得,如果我唔能夠理解,就唔會識得欣賞。 Playlist: / Curated and presented by Atom Alicia C for the radio station CFMS 105.9 FM The Region…
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愛為死者締造了/ 永久的聯盟 / 你們緊緊擁抱 / 在長長的死亡名單中 /// Featured book:《在天涯 : 北島詩選》北島 Thoughts: 六月頭。公園裏面有好多着制服嘅人。佢地正在模仿其他着制服嘅人行路嘅姿態。我趁落雨之前返屋企,換上舒適嘅心境,嘗試同大家讀一篇北島嘅作品。全部寫於1989年後,詩人被迫流亡海外嘅時候。 Playlist: / Curated and presented by Atom Alicia C for the radio station CFMS 105.9 FM The RegionBởi Atom Alicia 紫虹
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今次揀嚟嘅樂隊,建立左我對香港(同澳門)獨立音樂嘅第一個印象。我零九年搬返嚟香港之後睇嘅第一個show係MLA嘅失業救濟音樂會,喺西灣河,一個室內運動場裏面。我自己一個去,仲買咗一本黃色封面嘅詩集。 These bands built my first impression of Hong Kong (and Macao)’s indie music scene. I recall seeing MLA in 2009. I went by myself and came away with a poetry collection. Not the kind of item I expected to find on a merch table. Here’s the playlist: w…
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In this episode, we are joined by Israel, Kenny, and Samuel from the podcast seoi6 jin4 kwong4 soeng2. In that podcast, the trio uses Cantonese to discuss learning just about every other language in the world, and we highly recommend it to listeners of Chatty Cantonese. Another portion of our conversation appeared on the seoi6 jin4 kwong4 soeng2 fe…
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接近凌晨漫無目的地上咗部電車,經過中環嘅時候想起一對樂隊,就決定不如一齊漫遊八十年代嘅非主流,了解佢哋當時對呢個城市嘅想像同盼望。如果嗰陣我大個啲我一定會出去睇佢哋。89年嘅暑假,剛讀完小學三年級嘅我就被移民。 Because I hopped onto a tram and thought why not a detour into the 80s non-mainstream. Had I at least been a teenager I would have gone out to see them but I wasn’t even double-digit when I was taken away from HK in the summer of ‘89. Here’s th…
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由於最近對填詞再度感到興趣,還有一些歌手我覺得需要多點留意,同時也在銅鑼灣街道上滑溜的商店中發現了一種單純的演繹,這使我感到踏實。 Because of my renewed interest in the writing of Cantonese lyrics, a few artists I thought I ought to hear out, and a discovery of simplicity that grounds me amidst slippery storefronts on the streets of Causeway Bay. Here’s the playlist: Curated by Atom Alicia C f…
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你聽到這封信的時候,我已經離開了加拿大,回到了香港。在這個過渡期間,我只能透過音樂來表達我的心意。其中有三首歌曲是來自我今年觀賞的三部香港電影的原聲帶。希望你會喜歡。六月再見。~紫虹 I leave you with this mixtape as I transition from Canada back to Hong Kong where I'm building a workspace within this tiny subdivided flat. You’ll find three songs from three different HK films. Hope you like it. Here’s the playlist: ~At…
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Extended mixtape: zarahn / fan hung a / metric / murphy and the lawyers / tat ming / amk / bitter tea of general yan / tats lau / just a broken machine / anri / joya / lezlie chan / shimatani hitomi / delta t / One track from each episode made in Canada / Playlist / Curated by Atom Alicia C for CFMS 105.9 The Region…
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SIDE A (00:00) Lucid Express makes another start // (19:51) Above me, there was a vase of yellow roses on the table // SIDE B (30:00) 出現在我們門前坦率的天空中 // (50:20) 一輛雪糕車在孤兒院慢慢溶化 // Playlist // Presented by Atom Alicia C for 105.9 FM The RegionBởi Atom Alicia 紫虹
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SIDE A (00:00) Charming Way kicks off the latest mixtape // (17:08) Those getting brighter and brisker and those going invisible // SIDE B (30:00) 自然的詩如生命的成長 没想到昨天的貧血 // (49:04) 我的小心不是讓我冷酷 // Playlist // Presented by Atom Alicia C for 105.9 FM The RegionBởi Atom Alicia 紫虹
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SIDE A (00:00) The tricky thirteenth mixtape takes a walk down the Hong Kong indie memory lane // (17:40) In the last decade there was little advantage to perfect eyesight // SIDE B (30:00) 我們儲起所有咖啡因,分給每具屍體 // (44:08) 說一件發生於身體上的奇妙事情 // Playlist // Presented by Atom Alicia C for 105.9 FM The Region…
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SIDE A (00:00) The twelfth mixtape leads off with cehryl // (20:20) How starstruck you make a weeping willow // SIDE B (30:00) 在陽光出現的地方讓陽光消失 // (43:38) 他在自言自語,向這城講述革命的可能 // Playlist // Presented by Atom Alicia C for 105.9 FM The RegionBởi Atom Alicia 紫虹
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SIDE A (00:00) The eleventh mixtape leads off with stereo is the answer // (15:40) What lights out there did I miss when I was waiting on that street // SIDE B (30:00) 這叫他痛恨的臉 // (47:28) 太陽升起,以像素化的歡愉將我們眼前的瀏海掃開 // Playlist // Presented by Atom Alicia C for 105.9 FM The RegionBởi Atom Alicia 紫虹
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SIDE A (00:00) The tenth mixtape begins with Lau Heung King // (14:43) Here is a feather, light enough to articulate the stillness of the air // SIDE B (30:00) 挺立於固定的空間 以虛有的巍峨 向我挑戰 // (47:25) 在渴望喝你之下 畏縮和空氣之下 // Playlist here // Curated and presented by Atom Alicia C for CFMS 105.9 FM…
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Born and raised in Canada, Allan Lau is a versatile musician, doing everything from orchestrating movie scores to crafting commercial theme tracks for multinational corporations. He is also a voice artist and bass singer, bringing to life video game characters and movie trailers. Duck Lau Cho Tak is an award-winning Hong Kong musician/composer acti…
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Welcome to Season 3 of Chatty Cantonese! We start things off with a double-interview with two notable figures from the world of Cantopop, Allan Lau and Duck Lau. In addition to talking about their own musical experiences, the pair explain some Cantopop history and how newbies can learn more about the genre and its connection with Hong Kong culture.…
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Inspired by a listener question, this episode addresses an issue all beginning Cantonese students face: in thanking someone, when should you use do1 ze6 (多謝) and when should you use m4 goi1 (唔該)? The underlying principle becomes clear with the help of a few hypothetical situations. Transcript and vocabulary…
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For Week 6 of our annual Oscars profile, this pre-recorded episode focuses on the nominees for Best Original Song. We'll hear songs from the films Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Tell It Like a Woman, Top Gun: Maverick, RRR and Everything Everywhere All at Once. We'll also hear some songs that missed the cut whilst gak celebrates some birthday or o…
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