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The Church and Her Stewardship to the Lord
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Part 2 of this series - Does the church consider her stewardship accountability before the Lord? Stewardship is a requirement and a responsibility!Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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Many today consider mission work as "willing hands to support the ministry", resulting in an erosion of biblical missions practice. Although this work may be for good causes, it is not true, biblical mission work. When it comes to true mission work, we need to do things God's way.Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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Nothing is more perplexing to the believer than seeing the evildoers prospering. Yet, David knew how to deal with evildoers; and ultimately, they will not win!Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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How can we contemplate love made perfect? If it were not for God, there would be no love. It took the love of God, and the work of His Son, to manifest this love toward us.Bởi Victor Brooks
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God's word reveals God's love--in different applications, and different levels. His love in general, for all mankind; for His people (Israel) as a nation; and then a more specific love for His elect. How is it that we have obtained such love?Bởi Mark A. King
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It is the local church (assembly of God's people) in which we glorify and exalt God, with an attitude of gratitude! We must be on guard, that the Lord may not remove His candlestick; thus, we need to be a church 'subject unto Christ'. We do this because we love Him, because He first loved us!Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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The 'memorial stones' that God used to instruct the Israelites were not mysterious--like Stonehenge.The people had to obey God in order to cross over the muddy Jordan--a reminder to us to follow God. These stones were to be placed as a memorial for what God has done for them.Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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Blessed are the Persecuted for Christ's Sake
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In the ninth beatitude, Christ spoke directly to His disciples. He exhorted and encouraged them that they would face persecution simply due to their connection with Him.Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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Blessed are the Persecuted for Righteousness' Sake
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There are many "phrases"--or worse--that the world has for those who merely try to live for the Lord. This is another beatitude that addresses the conduct of men. Consider, are we persecuted...for righteousness' sake? Do we live a Christ-honoring, righteous lifestyle, regardless of persecution?Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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Society could do well with peacemakers. When considering our own lives, are we peacemakers? Again, Jesus is speaking about the conduct of His people; how we are to conduct ourselves.Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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In this beatitude, Jesus begins addressing the conduct of the believer; in this instance, to be pure in heart.Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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Jesus is pointing out here that the subjects of His kingdom will wear the badge of being merciful. Let's consider; do we show mercy in our lives?Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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Bởi Victor Brooks
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Bởi Mark A. King
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Blessed Are They Seeking Righteousness
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Take a moment and think of a time you were physically hungry, and pining to eat--how did you feel up to then; before eating? What do we really desire here on this earth? What do we truly hunger and thirst after?Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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John Wycliffe stated, "Blessed be mild men". What does it mean to be meek? Contrary to what modern thoughts are regarding being meek, or meekness, it is most certainly not a sign of weakness. Today, we will review three components of this Beatitude.Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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This is a special day to thank Fathers!We probably know little about this man; the Father of John the Baptist. He was a Father that focused on serving, and trusting on God. Churches and families are blessed with blameless Fathers.Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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Mourning indicates tears; and society tends to look at crying as a sign of weakness, especially among men. But, many men have wept for mournful reasons! Mourning proceeds from poverty of spirit, or, in spirit. When was the last time we have mourned, over our sin for instance? Today, we will look at three insights into this beatitude.…
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This first beatitude should reflect our initial attitude - poor in spirit.Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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Paul had a true, abiding concern about his people; God's people. There is a special position that Israel has; and nations that bless Israel will be blessed of God. We, as a nation, are not the standard.Bởi Victor Brooks
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Personal vengeance on those who have wronged us is not the solution--the Lord will take care of that. Goodness, and living peaceably as much that lies within us, is the premise of this instruction.Bởi Mark A. King
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Blessed Through the Beatitudes - An Introduction
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The Beatitudes have been described as the characteristics of the Christian man. As we study the Beatitudes, we must examine ourselves.Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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Elisabeth exemplified a woman who strived to be a Mother.Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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The phrase, "Two is company; three is a crowd", is oftentimes used (or comes up in circumstances) that may be necessary. But what about that "third party"? In this message, we will consider it in light of earthly friendships, and fellowship.Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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A Forensic Investigation of Headcovering: Part 5 - An Exhortation to All
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This is Pastor Kimberlin's final sermon in this series. He makes four exhortations as we conclude the series.Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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A Forensic Investigation of Headcovering: Pt 4 Sermon 3 Examining Interpretations
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Pastor Kimberlin examines the Long Hair interpretation of 1 Cor 11:2-16. This is the final sermon of this part of our study.Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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There is always two sides to a coin; as there is an 'us' and a 'them'. But, this is NOT to discredit others, churches, or individuals. The Great Commission does not give any groups mandate to "police"; the Word of God is our real police. As such, Jesus does not admonish his disciples to forbid those who were doing things....…
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Standing Against the Truth, A Losing Strategy
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If we have come to know God, by His grace, there is no uncertainty that God can do anything--even raise the dead! And, there is no way one can win when standing against His truth.Bởi Mark A. King
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A Forensic Investigation of Headcovering: Part 4 - Sermon 2 An Examination
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In this sermon, Pastor Kimberlin examines the cultural interpretation of 1 Cor. 11:2-16.Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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A Forensic Investigation of Headcovering: Part 4 - An Examination of Interpretations
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Pastor Kimberlin continues his study of the headcovering. This part of the series examines the different interpretations of 1 Corinthians 11:2-16. Sermon 1 examines the double, or two-covering interpretation.Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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A Forensic Investigation of Headcovering: Pt 3 Sermon 3 - An Expositiion
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Pastor Kimberlin completes an exposition of 1 Corinthians 11:2-16. This sermon covers verses 7-16.Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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A Forensic Investigation: Part 3 Sermon 2 - An Exposition of the Passage
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Pastor Kimberlin continues digging into 1 Corinthians 11:2-16. What do these verses teach?Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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A Forensic Investigation of the Headcovering: Part 3 - An Exposition of the Passage
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This is the first message of Part 3 on our series "A Forensic Investigation of the Headcovering - An Exposition of the Passage." In this message, Pastor Kimberlin uses hermeneutical rules to lay the foundation for an exposition of 1 Corinthians 11:2-16.Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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A Forensic Investigation of the Headcovering: Part 2 - An Exegetical Framework
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This is the second message in the series. We have a responsibility to apply sound hermeneutical principles in interpreting Scripture. This message focuses on rules for interpretation.Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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The Believer and the Unbeliever - Differences
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What is the key difference between the believer and the unbeliever? The believer gives glory to the One whom it is due, and looks to God for all things...Bởi Victor Brooks
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These men--mentioned in our text today--were unsaved Jews; more noble than those at Thessaloniki. They were more noble in that they searched the Scriptures, which we see the result(s) thereof, in the Scriptures. Do we still have the Scriptures today?Bởi Mark A. King
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A Forensic Investigation of the Headcovering - Part 1: An Explanation for the Study
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This is the first sermon, Part 1, in our series, "A Forensic Investigation of the Headcovering." Part 1 provides an "Explanation for the Study."Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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In these Scriptures, God is giving instruction to Moses, and His people, to consistently exercise justice. We should always be motivated in exercising justice. We see three motivational factors in this message, for God's children to exercise.Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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This passage details the divine birth of Jesus. His birth is truly of a Divine Nature. In this message, we will look at three divine elements of His birth.Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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This psalm is a Maschil; designed for instruction, and to give us spiritual encouragement. God allowed David to use his experiences to instruct, challenge, encourage, and to comfort.Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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When we do acts of service, are we being a turkey person? Jesus teaches us, in our select verses of Scripture in this message, not to be a turkey person. Why are we involved in serving?Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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How powerful is (your) God? In our text today, John describes this magnificent phrase that will be conveyed during the marriage supper of the Lamb. Christ is.....omnipotent!Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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In our text today, Jesus describes two rocks; Peter (Petros), the small rock, and Christ Himself (petra), of which Jesus states that upon Him (Himself), He will build His church. The purpose of His lesson was to focus His disciples on Him; thus, the focus for us here is on the identity of Jesus Christ our Lord.…
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The psalmist is looking to God, to pardon him. A pardon sets aside a crime, etc., one has been convicted of. As the Scriptures teach, our iniquity is great, and only God can pardon us--He does this through His Son, Jesus ChristBởi Victor Brooks
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Suffering through wounds is not a "normal" thing to do, hence medicines and surgical procedures for physical wounds. We have some aids to mental wounds as well. But there are some wounds that can be helpful (surgery inflicts its own kind of wounds). There are spiritual wounds that can be helpful to us as well. In this message, we will see how faith…
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King Saul, moved by pride and disillusion, when David was honored for his military victory, sought to take his life. Fortunately, there were men who came to shore up David, and help Israel fight the battles--they were, or became, veterans! We will see three aspects of the verses referenced in today's message.…
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The Bible is full of lessons demonstrating God's wisdom for us! This Proverbs addresses the allurement of the strange woman--enticement! The "foolish woman" can be equated to.... self. You and I are subject to secretive sin and enticement. Self, Satan, and Society are all enticing elements...Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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Shakespeare was quoted as saying (paraphrased) "A fool thinks to be wise; but a wise man thinks himself to be a fool". This world is full of fools who think to be wise. Jesus is (or at least should be) our wisdom--and we know by following Him, we cannot go wrong!Bởi Mel Kimberlin
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This messenger was from God--but it was not until the messenger ascended (v20) in the altar flames that Manoah recognized him as the angel (messenter) of God; he was assured of this message, then...Bởi Victor Brooks
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We have been washed in the blood--for eternal purposes!However, this is not the only aspect of Jesus's cleansing and the power of sin--thus, this should impact our attitude toward sin.Bởi Mark A. King
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