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Featured Shiurim

Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky

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This podcast will post all the shiurim of R’ Aaron Lopiansky that are not part of a regular series. This includes pre-Yom Tov shiurim, interviews, Q&As, guest speeches and more.The shiurim will be released sporadically, as they are given, so be sure to subscribe to get all the latest ones.
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Topics in Yoreh Deah are the mainstay of learning for smichah worldwide. Now on podcast for the first time, learn these classic sugyos of halacha with Rabbi Eli Reingold, a widely respected posek and rosh kollel. Follow inside to be guided in the Mechaber, Ramah, Shach, and Taz. This podcast is powered for free by Torahcasts. Start your own forever free Torah podcast today at and share your Torah with the world.
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Join Rav Leuchter, one of the primary baalei Mussar of our times, as he explores a step-by-step approach to the Teshuva process in light of current events. To join these webinars via Zoom copy and paste this URL into your browser. This podcast is powered for free by Torahcasts. Start your own forever free Torah podcast today at and share your Torah with the world.
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Somehow this shiur got lost and was not posted back in 2023 – sorry! Delivered at Mevaseret, #Israel Trip 2023 26:45 Most pressing challenge facing yeshiva bochrim 30:54 Catching up when you didn’t learn that much in high school 32:26 Connecting to Hashem through Tefilla 38:28 Limudim in addition to Gemarah 39:43 Building Excitement for Learning 44…
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Delivered at Kehillat Haela, in Ramat Beit Shemesh, 8/22/24 09:23 Speech begins 43:08 Achdus in a time of war 49:09 Public statements by Gedolim 57:45 Respecting Rabbanim who make hurtful statements 01:02:53 Chareidim serving in the army 01:15:24 Bochrim who are not learning joining the armyBởi Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky
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00:56 Gedolim in their youth, The Making of a Gadol 06:30 How does someone get and choose a rebbe? Following a rebbe. 14:30 When to compromise halacha for Darchei Shalom 16:31 Enjoying the summer while a war is going on? Relating to the tragedy of October 7th 23:00 Sitting and learning and having bitachon that… Continue reading Q&A – Yeshivas Mir S…
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Together with Rabbi Eliyahu Reingold, Rosh Kollel in YGW. 00:13 R’ Moshe Wolfson 22:04 Switching Yeshivas 25:00 Gateway Seforim to Chassidus and Machshava 33:49 Tehillim for Eretz Yisroel 45:50 Statements from Gedolei Yisroel 52:15 Different Shitos 01:11:43 Roles of Different Yeshivos 01:16:41 Hashem’s “Emotions” 01:19:13 What is a Neshama? 01:22:4…
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In the home of R’ Efrem Goldberg to the students of Yeshiva of South Florida 00:01:08 Engaging in positive things when one is not learning full time 00:05:06 How to do mitzvos with hislahavus 00:09:15 Lessons from those who were saved on October 7th 00:17:54 October 7th and Simchas Torah 00:19:32 How to feel… Continue reading Q&A – YOSF (5784)…
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Delivered in Shomrei Emunah, Baltimore, MD 6/10/24 03:38 What is the function of Torah? 10:06 Why is Torah the most important pillar of the world? 14:18 Torah Lishma 19:52 The purpose of Torah She’Baal Peh 27:48 What is Kavod HaTorah? 31:28 Talmidei Rebbe Akiva 38:59 Referring to Rebbeim in the third person 42:32 Having… Continue reading Torah Q&A …
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Delivered in Milwaukee, WI 6/4/24 17:00 Children who are “off the derech” 20:30 Pushing a child to go to shul 24:15 Showing affection in front of children 28:29 Balancing our time between our spouse and our children 31:03 Time between multiple children 32:21 Different Families 34:57 Being different than your neighbors 37:09 Speaking to… Continue re…
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At Yeshiva Elementary School in Milwaukee, 6/4/24 00:57 What place does professional sports have in an out-of-town middle school? 08:58 Discussing and saying Tehillim for the tragedies happening in the world today 12:26 Teaching about anti-Semitism 17:40 General Studies Teachers 20:00 Seminary in Eretz Yisroel 25:59 Disabilities and pushing childre…
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Delivered to talmidim of Heichal HaTorah, Teaneck, NJ 5/10/24 #Acharei Mos 10:13 Should Jews in America lay low or stand up 14:50 Has advocacy gone too far 16:13 How to stay strong in belief when bad things happen? 18:33 Strive to be better or be happy with what you are? 20:44 When parents tell… Continue reading Daas – A Prerequisite to Torah (with…
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#q&a at the Mid-Atlantic Business Halacha Conference in Baltimore, MD, 5/23/24. Posted and available to watch on TorahAnytime 16:33 How to deal with an employer who speaks with coarseness? 21:19 Attitude and treatment to those who commit fraud 36:42 Supporting Local Mosdos 49:31 Modesty in the workplace 57:18 Commissions for Fundraising 01:02:02 Ap…
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Delivered Motzei Shabbos 2/17/24 at Bais Yaakov Machon Ora 21:27 Shidduch Photos 27:13 Going out just to please the shadchan 29:11 Choosing a seminary based on shidduchim 32:30 Not giving up on ideals or being too picky 35:20 Support 37:06 Singles Events 38:58 Bashert 44:17 Allowing a younger child to go out before an… Continue reading Walking the …
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Delivered 3/16/24 at Melava malka for Northeast Kollel, Bnai Israel Ohev Zedek, and Chelkeinu Initiative in Northeast PA 16:48 Civilians in Gaza 22:10 Balancing Obligations 26:50 Different Values in a Community 34:35 What/Should Those in Yeshiva do in Solidarity for Eretz Yisroel 41:02 Engaging with Anti Semitism 46:53 Mental Health – Rav or Therap…
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#Israel Trip 2024 02:06 Staying Motivated To Do Things That We Don’t Understand 05:46 Other Hashkafos 08:04 Army 11:13 Chassidus 16:49 Learning Sifrei Chassidus on Your Own 18:38 Cheshek in Torah 22:05 Sports 26:54 Orthodox Professional Athletes 29:22 Ben Torah in the Workplace 34:21 Getting Up for Shachris 36:17 Platonic Relationships 40:12 Giving…
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#Israel Trip 5784 #Mishpatim 18:22 Dressing “Yeshivish” 21:26 Conflict Between Bein Adam LaMakom and Bein Adam LaChaveiro 24:40 How You Gain From Yeshiva 26:33 Advising Who Are Less Observant 27:38 Chumros 31:21 Music 34:52 Yetzer Hara in Mashiach Times 37:07 Noach Lo Sheloh Nivra 40:09 Emunah Based on Logic 46:11 Evidence of Hashem 47:37… Continue…
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#Israel Trip 2024 #Mishpatim 13:24 Chumros 18:42 Washington Rally 25:26 The Israeli Army 32:02 Smoking 35:23 Biggest Mistake Boys with Modern Background Make 39:16 Choosing a Profession 42:11 Honoring Parents 47:24 Chabad 51:59 Top Lessons 56:40 Contradictions Between Torah and Science 1:00:32 Struggle with Belief in Hashem and Torah 1:03:47 Three …
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Video available here 02:31 Bring Sechel into Emotional Emunah 10:27 Bitachon in Big Life Decisions 14:03 Difference Between a Rebbe and a Rav 18:20 Balance Jewish and Secular Education 23:11 Heter to Avoid Certain Mitzvos on the Path to Observance 24:26 What Parts of Torah are Metaphorical 29:22 What Are the Hardest Parts of… Continue reading Q&A –…
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#Israel Trip #Mishpatim 10:09 Going to College 17:09 Being Drawn to Philosophy 19:32 Pro-Israel Rally in Washington D.C. 28:23 Machokes in Hashkafa 31:32 Limudim Other than Gemorah 34:59 Learning Post-Yeshiva 35:40 How to Determine if You Are Shevet Levi 38:51 The Future of American Jewry 44:40 Making Aliyah 48:41 Hakaras HaTov to America 50:43… Co…
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#Israel Trip 2024 #Mishpatim 14:01 Following Professional Sports 20:12 Joining the Army 23:04 How to Empathize with those in Pain 26:29 Chareidi Neighborhoods 28:30 External Changes 32:18 Guns 36:05 Growing Without Losing Our Personality 39:08 Relationship with Rebbeim 43:56 Jewish History Recommendation 52:26 Lack of Spiritual Feelings 54:48 Bridg…
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#Israel 2024 #Terumah 11:51 Reaction to the Simchas Torah Tragedy 5784 16:38 Influence of Rebbeim 20:42 Sifrei Maharal 21:34 Learning as a Zchus for Others 23:06 The Sins of the Avos 26:49 Chareidim 28:29 Gemorah Building Character 36:00 Happiness 45:36 Inspiration 46:39 Why Jews Go Off the Derech 50:42 The Challenges of our Generation… Continue re…
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