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In this episode, Pastor Cindy talks about the importance of recognizing the Voice of God in our lives. We can live in a way that we solve problems that we didn’t have an answer to. We can think beyond our own limitations. When we learn to hear the voice of God with a transformed mind, we can do the impossible. We need to filter the Voice through th…
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In this episode Pastor Cindy talks about the importance of understanding how Obedience Leads to Breakthrough. Scripture is clear that obedience to God’s word is the key to your victory. In fact in 1 John chapter two, it says that is how we show God we love him. God's word has the answers for life. It is the pathway to our breakthrough. In this epis…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy shares a message about boldly and faithfully standing on the promises of God. How many times have we heard the word of the Lord, believed it was for us, and then allowed circumstances, others’ opinions or just lack of faith to keep us from moving forward? Oftentimes, we seem to forget the promises that were given to us…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy talks about the importance of understanding the presence of THE King. When the King is present, we have access to Kingdom thoughts, Kingdom ideas. When we are present with the King, we are able to receive understanding to the mysteries of God. She talks about how it is like being in an incubator and the thoughts and dr…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy talks about some lessons that are taught by Jesus in scripture regarding healing. She discusses how there is an oppression on healing. Ever since Covid, there seems to be a demonic oppression against the people of God and physical wholeness. She believes the barrier is broken. It’s important for us to go to the word of…
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In this episode, Matt Vines, Gene Cate and Pastor Cindy open up the service with prophetic words. They each take time to allow the Holy Spirit to move through the gifts. Then Pastor Cindy gave a message about the importance of maintaining an atmosphere of worship. When we worship God, we are showing how thankful we are for everything He’s done, eve…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy talks about living in the fullness of Christ. In the Old Testament, the presence of God was confined to the tabernacle. It had walls and boundaries and only a select people could even handle being in the full presence. The Holy Spirit hadn’t been poured out for everyone to receive. But now, in this new covenant, we hav…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy talks about how our Obedience is the fuel to our advancement. It is God’s will for us to advance. For us to prosper. Everything we experience is meant to teach us lessons that will help in our advancement. Oftentimes we allow our past experiences and setbacks to keep us from taking the necessary risks to move forward w…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy gave a message of hope for the new year. She talked about three words that God gave her for this year. CREATE, BUILD and ADVANCE. She encouraged us to: - CREATE a Mindset that aligns with the Word of God - BUILD on the Promises of God. His word is our Promise of Hope and a Future - ADVANCE the Kingdom of God through ev…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy explains how living a life in obedience to the Holy Spirit is like trying to push on an open’ll just pass right through! It may even catch you off guard. You may not think that you’re ready to just step right in to the next move of God, but we have to practice recognizing His move, and then step into what He…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy and Pastor Gene Cate taught in tandem about the power of the Holy Spirit both in us and upon us. As believers, it’s important for us to be filled with the Holy Spirit on the inside. This is for our sake individually. But, when we experience the power of the Holy Spirit upon us, it is for the betterment of the people ar…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy discusses how God is the God of Miracles. He has been, is now and always will be in the miracle business. He desires to release miracles over His people, but there is a lack of agreement and harmony. There is a real spirit of contention that is keeping many of us from receiving God’s miracles. She talks about the origi…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy talks about what it means when God interrupts your moment in order to establish a movement. Just like in the story of Joseph, sometimes God is not afraid to halt what you believe to be momentum in order to teach and equip you for the next movement that He has for you. He is not taking an opinion poll of whether or not …
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy walks us through scripture that will paint a picture of the Beauty of Christmas. The birth of Christ. The Word made flesh. From his existence before creation, to his miraculous conception, to his relationship as our brother and as coming King, Jesus is the reason we have power, authority and dominion here on earth. It’…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy continues from her last message about a New Thing Coming. This time, she is encouraging us to engage God in new ways this upcoming year. Like the Prophet Jeremiah, God wants to teach us to hear and to see in the way of His spirit. There’s many ways that He can communicate with us in order for us to be able to move wher…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy talks about the importance of the 2024 election as a marker for a great wave of mercy that God has given to us. It has opened the door for revival. A shift toward righteousness. God is raising up His ecclesia and is positioning them throughout the different mountains of influence. We have been in the hands of evil for …
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy talks about the importance of doing hard things. Oftentimes, we think that we are insignificant. That our daily lives don’t hold any importance. But the truth is, everyday we are doing things that some would consider difficult. It may be mundane in our view. It may seem of little value. But, living the Christian life i…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy doesn’t just preach a message, she gives a reminder about Christ. Who he is and what he has done. For generations and generations, the people of God have needed to be reminded of the power that they carry because of who Jesus is. There is power in his name and there is power in his blood. We have been reconciled to the…
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In this episode Pastor Cindy talks about the importance of understanding God’s Plans for your life. We won’t always have perfect vision for what He has in store but we need to believe that His plans are to prosper us. His plan is to open doors for blessing and provision to carry out everything that He has called us to do. His plans include help fro…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy talks about the importance of alliances. Many times, in the church, we believe that every person that passes through our ministry is in line with God’s plan. That is not always the case. The enemy will often use people to infiltrate God’s plans and if we are not aware of his devices, we will allow deception to keep us …
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In this episode Matt Vines talks about a Call to Intercession. He explains how America was founded upon God’s word. It IS a Christian nation. But if we, as a nation, continue to turn our back on God and allow sin to eat away at the fabric of our identity, we will continue to see death and destruction as our future. America is a prodigal nation. But…
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In this episode Pastor Cindy and Pastor Gene both share messages to build up the body of Christ. Pastor Gene led the congregation in an authoritative prayer against the natural storms that were threatening the east coast. As children of the King, we believe we have the authority to speak the name of Jesus over our situations and storms and that God…
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In this episode Pastor Cindy talks about the importance of having the right perspective. It’s how we see and respond to the world around us. As the people of God, we are meant to have a biblical perspective that will guide us in discerning what is good and what is evil. We need to have a perspective that is led by wisdom for particular situations. …
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy talks about the season of Emergence that she believes we are in. The word emergence means: the act of becoming known or coming into view, the act of emerging. We are emerging in to the plan of God to bring in a harvest. We are carrying the song of the Lord that is drawing in those who need to connect with him, while da…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy talks about the importance of us learning how to do three very important things. God is calling forward those who will be His watchman. Not in the natural but in the spiritual. Those who will WATCH. Like the prophets of old. Those who will look out, see danger and report to the people. He’s also calling us to not just …
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy talks about the importance of us responding to God’s promises in a way that shows we believe His word. We absolutely play a part in the fulfillment of prophecy and God’s promises in our lives. The bible is filled with stories that showcase people’s responses and how it effected their ability to receive what God had for…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy shares a message about boldly and faithfully standing on the promises of God. How many times have we heard the word of the Lord, believed it was for us, and then allowed circumstances, others’ opinions or just lack of faith to keep us from moving forward? Oftentimes, we seem to forget the promises that were given to us…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy talks about the importance of recognizing your Kairos Moment. She explains the difference between Kronos Time and Kairos Time. Chronos is the measure of time. Kairos is the moment — the bursting into — to interrupt the Kronos. In order to maximize the Kairos season we are in, we need to acknowledge the time God has mov…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy expounds on the question, Have We Made Room For God? In a world filled with distractions and activities and choices and obligations, it’s easy to allow life to get in the way of our spiritual growth with God. As we desire intimacy with Him, we begin to realize that He desires to grow our capacity for more. The true rem…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy preaches a message about the authority of those who are in relationship with Jesus. Oftentimes, we allow circumstances and situations to shape our mindset in regards to how much authority we carry. But if we remain close to Jesus, we will learn to understand that we are powerful because He is powerful. He has ALL the a…
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In this episode Cindy talks about how encounter activates our commissioning. When we experience the presence of God, we get to experience the fullness of what He has for us. Many times, that simple encounter will be the spark that leads to the revelation we need to jump into our destiny. One of the ways that we can encounter Him is through each oth…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy talks about the importance of knowing what God is saying in any given situation. Oftentimes we get caught up in the circumstances of life and we forget to center ourselves around God’s Word and miss His voice in the moment. If we let all of the other voices, that we have access to, speak louder than the voice of God, w…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy talks about the importance of having strong spiritual ears and the ability to discern the sound of God’s Word. The enemy is trying to take us out of circulation. He’s trying to knock the wind out of us. He’s attempting to cut off our blood supply that keeps us alive. The war is against the advancement of the Kingdom. A…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy talks about the importance of understanding the NEW that God is doing. There is a new thing happening. It’s not anything that we’re doing. It’s from God. And oftentimes in these moments of new, we hear about it prophetically. We hear the prophets talk about what is coming, but we don’t see it. We don’t recognize it. It…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy talks about the importance of living a Spirit Infused Life. Oftentimes we look at the world around us and react according to the pressures that normal life may bring. When we do that, we often miss out on the oneness that is available when we just choose to step in line with the move of the spirit rather than moving wi…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy talks about the importance of knowing God’s call on our lives. There comes a time when God calls forth the people that will obey. They will rise up when it’s time to fight. But, there are times that even though we know the call of God, we have to wait for our time to step up and step out. God will make a way when it is…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy talks about how God is moving in His people. He is shifting things. His breath is blowing a wind of change. All over the world we are seeing people recognizing God’s move and those that are willing to shift with Him are experiencing power that is changing lives and effectively changing the world. It’s time to see what …
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy talks about the importance of being people who are willing to break the rules. Now, the rule breaking she is referring to is NOT from a rebellious spirit that causes chaos and pain. No, our call to break the rules is birthed out of our First Love. As we abide in Christ, we learn that oftentimes the rules that our cultu…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy talks about the importance of coming back to your First Love. What was it that made you want to give up everything and surrender your life to Jesus? What was it that first caused you to realize you were loved by the creator of the universe? There are times that we can get distracted by the worries and cares of this wor…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy discusses the power of the connection we have with the spirit of God. We have access to the sounds of Heaven before they are released on the earth. In fact, we are the ones to release them. Just like in the times of wickedness under King Ahab, when God used Elijah to break the strongholds of evil, He is sending sounds …
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy and Pastor Gene Cate both take time to share a message on Pentecost Sunday. They celebrate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It was the beginning of a new era that completely transformed the people of God. It’s when the Spirit of God was not only poured out on His people, but was released to live in them. It’s because…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy talks about the 5 Realms of Biblical Wealth. As believers we have been commissioned to multiply and to prosper. To possess land and to advance the Kingdom of God. All of that is possible as we grow in the different realms of wealth that are outlined in scripture. Spiritual Wealth - We are given this at the time we acce…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy returns home from a sabbatical. She shares with her congregation a word the Lord shared with her during her time off. He told her that He is building up His body. And He's building it up strong. It will also be in a way that is unexpected. Many of us are looking for revival in certain ways. We have certain formulas tha…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy talks about how the Word is Alive. She discusses how the Word is our daily bread. We should read it every day. As we learn to walk in oneness with Jesus, the Word should consume us. It’s important for us to have vision. Without a clear prophetic vision, people quickly wander astray. But when you follow the revelation o…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy talks about the fringe benefits that come from being a follower of Jesus. As we live our lives in His presence, we begin to receive a knowledge of His goodness and experience the beautiful abundance of blessing and favor that comes from being in His glory. The Joy and Peace and Love that He gives, will be an overflow t…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy talks about the importance of leaving a Kingdom Legacy for those who come after us. When we leave a legacy for the Kingdom, we are not only making an impact on the now, but on future generations. We do this by leaving them wisdom, wealth or other influences, positions, authorities. These are the things that make a diff…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy discusses what it means for us to see and hear the word of God. As children of God, we have the amazing privilege to walk in the power and authority that He has given us. When God created man and woman, in the beginning, they were given an inheritance. They were able to walk and talk with God. They were free of shame a…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy gives a message on Easter Sunday. She talks about the importance of desiring and expecting to live in the fullness of God. As His children, we have access to everything that He is. It’s time that we stop expecting less than the fullness when it comes to our Kingdom journey. Jesus’s birth, life, death and resurrection g…
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In this episode, Pastor Cindy talks about the importance of understanding the pure love of Jesus. As we look back to the point when we first understand him as savior, we can see the purity of that moment. But as we continue on this journey we realize that we grow deeper and deeper in love with him. As we continue on this beautiful path with him, we…
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