Come and see John 1:35-51 “The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world..” (John 1:9) John has shown us the ‘witness to the light’. Now we see people meet Him. Andrew and John? Simon Philip Nathanael “Come and see” 1:39 and 1:46 “…We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son.. (John 1:14) (Preacher: Steve Blenc…
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Episode 10 - What To Expect At City Council Meetings
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29:05In this episode, Amber sits down with City Clerk, Anastasiya Warhol, and Deputy City Clerk, Michelle Kang. Anastasiya and Michelle provide an in depth explanation of what to expect at Kenmore's City Council Meetings. To learn more about our city council, please visit: To find out more about our coff…
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Witness to Jesus (John 1:19-34, 3:22-36)
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30:36A Witness to Jesus John 1:19-34 and 3:22-36 (Bible Reading: John 1:19-34) Meet John ‘the Baptist’ (1:6-8, 15, 19-34 and 3:22-36) Some of the questions we want answers to? What John and John want us to know about Jesus Is there anything we can learn from John the Baptist? (Preacher: Steve Blencowe)
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Jesus Shows Us God (Bible Reading: John 1:1-18) 1. How to put into words the miracle of the incarnation! 2. Jesus shows us God 3. Many do not recognise him 4. Those who do, can become children of God (Preacher: Steve Blencowe)
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Do you Believe? (Bible Reading: John 20:24-31) An introduction to John’s Gospel: “..that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” Thomas’ story: he needed to see, to believe… But Jesus says you don’t have to see to believe... (v29) and John has given us evidence so we may belie…
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Church: What are we doing? A topical sermon (Bible Reading: Ephesians 4:1-16) A Bible Teaching Church that seeks to grow followers of Jesus… as we each grow in knowing Jesus in living for Jesus and in making Jesus known What we do when we meet… What we do when we scatter... (Preacher: Steve Blencowe)…
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Church: Who Are We? Reading 1 Peter 2:1-12 Who are we? Why do we meet? Christ's church in Kenmore... (Preacher: Steve Blencowe)
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Standing Before God Zechariah 3 Our accuser Our advocate Our assurance (Preacher: Rayk Platzek)
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The Air Mattress Experience Steals Christmas
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53:26Belated and with rife audio issues, please nonetheless enjoy this discussion featuring the Air Mattress Experience; cousins Kenmore (Josh), Susan, Jill, and Leah. We watch a holiday movie filmed in St. John's and discuss our thoughts. We also reflect a bit on Air Canada, family games, and family health.…
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"So long as you're happy.. that's the main thing"
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21:15SAYINGS PEOPLE LIVE BY: “SO LONG AS YOU’RE HAPPY” Bible Reading: Matthew 5:1-12 What do people mean? "So long as you're happy, that's the main thing?" What does the Bible say? What does Jesus say about being happy? Where does that leave us? Don't live for short-term happiness! (preacher: Steve Blencowe)…
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Hope for the Future (Revelation 21:1 - 22:5)
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36:25Hope for the Future Revelation 21:1 - 22:5 Preacher: Andreas Mayer
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Considering CHRIST at Christmas Matthew 1:18-25 The birth of Jesus appeared to be somewhat of a crisis … which could have ended … badly But God was working to a bigger plan… A plan which had been unfolding since… a long time ago A plan for God to be with us (Immanuel) A plan to save people from sin (Joshua) (Preacher: Steve Blencowe)…
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Kenmore catches up with an old friend from his time in China, Wolflock. They chat a little about Urumqi, but mostly about Wolfock's career in and passion for magic, mentalism, and escape artistry. In the episode there are several mentions of other magicians. To assist anyone who is interested in doing further research and reading about them, here a…
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Considering CHRIST at Christmas (Matthew 1:1-17)
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31:17Considering CHRIST at Christmas Matthew 1:1-17 A purposeful genealogy of Jesus the CHRIST (1&17) - Shaped by 2 covenants (displaying God’s kindness) - covering 3 epochs (showing God’s faithfulness) - including 5 names which highlight God’ merciful sovereignty (over lives impacted by human sinfulness) A genealogy which shows the CHRIST of Christmas …
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From Babel to Babble Genesis 11:1-9 Babel shows the stubbornness and seriousness of sinful human hearts - like ours 1. New beginning.. …same sinful humanity 2. Limitless potential... …with sin in the mix... But our merciful God can save sinful hearts 3. Pentecost to Parousia - the resolution of Babel (Preacher: Thom Herbert)…
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Abram The Rich Warrior? Genesis 14 1. Why does the Bible record this account - of Abram’s wealth and his success in battle? 2. In the context of Genesis, this account reminds us to trust that God will keep His promises 3. In the context of the Bible, we’re introduced to a king/priest – which helps us understand Jesus 4. So, what do we learn from th…
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The God who sees you Genesis 16 Not following God’s ways gets messy But God still sees Hagar in her mess … … and will bless faithful connection with his chosen one This is even truer for us in Jesus (preacher: Andreas Mayer)
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Have you had enough? 1 Kings 19 A very quick recap of 1 Kings 18 - Yahweh is God, anyone else is a pretender What does Yahweh say to a prophet who’s had enough? - Remember who I am (v11-12) - And get back to work (v15-17) - And remember that you’re not alone (v18) Ministry is hard (2 Cor 4:7-12), but let’s keep going (Preacher: Lawrence Claire)…
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The Beginning and God’s Sovereignty (Genesis 37:2-50:26)
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34:37The Beginning and God’s Sovereignty Genesis 37:2-50:26 (Reading 37:2-20 and 50:15-20) “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives” Genesis 50:20 (NIV) The story of Joseph teaches us about God: God’s sovereignty over everything God’s faithfulness to His word and God’s mercy Th…
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The Beginning and God's Choice (Genesis 25-37)
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37:04The Beginning and God’s Choice Genesis 25:19-37:1 (Reading 27:1-33) The account of Abraham’s son Isaac… .. is a selective account which shows God fulfilling his promises to Abraham .. and shows the way God chooses, despite human sinfulness The account of Abraham’s son Isaac teaches us to trust in God’s mercy and to keep living for Him (Preacher: St…
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In this episode, Amber talks with City Traffic Engineer, Tobin Bennett-Gold and City Traffic Engineer Intern, Zeke Cohn, about the expansion of automated photo enforcement. For more information about the KAPE program please visit our KAPE WebsiteBởi City of Kenmore
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The Beginning and Faith in God (Genesis11-25part2)
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34:10The Beginning and Faith in God Genesis 11:27-25:18 part 2 (Reading 22:1-19) Abraham and God’s promises … .. and God’s covenant How is Abraham an example of trusting God? Are you a child of Abraham? (Preacher: Steve Blencowe)
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The Beginning of God's Promises (Gen 11:27-25:18)
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29:16The Beginning and God’s Promises Genesis 11:27-25:18 part 1 (Reading 12:1-9) Genesis is an orderly and structured account That introduces God’s creation and God’s unfolding plan… ..the promise of God’s People in God’s Place under God’s rule Where do you fit? Diagrams are available here (Preacher: Steve Blencowe) The story of creation (2:4) Genealog…
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The Beginning and the End (Genesis 1:1-11:26)
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31:21THE BEGINNING AND THE END Genesis 1:1-11:26 (Reading 3:1-20) The beginning of life … and death The beginning of judgment … and salvation The beginning and The End So, where does that leave us? (Preacher: Steve Blencowe)
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Kenmore sits down for a conversation with an old friend, Beth Turpin to talk about Open Supper, a weekly dinner event from their college years, and the community that grew out of it.Bởi Kenmore Thompson
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Power in Weakness (2 Corinthians 11-13)
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30:04Power in Weakness 2 Corinthians 11-13 (Reading 11:30-12:18) The apostle’s defence of the gospel and his ministry in Corinth is loaded with lessons for us, including these: Don’t get distracted from the gospel of Jesus Expect challenges while we wait for Jesus to return And remember: God’s grace is sufficient God’s power is made perfect in weakness …
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Beware of foolish boasting (2 Corinthians 10-11)
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24:56BEWARE OF FOOLISH BOASTING 2 Corinthians 10-11 (Reading chapter 10) A meek and gentle appeal.. Christians who are attracted to those who boast the way the world does A warning for US too (Preacher: Steve Blencowe)
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Serving the Lord in Every Whatever (Colossians 3:17 - 4:18)
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32:13Colossians 3:17 - 4:18 Why serve the Lord in every whatever? Serving the Lord at home & work (3:17 - 4:1) Serving the Lord in prayer & evangelism (4:2-18) (Preacher: Andreas Mayer)
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