What's going on in the night sky right now? Find out with Star Lore Historian Mary Stewart Adams, who narrates the stories written across the sky each week in order to restore the mythic grandeur of knowing the stars. Here, ancient mythologies are woven together with poetry, astrology, contemporary astronomy, and the new star wisdom astrosophy, to reveal the brilliant story of now.
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The 12 Days of Christmas begin on Christmas Eve
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Once the long night of the solstice has commenced, it’s appropriate to reflect on the year past and to anticipate the year ahead, not just for a moment, but for the full 12 days of Christmas, which begin with the birth of inner light on Christmas Eve, at midnight.
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At dawn on Wednesday the Moon sweeps past Mars in retrograde where it prepares a place in the cradle of the heart for all who are tuned in.
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Before the 16th century calendar reform, Friday the 13th would've been Christmas Eve. The Geminid Meteor Shower peaks overnight the 13th, and it's worth noting despite nearly Full Moon.
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There are six stars, two planets, and the Moon making a sign in the heavens right now: the stars that form the Winter Hexagon; Jupiter and Venus, respectively straddling the horizons east and west at sunset; and the Moon, when it meets Venus on Wednesday
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Thanksgiving week there’s a magical event happening in the morning sky, one that begs the question: when am I central to what occurs in the world around me?
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The Universe Goes as Far as the Soul Goes
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3rd century Neoplatonist Plotinus wrote: The universe extends as far as the soul goes, but no further. The boundaries of its existence are determined by the degree to which, in going forth, it has the soul to keep it in being.
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The Journey of a New Life with Full Moon and Uranus
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Friday's Full Moon occurs near Uranus, which means that now we begin anew the great tale of human becoming.
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First of Three Oppositions with Mars&Pluto
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A mighty week is upon us, inaugurated 11.3.24 by the opposition between Mars and Pluto that will occur two more times in the coming months due to Mars’ impending retrograde motion.
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This week is the seasonal cross quarter, or halfway point, which includes the mischievous festival of Halloween, followed by All Saints Day, then All Soul’s Day, and then the several weeks of honoring loved ones who have died. How does the soul know?
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Moon passes by Mars among Gemini stars this week, where the red planet will soon make its biennial retrograde loop, which finds it passing through these stars several times from now until April 2025.
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A calendar is a brilliant mechanism formulated over centuries of sky watching that works with the magic of a time machine~tiny black boxes aligned in neat rows, each row divided into seven parts, each part named in accord with a classical planet, and all in a particular order that reveals a deep wisdom, allowing us to access the past, stay attuned …
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The Heart of the Soul Weighed by the Stars
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The Moon catches Venus in the great golden scale of Libra, where the goddess of love and beauty witnesses the measure of love abiding in the human heart.
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The experience of each new age requires a new confession, and the world seems always waiting for its poet.
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It's Harvest Moon Wednesday, Sept 17 which begs the question: what is my harvest this year? On Michigan's Beaver Island, they have an answer!
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A fascinating signature of the Mysteries is appearing in the sky right now, involving the planets Saturn and Mercury and the constellations Aquarius and Leo.
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The last New Moon of Summer on 2 September 2024 prepares for the transition from outer light to inner radiance that happens at Equinox later this month.
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Each month the Moon greets every planet, modulating the mood as it goes. This week, it meets Jupiter, Mars, and Mercury.
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Blue Moon, Saturn Moon, Perigee Moon All in One
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The astrological omens this week suggest now's the time for sloughing off the dead weight and for moving out of stagnant situations.
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Sun, Mercury, Earth, and Moon align at square angle to Uranus while Jupiter and Saturn engage in the same, and all of this at Blue Moon Monday, August 19, 2024
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In August the Milky Way is like the brilliantly beaded belt of a sparkling garment woven out of stars and flung across the night.
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The Tragic Romance of Summer's Halfway Point
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This week a date of historic and literary note rolls around: “Lammas Eve,” which is the night before we’re halfway through the summer.
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Venus emerges as our evenings star very soon, and will grace the western horizon until mid-March 2025. What can it mean?
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All the talk this week is about the great meeting between the red planet Mars and the eccentric gas giant Uranus, which coincides with quick changes and reversals, sudden upsets, unforeseen events or even new insights stirred all of sudden, breaking in like revelation.
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Earth comes to its aphelion Friday, when it's furthest away from the Sun, the same day as the first New Moon of summer, revealing the social harmony inherent in the cosmos.
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All in one week the Moon checks in with all the outer planets, and this as Saturn begins its retrograde.
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This week it’s all about the Sun and its solstice, but it’s also about the Moon, which comes to Full Phase the day after solstice, placing an accent mark on what happens with the standing still of the Sun that marks the beginning of summer.
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The messenger of the gods slips into hiding beyond the Sun Friday, while the first heaven is flung open wide by a growing Moon ~ time to heed the whispers of the merry wanderer of the night.
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Thursday, May 30th is the Feast of Joan of Arc. Arcturus is rising overhead from the East, the star of the shepherdess, beside the crown she would use to crown the King of France, who was nearly toppled, like Hercules, from his rightful place.
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Thursday's Full Moon blocks the star Antares, the rival of Mars, which means it's our turn to sculpt the red planet’s warrior forces.
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The Moon returned to its eclipse point Sunday, then moves through its dark phase, encountering the secrets of Venus before it comes New Tuesday night.
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The season turns toward its end on April 30, a turning that was considered an act of the divine in days gone by, a lifting of the veil to release built-up mischief.
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Not to be outdone by our own star and its recent eclipse drama, a couple of stars in Corona Borealis are cooking up their own fantastic display when they explode sometime soon
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Jupiter and Uranus have a once-every-14-years meeting this week. Finding its meaning with the help of the Moon.
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The thrill of experience that defies our sense of the immutable
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The beloveds Moon and Venus meet in the midday at eclipse, and so begins their new story.
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When the world becomes the mirror upon which the gods cast the shadow of the future.
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The Moon waxes toward Full Phase among the stars of Leo this week, gathering up the kingly forces of the Lion before eclipse on March 25th.
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The final resolution of improbable love begins Wednesday when the Moon meets Jupiter in the great adventure.
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Venus faints into the light of the Sun this month, witnessed by Moon on Thursday, looking east at dawn.
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At midnight on Leap Day, the waning gibbous Moon moves from Virgo to Libra, where it draws near the star Zubenelgenubi, with an invitation to find life's richest treasure.
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There are 40 days from the Feb 24 Full Moon at apogee to the April 8 Total Solar Eclipse at New Moon, for our gradually growing wholeness.
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Only once every 12 years will the Olympian King of the Gods stand beside the lead star of the zodiac with the Moon sweeping by on Valentine’s Day, and it’s happening this year.
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As our morning star, Venus is sowing love and beauty into the world, while the Moon sweeps by as a thin sliver of itself, and Mars fades from view.
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Botticelli's Primavera comes poetically to life overhead this week when Moon meets Spica at cross-quarter time in the morning sky.
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Musings on the meaning of first Full Moon of the new year.
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Venus, Mercury, and Mars cross through the morning Milky Way, bringing to mind the inspiring words of German mystic poet Novalis.
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At the stillness of Solstice, Mercury slips in between Earth and Sun, listening in the year's midnight.
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A Meteor Shower of Faith, Hope, and Love
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The Geminid Meteor Shower peaks overnight Wednesday to Thursday, inspiring images from “The Paradise” of Dante’s Divine Comedy into the season.
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The Moon and Venus are spectacular at dawn this week, with a fairy tale tucked in besides.
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As the northern part of the world leans toward the dark, the night lights up with a magic tale of the boy-hero Jack, fortifying us all for the way ahead.
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