Co-hosts Preet Bharara and Joyce Vance help you to make sense of law and politics each week, plus weekly notes and bonus content exclusive to CAFE Insider members.
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O podcast onde você pode ser o aficionado por crimes reais que você é sem julgamentos.
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Aqui tem seleção primorosa da MPB e reflexões não-trivias –e muitas vezes polêmicas– do apresentador, escritor e palestrante Luciano Pires. É assim que o Café Brasil trata de comportamento, cidadania, política e cultura brasileiras, em edições semanais. Eleito por duas vezes o Melhor Podcast de Entretenimento e Variedades no Prêmio Podcast Brasil e frequentador dos destaques do iTunes.Podcast Café Brasil: valorizando a liberdade de expressão e semeando a autonomia de pensamento.
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Este podcast es un café para despertar tu pensamiento crítico y protegerte de la manipulación.
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کافه آوا، صدای فرهنگ، هنر و دانشجو
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WXPN's live performance and interview program featuring music and conversation from a variety of important musicians
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Intelligence artificielle, réseaux sociaux, processeurs, jeux vidéo : Tech Café, c'est votre veille sur la tech, des dossiers et des interviews pour s'informer, dans un format divertissant et pratique à consommer au quotidien. Un regard piquant, sérieux et sourcé sur l'évolution des nouvelles technologies et ses impacts sur la société.
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Welcome to The Pop Culture Cafe. Thoughts and opinions from seasoned pop culture nerds. Join me, John, Scott and Paul as we explore the world of TV, movies, comics and sometimes the social issues that drive some entertainment content.
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Rádio Mix FM Poa. A rádio jovem mais ouvida no Brasil, com o melhor MIX do rádio!
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オンラインフランス語学校 Ensmeble en Français 提供「A la Cafet'」へようこそ。 この番組は、フランス語を勉強中の方やフランス語に興味があるという方に向けて、フランス語学習を楽しく効率よく続けるための秘訣などを、様々な角度からお伝えする番組です。 オンラインフランス語学校 Ensmeble en Français
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Un premiado informativo con actualidad, entrevistas y debate desde la perspectiva progresista. La Cafetera está dirigido por el periodista Fernando Berlín y el programa tiene lugar en directo conversando con la audiencia de las redes sociales. Los oyentes forman una amplia familia en la resistencia. Si te gusta el programa súmate a la revolución cafetera haciéndote mecenas en Producido por radiocable . com la pionera emisora de radio por Internet. Premio Ondas, Premio ...
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Pull up a chair at the lunch table and join Jonny Loquasto, Ryan Niemiller, and Brent Terhune for a weekly round table discussion on each of the three topics the boys bring to the show.
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Café Brasil Luciano Pires
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Segunda fase do premiado podcast Café com Dungeon, na sua manhã com muito RPG! Reflexões, game design, análises, entrevistas com autores e pessoas com algo a dizer sobre o hobby.
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KJV Cafe is a daily 15-minute Bible study hosted by pastor Clark Covington of Heartland Community Baptist Church. Visit to learn more.
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True history storytelling at the History Café. Join BBC Historian Jon Rosebank & HBO, BBC & C4 script and series editor Penelope Middelboe as we give history a new take. Drop in to the History Café weekly on Wednesdays to give old stories a refreshing new brew. 90+ ever-green stand-alone episodes and building... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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The official podcast for the Latin American Studies program in the Department of Spanish & Portuguese at the University of Toronto.
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Podcast by Café Európa
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Independent Radio
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The Softest Place On The Planet Built For Your Relaxation & Peace of Mind
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A discussion on a topic from the week's Parsha covering many important parts of Judaism that are not regularly addressed. Support this podcast:
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Catalunya Msica es converteix en club de jazz a l'hora del caf per acompanyar-vos amb una sessi per a tots els pblics guiada per Pilar Subir.
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Join Armbar, Brock, Epi, and Rook, as they investigate the mysterious rise of wild magic in Waterdeep!
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Magazín d'actualitat amb Gemma Nierga.
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How is a podcast like a New York City saloon? They each provide the setting for entertaining conversations with fascinating people. I engage in great conversation with the most interesting people from the Hamptons, Montauk and beyond...
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Podcasts van over boeken - met Seka op de Sofa en met Harry in de kast van Clio.
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Backstage at the Vinyl Cafe welcomes listeners into the warm and comforting world of the Vinyl Cafe. Each episode features stories about Canada’s favourite fictional family: Dave, Morley and the kids, narrated by the late Stuart McLean and recorded live in concert. For the first time ever, long-time producer Jess Milton shares rare, behind-the-scenes stories from her 15 years touring, travelling, laughing, and recording with her close friend Stuart. This is a world that is rooted in kindness ...
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Podcast por @juniorrostirola autor de @cafecomdeuspai
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Loyola Café (ex Café de Sèvres) : on y discute philosophie et théologie. C'est là que, chaque semaine, Isabelle et Parnel dialoguent avec un enseignant des Facultés Loyola Paris. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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What's on the menu at Lucid Cafe? Stories of transformation; healing journeys; thought-provoking conversations about consciousness, shamanism, psychology, ethics. Hosted by Wendy Halley of Lucid Path Wellness & Healing Arts.
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Uma pausa para o café com média de 2 minutos e meio de Iscas Intelectuais sobre comportamento, sociedade, política, economia, educação… tudo aquilo que envolve a complexidade de ser humano.
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De wereld kantelt, Café Weltschmerz helpt daar bij.
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Interviews and entertainment for crime fiction, suspense and thriller fans.
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The Dividend Cafe is your portal for market perspective that is virtually conflict-free, rooted in deep philosophical commitments about how capital should be managed, and understandable for all sorts of investors. Host David L. Bahnsen is a frequent guest on CNBC, Bloomberg, and Fox Business. He is the author of the books, Crisis of Responsibility: Our Cultural Addiction to Blame and How You Can Cure It (Post Hill Press), The Case for Dividend Growth: Investing in a Post-Crisis World (Post H ...
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Wrapped in a magazine format, this podcast is targeted to Latin American coffee enthusiasts.
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〈浮かぶカフェ〉は文学、ダンス、音楽、古典芸能などアートを中心としたいろんなジャンルで活躍する「お客さま」をお迎えしてお送りするアート・ポッドキャストです。 地上のしがらみとは無縁の空間〈浮かぶカフェ〉では 月みたいにぽっかり 面影みたいにぼんやり 飛行船みたいにゆったり アイディアみたいにパーっと いろんなものが浮かぶことになっております。 聴いたらきっと心も浮かぶ、そんな場所。 お掃除中、通勤中、夜寝る前、ふとした隙間時間にぜひ「ご来店」ください。 毎週金曜日夜8時配信 番組の詳細は リクエスト、感想等は までどうぞ。 なお、番組内の全てのコンテンツの無断転載、編集、再利用等は固くお断り申し上げます。 ©Nekaa Lab / Sachiyo Takahashi 2020
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Café Fandango es un resumen semanal de noticias de gaming y entretenimientos afines.
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O Café com Tulipa é uma plataforma de conteúdo cristão reformado que tem o objetivo de trazer informação de qualidade para todos. Queremos desconstruir os termos e palavras complicadas da teologia reformada.
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Este não é um programa de entrevistas, não tem perguntas programadas nem roteiro definido. É um bate papo informal partindo da visão de liderança e empreendedorismo, com gente que faz acontecer, e que vai para lugares onde nem Luciano Pires nem seus convidado imaginam.
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Abordamos temas actuales desde una óptica franciscana para poder ofrecer un análisis objetivo sobre el mundo en que vivimos.
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Central Café, donde el aroma del café se mezcla con conversaciones enriquecedoras. Expertos nos acompañan en cada episodio. Descubre las historias de nuestros invitados y los mejores temas de actualidad.
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Ideario ‘evolucionario’ charlas y café para enriquecer, comprometer tu pensar dar claridad y contenido a tus días.
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KJV Cafe Weekend Edition offers an informal in-depth Bible study by pastor Clark Covington. The thirty-minute podcast is released each Saturday and Sunday morning. For daily 15-minute Bible study be sure to check out our signature KJV Cafe podcast.
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El trio clssic: El MUH Trio del pianista Roberto Magris
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Msica que sona al programa:"Prague after dark" (de l'lbum "The prague after dark", 2017)The MUH Trio: Roberto Magris, piano; Frantiek Uhl, contrabaix; Jaromir Heleic, bateria."A step into light" i "The meaning of the blues" (de l'lbum "A step into light", 2020)The MUH Trio: Roberto Magris, piano; Frantiek Uhl, contrabaix; Jaromir Heleic, bateria."S…
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Saxophonist Colin Stetson's performance style is breathtaking, literally
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The saxophonist has spent his life developing his unique, physically demanding performance style. Learn more about sponsor message choices: NPR Privacy Policy
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با سلام خدمت همه ی آوایی های عزیز 💜 [ خوشی و ناخوشی میگذره، اینکه بد و خوب و تلخ و شیرین رو با هم بخوایم مهمه، زندگی با داستانهای عاشقانه و فیلمها خیلی فرق داره، خوب و بدش درهمه و چارهای جز پیدا کردن راهی برای دووم آوردن نداریم... ━━━━━━━━ کافهآوا تقدیم میکند: پادکست سریالی " ما و آدمها " #قسمت_چهارم طراح کاور: یلدا ملاحسینی گویندگان: فاطمه…
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Speech Kennedy Jr. Nieuwe minister Volksgezondheid onder Trump?
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Op 23 augustus 2024 hield Robert Kennedy Jr, als onafhankelijk presidentskandidaat een fascinerende speech, waarin hij een analyse maakte van de schokkende veranderingen in de Democratische Partij, een haarscherp gezondheidsprogramma voor Amerika presenteerde en tot verbijstering van velen aankondigde dat hij gaat samenwerken met de Republikeinse p…
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Genesis 24:6 KJV And Abraham said unto him, Beware thou that thou bring not my son thither again.Bởi KJV Cafe
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気鋭の経営学者・入山章栄とともに様々なジャンルのクリエ―ターや専門家、起業家たちが社会課題や未来予想図などをテーマにアイディア、オピニオンをぶつけ合い、より良い未来の姿とそれを実現するイノベーションのヒントを探ります。 第260回前半『コンクリート製造会社が海の栄養剤!?「海と生物から考える共創とビジネスの可能性」』 高倉葉太(株式会社イノカCEO) [更新 11月5日] [毎週火・金曜日更新] [TIME 10:19] See for privacy information.Bởi 文化放送PodcastQR
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🔴 ☕ Dana Valencia: Entrevista con el ecologista que avisó a los políticos un año antes| LA CAFETERA PODCAST |
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El presidente valenciano Carlos Mazón tira balones fuera sobre su gestión de la DANA y hasta Feijoo ha pedido que tome el mando el gobierno central. Pero además en La Cafetera entrevistamos a Juan Bordera, ecologista, experto en cambio climático y diputado en Valencia por Compromís que hace un año trató de sacar adelante una iniciativa en Las Corts…
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TPCCafe Radio Presents Classic Thrillers, Susense: Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble
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Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble featuring Paul Lukas Broadcasted 1943/04/06 Digitally Restored by Nicholas Hans GaryBởi The Pop Culture Cafe
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Mercedes Mora reivindica la seva tasca sobre el terreny afectat per la DANA i explica com podem ajudar als afectats. Mercedes Mora, tècnica de la unitat d'emergències de la Creu Roja de València, ens explica com viuen la situació i com la Creu Roja esta ajudant. Victòria Alsina alerta que poden passar setmanes fins que coneguem els resultats oficia…
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Mistério: criação ou investigação? #0045
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Balbi recebe Nina e Cobbi, do RPG Dojo, para trocarem uma ideia sobre mistério no RPG, em particular sobre as diferenças entre jogos de criação de mistérios e de investigação dos mesmos. Links dos Anúncios Mitos de Atlântida Jogue Biergotten Links mencionados RPG Dojo - Avisos no Whatsapp Board de Mistérios do Dojo no Miro Regra das Três Pistas por…
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El Govern dona per superada la DANA a Catalunya tot i que es mantenen algunes afectacions. Illa anuncia que es revisaran les activitats en zones inundables i actualitzarà el model i els plans de Protecció Civil. Mazón demana un primer paquet d'ajudes per fer front als efectes de la DANA i acusa la Confederació Hidrogràfica del Xúquer de desactivar …
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Todos nós enfrentamos dificuldades, mas somente aqueles que conhecem a Cristo podem contar com sua força, proteção e direção. Todos precisamos de suporte nas dificuldades e o nosso Senhor está sempre pronto a fortalecer os que ouvem a sua voz e seguem sua direção. Se ouvirmos a voz do Senhor, registrada em sua Palavra, encontraremos o caminho e a f…
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Café com Deus Pai | 05 de novembro Learn more about your ad choices. Visitởi Junior Rostirola
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Café Com Leite 90 - 5 Dicas Para Se Relacionar Melhor
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Assine o Café Com Leite em Neste episódio, Bárbara e Babica conversam sobre relacionamentos, dando as primeiras cinco dicas para nos relacionarmos bem com as pessoas. É importante cuidar das palavras, cumprir o que prometemos, sermos gentis, mostrar interesse genuíno e manter a mente aberta. See…
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Café Com Leite 90 - 5 Dicas Para Se Relacionar Melhor
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Assine o Café Com Leite em Neste episódio, Bárbara e Babica conversam sobre relacionamentos, dando as primeiras cinco dicas para nos relacionarmos bem com as pessoas. É importante cuidar das palavras, cumprir o que prometemos, sermos gentis, mostrar interesse genuíno e manter a mente aberta. See…
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Willem Engel en Jeroen Pols - Weekoverzicht #44 2024
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De geheime inlichtingendiensten bepalen de koers van Nederland?!In Weekoverzicht 44 splitsen Jeroen en Willem een aantal belangrijke gebeurtenissen en hete hangijzers. Ze duiken in de gewaagde uitspraken van Agema en onthullen de duistere acties van de NCTV, Aalbersberg en Schoof. Er is ook aandacht voor de lokale protesten …
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Cafezinho - Segunda-feira - 04/11/24
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El clssic de la setmana: el saxofonista i flautista Leo Wright (1933-1991)
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Msica que sona al programa:"The wind" (de l'lbum "Blues shout", 1960)Leo Wright, saxo alt; Richard Williams, trompeta; Junior Mance, piano; Art Davis, contrabaix; Charlie Persip, bateria."Angel eyes"Leo Wright, flauta; Harry Lookfsky, viol; Junior Mance, piano; Art Davis, contrabaix; Charlie Persip, bateria."Gee baby ain't I good to you" (de l'lbum…
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Genesis 24:6 KJV And Abraham said unto him, Beware thou that thou bring not my son thither again.Bởi KJV Cafe
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🔴☕ Dana: Valencia expresa su indignación empujada por el abandono y por la extrema derecha | PODCAST LA CAFETERA | #LaCafeteraIndignaciónSinConsuelo
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👉 Súmate a la familia de La Cafetera y recibe ya tu carnet como miembro de la resistencia: 👉 Músicas: El podcast de La Cafetera es un proyecto de actualidad informativa. Las músicas que empleamos se encuentran bajo la etiqueta Creative Commons. La Cafetera cuenta con la licencia número EX1pOL de ArtlistIO , el gest…
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Coneixem com està Paiporta després dels estralls de la Dana amb Begoña Fuentes. En Lluís Orriols veu "comprensible" les protestes a Paiporta durant la visita de Felip VI i Sánchez i creu que la crisi per la Dana desgastarà tant al govern com a l'oposició. En Joan Baldoví ens explica que veu comprensible la "ràbia" dels ciutadans en la visita "inopo…
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The Dividend Cafe Monday - November 4, 2024
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Today's Post - Market Insights & Election Uncertainty: Navigating the Week Ahead In this episode of Monday's Dividend Cafe, David Bahnsen, Chief Investment Officer and Managing Partner at The Bahnsen Group, discusses market activity, public policy, the Federal Reserve, housing, and economic data ahead of the upcoming elec…
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Jesus disse que seus discípulos são o sal da terra e a luz do mundo, portanto, nossas ações devem revelar quem ele é e qual é seu intento para todos. Essa é uma missão gloriosa que só pode ser cumprida com ações que revelem a mensagem e obra de nosso Senhor. Nossas 'obras' são o que levam os homens aos pés do Senhor, por isso, precisamos nos revest…
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Ja són 210 les víctimes mortals per la Dana a la Comunitat Valenciana mentre es preveuen més pluges. Llancen fang i increpen els reis, Sánchez i Mazón durant la visita a Paiporta, població afectada per la Dana. Parlem en l'alcaldessa de Paiporta, Maribel Albalat, que ens explica que va advertir a la comitiva que no s'acostés a veure la ciutadania. …
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La Divine comédie de Dante, avec Stéphane Loiseau
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Aujourd'hui, Stéphane Loiseau nous parle de Dante. Poète italien du Moyen Âge, il est notamment célèbre pour sa Divine Comédie, chef-d'oeuvre de la littérature mondiale. Qu'est-ce donc la Divine Comédie ? À l'époque de la toute-puissance de l'Église, comment peut-on faire de la comédie à propos de ce qui est divin et sacré ? Comment cette oeuvre s'…
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Café com Deus Pai | 04 de novembro Learn more about your ad choices. Visitởi Junior Rostirola
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After the Exodus from Egypt, Jews continued to go back to Egypt for most of our history. Jews lived in Egypt continuously from the time of the destruction of the First Temple around 421 BCE until the mid 20th century, making it possibly the longest continuous Jewish community in history. A fascinating discussion about the history of the Jews of Egy…
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Permanent Muzik "The World FAMOUS WolfPack 622..."Bởi Byrdgang Cafe
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Genesis 24:6 KJV And Abraham said unto him, Beware thou that thou bring not my son thither again.Bởi KJV Cafe
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Verslag uit Kazan - Wie is er bang voor de BRICS?
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In de 30e aflevering van De Andere Tafel spreekt de vaste presentator Pieter Stuurman met Peter van Stigt, die aanwezig was bij de BRICS-conferentie in Kazan en Karel Beckman, hoofdredacteur van De Andere Krant. Rutte noemt het een "onbeduidend clubje", maar de BRICS top in Kazan laat zien dat niet Rusland maar het westen steeds meer is geïsoleerd.…
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CT 3180 - Determinação, Disciplina e Disposição
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O mais fascinante projeto para esta vida é seguir a Cristo, entretanto, não é um caminho fácil e isento de lutas e tribulações. Esta é uma das razões pelas quais um discípulo de Jesus precisa de determinação, disciplina e disposição. A carreira cristã requer uma atitude resoluta e determinada. Um discípulo pode enfrentar muitas lutas, mas seu alvo …
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Café com Deus Pai | 03 de novembro Learn more about your ad choices. Visitởi Junior Rostirola
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Genesis 24:5 KJV And the servant said unto him, Peradventure the woman will not be willing to follow me unto this land: must I needs bring thy son again unto the land from whence thou camest?Bởi KJV Cafe
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The Importance of True Repentance - Hebrews 12:1-2
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Hebrews 12:1-2 KJV 1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, 2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cr…
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222 Tips voor Voetbalclubs – Stef Van Overstraeten deelt zijn inzichten | #opdesofametseka
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Welkom bij een nieuwe aflevering van #OpDeSofaMetSeka! Vandaag praten we met Stef Van Overstraeten, auteur van 'Het grote ideeënboek voor amateurvoetbalclubs', waarin hij maar liefst 222 tips deelt voor het modern en positief beheren van amateurvoetbalclubs. 🎉 Of je nu bestuurder, speler, ouder of supporter bent, Stef biedt vernieuwende ideeën om j…
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Jesus deu aos discípulos a missão mais gloriosa e difícil que um ser humano pode encarar. Pregar o evangelho é uma tarefa incomparável em todos os aspectos, incluindo a dificuldade. Sabendo deste fato, Jesus não deixou os discípulos despreparados, pelo contrário, prometeu que o Espírito Santo falaria através deles. A tarefa é dificílima, mas a capa…
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Reseña crítica sobre el libro Hagakure de Yamamoto Tsu Natomo. Tratado filosófico sobre el honor, la lealtad, la muerte, la valentía y el autocontrol. #FYPPPP #Libros #Libro
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Café com Deus Pai | 02 de novembro Learn more about your ad choices. Visitởi Junior Rostirola
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Indie Soul Top 30 Countdown Wk 43 Powered By Internet Broadcaster Alliance
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The Indie Soul Top 30 Countdown Week 41 Season 8 1. Psiryn - Sober 2. Leon Bridges - Peaceful Place 3. Devon Howard - Holding On 4. Ms Monet - Groove With You 5. Castella - Nights Over Egypt 6. Mary J Blige - Breathing 7. Anthony Hamilton - QUEEN 8. Andy Stokes - No Better 9. Terri Green - Unexpected love 10. Tyrese - Wildflower 11. David A Tobin -…
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Cafezinho - Sexta-feira - 01/11/24
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Bipartisan is Not Always Good For Markets
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Today's Post - Election and Economic Insights: November Dividend Cafe with David Bahnsen In this episode of Dividend Cafe, David Bahnsen, Managing Partner at The Bahnsen Group, discusses key topics as the U.S. approaches the 2024 election. From his New York City office, David addresses the outlook of the election, the fut…
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Cafezinho - Quinta-feira - 31/10/24
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Los Bitchos' 'Talkie Talkie' is a raucous 1980s discotheque
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Heavily inspired by cumbia, the London-based band has a straightforward ethos: have fun. Learn more about sponsor message choices: NPR Privacy Policy
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Central Café Descafeinado: ¿Estás disfrutando a tu familia?
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Quizás las personas con las que más compartes son los integrantes de tu familia, pero, ¿estás realmente disfrutando los momentos junto a ellos? Acompáñanos en este descafeinado para descubrirlo. 🔴 Señal en vivo en: 🔴 Síguenos Instagram:
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Assine o Café Brasil em A partir de um texto que circula pela internet como sendo de autoria de Carlos Drummond de Andrade, uma reflexão sobre a importância de buscar referências para não sermos enganados por falta de repertório. Se ler era importante, agora é imprescindível. Caso contrário você será feito de otário. …
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Assine o Café Brasil em A partir de um texto que circula pela internet como sendo de autoria de Carlos Drummond de Andrade, uma reflexão sobre a importância de buscar referências para não sermos enganados por falta de repertório. Se ler era importante, agora é imprescindível. Caso contrário você será feito de otário. …
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