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Bozsik gazda podcast

Kossuth Rádió |MTVA Podcast

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Üdvözlöm Önöket! Bozsik József, azaz Bozsik gazda vagyok. A Kossuth Rádió hullámhosszán, a Hajnal-táj műsorában minden reggel jelentkezem kertészeti rovattal a fél hatos hírek után. Most azonban új lehetőség kínálkozott! Mostantól fogva, heti rendszerességgel, egy-egy húszperces kertészeti összeállítással készülök ezen az új fórumon. Itt a legfontosabb aktuális kertészeti témákról számolok be az Önök kérdései alapján. MTVA Podcast | Kossuth Rádió
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Breakfast with Boz is hosted by Ian Boswell, former cycling Word Tour racer and now converted gravel racer. Breakfast with Boz brings you interviews with inspiring athletes and news from inside the race. It may not always be breakfast during the podcast but it will always be entertaining.
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Boz To The Future

Andrew Bosworth

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Produced by Reality Labs at Meta, Boz To The Future is a podcast hosted by Meta CTO Andrew "Boz" Bosworth where he talks to technologists and leaders building the future of technology, entertainment, and beyond. Episodes will talk about the future Meta is building, Reality Labs, AR/VR/XR, and the metaverse, Meta's core businesses, trends across technology, media, and entertainment, as well as offer perspectives on management, leadership, and building communities from the industry’s best and ...
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Boży Podcast

Filip Bagiński

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Zaczynać każdy dzień od czasu z Bogiem. Niemożliwe? A JEDNAK! Boży Podcast to inspiracja do życia z Bogiem od samego rana. Biblia, inspiracja i modlitwa. Sprawimy aby każdy Twój dzień był przepełniony Bożą obecnością i Jego działaniem. DO DZIEŁA!
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Check out the newest radio show in Valpo on WVLP 103.1 fm. Hosted by Porter County Councilman Andy Bozak and Porter County Councilman Greg Simms. Sponsored by the Independent Order of Odd Fellows Chequeuk Lodge 56 from Valparaiso, IN. This is a show about all things Porter County, Indiana shared by two very energetic hosts.
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The Bozman podcast is my personal raw opinion and my outlook on life this podcast is for ambitious people! Cover art photo provided by Jason Zeis on Unsplash:
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Maryja cierpiała jak nikt inny na ziemi. Mogła nie do końca rozumieć to, co się dzieje w jej życiu i w życiu Jezusa Chrystusa. Jednak stała się dla każdego z nas dowodem na to, że dzięki wytrwałości i zawierzeniu życia Bogu, jesteśmy w stanie osiągnąć świętość. Zapraszamy do rozważenia siedmiu boleści Matki Bożej, które przygotował o. Tadeusz Słoniak, paulin. Posługuje w Sanktuarium NMP Bolesnej w Wielgomłynach.
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Boztown Music


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NEW ALBUM "my Rules" OUT 9 july 2021 : Genre : #Hip-hop , #Abstract , #Boombap , #Trip-hop , #soulful ... More tracks on Deezer and Spotify In 2016, Boztown took a turn and progressed in the Beatmaking, the Sample-based on a Hip-hop tempo in Soul/Funk/Jazz colors from the 50s to 70s. The search for an authentic sound and the musical influence of black American culture are the unconditional foundations of the project. From the vintage sample rhythm of a vintage be ...
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The Bozo Island

The Biggest Bozo

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A podcast where the biggest bozo gives you all of what the world wants: chaos. A current event/music review/anything the biggest bozo wants to address. Gather your boats. Build ya rafts. And link at Bozo Island.
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Boża Strona Życia

Natalia Joanna Krzysztof

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Witajcie bardzo serdecznie, jesetśmy grupą chrześcijan. Nagrywam podcasty i materiały wido w ramach Bożej Strony Życia. Nowye materiały ukazuję się we wtorki i w piątki co dwa tygodnie. Zapraszam do śledzenian aszych publikacji, więcej znajdziecie na fanpage-u w Facebooku i Instaramie. Oto linki: Życzę Bożego czasu i pozdrawiam ekipa BSŻ.
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Las Bozkia Talks son charlas de reconocidos expertos en el sector forestal mexicano e internacional, dónde nos comparten su visión para lograr que tengamos mejores bosques y promover su aprovechamiento consciente con las mejores prácticas para obtener los resultados trascendentales. Espero disfrutes estas charlas y te sirvan para plantear acciones que agreguen valor a tu bosque.
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WARNING: this podcast keeps it 100% real, we express opinions and thoughts about a wide variety of things. Relax, sit back, and enjoy a nice cup of goofy. Support this podcast:
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Solving youth unemployment through partnerships. Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator is a not-for-profit social enterprise building African solutions for the global challenge of youth unemployment. In South Africa we work with many partners who are committed to results that can work at scale – including government, the private sector, civil society, and over 1.5 million youth. We are committed to changing the system by removing the barriers that keep millions of young South Africans locked ...
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This new limited series podcast, co-hosted by award-winning journalist Katie Couric and Netflix’s CMO Bozoma Saint John, explores the ways thought leaders, CEOs and innovators are responding to the societal shifts that have been ushered in by the coronavirus pandemic. Through lively interviews, Katie and Boz help us understand how this unprecedented moment will shape the future of business, education, travel, sports, pop culture and more. New episodes every Thursday.
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Pro Chiropractic Bozeman


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Pro Chiropractic Bozeman is a leading chiropractic clinic dedicated to providing exceptional care to its patients. With a focus on empowering their patients through options, the clinic offers a range of services aimed at addressing pain, and also the root cause of pain and discomfort. Led by a team of skilled and compassionate chiropractors, Pro Chiropractic Bozeman utilizes state-of-the-art equipment and modern techniques to deliver personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual’s ...
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Trinity Church Bozeman Sermons

Trinity Church Bozeman

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Learn more at Trinity Church wholeheartedly embraces the historic Christian Faith as it is expressed in the ancient creeds of the world-wide church. Reformed Tradition: Trinity Church is committed to the theological heritage of the Protestant Reformation. We are members of the Presbyterian Church in America, a group of churches whose unifying beliefs are summarized in the Westminster Confession of Faith. Trinity Church exists to celebrate the Trinity. The Trinity is ...
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show series
Eric Lagerstrom embodies the multi-sport lifestyle, and while you may have seen him competing in some of the world's biggest triathlons, watched his YouTube videos, or listened to his podcast, you'll find his love of exploration and adventure outdoors is extremely apparent. Now with his first ultra-trail win under his belt, Eric is joined by Ian fo…
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Welcome back for another episode with guest Alex Himel, Meta’s VP of Wearables. Alex’s team works on some of the industry’s hardest technical problems, all in the service of helping to build the next computing platform. Like Boz, he’s a tenured leader at Meta, having filled numerous leadership roles across the business in his 15+ years at the compa…
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Logan Holloman | Next Gen Pastor | December 1, 2024 Referenced Scripture: Isaiah 9:1-7, Matthew 4:12-17, Romans 8:19-25, 1 Peter 1:3-5 Reflection Questions: This Christmas is going to be _____. How did you fill in the blank? What is your reasoning for your answer? Are you naturally optimistic or pessimistic? How would you define biblical hope? What…
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Bob Schwahn | Lead Pastor | November 24, 2024 Referenced Scripture: Matthew 7:13-27, Mark 1:14-15, Ephesians 5:15-18, Galatians 5:25 Reflection Questions: 1. How can someone know if they are genuinely a follower of Jesus? (on the Narrow road or the Wide road). 2. According to the Sermon on the Mount, what are some fruit(s) that we should expect in …
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Stredtýždňové služby BožiePiesne: 355, 265, 431, A 52Liturgické texty: Matúš 13, 47-50 Kázeň: 1. Korintským 9, 19-23Kazateľ: Peter TajátKantor: Ľubomír MelnaSme radi, že nás sledujete na internete. Pokiaľ však môžete, poďte do živého spoločenstva!"Neopúšťajme svoje zhromaždenia, ako niektorí majú vo zvyku, ale napomínajme sa, a to tým viac, čím via…
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A Kossuth Rádió kertészeti podcast műsorában Bozsik gazda válaszol arra a kérdésre: Melyek az adventi koszorú alapvető díszei a virágkötő mester szerint? Hogyan teleltessük a muskátlit, a banánt, a leandert és a pálmákat? Az Amarillisz, vagyis a Lovagcsillag virágzásának melyek a titkai? Hogyan virágoztassunk otthon karácsonyi kaktuszt és mikulásvi…
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Bob Schwahn | Lead Pastor | November 17, 2024 Referenced Scripture: Matthew 7:7-11, Matthew 6:6, Revelation 3:20, Luke 11:13, Revelation 5:8, Psalm 56:8, Mark 14:32-36 Reflection Questions: 1. What is one thing that stuck out to you from the sermon? 2. How have you experienced the challenge of unanswered prayer in your life? What thoughts or emotio…
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25. nedeľa po Svätej TrojiciPiesne: 189, 686, 202, 694, A 58Liturgické texty: Jób 14, 1-17; Rímskym 14, 1-13; Matúš 25, 31-46Kázeň: Rímskym 14, 7-12Kazateľ: Peter TajátKantor: Miriam MelnováSme radi, že nás sledujete na internete. Pokiaľ však môžete, poďte do živého spoločenstva!"Neopúšťajme svoje zhromaždenia, ako niektorí majú vo zvyku, ale napom…
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Logan Holloman | Next Gen Pastor | November 10, 2024 Referenced Scripture: Matthew 7:1-6; Luke 9:54-55; John 8:1-11, Romans 3:22-24 Reflection Questions: 1. After reflecting with the Lord, did he reveal what might be a plank in your eye currently? 2. Is there a situation where you are tempted to condemn? What would it take to “put down the rock” in…
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Stredtýždňové služby BožiePiesne: 342, 460, 437, A 67Liturgické texty: Matúš 18, 15-20Kázeň: 1. Korintským 8, 1-13Kazateľ: Peter TajátKantor: Miriam MelnováSme radi, že nás sledujete na internete. Pokiaľ však môžete, poďte do živého spoločenstva!"Neopúšťajme svoje zhromaždenia, ako niektorí majú vo zvyku, ale napomínajme sa, a to tým viac, čím viac…
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Researcher, engineer, Sports Science PhD, Ultra-marathoner and Physiologist for Team USA and USOPC — Geoff Burns knows his stuff when it comes to running shoes. Now, as Ian begins his foray into marathoning with his first race coming this year, he's joined by Geoff for a deep dive into the history of running shoes and insight on how the modern supe…
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A Kossuth Rádió Hallgatóinak üzenetei alapján Bozsik gazda válaszol arra a kérdésre: Jó-e a „majombarack” nevű vadkajszi magja alanynak, a nemes kajszibarack fajtákhoz, hogy sokáig éljen egy-egy fa, illetve milyen alanyokon választhatunk kajszi csemetéket, valamint őszibarack oltványokat? Mit jelent egyáltalán az a szó a kertészetben, hogy „alany”?…
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Bob Schwahn | Lead Pastor | November 3, 2024 Reflection Questions: 1. What are the things that cause worry for people these days? What are the things that cause worry for you? 2. Jesus asked, “Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” What point is Jesus trying to make about worry? What does worry produce in our life that don’…
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23. nedeľa po Svätej TrojiciPiesne: 273, 260, 623, 573, A 48Liturgické texty: 2. Mojžišova 1, 8-20; Filipským 3, 17-21; Matúš 22, 15-22Kázeň: Rímskym 13, 1-7Kazateľ: Peter TajátKantor: Miriam MelnováSme radi, že nás sledujete na internete. Pokiaľ však môžete, poďte do živého spoločenstva!"Neopúšťajme svoje zhromaždenia, ako niektorí majú vo zvyku, …
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Bob Schwahn | Lead Pastor | October 27, 2024 Reflection Questions: 1. What are the consequences of doing our “good” deeds for the approval of people? 2. What are the rewards of doing our “good” deeds in secret? 3. How did Jesus model a life of seeking only the approval of His Father in heaven? 4. What is a tangible way you could practice the discip…
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President and Founder of the Media Research Center & Chairman of ForAmerica Brent Bozell, sits down with pollster and CEO of McLaughlin and Associates, John McLaughlin, to discuss what recent polling data may tell us about the upcoming election, and how important it is for Republicans to keep fighting even if a landslide seems inevitable.…
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A Kossuth Rádió Hallgatóinak üzenetei alapján Bozsik gazda válaszol arra a kérdésre: Hogyan gondozzuk a hortenziát ősszel? Mi a magyarázata az őszi lombszíneződésnek? Milyen virágokat válasszunk a hagyományos sírokra? Az urnákra, milyen koszorúk illenek? Mit üzen a mának a temetőkert? Hogyan őrzik édesapa emlékét a harminc éve ültetett gyümölcsfák …
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Episode 92Ep Originally aired on WVLP-LP 103.1 FM Check out the newest radio show in Valpo on WVLP 103.1 fm. Hosted by Porter County Councilman Andy Bozak and Porter County Councilman Greg Simms. This is a show about all things Porter County, Indiana shared by two very energetic hosts. Follow us on Facebook at: https://www.faceb…
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Episode 90 Originally aired on WVLP-LP 103.1 FM Check out the newest radio show in Valpo on WVLP 103.1 fm. Hosted by Porter County Councilman Andy Bozak and Porter County Councilman Greg Simms. This is a show about all things Porter County, Indiana shared by two very energetic hosts. Follow us on Facebook at: https://www.faceboo…
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Bob Schwahn | Lead Pastor | October 20, 2024 Reflection Questions: 1. How can money have the power to deceive us? What some ways you have been deceived by money? 2. How can money become a rival “god” in our life? 3. What barriers do you need to overcome to grow in your generosity toward the Kingdom? 4. Have you experienced joy and freedom and conte…
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21. nedeľa po Svätej Trojici, Poďakovanie za úrodyPiesne: 194, 508, 363, 628, A 77Liturgické texty: Žalm 104, 1.10-15.27-30.33; Marek 8, 1-9Kázeň: 1. Timoteovi 4, 4-5Kazateľ: Peter TajátKantor: Ján PacigaSme radi, že nás sledujete na internete. Pokiaľ však môžete, poďte do živého spoločenstva!"Neopúšťajme svoje zhromaždenia, ako niektorí majú vo zv…
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Bob Schwahn | Lead Pastor | October 13, 2024 Reflection Questions: 1. What evidence do you see that we live in a culture of contempt? How does it affect you personally? 2. How could a person seek to limit their exposure to the culture of contempt? 3. How have you observed contempt for others in your heart? Who do you see is an enemy in your life? W…
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Stredtýždňové služby BožiePiesne: 354, 89, 410, A 54Liturgické texty: Matúš 9, 1-8Kázeň: 1. Korintským 7, 17-24Kazateľ: Peter TajátKantor: Peter TajátSme radi, že nás sledujete na internete. Pokiaľ však môžete, poďte do živého spoločenstva!"Neopúšťajme svoje zhromaždenia, ako niektorí majú vo zvyku, ale napomínajme sa, a to tým viac, čím viac vidím…
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