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Hello and welcome to the DSC Podcast. Step inside and join our conversations as we seek the depth in all things. Be it mysticism, therapy, mythology or world events – we will seek not to find answers but rather to come up with ever better questions. Hosted by Richard Cox.
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PSYOPWARS - Decoding the Deep State with Robert Antonellis breaks open the coldest of cold cases, exposing hidden agendas, chilling connections, and the untold stories behind history's most pivotal events. From political intrigue to cultural manipulation, discover the truths they don’t want you to hear.
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Deep State Dossier


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Looking for covert operations, space aliens, betrayal, backstabbing, world-altering technology, and shadowy individuals in power? You are in luck. Deep State Dossier is a serialized drama that takes a darkly satirical approach to deep state conspiracy theories. Join us down this dangerous and sexy rabbit hole of what the government might be doing behind our backs.
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show series
‘Under normal circumstances slashing car tires would be a crime. But suppose they knew the car was carrying a bomb which would devastate Manchester city centre? In that case, slashing the tires would not be a crime, it would be a responsible and public-spirited act.' The Filton 18, at Palestine Action: Stop th…
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James Boswell returns to the show to discuss his coverage of the recent persecution of activists and journalists under anti-terrorism legislation, for opposing the genocide in Gaza. James blogs on this and many other issues at: Buy me a coffee: Become a subscriber: ht…
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It may be surprising to note, that the biggest terrorist attack of the Mandate era was actually perpetrated by the Jewish Agency against Jewish refugees. Notes: Palestine Hijacked: How Zionism Forged an Apartheid State from River to Sea, by Thomas Suárez: The Patrai Affair, Moderates vs. activists in Mapai in the 1940s, by…
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Anna Warhurst interviews me regarding my work on body dysmorphia. She asks what drew me to this area, why I thought certain spiritual philosophies might be a way to address it and what the overlaps are with my wider work. We also discuss a study I ran a few years ago, and what insights emerged from that. Read a summary of the study, Finding your Or…
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‘If our dreams for Zionism are to end in the smoke of assassins’ pistols and our labours for its future to produce only a new set of gangsters worthy of Nazi Germany, many like myself will have to reconsider the position we have maintained so consistently in the past.’ - Winston Churchill Notes State of Terror, How Terrorism Created the Modern Midd…
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‘By the influence of the increasing percentage of carbonic acid in the atmosphere, we may hope to enjoy ages with more equable and better climates, especially as regards the colder regions of the earth, ages when the earth will bring forth much more abundant crops than at present, for the benefit of rapidly propagating mankind.’ Notes How do we kno…
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Tim Freke joins me to discuss the metaphysical philosophy he's been developing over the past several years. Tim is a 'spiritual teacher', in that he has spent several decades guiding people on introspective journeys into an examination of their own consciousness. He did this within an 'idealist' framework, which places consciousness as the foundati…
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Up until the 1930s, Zionists in Palestine engaged in a policy of Havlagah, Hebrew for Restraint. This essentially meant to abstain from retaliatory violence and collective punishment. Only the guilty could be held responsible for their crimes. Notes The Dispute in Mapai over “Self-Restraint” and “Purity of Arms” During the Arab Revolt, by Professor…
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‘Dartmouth-Hitchcock’s epidemic that wasn't raises overlapping questions. If this could happen in one hospital, why not two? If two, why not four? If four, could the hospitals in an entire county or state be put on high alert, with staff isolated and vaccines distributed. And if the procedures put in place to deal with the epidemic actually started…
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Is the suggestion of a connection between the Zionist movement and the Nazi Party simply an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory, or did their shared ideological vision - that of a Jew free Europe - lead to a more formal relationship? Notes Zionism During the Holocaust by Tony Greenstein: The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Zio…
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Explore the fiery legacy of Mao Zedong’s Prairie Fire manifesto and how it has scorched its way through Hollywood and California. From Karen Bass’s Marxist-Leninist ties to Jane Fonda’s controversial activism during the Vietnam War era, this episode unpacks how Hollywood became a vehicle for political propaganda. Mismanagement of LA’s resources, cu…
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Two lives, two tragedies, one chilling pattern. From Joan Marie Dymond’s mysterious disappearance in Wilkes-Barre to Mary Jo Kopechne’s death at Chappaquiddick, this episode unravels the eerie connections that reveal a deeper narrative. Are these ‘Mirror Image Murders’ part of a hidden script targeting faith and truth? Discover the symbolic ties, t…
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Uncovering Hidden Agendas: The Ties Between DeBlasio, Terror Attacks, and the Never Trump Movement In this episode, we explore the eerie connections between Bill DeBlasio’s controversial trip to Hamburg, the Berlin Christmas Market Massacre, and the New York Halloween truck attack. We also dive into the New Orleans terror attack, linked to the Mach…
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Anna Warhurst is a trainee psychotherapist whose work draws on her own journey to find integration and wholeness through the prison of dysmorphia. In this interview Anna talks through that journey and explains the radical shift in world-view it brought about. Find out more about Anna's work at:…
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The clioquinol hypothesis explained all the features of the SMON syndrome that had made it appear to be a virus. Its tendency to appear in hospital patients, to cluster in families, to afflict medical workers, and to break out more heavily in the summer—all of these reflected the patterns of clioquinol use. It also explains why SMON had been a part…
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What’s clear is that the conservationist movement, whatever it should be, has been co-opted or even created as a green mask of empire - a way of carrying on imperial policies in an ostensibly more enlightened age. Notes: PandaLeaks: The Dark Side of the WWF, by Wilfried Huismann: Decolonize Conservation, Global Voices for …
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Jeffrey Veidlinger is attempting to explain how these horrific massacres arise, and more specifically, how they draw otherwise normal people into looting and murdering their own neighbours. Whether it’s Palestine or Ukraine or anywhere, I think one of the most disturbing aspects of survivors accounts is that they knew—and had known for years—some o…
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‘If you wish to colonize a land in which people are already living, you must find a garrison for the land, or find a benefactor who will provide a garrison on your behalf.…Zionism is a colonizing venture and, therefore, it stands or falls on the question of armed forces.’ - Vladimir 'Ze'ev' Jabotinsky Ziontology Book: https://www.deepstateconscious…
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‘The conservation movement, past and present, has generally been painted in sweetness and light, as disinterested nature lovers leading the “people” in war against corporate interests who wished to exploit and plunder natural resources. The actual facts were quite different.’ - Murray Rothbard Notes: The Progressive Era, Murray N. Rothbard: https:/…
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On this podcast I have at times explored the reality of the spirit world, whether there are nefarious actors within it, and whether such actors have seriously influenced human history—in ways that are largely unknown to us. That’s not what I’m going to talk about today. Today I’m going to look at another way in which I think the archons—definitely—…
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Hillel Cohen refers to 1929 as Year Zero of the Arab-Israeli Conflict. He goes so far as to state that ‘it is impossible to understand Jewish-Arab relations in the Land of Israel–Palestine without understanding the events of 1929.’ Notes: Palestinians: Do you know about the 1929 Hebron massacre?, Ask and Israeli/Asl a Palestinian Project: https://w…
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Patrick McFarlane interviewed me on my work on democide during COVID and the weaponisation of conspiracy theory to serve imperialist ends. Patrick is the Justin Raimondo Fellow at the Libertarian Institute where he advocates a noninterventionist foreign policy. His work can be found here:…
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Jessica Eve interviewed me about my journey with nondual philosophy. Here’s how she described it: 'In Conversation with Richard Cox who shares his nuanced story, including lesser-heard insights into some of the shadows, and dangers in modern "non-dual" spirituality, like authoritarianism, the notion of eradicating the self, and being pressured by t…
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Randy Walsh returns to the show today, after his initial appearance last year, when he came on to discuss his book series The Apollo Moon Missions: Hiding A Hoax in Plain Sight. Randy is joined by a long time critic of his work, Justin Cox. Justin is an engineer and amateur astronomer, who doesn't think the case for faked Moon landings adds up. Fin…
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Geopolitics, COVID and the Archons - A Conversation with Jon Di Luca Jon Di Luca hosted me on his Pronoia podcast for an informal conversation on the situation in Ukraine and Palestine, the historical parallels with the First World War, the challenges of navigating social interactions in a post COVID world, and whether the dark Archontic Gods of th…
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The Grand Interrogator is a poem honouring the experience of Mansoor Adayfi, an innocent man from Yemen who was detained at Guantanamo Bay for Fifteen years. The poem draws on Mansoor's book ‘Don’t Forget Us Here: Lost and Found at Guantanamo'. The reading of the poem is preceded by a discussion with Adam Fitzgerald. Read the poem on Substack here:…
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Daniel Thompson-Mills and Justin Walker join me to discuss their book: The Truth of How Money is Created & the Financial System - How a Small Number of People Siphon Off the Vast Majority of the World’s Wealth for Themselves and How To Change This. Daniel is a returning guest to the show, and has previously appeared speaking about his books on COVI…
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The Zionist community grew to hate him, viewing him as a traitor. One Dutch visitor observed a group of Jews spitting on the ground as he walked past. De Haan remarked that they were actually showing the visitor respect, as had he not been there they would have spat in his face. Buy me a Coffee page: Sub…
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‘Zionist colonisation must either stop, or else proceed regardless of the native population. Which means that it can proceed and develop only under the protection of a power that is independent of the native population – behind an iron wall, which the native population cannot breach.’ Buy me a Coffee page:…
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‘This gap was stretching apart after years of increased family fragility, stagnating wages, poor housing, and frayed community life, but the lockdown implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic was the dynamite that blew it open.’ Buy me a Coffee page: To support the show and for access to the forum: https:…
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Just over a hundred years ago, this situation ultimately and perhaps inevitably turned to violence. The situation we are witnessing right now, whilst representing a dramatic escalation, is merely the continuation of a cycle of violence that began in the 1920s. Buy me a Coffee page: Christian Aid Gaza App…
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‘We have noticed yesterday a large crowd of Jews carrying banners and over-running the streets shouting words which hurt the feeling and wound the soul. They pretend with open voice that Palestine, which is the Holy Land of our fathers and the graveyard of our ancestors, which has been inhabited by the Arabs for long ages, who loved it and died in …
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The mere sixty seven words of the Balfour Declaration set in action the chain of events that led to the creation of the State of Israel thirty years later, and ultimately to the violence we are seeing in Gaza today. The question is why. Why, in the midst of a war, would the British Government take the time to promise a fringe group within the Jewis…
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‘The result of the purchase of land in Palestine by the Jewish National Fund has been that land became extra territorial. It ceases to be land from which the Arab can gain any advantage either now or at any time in the future. Not only can he never hope to lease or cultivate it, but, by the stringent provisions of the lease of the Jewish National F…
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This is the situation early Zionists were faced with: both a long history of persecution and an immediate crisis. Theodore Herzl reasoned that whilst anti-Semitism showed no signs of abating in Russia, it was also likely to increase in the West, due to the influx of Jewish refugees. Integration had been tried for over a thousand years and failed. T…
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The idea that the Jewish people should or would be restored to their homeland is not present in Christianity for its first fifteen hundred years. Both the Catholic and Orthodox churches saw the church itself as being a spiritual Israel, and that Jesus Christ had extended God’s covenant with the Jews to all people. This changed after the Reformation…
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A Zionist account of history has it that, at some point in the past, the Jewish people were exiled from Judea and forced to settle across the world. This exile is believed to have taken place either as a consequence of the 1st and 2nd century revolts against the Romans, or as a result of the Arab Muslim conquest of the 7th century. The problem with…
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The question is then: Is Ziontology actually the most successful cult of the past hundred and twenty years? Christian Aid Gaza Appeal: To support the show and for access to the forum: Buy me a Coffee page:…
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The term Carthaginian Peace comes from Rome’s sacking of the city of Carthage, where they supposedly poured salt onto the land to ensure the North African city could never rise again. It was applied to the peace settlement with the German’s by economist John Maynard Keynes. In spite of popular adherence, it is a view that many prominent historians …
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The book is called Doppelganger, because Naomi Klein considers Naomi Wolf to be hers. Apparently these two ladies are often conflated, but whereas Klein broadly supports government COVID policies, Wolf couldn’t be more opposed to them, seeing them as part of a nefarious plot to do away with civil liberties and introduce a bio-fascist regime. Klein …
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In the COVID-19 era we have heard much regarding the necessity of government action, often with criticism levied at governments who failed to take the bold and necessary steps to get the virus under control and save lives. This series has made the case that this is not true, that the actions of governments around the world were counterproductive, c…
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EX FBI Agent Ray Holcomb contacted Adam Fitzgerald after our recent interview with the CIA’s Michael Scheuer. Mr. Holcomb had a different account of the intelligence failures that led to 9/11, which he was good enough to come on and share with us. Ray Holcomb’s book, Endless Enemies: Inside FBI Counterterrorism, is available here: https://tinyurl.c…
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In this series so far we have examined the various policies that were mandated to stop the spread of COVID-19. We have questioned whether these mandates were effective, or whether they actually brought about the deaths they ostensibly sought to curb. At some point it behooves us to ask, what is all of this based upon? What safety signal emerged fro…
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There may well be a lot of interesting and novel information in Professor Anthony Sutton’s work, I do think it has to be highlighted however, that he does say some very strange things. To support the show and for access to the forum: Buy me a Coffee page: Anthony C. Sutton, int…
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Tom Parker is the author of Avoiding The Terrorist Trap: Why Respect for Human Rights is the Key to Defeating Terrorism. This is a book based on his experience working in both counter terrorism and human rights for organisations such as the United Nations, the European Union and Amnesty International. Find out more about Tom’s book, Avoiding the Te…
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Physicist Dr. James Boswell joins me to discuss an analysis he’s performed comparing the post pandemic excess death rate, to the vaccine uptake rate across various countries. Read the full analysis here:…
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It’s a high bar, but the vaccination program was possibly the most contentious aspect of the whole COVID-19 era. Lockdowns inevitably end, masks can be taken off, but being compelled to have something injected into one’s body—for many people this was an affront too far. For others, the refusal of a seeming minority to embrace science and undergo a …
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Professor Richard Spence is the author of Wall Street and the Russian Revolution. I invited him on to help me sift through the realities and fantasies of the different claims made for US backing of the Bolsheviks - as well as their involvement in the wider Revolution. Professor Spence also discusses the ambiguities of history, and what conspiracy t…
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