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Reader: Judy CarrPreacher: Jonathan SmithToday Pastor Jonathan continues with part two of a three part series on generosity. Today Jonathan challenges us to look at who is the real god of our lives. Is it God or is it money and all of the materialism that goes with money?We need to be honest and admit that it's probably a mixture of both, but Jesus…
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Reader: Danita O'LoughlinPreacher: Jonathan SmithToday Pastor Jonathan takes us back into Genesis so we can reflect on God's generosity in creating the world and us. He then reflects on Jesus' teaching around money and asks the question "do we live with an abundance mindset or a scarcity mindset?"The answer to this question determines how generous …
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Preacher: Joshua HennessyToday Pastor Josh is looking at Matthew, Ch 28:16-20, which is commonly known as The Great Commission. Jesus tells his disciples to go into the world and make disciples, teaching people about himself.We are called to do the same. Since we are truly blessed to be members of God's kingdom, surely we would want to share this g…
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Reader: Anne MillerPreacher: Jonathan SmithPsalm 63 is a call to always praise God - especially when we are at a low point in our lives. We have a tendency to try and find other things in our lives to satisfy our needs, yet they all leave us dry and desolate, without water (Ps 63:1), but God is the fountain of never ending water.In comparison, it i…
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Reader: Joanna JustusPreacher: Joshua HenesseyPsalm 100 is a short psalm of praise and thanksgiving, but like everything in the scriptures, it is full of depth. Josh tells us not only why we should do as the psalm says but also how we can do what the psalm says. He also shows us that Jesus not only preached what is said here, but he also lived it o…
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Preacher: Chad LoftisToday guest preacher Chad Loftis is looking at Psalms 112 and 113. These two psalms look at the rightessnous we should live and the rightessnous of God. We may think that our rightessnous comes from us living a certain way, with high moralistic values, etc, but Chad tells us that our rightessnous comes from how we live in relat…
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Reader: Levi DacionPreacher: Jonathan SmithMusic: Josh & BekToday Pastor Jonathan is looking at Psalm 39. Our society today does whatever it can to avoid talking about death. Jonathan even spoke about where in the past he has spoken about death in sermons, some people reomstrated with him.The bible, however, is full of death, and this psalm is no d…
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Reader: John HargravePreacher: Jonathan SmithMusic: Bek, Josh & SusieToday Pastor Jonathan is looking at Psalm 4. David, the all powerful king, realises that he does not have the power to solve all problems. So many of our leaders today try to make us believe they can solve society's problems - economic, housing, employment, law and order. Instead,…
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Reader: Judy CarrPreacher: Jonathan SmithMusic: Red Door Worship TeamToday Pastor Jonathan is looking at Psalm 46. This psalm opens with the verse "God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble". At certain times in our lives it feels like God is not there, but he is. God also commads us in verse 10 to "Stop fight…
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Reader: Daniel YongPreacher: Josh HennessyMusic: Josh Hennessy & Bek HudsonToday Josh is teaching from Psalm 36. It seems that this psalm is telling us that evil people will be punished and those who follow God are blessed, however Josh asks us to look deep into this psalm. Jesus told people that many who claim to follow him will be rejected becaus…
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Reader: Gehan PereriaPreacher: Jonathan SmithMusic: Josh HenesseyToday Pastor Jonathan is teaching from Psalm 146, a psalm which starts with the command Hallelujah! Literally, this word means "All of you, praise the Lord", and with the exclamation point, it's a command.When we read this, we often take it one of two ways - with pride because we are …
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Reader: Danita O'LoughlinPreacher: Jonathan SmithToday we start our twelfth year of exploring the Psalms during the summer break. Pastor Jonathan is teaching from Psalm 30, a psalm where David looks at how great things are when he's walking with God, but also how bad things are when he turns from God.The message from this psalm is that even though …
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Preacher: Josh HennessyToday is Christmas Day, and in this message Josh goes back to the start of creation. This seems like a strange place to start when it's Christmas. Shouldn't we start at the birth of Jesus? No, Josh wants us to understand why Jesus was born, so we can marvel more at what God has done for us. Red Door is an Anglican Church in M…
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Reader: Jonathan SmithPreacher: Doug CarrMusic: Josh HenesseyToday is Christmas Eve, and in this final message from our series of The Women Of Advent, Doug tells us of the story of Mary, a young woman who would have been ostracised by her culture for being unmarried and pregnant. Yet throughout this whole series we have seen how God has incorporate…
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Reader: Marios KyriakouPreacher: Jonathan SmithMusic: Josh Henessey & Bek HudsonThis week is the fourth week of Advent for 2024. Today Pastor Jonathan is looking into how Bathsheba fits into the birth of Jesus, exploring no matter how broken people are in their behaviour, God can and does use these very people to bring about his plans.We can take c…
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Reader: Graeme MillerPreacher: Josh henesseyMusic: Leslie Edis, Josh HenesseyThis week is the third week of Advent for 2024. Today Josh is looking into how Ruth fits into the birth of Jesus, exploring no matter how broken people are in their behaviour, God can and does use these very people to bring about his plans.We can take comfort in this, part…
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Reader: John Hargrave Preacher: Tibor TumbasMusic: Bek & John Hudon, Josh HenesseyThis week is the second week of Advent for 2024. Today Tibor is looking into how Rahab fits into the birth of Jesus, exploring no matter how broken people are in their behaviour, God can and does use these very people to bring about his plans.We can take comfort in th…
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Reader: Levi Dacion Preacher: Jonathan SmithMusic: Josh Henessey & Joanna JustusThis week is the start of Advent for 2024. In this series, we look at the women mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus in the first chapter of Matthew's gospel.Today Pastor Jonathan is looking into how Tamar fits into the birth of Jesus, exploring no matter how broken peop…
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Reader: Gehan PereiraPreacher: Jonathan SmithThis week Jonathan is preaching from Luke 18:1-8. This short parable reveals that as we wait for Christ's return, Christians will suffer injustice. Unlike the judge in the parable, God is just and will eagerly hear and answer our pleas for help. Our part is to persevere in prayer.Today we are doing somet…
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Reader: Doug Carr Preacher: Jonathan Smith Music: Leslie Edis & Josh Henessey The Parable of the Prodigal Son reveals that God’s love and grace is immense beyond our wildest dreams. Irrespective of the mess we have made of our lives, his overwhelming desire is to welcome us home with open arms. However, as per all of Jesus's parables, there is more…
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Reader: Anne MillerPreacher: Jonathan SmithMusic: Josh Henessey, John Hudson & Bek HudsonToday Pastor Jonathan looks at the parable of The Grand Banquet. Jesus turns the social norms of the first century ancient world upside down when he says that we shouldn't invite people to our social events because they can return the favour to us.Instead, we s…
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Reader: Danita O'LoughlinPreacher: John HudsonMusic: Josh Hennessy, Joanna Justus & Bek HudsonToday John looks at the parable of The Good Samaritan. Often times we look at this parable and hope we can be like the Good Samaritan, but John wants us to look at this parable from a different perspective.What if we are the person who was robbed, the vict…
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Preacher: Jonathan SmithGod’s forgiveness is vast and extravagant, and he calls the forgiven to exercise grace in forgiving others from the heart. The consequences for unforgiveness are dire.This week Pastor Jonathsn look at Jesus’ convicting parable of the unforgiving servant. Red Door is an Anglican Church in Melbourne, Australia.We exist to be a…
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Reader: Daniel YongPreacher: Jonathan SmithMusic: Josh HenesseyToday Pastor Jonathan starts a new series on The Parables Of Jesus. This first message looks at the parable of The Sower, and Jonathan explains to us why Jesus taught in parables. message for us is to investigate for ourselves the underlying truth and message of the gospel that is found…
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Reader: Marios KyriakouPreacher: Josh HenesseyMusic: John Hudson, Josh Henessey & Natalie TumbasToday Josh gives Red Door Church his testamony, and part of that is how two young men discipled him when he was a teenager. The unconditionally gave their time and other resources to help Josh understand who he is in God's Kingdom.There was a cost involv…
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Reader: John HargravePreacher: John HudsonMusic: Josh Henessey & Mel TruongToday John Hudson presents the final week of our Job mini-series. After his friends’ terrible theology, the Lord speaks and gives his answer. Then we see Job’s final restoration.Red Door is an Anglican Church in Melbourne, Australia.We exist to be a community of people helpi…
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Reader: Mel TruongPreacher: John HudsonMusic: Josh Henessey, Joanna Justus & Bek HudsonToday John continues in a three week mini-series on the Book Of Job. Today's message is titled 'Miserable Comforters'. Job's friends initially sit with Job to bring him comfort, but then they try to solve why Job is suffering - saying he must have sinned and so h…
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Reader: Levi DacionPreacher: John HudsonMusic: Josh Henessey, Joanna Justus & Bek HudsonToday John starts a three week mini-series on the Book Of Job. Today's message is titled 'Questions Of Suffering'. John does not try to solve the question of why God allows suffering, but by the same token, he does not give the stock standard cliche responses th…
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Reader: Judy CarrPreacher: Jonathan SmithMusic: Josh Henessey & Natalie TimbusToday Pastor Jonathan compares the person King David was and what he was meant, to be to King Jesus. David was tempted and gave in to his sin; Jesus was tempted but did not. David was punished for his sin; Jesus was punished for ours. Finally, David was pardoned from his …
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Reader: John HargravePreacher: Jonathan SmithMusic: John & Bek Hudson, Joanna JustusToday's message is hard, however it is in the Bible, so we need to navigate this hard truth and understand both why this story is there and what is its purpose. The story of then rape of Tamar by her half-brother Amnon is full of evil. It proves that as a society, w…
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Reader: Graeme MillerPreacher: Jonathan SmithMusic: Josh Henessey, Leslie Edis & Bek HudsonFrom the peak where David had God's heart in establishing the kingdom as a nation governed by God's law, he gives into his desires and has an adulterous relationship with another man's wife. When things go wrong (Bathsheba is pregnant), David schemes to cover…
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Reader: John HargravePreacher: Jonathan SmithMusic: Leslie Edis, Joanna Justus & Josh HenesseyDavid had God's heart in establishing the kingdom as a nation governed by God's law, and in dealing justly with his people. In his personal life, David was less consistent, but his merciful dealings with Mephibosheth bear witness to his godly heart.Red Doo…
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Reader: Anne MillerPreacher: Jonathan SmithMusic: Josh HenesseyDavid thought is was God's will for him to build God a temple. It wasn't. So, how do we discern God's will? Jonathan explores how we can discern God's will for our lives, but we also need to realise that we also need to act in faith, and if it isn't God's will, he will redirect our plan…
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Preacher: Jonathan SmithAfter failing to bring the Ark Of The Covenant to Jerusalem in the past, David learns from the past and transported the ark the way God instructed. After taking the first tentative six steps, he stopped and worshipped God.Like us, David recognised that there is nothing he could do to stand in the presence of the Holy God, bu…
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Reader: Mel TruongPreacher: Jonathan SmithMusic: Josh HenneseyWe begin our new series in the book of 2 Samuel in chapters 1-2. The previous king of Israel, King Saul is dead, along with his son, Jonathan. David’s response is to grieve the death of the man (Saul) who tried to kill him. He is then anointed king over Judah (the southern kingdom of Isr…
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Reader: Joanna JustusPreacher: Tibor TumbasMusic: Josh Hennessy & Bek HudsonOver the past four weeks, Josh & Tibor have used Paul's letter to the Galatian churches to explain the gospel. Today Tibor explores what is involved to live out the gospel by holding ourselves and others accountable, supporting others, and living more like Jesus.Red Door is…
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Reader: Levi DacionPreacher: Josh Hennessy Music: Leslie Edis & Joanna JustusOver the past two weeks, Josh & Tibor have used Paul's letter to the Galatian churches to explain the gospel. Today Josh shows us what it means to live out the gospel, by surrendering our own desires so that we can live and be more like Jesus - or as Paul puts it, to live …
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Reader: John HargravePreacher: Tibor TumbasMusic: Josh Hennessy & Nat TumbasTibor shows how the early Galatian church started practising a false gospel; one where they believed they were justified in God because of faith in Jesus AND by fulfilling Jewish customs of the law - a faith that consists partly on their own merits.In our performance based …
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Reader: Judy CarrPreacher: Josh HennessyMusic: Josh Hennessy & John HudsonToday we start a new mini-series on Paul's letter to the Galatians, led by Josh Hennessy and Tibor Tumbas. Josh leads us through the first chapter of this letter, expressing what the true gospel is. This is important because even now,some odd 2,000 years after Jesus's death a…
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Preacher: Jonathan SmithMusic: Leslie Edis & Bek HudsonToday Pastor Jonathan is taking us through the last topic in our series on The Apostle's Creed - The New Creation. Though the creed is not scripture, it clearly states beliefs that all Christians hold - the beliefs that are consistent across all churches and denominations. The statements contai…
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Preacher: Bishop Brad BillingsMusic: Josh Hennessey, Bek Hudson & Joanna JustusToday Bishop Brad is taking us through the seventh topic in our series on The Apostle's Creed - The Church and The Saints. Though the creed is not scripture, it clearly states beliefs that all Christians hold - the beliefs that are consistent across all churches and deno…
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Preacher: Jonathan SmithMusic: Josh HennesseyToday Pastor Jonathan is taking us through the sixth topic in our series on The Apostle's Creed - The Holy Spirit Though the creed is not scripture, it clearly states beliefs that all Christians hold - the beliefs that are consistent across all churches and denominations. The statements contained in the …
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Preacher: Jonathan SmithMusic: Josh Hennessey & Joanna JustusToday Pastor Jonathan is taking us through the fifth topic in our series on The Apostle's Creed - Jesus Coming Again. Though the creed is not scripture, it clearly states beliefs that all Christians hold - the beliefs that are consistent across all churches and denominations. The statemen…
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Preacher: Jonathan SmithMusic: Bek & John Hidson, Josh HennesseyToday Pastor Jonathan is taking us through the fourth topic in our series on The Apostle's Creed - Jesus: Risen And Ascended. Though the creed is not scripture, it clearly states beliefs that all Christians hold - the beliefs that are consistent across all churches and denominations. T…
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Wisdom For Wellbeing.Mental Health is a huge issue in our culture. Today there is less stigma around mental illness, but it still exists.Our panelists answers questions from people who attended the Red Door Church seminar on Mental Health.Red Door is an Anglican Church in Melbourne, Australia.We exist to be a community of people helping people make…
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Wisdom For Wellbeing.Mental Health is a huge issue in our culture. Today there is less stigma around mental illlness, but it still exists.This seminar looks at mental health from a Christian perspective. This session is presented by Chad Loftis, a Christian Counsellor.He looks at anxiety & faith. Is it sinful to be anxious, or is anxiety something …
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Wisdom For Wellbeing.Mental Health is a huge issue in our culture. Today there is less stigma around mental illlness, but it still exists.This seminar looks at mental health from a Christian perspective. This session is presented by Dr Rod Smith, a psychiatrist.He looks at what defines a mental health disorder and discusses treatment options availa…
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Preacher: John HudsonMusic: Leslie Edis & Joanna JustusToday John is taking us through the third topic in our series on The Apostle's Creed - Jesus: Dead And Buried. Though the creed is not scripture, it clearly states beliefs that all Christians hold - the beliefs that are consistent across all churches and denominations. The statements contained …
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Preacher: Jonathan SmithMusic: Josh Hennessey & Bek HudsonToday Pastor Jonathan is starting a new series on The Apostle's Creed. Though the creed is not scripture, it clearly states beliefs that all Christians hold - the beliefs that are consistent across all churches and denominations. The statements contained in the creed are all substantiated by…
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