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Um programa da jornalista Maria Flor Pedroso para responder às necessidades dos alunos de 11.º e 12º. anos com exames no ano lectivo presente. É uma conversa de rádio sobre as matérias de estudo com personalidades - umas mais, outras menos - conhecidas da vida pública portuguesa, mas com reconhecida capacidade académica para poderem conversar sobre os temas das disciplinas do secundário.
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Este é o 'Enapcast', podcast da Escola Nacional de Administração Pública - Enap. Aqui, a gente traz o futuro da administração pública para o presente: debates com os principais especialistas sobre temas de fronteira, dicas e estudos de caso. Inscreva-se para receber os novos episódios.
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Respeitável Público: a memória viva do teatro. Entrevistas com atores, dramaturgos, diretores, críticos, etc. sobre grupos ou peças marcantes do teatro paraibano. Todas as quartas-feiras, das 18h às 19h, com reprises aos sábados às 18h, na Parahyba FM 103.9
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O programa Teia é realizado pela Ade Sampa - Agencia São Paulo de Desenvolvimento, uma entidade vinculada a Prefeitura de São Paulo por meio da SMDET - Secretaria Municipal de Desenvolvimento Econômico, Trabalho e Turismo. Além de oferecer o espaço publico de coworking o Teia também desenvolve conteúdos de diversos temas ligados ao empreendedorismo. Por isso trazemos este podcast desenvolvido pelos gestores das unidades do TEIA.
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Fundação (FFMS) e Público - Assim Fala a Ciência

Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos

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A Fundação, em parceria com o jornal Público tem um novo podcast que dá voz à ciência, na luta contra a desinformação. Os cientistas e comunicadores de ciência Carlos Fiolhais e David Marçal são os anfitriões destas conversas quinzenais que têm como convidados os cientistas que integram a rede GPS – Global Portuguese Scientists.
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"Historias para no leer. Los podcast de Público". Por Manu Tomillo Comienzan los podcast en Público, con "Historias para no leer" y bajo la dirección del periodista Manu Tomillo, analizaremos en profundidad algunas de las noticias más importantes sin perder de vista la actualidad. Reportajes de largo formato por capítulos para que podamos escuchar las voces de los protagonistas y separarlas de tanto ruido. Una vez a la semana te ofreceremos periodismo en serie directo a tus oídos.
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Para se aperfeiçoar sobre este tema, acesse o curso completo* na página do curso na EV.G. * Para obter o certificado, é necessário se inscrever no link do curso, além de realizar os estudos e atividades do curso nos prazos determinados com a nota mínima requerida. Para mais informações e sugestões, acesse o Fale Conosco da EV.G Gostou do vídeo? Cur…
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O ano que teve quatro eleições na agenda — não parece possível, mas este ano tivemos eleições nos Açores, na Madeira, legislativas e europeias — aproxima-se do fim e já não temos muitas quintas-feiras pela frente. Hoje, há três temas no radar: dois são eleições, as presidenciais de 2026 e as autárquicas de 2025, o outro é bombeiros. No caso dos bom…
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Para se aperfeiçoar sobre este tema, acesse o curso completo* na página do curso na EV.G. * Para obter o certificado, é necessário se inscrever no link do curso, além de realizar os estudos e atividades do curso nos prazos determinados com a nota mínima requerida. Para mais informações e sugestões, acesse o Fale Conosco da EV.G Gostou do vídeo? Cur…
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Para se aperfeiçoar sobre este tema, acesse o curso completo em *Para obter o certificado, é necessário se inscrever no link acima, realizar os estudos e atividades do curso nos prazos determinados com a nota mínima requerida. Para mais informações e sugestões, acesse o Fale Conosco da EV.G - https://www.escolavirtu…
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Para se aperfeiçoar sobre este tema, acesse o curso completo em *Para obter o certificado, é necessário se inscrever no link acima, realizar os estudos e atividades do curso nos prazos determinados com a nota mínima requerida. Para mais informações e sugestões, acesse o Fale Conosco da EV.G - https://www.escolavirtu…
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Para se aperfeiçoar sobre este tema, acesse o curso completo em *Para obter o certificado, é necessário se inscrever no link acima, realizar os estudos e atividades do curso nos prazos determinados com a nota mínima requerida. Para mais informações e sugestões, acesse o Fale Conosco da EV.G - https://www.escolavirtu…
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Para se aperfeiçoar sobre este tema, acesse o curso completo em *Para obter o certificado, é necessário se inscrever no link acima, realizar os estudos e atividades do curso nos prazos determinados com a nota mínima requerida. Para mais informações e sugestões, acesse o Fale Conosco da EV.G - https://www.escolavirtu…
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To learn more about this topic, access the full course* on the course page at EV.G. * To obtain the certificate, it is necessary to register on the course link, in addition to carrying out the studies and activities of the course within the deadlines determined with the minimum grade required. Did you like the episode? Like and share this subject.…
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To learn more about this topic, access the full course* on the course page at EV.G. * To obtain the certificate, it is necessary to register on the course link, in addition to carrying out the studies and activities of the course within the deadlines determined with the minimum grade required. Did you like the episode? Like and share this subject.…
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To learn more about this topic, access the full course* on the course page at EV.G. * To obtain the certificate, it is necessary to register on the course link, in addition to carrying out the studies and activities of the course within the deadlines determined with the minimum grade required. Did you like the episode? Like and share this subject.…
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To learn more about this topic, access the full course* on the course page at EV.G. * To obtain the certificate, it is necessary to register on the course link, in addition to carrying out the studies and activities of the course within the deadlines determined with the minimum grade required. Did you like the episode? Like and share this subject.…
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To learn more about this topic, access the full course* on the course page at EV.G. * To obtain the certificate, it is necessary to register on the course link, in addition to carrying out the studies and activities of the course within the deadlines determined with the minimum grade required. Did you like the episode? Like and share this subject.…
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To learn more about this topic, access the full course* on the course page at EV.G. * To obtain the certificate, it is necessary to register on the course link, in addition to carrying out the studies and activities of the course within the deadlines determined with the minimum grade required. Did you like the episode? Like and share this subject.…
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To learn more about this topic, access the full course* on the course page at EV.G. * To obtain the certificate, it is necessary to register on the course link, in addition to carrying out the studies and activities of the course within the deadlines determined with the minimum grade required. Did you like the episode? Like and share this subject.…
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To learn more about this topic, access the full course* on the course page at EV.G.* To obtain the certificate, it is necessary to register on the course link, in addition to carrying out the studies and activities of the course within the deadlines determined with the minimum grade required. Did you like the episode? Like and share this subject.…
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To learn more about this topic, access the full course* on the course page at EV.G. * To obtain the certificate, it is necessary to register on the course link, in addition to carrying out the studies and activities of the course within the deadlines determined with the minimum grade required. Did you like the episode? Like and share this subject.…
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To learn more about this topic, access the full course* on the course page at EV.G. * To obtain the certificate, it is necessary to register on the course link, in addition to carrying out the studies and activities of the course within the deadlines determined with the minimum grade required. Did you like the episode? Like and share this subject.…
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To learn more about this topic, access the full course* on the course page at EV.G. * To obtain the certificate, it is necessary to register on the course link, in addition to carrying out the studies and activities of the course within the deadlines determined with the minimum grade required. Did you like the episode? Like and share this subject.…
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To learn more about this topic, access the full course* on the course page at EV.G. * To obtain the certificate, it is necessary to register on the course link, in addition to carrying out the studies and activities of the course within the deadlines determined with the minimum grade required. Did you like the episode? Like and share this subject.…
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To learn more about this topic, access the full course* on the course page at EV.G. * To obtain the certificate, it is necessary to register on the course link, in addition to carrying out the studies and activities of the course within the deadlines determined with the minimum grade required. Did you like the episode? Like and share this subject.…
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To learn more about this topic, access the full course* on the course page at EV.G. * To obtain the certificate, it is necessary to register on the course link, in addition to carrying out the studies and activities of the course within the deadlines determined with the minimum grade required. Did you like the episode? Like and share this subject.…
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To learn more about this topic, access the full course* on the course page at EV.G. * To obtain the certificate, it is necessary to register on the course link, in addition to carrying out the studies and activities of the course within the deadlines determined with the minimum grade required. Did you like the episode? Like and share this subject.…
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To learn more about this topic, access the full course* on the course page at EV.G. * To obtain the certificate, it is necessary to register on the course link, in addition to carrying out the studies and activities of the course within the deadlines determined with the minimum grade required. Did you like the episode? Like and share this subject.…
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To learn more about this topic, access the full course* on the course page at EV.G. * To obtain the certificate, it is necessary to register on the course link, in addition to carrying out the studies and activities of the course within the deadlines determined with the minimum grade required. Did you like the episode? Like and share this subject.…
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To learn more about this topic, access the full course* on the course page at EV.G. * To obtain the certificate, it is necessary to register on the course link, in addition to carrying out the studies and activities of the course within the deadlines determined with the minimum grade required. Did you like the episode? Like and share this subject.…
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To learn more about this topic, access the full course* on the course page at EV.G. * To obtain the certificate, it is necessary to register on the course link, in addition to carrying out the studies and activities of the course within the deadlines determined with the minimum grade required. Did you like the episode? Like and share this subject.…
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To learn more about this topic, access the full course* on the course page at EV.G. * To obtain the certificate, it is necessary to register on the course link, in addition to carrying out the studies and activities of the course within the deadlines determined with the minimum grade required. Did you like the episode? Like and share this subject.…
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As cerimónias do 25 de Novembro ficaram à margem deste episódio. Mas a declaração do primeiro-ministro, na quarta-feira, não. O que motivou Luís Montenegro? Quais eram os objectivos? Foram cumpridos? Talvez o primeiro-ministro tenha tentado apanhar a boleia das notícias do dia sobre a detenção de três indivíduos supostamente envolvidos no incêndio …
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O Parlamento não quer ser polícia da moda, os fantasmas do PREC que estão vivos, a semana política parecia que estava fraca, mas quando começámos a preparar este episódio, percebemos que tínhamos muito para falar. Um dos temas é o Orçamento do Estado que vai a votação final global na próxima semana. Já percebemos que o Governo provavelmente vai ser…
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