A Spiritual Coach, Adviser and Inspirational Speaker, COACHLARA speaks on Parenting, Servant-Leadership, and Spiritual Wellbeing. Lara supports her clients young and old, through the Difficult Journeys of Life. She helps them Discover God in themselves through the Pursuit of Divine Purpose. ------ COACHLARA's Mantra: LIFE HAS NO MEANING WITHOUT PURPOSE.....the Strength to Live and Thrive is hidden in God's Divine Purpose. Find it....Live it!!!
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Hello friends, I am Evangelist Genia Brown, Chaplain, and author. This podcast is for Christian women & young ladies that want to take a deeper dive into the word of God; I am here, to 'help' guide you toward Spiritual growth; featuring a blend of Bible exposition & storytelling. I teach through scripture and with biblical characters to illustrate life lessons, that way, you will get biblical, and practical solutions to our topic of discussion. I hope to encourage you, and to help you naviga ...
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Productivity & Proverbs 31- Mom Life, Mentoring, Side Hustle Coaching for Christian Entrepreneurs
Kathy Lanham
Welcome to THE podcast for busy moms (messy bun and reheated coffee are optional)! This is the space for Christian moms who feel all the guilt but refuse to be Pinterest Perfect. Moms who love like a boss, are authentic and who want to be a boss with some free moments thrown in. Sound like someone you know? Let's chat about Biblical truth + wisdom + laughter + productivity strategies to not only help you squeeze in a shower, but enjoy life. Kathy Lanham offers a mentoring voice from the othe ...
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In this video I'm talking about being completely open to the purpose and plan God has for your life, however, you must unclutter your life, make room for Jesus! set aside all of your manmade notions, and invite Jesus in. Completely sell out to the Lord and let him make you a new person in him. please friends listen to the end! you will be so glad y…
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In this video I'm talking about 1.) David as a Shepard boy, and why he fought Goliath and 2.) that God gave David the victory because of his trust in God. 3.) Battles whether fought in the natural sense or spiritually, are not always depended upon physically strength, but strategies, listen to this video to the end and see how you can win trusting …
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Faith Sharing: Session 3 'Saving Faith'
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21:50In this session I'm teaching that, we are saved by faith alone, by grace alone, because of Jesus Christ alone, saving faith is depending entirely on Jesus Christ and not our own works...Please, watch to the end! #grace #faith #JesusChrist #GeniaBrown Support the Show.Bởi Genia Brown
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EP 95 My 7 Best Productivity Apps For A Lean Entrepreneur Business
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18:43Hey Busy Mama! Do you struggle with trying to keep all your plates spinning in the air? Are you paying money for this app and that app and suddenly realize you have tow of apps doing the same thing- or pretty much the same thing? Do you look at your bank statement and think, "Dang, I forgot I was paying for that!" I know the feeling! Today's podcas…
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EP 94 Maintaining A Business and Marriage After A Traumatic Brain Injury With Deanna Johnson
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23:25For Better or For Worse. For Richer or Poorer In Sickness and In Health are words we repeat in our wedding vows never thinking about what the future may hold. Today's podcast guest, FOREVER Senior Executive Director Deanna Johnson, a wife, mom and successful business owner shares her story of triumph in the midst of trauma. Perseverance in pain and…
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EP 93 Unique Easter Celebration Ideas With Kids for Sharing the Gospel
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17:53Hey Mamma! Are you already stressed over how to coordinate your kid's Easter outfits? Need some ideas to share the importance of the season that go beyond just candy and Easter egg hunts? In today's episode I share some fun ideas that give a twist to your family traditions and breathe new life into your Easter celebrations. If you celebrate Lent an…
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EP 92 Kind, Intentional, Incredible Humans Is Just The Start
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18:31Hey Mama! I know you have great goals for your kids! Who doesn't want to raise kind, loving, gentle, intentionally inclusive, good humans??? But, in today's episode I want to look at the question-Is that enough? It's almost a which came first, the chicken or the egg, discussion. Can we really raise intentional kids without first giving them a found…
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EP 91 Colic Or Severe Food Allergy_FPIES Interview
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22:45Hey Mama! Do you have a baby, toddler or even bigger kid for which eating anything is an ordeal? I'm not talking about a picky eater, but one in which there are tears, tummy aches, throwing up and stinky poos? You have tried everything but don't have any answers and don't seem to be getting anywhere? Today's interview guest, Amber McIntire, is a bl…
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EP 90 5 Sure Ways to Combat Feelings of Failure and Overwhelm
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16:57Hey Friend, Have you "washed your face" and are still struggling? Do you wake up feeling a failure and go to bed not much better off? I think you will find you are in good company as many of us are walking around with unmet expectations- from others and ourselves. Join me today as I share 5 ways that I have found over and over to help me out of my …
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LET US PRAY: Prayer For Nigeria - By Kofo Adewunmi (MRL)
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4:23The Nigeria elections are just a couple of weeks away, there is economic and social crises. Join us in praying for the Mercy of God upon Nigeria. May God have mercy on our "leaders". May evil abate and may righteousness prevail in the land.
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EP 89 Digital Photo Dilemmas and Digital Dumpsters Keeping Your Memories Safe
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18:37Ever wanted to find that ONE PERFECT PICTURE that you know you took, but you just can't seem to find it as you scroll? Or gotten the message "your storage is full purchase more"? Worse yet, have you deleted a picture from your phone to find out it disappeared across all platforms because you were trusting a sync service not a true photo service? In…
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"Is it really a New Year"? That's the question I find myself asking every 31st day of December when I see people "loose their heads" over what we deem a "New Year". Look around you and try to answer the question: "Is it really a New Year"? The obvious answer now and at every turn of the calendar is, "NO!!" The Year only becomes "New" for you if and…
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EP 88 Authentic Or A Hypocrite? 5 Tips To Consider
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19:14Hey Sister Friend! Coming at you live from the no judgment zone, I have a serious question to ask, Are you authentic or a hypocrite? Do hypocritical people drive you crazy? Does your "walk" match up with your "talk"? Do you have a social media face but also an at home, fed up face? How do you handle it when you are called out for a behavior, your w…
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EP 87 Choosing One Word To Influence Your Year and Your Life Bonus Episode
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15:53Hey My Katies! Do you have your Word for the Year yet? One Word....a buzz word and concept in Christian and business circles. Do you find yourself doubting that one word could really change anything in your life? Do you make endless goals and resolutions, but find you forget them 2 weeks later? How about if we just cut to the chase and simplify? No…
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EP 86 10 Best Tricks For Christmas Chaos Cleanup
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15:49Has the Christmas magic left and all you have is the mess? Need some motivation to clean up the mess so that you are ready for the new year? Today's episode has 10 tried and true tips and tricks to make next year better and hopefully improve your attitude about this one! Grab a trash bag, a permanent maker and let's get started! Speaking of getting…
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EP 85 10 Practical Ways To Keep Jesus In Your Christmas Celebration
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16:44Holiday Blues or Christmas Crazy? How do you fare during the holidays? Overwhelmed? Busy? Tired? Broke? Well, my little Katies take a few minutes for yourself with a beverage and a deep breath as I give you 10 very practical Christmas helps for getting through your holidays with joy and grace. Bonus- you will be intentionally including Jesus in you…
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EP 84 Using Their Gifts To Curate Great Gifts an Interview with Brittany Parker and Jen King
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19:17Hey Friends! Do you have a passion to bless and encourage others, especially women? Maybe you have the passion but no idea what to do or how to begin? Are you full of the day to day busy but wish there was just a little something more? Something to spark your creativity and imagination that would also add some income for your family? I'd love to in…
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EP 83 Easy 4 Step Procrastinators Guide To Stress Free Entertaining
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15:59OK my Katies, my Kats, and my fellow procrastinators, Are you struggling with entertaining over Thanksgiving or already freaking out about Christmas? Who needs some last minute, get it all done tips? When you don't have time to backwards plan for weeks and you are pressed to the wire, when do you sleep and how in the world do you get it all done? I…
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EP 82 Keep Your Dream Alive with Laurie Knight, Captianess of The Optimist
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27:31Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.”⠀ -Langston Hughes Motivational words that today's guest had as a poster on her wall throughout high school. Which was a good thing as she was sailing in waters of a male dominated world. Give a listen as my friend and guest, Laurie Knight, shares her dream of bei…
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EP 81 Great Laundry Hacks and Tips To Make Cleaning Easier
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15:21Looking for some Honest Moms on this one! Do you have clothes waiting to be folded either in the dryer on on your couch? Hate being surprised by company because there is no where to sit? Have you bought new underwear for the kids so that you didn't have any clean? You are not alone friend! (And there is no judgement from this corner!) Check out the…
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EP 80 10 Ways To Become An Authentic Influencer
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19:43Hey Momma! Are you ready for your day in the spotlight? To get that bonafide Influencer status? To influence others with your gorgeous photos and excellent content? Today's episode takes a look at how to become an authentic influencer- in the space you have, with the time energy and abilities you have been given. I give you 10 quick ways to check t…
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EP 79 Community Why We Need It and 7 Ways To Find Yours
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17:50Sisters, If there is one overriding thing the COVID Pandemic did, it was to increase our isolation. The enforced lockdown robbed us of our community. Our sense of belonging. Our ability to see the world as we did before-or BC, before COVID. But, I believe that we were made for community. For seeing the needs of others and being seen. In today's epi…
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EP 78 Raising Confident and Self Disciplined Children
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23:29Hey Mama, Do you wonder some days if you are going to lose your mind because your kids won't mind? Do your days of feeling defeated outnumber your days of victory in the child rearing realm? Do you need a boost of confidence and help? Join me today as I look at 4 Parenting Styles to decide where you are. It could be that your mindset is part of the…
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EP 77 Writing A Children’s Book, Interview with Children’s Author Cindy Witty
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20:39Hey Friends, Ever read your kiddo's favorite book for the 100th time and thought, "I should write a book!" Or maybe you have had that book idea in your head forever and have been too afraid to act on it. Maybe you'd love to write that book but just don't know how? Join me on the podcast to hear how new children's author, Cindy Witty, decided to mak…
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EP 76 Fantastic Fall Photoshoot Ideas for Your Family Pictures
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16:01Hey Mommas, As the weather turns cooler and the leaves begin to change it's a great time to get some family photos! Fall (in any place that has trees), provides a natural backdrop of beauty for your photos. Coordinate your outfits and you have photos you can use in a multitude of ways. Does just thinking about trying to coordinate the clan, get the…
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EP 75 Growing a Thriving Business For Entrepreneurs, Dreamers and Hard Workers
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15:09Hey Mama, Now that the kiddos are back to school what will you do with those few, free minutes? Work out? Eat? Binge watch tv? Read? OR, step into your next stage of greatness? Today's episode lays out how to grow a great business by having the mindset of a farmer! I give you a framework of 10 sustainable growth principles. 1- Decide to plant despi…
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EP 74 Great Questions To Help Decide the Best Extra Curricular Activities For Your Kids
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21:10Hey Sweet Mama! Kids are back in school, you have a schedule and FINALLY you have some control again! Or not. Enter the hectic scene of the "extras"! All the extra choices and options of the things you can do AFTER school! Art, music, sports, drama, 4-H, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, AWANNAs, Girls Club, Boys Club, Horse riding lessons, part time jobs..…
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EP 73 Money Stress Or Financial Peace An Interview with Hannah Porter
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18:09Hey Sister Friend! Quick, if you had to name one issue that causes the most problems in your marriage what would it be? If you thought or said, "Money" you are definitely going to want to listen in today as I interview Hannah Porter, an Advisor for Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace. Hannah shared how the 7 Baby Steps taught in the Dave Ramsey Financial…
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EP 72 15 Great Back to School Traditions to Try
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17:09Hey Mama! As the excitement or dread of a new school year approaches, have you given any thought to some traditions you can start to celebrate new beginnings? Does the thought of adding one more thing to your list wear you out? If so, kick back and listen to this episode that is full of real and practical ideas (that I have tested out and done!) to…
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EP 71 10 Ways To Support Teachers This School Year From Teachers To Parents
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15:23Hey Mama! Nobody loves your child better than you! Grandma is a close second, but right up there on the daily is your child's teacher! In today's episode I give you some practical ways to encourage and support those heroes on the front line. Who, depite low pay, long hours and disrespect show up anyway-to teach and love on your kiddos. Who choose n…
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EP 70 Back To School Easy Success Habits For A Great Year
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18:39Hey Mama! Has your school year started? Whether it's the exciting pre-K days or the high school years going back to school can be a challenge. You are trading in long sunshiney days of fun in the sun for backpacks, new crayons, schedules and generally a little chaos and cray! What if you had some systems or habits that you trained your kids and you…
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EP 69 3 Hard Conversations- Faith, Money and Kids You Need To Have BEFORE Its An Issue
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20:53Hey Mama! What do you do when you and the hubs (or significant other/caregiver) are on different pages-maybe even in different books on how to live out your faith. Or spend your money Or raise the kids. Today we are looking at some pitfalls and helpful advice to navigate the waters before they get choppy and angry. The art of honest and open commun…
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EP 68 The End Times - Are We There Yet? A Look At Some Prophecy Teachings
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19:09Hey Friends, As we continue with the "Last Days" teaching I wanted to expand a little on what the Bible says the future looks like. I encourage you to "be like a Berean" to figure out what you believe! Do you have a solid handle on what it means when someone talks about the Rapture and the Tribulation Time? Or, have you sworn off end time conversat…
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EP 67 What Is The Rapture And Why Should I Care? Breaking Down The Last Days Conversation
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19:12Hey Friends, I love bringing in a little juicy topic now and then to encourage you to "be like a Berean" to figure out what you believe! Do you have a solid handle on what it means when someone talks about the Rapture? Feel confused because that actual word isn't in Scripture? (Hint: neither is the Trinity, but...) Or, have you sworn off end time c…
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EP 66 Birth Order - Why Your Kids Are So Different
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19:07Hey Mama! Ever feel like you are managing a zoo and wonder where in the world did these kids come from anyway? Why, if your kiddos are all raised in the same house in the same way are they so different? Why does it feel like your husband is another child sometimes? Or, flip it to your larger sibling group-why is Sister A so bossy? Why is Brother B …
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Hey Sis, Are you a grudge holder? To forgive or hold a grudge??? To get revenge for that hurt- you know what I'm talking about...secret joy at another's misfortune because of a hurt or slight they have caused you. Today, we are looking at how forgiveness turns that upside down and why it is a gift to ourselves! Forgiveness is a decision. Forgivenes…
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EP 64 Learn How To Declutter And Be Free From Stress AND Stuff
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14:30Who has stuff??? Too much stuff? Can I get an amen? Today's episode is coming right from the heart of this messie. Some practical ways I have conquered my mess, my clutter and the stress that came from managing (or NOT managing) all of my stuff. Hopefully you will be encouraged and inspired to get rid of a few things, move forward and enjoy your li…
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EP 63 Infertility And Adoption, Trusting God Through It All With Kristen Clark
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18:59I had the great pleasure of speaking with co-founder of Girl Defined Ministries, Kristen Clark, on the podcast today! You might remember her sister, Bethany, from a few episodes ago. Kristen's story is a powerful one of beauty, faith, and perseverance. Kristen Clark is married to her best friend, Zack, and is the newly adoptive mom to two precious …
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Bonus Episode How To Get Great Fourth of July Fireworks Photos
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10:16Happy 4th of July Sis! What a great celebration of our country's birthday, our freedoms and an opportunity to craft some great holiday memories. Ever wondered why your fireworks pictures are always blurry or shaky? Need some ideas on how to spice up the holiday? In today's episode I'm sharing some super practical ideas and tips on how to get some s…
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EP 62 Busy Women Get It Done Birthday Podcast
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13:32It's our birthday month and wow oh wow, how fast a year can pass!! First, THANK YOU for being a part of the journey over the past year. If you are just joining us-welcome. But, if you have been with me steadily or sporadically over the past year my heart is full of thanks for you. I never take lightly the fact that you took time out of your busy da…
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EP 61 Getting Rid Of Stress With A Brain Dump
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12:43Overwhelmed mamas, help is here! Take a quick listen to the podcast today to hear my number 1 tip on how I deal with stress. I promise, if you give this method a try, you will feel so much lighter! One of the hardest parts of motherhood is handling the mental appointments, school lunches, did Alex finish his homework, I really need to…
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EP 60 What To Do As An Exhausted And Overwhelmed Mom (Person!)
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19:57Feeling a bit low friend? You're not alone. Every mother who has come before you and every mother who will come after you has felt and will feel the overwhelm you feel right now. Motherhood is HARD. It's beautiful, rewarding, important, but it's also really really hard. So many people like to brush off the struggles of motherhood with a "Enjoy it w…
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EP 59 Allowance For Kids, Tips From A Mother Of 5
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23:31Bởi Kathy Lanham
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EP 58 Romance Or Roommates, How To Heal Your Marriage With Beatriz Vargas
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25:36This one is a fabulous listen for all my married friends out there! I spoke with the incredible Beatriz Vargas, a certified Christian marriage and relationship coach and founder of The Grace Fueled Wife. Beatriz has a podcast, marriage course, and coaching services that have all helped countless women transform their marriages. Beatriz came on the …
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Are your kids getting older? It might be time to start thinking about involving them more in home maintenance! After all, everyone in the family contributes to the mess, so everyone in the family should contribute to the cleanup. I read a great blog post on Focus On The Family recently, and I wanted to share it with my listeners! Instead of trying …
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EP 56 Great Newborn To Graduation Photos You Should Take
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13:55As a seasoned mother and grandmother, I now know about all the photos I wish I would have taken while my kids were growing up, and all the photos I'm glad I did take. Today, I'm going to take you through a quick list of memories you will want to capture through your parenting journey. And don't forget to get in the photos yourself! If you are in ne…
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EP 55 Best Advice For Starting Your Side Hustle
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16:22Ever since my kids were young, I have always been involved with a side hustle of some sort. Whether it was to make some extra income, learn a new skill, or just have something I could truly call my own, I have always loved being an entrepreneur. With the state of the world right now, it seems like more and more people are looking for remote positio…
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EP 54 Trusting God In Every Season- A New Way To Approach Postpartum With Bethany Beal
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24:48What an incredible conversation with the fantastic Bethany Beal! Bethany is a co-founder of Girl Defined Ministries. Her and her sister, Kristen Clark, are on a mission "to help modern girls understand and live out God’s timeless truth for womanhood." They share their stories, struggles, celebrations, and everything in between on YouTube, Instagram…
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EP 53 20 Awesome Ideas for Spring Fun With Kids
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14:54Are you leaning into and loving that warmer weather is heading our way or dreading the time with kids? I know it can be easy to fall into the trap of using tablets, shows and phones to occupy your littles, but I want to encourage you to be a little more creative, spontaneous and fun and remember the brilliance of your children! Teaching our kids de…
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EP 52 Spiritual Gifts-Understanding and Using Your Gifts Part 4
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15:45Bởi Kathy Lanham
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