Keeping the Murray/Mallee/Riverland and Coorong Regions up to date with The Changes in Aged Care
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Om recht te doen aan ieder kind, is een fundamentele verandering van ons onderwijsstelsel noodzakelijk. Voor de Taskforce Ontwikkelingsgericht Onderwijs staat voorop dat alle kinderen zich ononderbroken en optimaal kunnen ontwikkelen. Kinderenworden binnen het huidige onderwijssysteem in hun ontwikkeling belemmerd door het leerstofjaarklassensysteem, het fenomeen van zittenblijven en het niet altijd geplaatst worden op een passend onderwijsniveau. Om een ononderbroken en optimale ontwikkelin ...
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eBay news and discussion on how to sell on eBay. We cover topics ranging from finding a good dropshipper, writing proper titles and descriptions, shipping, taking photos, marketing your eBay auction and much more!
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AI in Aged Care - Safety and Cybersecurity
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30:25Lisa Barrett and George Gouzounis host Elena Muller and Jenn West as they tackle the twin challenges of digital transformation and cybersecurity in aged care. Learn all about security in this essential discussion. Elena Muller is the Managing Director of Timemakers and National Account Manager of Person Centred Software Australia. She is also a dir…
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AI in Aged Care - Revolution, Risk and Reality
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29:17Lisa Barrett and George Gouzounis host Christopher Foster-McBride as he unpacks the critical balance between AI innovation and risk management in aged care settings. Learn why understanding AI risks matters for better care delivery. Christopher Foster-McBride is the CEO and Co-Founder of Digital Human Assistants, known as the 'AI Risk Guy'. He has …
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AI in Aged Care - Practical Steps to Digital Success
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29:29Lisa Barrett and George Gouzounis host Sharon Paulson as she reveals how to make digital transformation work in aged care. Get practical insights on using AI to improve operations and service delivery. Sharon Paulson is the Head of Digital Workplace Services at ECH, a leading provider of retirement living, wellness, and aged home care services. She…
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AI in Aged Care - From Theory to Practice
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31:06Lisa Barrett and George Gouzounis host Marina Ritchie as she shares practical insights on how aged care organisations can successfully adopt AI. Discover real strategies that work on the ground. Marina Ritchie works as an AI Adoption Manager at ScrumCraft and serves as an AI trainer and advisor. She helps organisations navigate AI transformations, …
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AI in Aged Care - Innovation in Practice
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30:07Lisa Barrett and George Gouzounis host Phil Martin who brings his healthcare leadership perspective to discuss how AI is reshaping aged care services. Learn from his journey in aged care innovation. Phil Martin is the Executive Director of Aged Care Services at MercyCare. He serves on the paramedicine consultative committee at Edith Cowan Universit…
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Volunteer SA/NT - everything you need to know about having volunteers in your business
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25:14This episode is an in-depth conversation with David Jacquier from Volunteer SA/NT. Home | General Volunteering Services | Volunteering SA&NT This is a must listen for those who have volunteers on their team and for volunteers themselves. You can find out more about national volunteering wee 19 - 25 May here National Volunteer Week - Volunteering SA…
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Interview with Paul Sadler on important points to observe with the reforms
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36:15In this episode Paul Sadler talks about the upcoming reforms. Paul Sadler is an experienced leader and influencer who brings an extensive range of experience from more than 35 years in the aged care sector. Paul has been a national and state CEO of aged care industry associations, CEO of a major aged care provider, and influencer of ageing policy, …
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Mel Metz talks about the new, Aged Care Act
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34:47Interview with: Mel Metz, Assistant Secretary, Legislative Reform Branch Indepth discussion about the new Aged care Act. The feedback paper, preparations, implications for CHSP and much more. Intellectual Property of L.BarrettBởi Project Officer
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In this episode I discuss artificial intelligence and it's uses in the Aged Care Sector with George Gouzounis. We talk about new initiatives; how can they help elder Australians and what are the potential problems. Intellectual Property of L.BarrettBởi Project Officer
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COTA SA - Mona Khizam talks about Cota and the LGBTI Rainbow Training
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27:04Mona Khizam discusses Cota and their role in Aged Care. In detail, she talks about the Rainbow Training and the importance of diversity awareness acceptance for providers in the community. DISCLAIMER, further to the podcast discussion about what makes a peak body. I'd like to thank COTA SA for providing this information. COTA are the peak body for …
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ADULT SAFEGUARDING UNIT aka -Doreen Salon talks about the unit and how it helps vulnerable older Australians
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22:54In depth look at the role of the Adult Safeguarding Unit. How it works and what it offers the vulnerable adults of South Australia Intellectual Property of L.BarrettBởi Project Officer
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REFORM UPDATE aka interview with Nick Morgan on reform changes in the CHSP programme
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33:58Nick Morgan talks about the delay in changes to the CHSP, inclusion of the programme in the Act, provider registration, social support categories, single assessment in two different programmes, flexible funding and much more. Intellectual Property of L.BarrettBởi lisa Barrett
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LEGAL ISSUES FOR AGED CARE WORKERS _ AKA discussion with Lawyer Victor Harcourt on the legal issues surrounding the changes in Aged Care
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32:25Victor Harcourt is the Principal Lawyer at Russell Kennedy Lawyers. He is a specialist in Aged Care regulatory issues and has published articles on topics such as restrictive practices the meaning of governing bodies and returnable deposits. Intellectual Property of L.BarrettBởi lisa Barrett
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Jason Howie - AKA comparison of the two consultation papers on a new program for in home aged care
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29:12Jason Howie, Partner in the Pride Living Group. Previously CEO of KinCare talks about the potential changes and what we can glean from the two different consultation papers that have been published so far. Intellectual Property of L.BarrettBởi lisa Barrett
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APPRENTICESHIP CAREERS AUSTRALIA - AKA information on federal programme to assist with onboarding new workforce
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13:33Hayley Letzepis from ACA tells us about the federally funded free programme that helps providers by taking on the hard work and administration of recruiting and employing workers. Intellectual Property of L.BarrettBởi lisa Barrett
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Consultation paper on the new, Aged Care Act - AKA SSD discussion on the paper and giving feedback and submissions
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18:43SSD discussion on what is to change in the New Act and how providers can get involved in the consultation process. Intellectual Property of L.BarrettBởi lisa Barrett
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CULTURAL INTELLIGENCE - AKA Multicultural Communities SA talk about the importance of cultural intelligence
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26:55Why is cultural intelligence important? How we should look at our own culture and attitudes and learn about ourselves to help us understand and connect with others. Intellectual Property of L.BarrettBởi lisa Barrett
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INSPECTOR GENERAL OF AGED CARE-AKA discussion on new role of Inspector General
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22:59Ian Yates, the interim Inspector General tells us about the new role of Inspector General and what the office of the Inspector General is for and why it is necessary. Intellectual Property of L.BarrettBởi lisa Barrett
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A NEW MODEL FOR REGULATING AGED CARE - AKA discussion with Nick Hartland
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23:02Nick Hartland answers questions and discusses the new consultation paper no 2 Details of the proposed new model of regulating age care, and the Webinar that happened on 18 May Intellectual Property of L.BarrettBởi lisa Barrett
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ADVANCE CARE DIRECTIVES AKA - AKA Judith Lowe chats about the ACD workshops run in Onkaparinga.
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24:52in depth discussion about Advance Care Directives, how important it is to have your wishes known. We talk about, what they are, why you'd want one and what you need to think about to reflect your wishes and values. Intellectual Property of L.BarrettBởi lisa Barrett
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ASSESSMENT - AKA discussion of the regional assessment service and trial of the new assessment tool.
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30:49Grant Edwards from the Regional Assessment service gives us a deep dive into the assessment process and details of the 3-month trial for the new assessment tool to be implemented in June 2024 Intellectual Property of L.BarrettBởi lisa Barrett
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VOLUNTEER VISITORS SCHEME AKA chat with Sonja Williams from Lutheran Care
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18:59The Community Visitors Scheme, or CVS, is an Australian government–funded program established to promote links between socially isolated people living in an aged care home or in their own homes and the wider community. Lutheran Care is funded to recruit, train and support volunteers to visit older people within the Murray Mallee region as well as a…
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THE CAREFINDERS PROGRAMME - AKA interview with Department of health and Ageing
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23:29Chloe Stoddart and Catherine Burkitt from Dept H&A in Canberra discuss the Care Finders programme. What it's all about and how we can engage with it. Intellectual Property of L.BarrettBởi lisa Barrett
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WORKFORCE AKA Workforce Guru Neil Eastwood on recruitment and retention of staff
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21:16Neil Eastwood talks about the best ways to recruit and retain Staff in the Aged Care Sector. Neil is the Author of the book Saving Social Care and the developer of the Care Friends App Intellectual Property of L.BarrettBởi lisa Barrett
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LET'S DISCUSS TRANSPORT aka A talk on the region's biggest service.
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28:26Tammy Shepherd discusses regional transport. The good, the bad, the ugly and what changes may or may not happen in 2024 Intellectual Property of L.BarrettBởi lisa Barrett
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LET'S TALK ABOUT THE ISSUES; AKA The Discussion paper for the New In-home Aged Care Programme
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14:48Recorded at the Karoonda Task force meeting: Roy Inglis from the SA Department of Health and Aged Care gives an overview of the Discussion paper for the New In-home Aged Care Program. Intellectual Property of L.BarrettBởi lisa Barrett
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WHAT DID EVERYONE SAY? AKA Feed-back on the Submissions to the In-Home Aged Care Discussion Paper
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20:45This Episode is taken From the Government update Webinar on the New In-Home Aged Care Program. It is Nic Morgan talking about the feedback the Department Collected from the 528 Submissions they received. Intellectual Property of L.BarrettBởi lisa Barrett
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Sjef Drummen is ex-schoolleider, beeldend kunstenaar en onderwijsvernieuwer. Hij is co-founder van Niekée Roermond en Agora Roermond. Een creatieve out of the box-denker met radicale ideeën. Hij noemt zichzelf onderwijskunstenaar en treedt veel op als inspirerende spreker met een flinke dosis humor. Op 1 augustus 2019 ging Sjef met pensioen maar ni…
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Kees van de Sande is historicus, en vanaf het begin betrokken bij TOO. Als academisch geschoolde allrounder met kennis van en ervaring in het voortgezet onderwijs kan Kees eindeloos vertellen over het onderwijs, wat er mis is, maar ook hoe het wél ingericht kan worden....Bởi Jan Jaap Hubeek
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In deze aflevering spreekt Jan Jaap Hubeek met Jacqueline Blaak. Jacqueline is lid van de TaskForce vanaf de start. Jacqueline Blaak is coach, adviseur, sociale innovator. Ze is sinds 21 jaar werkzaam in het Rotterdams onderwijs en vanaf 2018 op parttime basis eigenaar van haar eigen bedrijf, waarmee zij onderwijsprofessionals en onderwijsorganisat…
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Fleur de Veth vertelt in deze aflevering dat het eindexamen anders ingericht kan worden. Samen met haar vriendin Jenny Phan is zij het burgerinitiatief gestart: Sta op voor onderwijs, schaf het centraal examen af! Ze zitten allebei in 6VWO van het Dr.-Knippenbergcollege in Helmond en zijn wij deze actie gestart om duidelijk te maken dat het Centraa…
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Jan Bransen is hoogleraar Filosofie van de gedragswetenschappen en Academisch leider van het Radboud Teaching and Learning Centre. Hij heeft uitgebreid in het Engels gepubliceerd over kwesties als autonomie, persoonlijke identiteit, zelfkennis, liefde en praktische rationaliteit. Met ‘Laat je niets wijsmaken. Over de macht van experts en de kracht …
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Willy de Heer is in 2017 gepromoveerd op het onderwijs aan leerlingen die van zichzelf zeer makkelijk leren en als gevolg hiervan problemen ervaren in het onderwijs. Uit haar onderzoek bleek dat deze leerlingen tegen vergelijkbare problemen aanlopen als (zeer) moeilijk lerenden. Daarom heeft Willy het Kenniscentrum voor Makkelijk Lerenden opgericht…
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Ebay Auctions Taskforce - Live Event - Podcast #18
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35:55Tim Knox Live eventScott and Tim talk about their upcoming 'get together' in Huntsville Alabama, November 10th and 11th. Join them.eBay has 100's of millions of buyers and sellers. Are you taking full advantage of this huge, profitable market? Each week Scott Paton and Tim Knox discuss the latest news from the auction capital of the Internet. Wheth…
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Ebay Auctions Taskforce - eBay and Stubleupon - Podcast #17
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15:37eBay recently purchased purchase price is reportedly $75 million. Adding StumbleUpon to other Ebay offerings like PayPal and Skype could greatly impact how surfers use these platforms. From 2006 to 2007, StumbleUpon showed 150% Year over Year growth.The platform engages users by allowing them to recommend online content. The mor…
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Ebay Auctions Taskforce - eBay Motors - Podcast #16
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14:28eBay has 100's of millions of buyers and sellers. Are you taking full advantage of this huge, profitable market? Each week Scott Paton and Tim Knox discuss the latest news from the auction capital of the Internet. Whether you are starting out, an experienced Powerseller or just looking to find great deals, eBay Auction Taskforce is your source for …
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Ebay Auctions Taskforce - Skype - Podcast #15
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19:35Skype is today's topic. Learn how to use it to double your eBay sales.eBay has 100's of millions of buyers and sellers. Are you taking full advantage of this huge, profitable market? Each week Scott Paton and Tim Knox discuss the latest news from the auction capital of the Internet. Whether you are starting out, an experienced Powerseller or just l…
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Ebay Auctions Taskforce - Making Lifetime Customers - Podcast #14
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16:20In today's episode Scott and Tim discuss how to turn one time customers into lifetime customers.eBay has 100's of millions of buyers and sellers. Are you taking full advantage of this huge, profitable market? Each week Scott Paton and Tim Knox discuss the latest news from the auction capital of the Internet. Whether you are starting out, an experie…
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Ebay Auctions Taskforce - Psychology of Buying on eBay and OTO - Podcast #13
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35:13This week, Scott and Tim talk about buying on eBay and its impact on how you sell on eBay, plus Tim's newest product OTO Generator and why everyone needs to offer OTO's to their customers - Free bonus: What does OTO mean?eBay has 100's of millions of buyers and sellers. Are you taking full advantage of this huge, profitable market? Each week Scott …
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Ebay Auctions Taskforce - Information Products and Hard Goods - Podcast #12
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16:43How can you use information products to increase the sales of your hard goods on eBay?eBay has 100's of millions of buyers and sellers. Are you taking full advantage of this huge, profitable market? Each week Scott Paton and Tim Knox discuss the latest news from the auction capital of the Internet. Whether you are starting out, an experienced Power…
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Ebay Auctions Taskforce - Special Guest: Alex Jeffreys - Podcast #11
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30:06This week Scott speaks with a protege of Tim's: Alex Jeffreys of Easy Profit Auctions. Alex shares how he got started in eBay and now uses eBay's massive traffic to bring tons of visitors to his web sites.eBay has 100's of millions of buyers and sellers. Are you taking full advantage of this huge, profitable market? Each week Scott Paton and Tim Kn…
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Ebay Auctions Taskforce - Blogs MyWorld and More - Podcast #10
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21:26This week, Scott and Tim explore the eBay world of Blogging and social networking - MyWorld. Cutting edge information that is ahead of the curve.eBay has 100's of millions of buyers and sellers. Are you taking full advantage of this huge, profitable market? Each week Scott Paton and Tim Knox discuss the latest news from the auction capital of the I…
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Ebay Auctions Taskforce - Market Research on eBay - Podcast #09
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18:50Learn how to research your markets on eBay. Plus the latets new tools to explode your eBay sales via eBay Blogs, eBay forums, MyWorld, eBay Pulse, What's Hot and more.eBay has 100's of millions of buyers and sellers. Are you taking full advantage of this huge, profitable market? Each week Scott Paton and Tim Knox discuss the latest news from the au…
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Ebay Auctions Taskforce - How to Find JV partners on eBay - Podcast #8
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29:02In this episode, Tim and Scott discuss how you can find strong joint Venture partners on eBay.eBay has 100's of millions of buyers and sellers. Are you taking full advantage of this huge, profitable market? Each week Scott Paton and Tim Knox discuss the latest news from the auction capital of the Internet. Whether you are starting out, an experienc…
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Ebay Auctions Taskforce - eBay Traffic - Podcast #7
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15:00Tim Knox shares how you can use eBay to drive tons of targeted, excited buyers to your web site. His newest home study course is "Auction Traffic Mastery".eBay has 100's of millions of buyers and sellers. Are you taking full advantage of this huge, profitable market? Each week Scott Paton and Tim Knox discuss the latest news from the auction capita…
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Ebay Auctions Taskforce - Security on eBay and PayPal - Podcast #6
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21:06eBay has 100's of millions of buyers and sellers. Are you taking full advantage of this huge, profitable market? Each week Scott Paton and Tim Knox discuss the latest news from the auction capital of the Internet. Whether you are starting out, an experienced Powerseller or just looking to find great deals, eBay Auction Taskforce is your source for …
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Ebay Auctions Taskforce - Starting Your eBay Business - Podcast #5
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15:23eBay has 100's of millions of buyers and sellers. Are you taking full advantage of this huge, profitable market? Each week Scott Paton and Tim Knox discuss the latest news from the auction capital of the Internet. Whether you are starting out, an experienced Powerseller or just looking to find great deals, eBay Auction Taskforce is your source for …
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Ebay Auctions Taskforce - Small Businesses and eBay - Podcast #4
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13:38eBay has 100's of millions of buyers and sellers. Are you taking full advantage of this huge, profitable market? Each week Scott Paton and Tim KNox discuss the latest news from the auction capital of the Internet. Whether you are starting out, an experienced Powerseller or just looking to find great deals, eBay Auction Taskforce is your source for …
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Ebay Taskforce - Dropshipping Secrets Revealed Podcast #3
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17:09Learn the secrets of successful dropshipping from one of the world's leading authorities on drop shipping, Tim Knox. Tim has taught thousands of eBayers how to use dropshipping to explode their eBay biuisinesses. His site,, is The Internet's #1 Source of eBay, Dropship, and Online Business Information.Warming!Tim an…
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eBay Auction Tips Taskforce - How to Source Great Selling Products to Sell on eBay
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13:13Jim Kobialko and Scott Paton discuss how to find hot products to list on eBay.Length: 13:13Bởi Scott Paton, Jim Kobialko & IMC
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