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Podcast by Jules
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Hey, I’m Dr. Jules! I’m a medical doctor, teacher, nutritionist, naturopath, plant-based dad and 3X world championships qualified athlete. On this podcast we’ll discuss the latest in evidence-based and plant-based nutrition, including common nutrition myths, FAQs and tips on how to transition towards a healthier dietary pattern and lifestyle that creates little friction with your busy life!
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Due to a lack of demand for men starting podcasts, we have decided to enter the arena. Have you ever wondered how many 4 year olds you can take in a fight? Have you thought about the correlation between shorter men being funnier? Have you considered what you would do if you only had 7 hours left to live? We have. Join us on a journey of self discovery as we answer the questions no one is asking. At least not out loud.
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La diète anti-inflammatoire: Partie 1/2
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29:42L’inflammation est à la base de plusieurs maladies chroniques communes. C’est quoi l’inflammation? C’est quoi la difference entre l’inflammation aiguë et chronique? Comment pouvons nous la réduire à l’aide de notre nutrition? Est-ce qu’il y a autres moyens de la réduire? On en parlera en long et en large dans cet episode portant sur l’inflammation!…
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The 5 Key Nutritional Science Concepts You Must Understand
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32:26There is a ton of misinformation online and I can’t blame the general public for being confused. I can’t even imagine how difficult is must be to decipher all of the contradictory claims out there. It seems that anyone can be a nutrition expert online and that we have more and more influencers, demonizing common foods and ingredients in order to se…
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Les défis de la vie plant-based: une conversation avec Mélissa, ma conjointe Ninja
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51:35Bienvenue à la première épisode de la 2e saison de mon podcast! N'oubliez que la première saison contient 55 épisodes de contenu lié à la nutrition, l'exercice ainsi que la médecine du mode de vie! Durant cet épisode, je discuterai des défis d'être une maman et ninja plant-based. C'est pas tout le temps des roses. Être maman, athlète, ninja, entrep…
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Cosser T’en Penses? Nuances, exagérations et manipulations de la science
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1:09:18J'ai eu le plaisir d'apparaitre pour une 3e fois sur le podcast acadien "Cosser T'en Penses?" avec mes amis Frank et Lee. Durant cet épisode, qui sera la dernière de 2024 et la 55e de l'année, on parlera des nuances en nutrition, des exagérations vues en ligne et souvent partagées par les non-experts dans le but de créer des émotions. Souvent, les …
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Les ados sont curieux par rapport aux habitudes de vie saines!
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54:59Êtes-vous un adolescent francophone, ou le parent d’un ou une? Connaissez-vous les sujets qui préoccupent plusieurs de nos ados? Si oui, cet épisode pourrait être pour vous! J’ai récemment eu le plaisir de collaborer avec la classe de Mme Stephanie de l’école Mathieu Martin de Dieppe, au Nouveau-Brunswick, Canada. J’ai reçu plein de bonnes question…
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Stop stepping over dollars to pick up pennies
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25:26Online influencers praise and sell their health hacks to vulnerable individuals. They prey on people’s fears and create problems in order to sell them the solution. Although biohacks seem sexy, their impact on long term health are eclipsed by the actual impact of proper lifestyle choices. Nutrition, exercise, sleep, social connections and stress ma…
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People often use the slogan « Everything in Moderation » to either justify unhealthy habits, or to fear monger others. One of my patients was scared of the radiation from a mammogram, while walking around with an LDL-C of 5.2. She refused breast cancer screening when 1/8 women will get diagnosed and also minimized her very high blood cholesterol le…
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Les paramètres anthropométriques, la TA, le poids et le sommeil
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26:52Connaissez vous vos chiffres? Votre TA, votre poids, vos paramètres de pouls cardiaque ou même la quantité et qualité de votre sommeil vont prédire et influencer grandement votre santé au long terme. Connaissez vous vos paramètres? Go check out my website for tons of free resources on how to transition towards a healthier diet and lifestyle. You ca…
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Connaissez vous vos chiffres ? Les paramètres sanguins à connaître
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31:53La plupart des gens connaissent leur taux d’hypothèque, le coût de l’essence et les taux d’intérêt de leurs cartes de crédit, mais ne connaissent pas les chiffres qui prédisent le plus leurs taux de maladies chroniques et leur mortalité. Durant cet épisode, on révisera les prises de sang les plus communes et comment interpréter vos bilans sanguins …
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Superfood Secrets: Turmeric, The Golden Spice
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8:32Have you ever heard of turmeric, the golden yellow spice that supposedly has many health claims, like accelerated healing, treating inflammation and reversing auto-immune conditions? Is this hype or evidence based? Since it costs pennies per day, it probably isn’t a marketing scam, because there’s no profit margin in selling spices. Spices are perf…
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Changing Is Hard: Must Knows Before Attempting Lifestyle Changes
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25:55The vast majority of us aren't born plant-based. Something triggered an AHA moment for some, while for others, it was a long and reflected journey. Even after transitioning to a plant-based lifestyle, we still end up making up less than a few percent of the population. Estimates suggest that 7-8% of Canadians are vegetarian and a much lower percent…
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Over the last decade, there's been a steady rise in the availability and popularity of plant-based meats. But are they really healthier than what they're trying to replace? Are they better for the environment? Are they worth considering or adding to your plate? Do I feed them to my kids? In this article, I'll break down what they are, how they're m…
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This one says to eat according to your blood type, while that one recommends eating like cavemen. In 2013, the Paleo diet was the most googled diet out there. Did anyone tell the Paleos that cavemen barely lived to thirty? What about the keto diet? That one regained popularity in 2016. Why would we want to avoid fruits, grains and beans when they’r…
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Gut Health 101: Cramps, bloating, IBS, FODMAPS, Gluten
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35:36Have you ever experienced bloating, abdominal cramping, pain or distention? Do you consider yourself sensitive or intolerant to certain foods? Do you avoid eating foods that you know are healthy, simply because they cause abdominal symptoms that aren't worth the discomfort? You could be suffering from IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome, and some of t…
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La santé de l’homme et les plus grands tueurs
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34:58Les maladies cardiovasculaires, ainsi que le cancer du colon et de la prostate sont parmi les plus grands tueurs chez l’homme. Heureusement que plusieurs des facteurs de risque qui contribuent à ces maladies sont potentiellement modifiables par des changements d’habitudes de vie. Durant cet episode, je discuterai de comment la nutrition et vos habi…
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Coconuts, Coconut Milk, Water & Oil: Healthy or Hype?
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21:25No single food has been as glorified or as vilified as coconuts and all its variations. What to make of whole coconuts, coconut water, coconut milk or coconut oil? Some swear by their mystical healing powers, while others avoid it like the plague. Who to believe? Are coconuts healthy? Let’s examine coconuts through scientific lenses and analyze the…
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My Top Tips For Those Curious About Transitioning To A Plant-Based Diet
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22:35For generations, we've known that plant-based dietary patterns were more ethical. Then we started to notice how our food system was harming the environment and using finite resources irresponsibly. Now, thanks to over 20 000 studies getting published on plant-based nutrition in 2021 alone, we have a much clearer understanding of how adopting a plan…
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Cheers: The Health Implications Of Alcohol
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20:18I assume you've heard the age old saying that red wine is great for your heart. Some would even go as far as saying that some types of alcohol are useful for many other health conditions. Have we been down-playing the risks of consuming alcohol? Have you ever used it to relax and unwind, or to treat insomnia, anxiety or social phobia? Do you drink …
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We've always been told that milk helps you grow up to become strong and healthy, yet when we study the longest living and healthiest populations on the planet, we quickly notice that most don't consume the milk of other species. Does milk really "do a body good"? What about all the celebrities showing off their milk mustaches? Is the dairy industry…
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After 15 years of medical practice and thousands of questions regarding nutrition, this is my favorite one: "is soy healthy?". Why did soy get such a bad reputation? Why do some actual real life medical doctors discourage their patients from consuming soy? In this episode, I'll summarize findings from a massive undertaking where international scien…
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Avez déjà entendu parler du fatty liver, le foie gras ou bien la steatose hépatique? Cette condition médicale fait partie de l’ensemble des maladies chroniques qui font parti du spectrum des maladies métaboliques, comme la résistance à l’insuline et le diabète type 2. Heureusement, il y’a beaucoup de choses que l’on peut faire avec nos habitudes de…
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Managing Blood Pressure With Food And Lifestyle
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20:37High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is a major risk factor for our first killer worldwide, cardiovascular disease. Although no one is pretending that eating a stalk of celery will impact blood pressure the same way that pharmacologic doses of medication would, it’s important to recognize that small impacts add up. For those who have only…
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The paleo diet gets a lot of things right. It tells you to ditch candy bars, doughnuts and processed junk. That's where we can agree. But here's where we don't. "Eat like a caveman" is the premise of this dietary pattern. I'm sure our paleo ancestors were the picture of health, considering the average life expectancy was less than 30 years. Cavemen…
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Superfood Secrets: Kombucha, Potion or Poison?
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15:40I personally enjoy drinking kombucha! It contains beneficial bacteria, yeast, organic acids, vitamins and polyphenols. Although this drink is a type of carbonated tea that has been consumed around the world for thousands of years, it seems to have made quite a comeback lately and people are promoting it as the next big miracle cure for everything f…
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Frozen Produce Versus Conventional: Which One Is Healthier?
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10:08If I've asked myself this question, I might assume someone else has too. Do fruits and veggies lose nutrients when frozen? Is the fresh version healthier? Often, I fail to eat all the produce I've bought. I honestly despise throwing away food but when I see that weird fuzzy fungi stuff growing on my strawberries, I know I have no choice. Sounds fam…
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Votre métabolisme, son dysfonctionnement et son lien avec le diabète
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31:52Saviez vous que les changements métaboliques qui mènent au diabète peuvent être dépistés longtemps avant le diagnostique? Saviez vous que la dysfontion métabolique existe sur un spectrum et que nous avons pas besoin d'attendre qu'il soit trop tard avant d'agir? La prévention, l'éducation et la motivation d'agir précocement est à la base de la préve…
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Superfood Secrets: Nutritional Yeast and Vitamin B12
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15:29Before I started my plant-based journey, I had no clue what nutritional yeast was or the benefits it could provide. Now, I use it regularly in sauces, soups and stir-frys. I sprinkle it on salads, mashed potatoes, rice, vegetables and popcorn! Let's explore what it is and why you should consider incorporating it in your diet. Read the full article …
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That fatigue you feel, those sleepless nights, that nagging pain that you carry around everyday…they can all be traced back to inflammation. Whether it’s the common cold, arthritis, back pain, Crohn’s disease or lupus, lowering your inflammation can play a preventative and sometimes even a curative role in all of these diseases. Inflammation contri…
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Si on pourrait mettre l’exercice dans une pillule
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26:49Si on pourrait mettre l'exercice dans une pillule, ju certain que plusieurs la prendrait. Mais malheureusement pour l'instant, faudra simplement faire le travail pour recruter les bénéfices. Voici le lien à l'étude citée le long de l'épisode! Mandsager K, Harb S, Cremer P, Phelan D, Nissen SE, Jaber W. Association of Cardiorespiratory Fitness With …
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Y'a une immense différence entre "information" et "transformation". Vous pouvez avoir toute l'éducation au monde, mais si vous ne savez pas comment vous adapter aux curveballs de la vie, ou bien vous ne savez pas comment intégrer des nouvelles habitudes dans votre vie déja très occupée, cette information est gaspillée. Durant cette épisode, on parl…
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Foods To Prevent And Fight Breast Cancer
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30:51Breast cancer is bad news. One out of every 8 women will get diagnosed and 1 out of every 30-40 will die from it. Keeping a straight poker face while nervously and cautiously palpating a suspicious breast mass is an art, but unfortunately we get quite good at it. Most people aren't ready to change. But do you know who is? The people whom I've just …
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I always find it interesting when patients tell me they don't "believe" in meds, yet they do absolutely nothing to not need them. Modern medical advances and pharmaceuticals are among the main reasons that we live longer lives while having unhealthy lifestyles. I wish modern medicine and lifestyle medicine would get married and have children, so we…
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The Science Of Losing Weight And Keeping It Off
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31:02Weight management is hard. Two thirds of people are overweight or obese, and although fat shaming is despicable, talking about the health risks associated with carrying excess body fat shouldn’t ever be off limits, or taboo. I truly believe that knowledge is power, and anyone looking for an optimal body weight should understand the nuts and bolts o…
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La performance athlétique sur un régime à base de plantes
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26:42Une de mes premières inquiétudes entourant ma transition vers un régime à base de plantes était son impact sur ma performance athlétique. Les protéines, les calories, les glucides ? Comment naviguer ce nouveau régime tout en performant au niveau élite? Heureusement, mon régime à base de plantes est un facteur très important qui à aidé a mes qualifi…
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Food For Menopause And Hormone Health
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13:28Recently, I was asked a great question, and one that I get often as a primary care physician: “What foods could potentially alleviate menopausal symptoms?”. Women, this one’s for you, but men, stick with me cause your wives, moms and daughters are counting on you. Although menopause can reek havoc on a women’s physical and mental health, this parti…
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The Gut-Brain Connection: The Link Between Food And Mental Health
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19:07How could food possibly affect mental health? That doesn't make sense. How could something we put in our mouths possibly have anything to do with our moods? Just so happens that our minds and our guts are more connected than we previously thought. Our brain relies on 3 specific chemicals, called neurotransmitters, to convey chemical messages that w…
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Raising two plant-based kids wasn’t easy, but it was worth it! The story starts with Zara, my first born, who started off being asthmatic and suffering from milk protein allergies and eczema. She would rash around her mouth after breastfeeding and had traces of blood in her diaper. The first ER visit for her asthma was a scary one, but that got us …
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Le cholestérol et les maladies cardiovasculaires
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36:21Le premier tueur mondiale, les maladies cardiovasculaires, représente un groupe de maladies rencontrés fréquemment en médecine de première ligne. Comment l'éviter? Pendant cet épisode en français, je vais réviser les facteurs de risque principaux affectant le risque de maladies cardiovasculaires. Go check out my website for tons of free resources o…
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Your Health & Salt/Sodium: Pink, Celtic, Epsom Or Himalayan?
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29:42You've probably heard bad things about salt and sodium before. Have you ever asked yourself if pink salt is really healthier than table salt, or if sea salt is better than Celtic salt? Is salt bad for you and are there really healthier versions? Why should you even care about salt or sodium consumption? How about salt mined from the Himalayas? How …
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Protein Bars And How To Choose The Right One For You
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17:32First of all, I eat and love protein bars! I’m not here to rain on anyone’s protein parade, but walk down the grocery aisle and you’ll quickly notice many varieties of protein bars plastered with different health claims, like “organic”, ”fermented”, and “natural”. What people fail to realize is that some protein bars have more sugar than candy bars…
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Si y'a de quoi qui me décourage, c’est quand mes patients me disent qu’ils ont arrêté de manger des fruits pis des patates parce qu’ils contenaient trop de sucre. Durant cet episode, on parlera d’aspartame, du sucre, pis de comment c’est impossible de parler de nuances dans un vidéo de 20 secondes sur TikTok. Go check out my website for tons of fre…
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Iron is the most commonly deficient mineral globally, regardless of the dietary pattern. Here's what to know about iron, where to find it and some words of wisdom for those transitioning towards a plant-predominant diet. Go check out my website for tons of free resources on how to transition towards a healthier diet and lifestyle. You can download …
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I've been in practice for almost 15 years and I've witnessed some pretty intense situations. I'm not a brain surgeon, or an oncologist. I don't cut people's skull open or prescribe chemotherapy, but I’m an expert in getting to know you. I know your kids. And if you've been a patient of mine long enough, I might even know the name of your dog. We’ve…
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Le cancer du colon et votre nutrition
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23:20Le cancer du colon est en 2e place en terme d’incidence, pas loin en arrière du cancer du sein chez la femme et du cancer de la prostate chez l’homme. Heureusement que c’est un cancer que l’on peut non-seulement dépister à ses stages précoces mais que l’on peut aussi prévenir. Durant cet épisode, on discutera de comment votre style de vie ainsi que…
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Let’s downshift back to a simple question that many people ask me: “What does a plant-based doctor actually eat in a day?”. After pre-med, medical school, medical residency and after almost 15 years of medical practice and teaching at our local medical school, it’s safe to say that I’ve accumulated lots of random facts, knowledge and experience. Bu…
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Did you know that most people with chronic diseases will live shorter lives and could spend the final 6 years as disabled, while relying on family and the healthcare system. And did you know that it’s fairly realistic to extend the length of your life, while maintaining the quality of it, through lifestyle modification? I mean, what's the point of …
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Les différents laits à base de plantes
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24:37Si vous êtes mêlés par rapport aux multiples différents laits à base de plantes, vous êtes pas les seuls. Dans cet épisode on va démêler les laits à base de plantes pis les comparer au lait de vache. Go check out my website for tons of free resources on how to transition towards a healthier diet and lifestyle. You can download my free plant-based r…
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The Protein Panic: Part 2/2, Protein Quality and Digestibility
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22:03On today's episode, let's answer these important questions: If someone you were talking to was concerned about their protein intake if they moved to a plant-based diet (because they heard that plant-based protein isn't as "good" as an animal-based diet), what would you say to them? If the person asked about how much protein they should be eating in…
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People seem to panic when it comes to getting enough protein, particularly when I mention plant-based diets. Everyone seems to be worried about hitting protein requirements, even though I've never seen a case of protein deficiency in my 15 years of medical practice. We now have an abundance of research confirming that even vegans who aren't paying …
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The Truth About Fat: All You Need To Know
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26:50Do you think dietary fat is bad? Do you follow a low fat diet because you think a high fat diet is unhealthy? Have we all been duped? In the seventies and eighties, there was this general recommendation to avoid fat, thinking that fat was causing disease. We hadn’t yet started to study the different types of fat and knew nothing about good fats. Ev…
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