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Life After Birth with Yara Heary

Yara Heary - Perinatal Psychologist | Educator | Speaker

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Life after birth is a podcast hosted by me; mother, psychologist and coach, Yara Heary. This is where I'll talk to women about their complex experiences of being a mother. You'll find me talking to experts but not how you've heard them talk before. I'll be asking them about their experiences behind their expertise - who were they before a mother, how has it changed them, and who have they become.
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Bu podcast şirketlerin değer yaratmasının çalışan ve müşterilerine insan odaklı yaklaşmalarıyla mümkün olacağını, tasarım odaklı düşünme, davranış psikolojisi, inovasyon ve yaratıcılık alanında uzman yerli ve yabancı, profesyonel ve akademisyenlerin görüşleri ışığında ele alıyor. 📧 mete@innolabz.ist 🙋🏻‍♂️ www.linkedin.com/in/meteyurtsever 🛟 https://www.patreon.com/MeteYurtsever
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BY Yara Ashraf Zayed

Yara Ashraf Zayed

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Dette er en podcast om gødning. Her vil vi dele viden, diskutere muligheder og opdatere dig som lytter på, hvad der er op og ned, når du skal gødske. Nye forbrugertrends, samt de senere års skærpede krav til landbruget på især klima- og miljøområdet, har betydet, at parametre som produktkvalitet og leveringssikkerhed m.m. ikke længere er de eneste vigtige, når der skal vælges gødning. I takt med den øgede fokus på miljø og bæredygtighed er områder som sporbarhed, indhold af følgestoffer, CO2 ...
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Yara is the world's crop nutrition leader with over 100 years of experience. In collaboration with customers and partners, Yara grows knowledge to responsibly feed the world and protect the planet, to fulfill its vision of a collaborative society, a world without hunger and a planet respected. Our crop nutrition solutions and precision farming offerings allow farmers to increase yields and improve product quality while reducing environmental impact. Yara is the world's crop nutrition leader ...
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show series
Hi Mamas. Today, I have an incredibly special guest, Jayde Couldwell. You may know her as the co-host of Beyond the Bump and Beyond the Balls, two popular podcasts for mums and dads navigating the ups and downs of parenting. In this powerful conversation, Jayde opens up about her journey through motherhood and the unexpected lessons that have shape…
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Kitap Kulübü’müzün 46ıncı buluşmasında Abhijit Banerjee ve Esther Duflo’nun Zor Zamanlarda İyi Ekonomi adlı kitabını konuştuk. Yazarlar son 25 yıldır yoksulluğu anlamaya kendilerini adamış MIT’de profesör evli bir çift ve 2019 yılında ekonomist Michael Kremer ile birlikte "küresel yoksulluğu hafifletmeye yönelik deneysel yaklaşımları" nedeniyle Nob…
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Hi Mamas. This week I’m talking about grief. The grief that’s in me and I’m guessing may also be in you. We have the grief that comes from our personal lives/mothering, and then there is the grief that comes from knowing about the harm and loss that is occurring in the world around us – and from feeling unable to change that. It’s been a big year o…
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der ya Sinema Kulübü’nün 15inci buluşmasında başrollerinde Ben Stiller ve Kristen Wiig’in oynadığı, Ben Stiller’ın yönettiği 2013 yılı yapımı Walter Mitty’nin Gizli Hayatı adlı filmi konuştuk. Life dergisinin “film negatiflerini saklamaktan” sorumlu “renksiz” bir hayat yaşayan Walter, monotonluktan kaçmak için romantik ve aksiyon dolu hayaller kura…
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Hallo, mijn naam is yarastuif ik ben slechtziend en transgender. Ik wil laten zien dat een beperking niet altijd een beperking hoeft te zijn, maar dat je op jouw manier kan zijn en mogelijk bent . Dat ik wil laten zien dat beperking je niet hoeft te behouden om jezelf te zijn en om activiteiten te kunnen ondernemen . Ik ben daarvan het levende bewi…
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Hi Mamas. Today, I have the pleasure of talking with Bernadette Lack, the founder of Core and Floor Restore and co-creator of Motheration. In this powerful conversation, Bernadette opens up about her journey through parenting, sharing her heartwarming stories of fostering children and the raw realities of her own motherhood experience. We also disc…
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Bu bölümde, bilişsel bilimin önde gelen iki ismi, Nobody's Fool (Külyutmaz) kitabının ortak yazarları Dr. Daniel Simons ve Dr. Christopher Chabris ile geçen hafta yayınladığım söyleşinin bir özetini paylaşıyorum. İstemdışı körlük üzerine çığır açan çalışmalarıyla tanınan Dan ve Chris, insan algısının ve farkındalığının sınırlarını inceleyerek, bari…
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In this episode of the Formula for Creating Value podcast, I’m joined by two leading figures in cognitive science, Dr. Daniel Simons and Dr. Christopher Chabris, co-authors of the book Nobody’s Fool. Together, we explore the fascinating ways our minds can betray us and make us susceptible to deception. Known for their groundbreaking work on inatten…
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Hi mamas. Today, I have the pleasure of talking to Kendra Blake, an occupational therapist who has been supporting women throughout all stages of life for nearly a decade. In this powerful episode, Kendra shares her personal journey through motherhood, especially now as a mother of two young children, with her newest little one being just two weeks…
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Kitap Kulübü’müzün 45inci buluşmasında Mustafa Suleyman’ın Yaklaşan Dalga adlı kitabını konuştuk. Mustafa Suleyman ilk anda kulağa geldiği gibi bir Türk değil, Suriyeli bir baba ve İngiliz anneden 1982 yılında Londra’da dünyaya geliyor. (Tatlıses’e nispet yaparcasına) Oxford Üniversitesi’ni bırakıp bir arkadaşıyla zamanın ilerisinde bir Yapay Zeka …
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What You Need To Know About: Perimenopause and Motherhood Hi mama. Today, I'm diving into a topic that doesn't get enough attention: mothering during perimenopause. This is something I've been exploring lately, both through my own experiences and those of the incredible women I work with, so I wanted to shed some light on this often overlooked phas…
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der ya Sinema Kulübü’nün 14üncü buluşmasında başrolünde Taron Egerton’ın oynadığı Jon Baird’in yönettiği 2023 yılı yapımı Tetris adlı filmi konuştuk. Film video oyunu tasarımcısı Henk Rogers’ın, 1984 yılında Tetris’in küresel haklarını güvence altına almaya çalışmasını anlatıyor. İşin sıradışı tarafı oyunu Sovyetler Birliği'nde bir programcının yap…
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Hi Mamas. Today on the podcast, I’m joined by Alex Field, a holistic psychotherapist and naturopath who brings so much wisdom and heart to the conversation about discovering yourself during motherhood. Alex opens up about her incredible life journey, from her adventurous days as an underwater filmmaker in Egypt to her transformational experience as…
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Kitap Kulübü’müzün yazarlarla buluşma etkinliğinde Mehpare Şayan Kileci’yi ağırladık ve Eğitgen adlı kitabını konuştuk. Kitabın alt başlığı “İçinde “eğitim” kelimesi en çok geçen kitap”. Mehpare, yetişkin eğitimine ilişkin içeriğin oluşturulmasından materyalin tasarımına, sunumundan ölçme değerlendirmesine kadar her aşamayı ayrıntılarıyla, metotlar…
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Hi mamas. Today on the podcast, I’m diving into a therapeutic approach that has been a complete game changer for so many of the mothers I work with—Internal Family Systems (IFS). This modality helps us understand the different “parts” within ourselves, heal intergenerational wounds, and cultivate self-leadership. I know many of you are on this path…
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Irrigation is crucial in optimizing crop growth, nutrient uptake, soil health, and overall plant health. Part two of a two-part episode discusses the agronomic benefits of adopting efficient irrigation practices. We are joined by irrigation experts Guillermo Valenzuela, VP of Sales and Marketing at WiseConn, and Craig Hornung, Director of Technical…
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Kitap Kulübü’müzün 44. buluşmasında Liu Cixin’in “Üç Cisim Problemi” adlı eserini konuştuk. Bu roman bir üçlemenin ilk kitabı. Çin Kültür Devrimi sırasında yaşanan trajik olaylar sonucu insanlıktan soğuyan bir astrofizikçi olan Ye Wenjie, dünya dışı bir uygarlık ile iletişime geçer. Trisolaris adlı uzak bir gezegenden gelen bir mesajla, dünya'yı iş…
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In deze podcast bespreek ik met jullie het volgende. Tienjarig bestaan van mijn YouTube kanaal . Ik vertel dat mijn YouTube kanaal in 2000 2510 jaar bestaat en hoe ik ben begonnen in 2015 . Dat ik ben begonnen op Facebook tot en met nu . Onderdeel twee dierendag . 4 oktober 2024 was het dierendag en hopelijk hebben jullie goed voor jullie hond, kat…
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Hi mamas. Join me as I speak with Jane McFadden, mum of three and the woman behind the ADHD Mums podcast. In this episode, Jane reflects on her childhood growing up with now-diagnosed ADHD and autism, how this impacted her school years, her approach to work and her experience of becoming a mother. We discuss the struggle that so many of us experien…
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Irrigation is crucial in optimizing crop growth, nutrient uptake, and overall plant health. In this part one of a two-part episode, we will explore the agronomic value of proper irrigation. In this first half of the Yara Crop Nutrition Podcast, we are joined by irrigation experts Guillermo Valenzuela, VP of Sales and Marketing at WiseConn, and Crai…
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der ya Sinema Kulübü’nün onüçüncü buluşmasında başrollerinde Robert De Niro ve Anne Hathaway’in oynadıkları, Nancy Meyers’in yönettiği 2015 yapımı Stajyer adlı filmi konuştuk. 70 yaşında emekli bir dul olan Ben (Robert De Niro tarafından canlandırılıyor), emekli hayattan sıkılır, bir çok şey dener ama bir gün bir stajyer ilanı görür. Bu ilan bir on…
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In this episode of the Yara Crop Nutrition Podcast, Yara Regional Sales Manager and grower, Peter DeBoer, helps us understand the critical role of post-harvest nutrition for effective crop management, with a particular focus on almond farming. They emphasize the importance of nutrient sampling and how it can directly influence both crop yield and t…
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Kitap Kulübü’müzün 43. buluşmasında Dan Heath’in “Akıntıya Karşı: Bizi Aşağıya Çeken Psikolojik Güçler” adlı kitabını konuştuk. Kitabın orijinal isminin alt başlığı: Sorunlar Ortaya Çıkmadan Önce Nasıl Çözülür? Nedenini anlamadığım şekilde “Bizi Aşağıya Çeken Psikolojik Güçler” olarak çevrilmiş. Şüphesiz, bu başlık kitapta anlatılan akıntıya karşı …
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*This is a replay series of previously released episodes, as I prepare all new episodes with new guests. New episodes will be back on the regular by Oct 2024. This replay series are the top 4 most listener to episodes and although we can't have favourite - they are very loved by me too!* HOLY MOLY mamas! I actually just don’t even know what to say …
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der ya Sinema Kulübü’nün onikinci buluşmasında başrollerinde Matt Damon, Jason Bateman ve Ben Affleck’in oynadıkları, Ben Affleck’in yönettiği 2023 yapımı Air: Courting A Legend adlı filmi konuştuk. Film Nike için çalışan yetenek avcısı Sonny Vaccaro'nun o zamanlar bir çaylak olan ama sonrasında basketbol tarihinin en büyük sporcularından Michael J…
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*This is a replay series of previously released episodes, as I prepare all new episodes with new guests. New episodes will be back on the regular by Oct 2024. This replay series are the top 4 most listener to episodes and although we can't have favourite - they are very loved by me too!* This week, I’m joined by Mike Dyson and Erin Spahr in a thoug…
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In this encore episode, we revisit a crucial conversation from 2020 on the importance of nitrogen and sulfur in crop nutrition and how they work together to enhance plant health. The discussion emphasizes the need to go beyond just focusing on nitrogen application rates and to implement the four Rs of nutrient management: right rate, right source, …
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der ya kitap kulübü’nün yazarlarla buluşmasında konuğumuz Eda Ocak ve kitabı “Nöropazarlamayla Duygulara Fısılda” idi. İçi renkli reklam görüntüleri, sıcaklık haritaları ve EEG eğrileri ile dolu bu kitapta Eda kararlarımızı nasıl duygularımızla aldığımızı, gerçekleştirdikleri araştırmalarla, kanıtlarıyla sunuyor. Bunu yaparken muzip kaleminden ve b…
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Dit was mijn podcast over drie onderwerpen de drie onderwerpen waar ik het over heb gehad Een Stadshagen festival 2024 ? Twee Symphonica 2024 . Drie hart van Zwolle festival barbecue 2024 . Dit is een nieuwe variant van een podcast die ik heb bedacht als introductie omdat de oude podcast die ik eerst heb gehad niet functioneren . Maar bij deze Ben …
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Hi mamas! Today I am joined by the wonderful Tracy Gillett, an adventure-loving mum, writer, and advocate for natural parenting. You might know her as the founder of Raised Good, an inspiring platform that empowers parents to trust the voice of their intuition. Tracy is also the author of "The Lost Art of Natural Parenting" and the host of the annu…
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Kitap Kulübü’müzün 42. buluşmasında Robert Greene’in “Ustalık” adlı kitabını konuştuk. Kitap günümüzdeki hız ve bölünmüşlüğe karşı ustalaşmanın önemini bize hatırlatıyor. Her çağdaki ustaların özel insanlar olmadığını, aslında hepsinin ustalığın adımlarını izleyerek bu payeye ulaştıklarını söylüyor. Ustalaşmanın Greene’e göre 6 aşaması var. İlki ve…
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*This is a replay series of previously released episodes, as I prepare all new episodes with new guests. This replay series are the top 4 most listener to episodes and although we can't have favourite - they are very loved by me too!* In this episode, I’m speaking to Minna Dubin, the Author of ‘Mom Rage: The Everyday Crisis of Modern Motherhood.’ I…
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Welcome to this special throwback episode of the Yara Crop Nutrition Podcast! We’re revisiting a classic episode from 2019, which is part of a series dedicated to exploring each essential plant nutrient. In this episode, Dr. Steve Petrie, retired Director of Agronomic Services, dives into the vital role of phosphorus in crop nutrition. He breaks do…
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der ya Sinema Kulübü’nün onbirinci buluşmasında 2015 yılında gösterime giren yönetmenliğini Alex Garland’ın yaptığı, başrollerini Alicia Vikander, Domhnall Gleeson, Oscar Isaac paylaştıkları Ex Machina adlı filmi konuştuk. Caleb, dünyanın en büyük arama motoru şirketinde çalışan bir yazılımcıdır. Bir gün şirket içi bir yarışmayı kazanır ve ödül ola…
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*This is a replay series of previously released episodes, as I prepare all new episodes with new guests. This replay series are the top 4 most listener to episodes and although we can't have favourite - they are very loved by me too!* In this episode of Life After Birth I chat to Lael about her experience of becoming a mother and travelling this pa…
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Hi mamas. Today on the podcast I am joined by Danielle Facey, also known as the breastfeeding mentor. Danielle is an author, speaker and a fierce advocate of breastfeeding empowerment. In this beautiful and courageous conversation, Danielle shares her story of becoming a mother; one that includes her experience of miscarriage, birth trauma and her …
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Biostimulants are a growing trend in agriculture, with their use rapidly increasing worldwide, but there are still some questions about how they play a role in today's agriculture. Yara's Marcio Wally, Biological Senior Manager based in Canada, explains that biologicals are complementary to traditional agricultural inputs like fertilizers and pesti…
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This video conversation discusses the influence of plant nutrition on root health. Dr. Rob Mikkelsen emphasizes the importance of roots and how they are often overlooked. They explain the impact of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and micronutrients on root growth and health. He provides examples and visuals to illustrate the effects of nu…
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Hi mamas. Today I’m so excited to be joined by the wonderful Sarah Ashton, a mental health occupational therapist whose work beautifully blends motherhood studies with occupational therapy, providing support for women as they transition, adapt and transform through matrescence. In this conversation, Sarah shares her experience of becoming a mother,…
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In this video episode of the Yara Crop Nutrition Podcast, Dr. Rob Mikkelsen, Director of Agronomy for Yara in North America, delves into the crucial topic of nitrogen nutrition in crops. He discusses the physiological preference of most common crops for nitrate nutrition over ammonium, explaining how the ionic charge of the nitrogen molecule impact…
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In this episode, Dr. Rob Mikkelsen teaches us about the fascinating and often overlooked world of root health and its crucial role in plant nutrition. He begins by posing a thought-provoking question: Do nutrients influence roots, or do roots influence nutrients? The answer, as Rob explains, is a complex interplay of both. The Hidden Half of Agricu…
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Hi mamas. Today on the podcast I’m joined by Haylee Collins, who is a book publisher and creator of the magazine, Howl, which is how I came to know her. Howl is an incredible magazine that explores the intersection of motherhood and creativity, and was born out of her own observations of watching and speaking to other artists, writers, designers an…
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In this episode of the Yara Crop Nutrition Podcast we talk with citrus growing expert John Martzen and Yara Sales Agronomist, Vanessa Dominguez, about the crucial role of micronutrients in citrus health and productivity. They discuss the importance of regular tissue sampling, the risks of over-applying micronutrients, and emerging technologies in n…
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Hi mamas. Today on the podcast I’m so happy to be joined by my lovely friend and podcast host, mother, writer and producer, Lucinda McKimm. She is the host of the podcast Ready Or Not, and the co-host of Witching Hour, and a mother of two. In this conversation, we discuss Lucinda’s experience of becoming a mother and how, despite her expectations t…
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In this Yara Crop Nutrition Podcast episode, Dr. Isaac Mpanga, Yara's Sustainable Food Solutions Director, discusses the importance of sustainable food systems and agronomic agricultural practices. They explore the role of stakeholders in making sustainable agriculture a reality and how Yara is involved in promoting sustainable practices. Isaac emp…
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Hi mamas. Today, I’m excited to have Joy Netanya Thompson on the podcast. Joy is a writer who covers the intersection of motherhood, culture and identity and whose writing has appeared on sites like Parents, Motherwell, Romper, Coffee & Crumbs, and she’s also the author of the substack newsletter, Midweek Joy. She lives in LA with her husband and 8…
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