En podcast om hvordan minimalisme kan hjælpe os til at leve det gode liv, med færre ting, lavere udgifter og mere tid til det vigtige.
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Willkommen zur Minimalismus-Sprechstunde mit Jasmin! Im Rahmen der Minimalismus-Sprechstunde beantworte ich gerne alle eure Fragen rund um Minimalismus als Lebensstil. Ich bin Jasmin Mittag, Mein Motto ist "Minimalismus JETZT!" Bist du dabei? In den ersten beiden Staffel des Podcasts habe ich euch an meinem minimalistischen Weg teilhaben lassen. Nun ist es Zeit, eure Fragen zu beantworten. Schicke mir gern eine E-Mail mit deiner Frage. Support: https://paypal.me/jasminmittag Mail: jasmin@min ...
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Podcast dirigido por Pepe Martín García y patrocinado por Minimalism Brand. Lo llamamos Open porque "abrimos" negocios, personas, vidas con total transperencia: Hablamos con autónomos/as, creativos, inversores, diseñadores, influencers, empresarias...Con el único objetivo de obtener información que sea útil para que tú puedas desarrollar tu idea/negocio sin cometer los mismos errores que ellos y ellas cometieron. No olvides suscribirte.
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Do you ever feel bogged down by all the stuff inside your house? Hosted by Shannon Leyko, Paring Down is a podcast aimed at helping you declutter not only your home, but any area of your life that’s overwhelming. Here, we’re having interesting and honest conversations about the physical and mental clutter that drowns out what truly matters to each of us. The goal is to lean into a realistic version of minimalism— where it’s not a matter of less for the sake of less, but instead is about havi ...
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Minimalism Made Simple is a podcast about simple living, intentional lifestyle, and minimalism. Tune in to catch new episodes. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/minimalismmadesimple/support
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Minimal-ish is a podcast hosted by Desirae Endres about striving to live with less of the things that don't matter, more of what does, and pursuing intention in every area of our everyday lives and motherhood. We'll talk about a realistic version of minimalism, family life, motherhood, work, caring for ourselves, budgeting and intentional finances, and everything in between.
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¿Cómo sería la vida de las personas que nos rodean si les compartimos nuestros mayores aprendizajes? ¿Cuántas oportunidades podríamos crear gracias a transmitir ese conocimiento? ¿Y cuántas vidas podríamos transformar para bien? Así inicia el podcast de mi marca personal… un espacio íntimo y apto para todo público, con lecciones que he aprendido a través de mis experiencias como hijo, estudiante y emprendedor en mi búsqueda por crear oportunidades de valor para las personas y llevarles paz a ...
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Catholic Minimalism
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In diesem Podcast geht es um Minimalismus, Selbstentwicklung und Achtsamkeit.
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Der Podcast zum Thema Minimalismus
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▪️MINIMALISMO ▪️MOTIVACIONAL Deixe este podcast salvo no seu player e venha conosco tomar algumas decisões na vida. Acesse mais conteúdo pelo https://www.instagram.com/decisum Encaminhe suas perguntas, elogios e sugestões de conteúdo pelo https://www.twitter.com/decisumtweet
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Das Thema Minimalismus bekommt immer mehr Zuwachs und nehmende Aufmerksamkeit. Ich persönlich wurde zu Beginn allerdings mehr als abgeschreckt, bevor ich die vielen Vorteile wirklich erkannt habe.
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Are you a busy mom juggling the demands of family, work, and life, feeling suffocated by clutter and overwhelmed by endless cleaning tasks? Do you find yourself yearning for a simpler, more intentional lifestyle? If your answer is yes you are in the right place! "123 Minimize - Easy Minimalism for Busy Moms" is the podcast that understands the challenges of modern motherhood and the desire to live with less chaos and more purpose. Join us as we embark on a journey to help busy moms. In each ...
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Le RG podcast Minimalism apporte un nouvel état d’esprit Contacte-moi pour toutes demandes ☎️ http://www.rgminimalism.cloud/contact/ Et uniquement sur Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rgminimalism/ Bien à toi Richard RG
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Short readings and conversations from the writers at Minimalism Life.
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Aprendiendo sobre el minimalismo y aplicándolo a las distintas facetas de la vida: trabajo, deporte, relaciones de pareja y familiares, organización, etc.
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Living Light In A Heavy World.
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Embracing Minimalism NZ is all about living MORE with LESS. Join us as we journey towards embracing Minimalism New Zealand based, world focused.
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Through connected conversations Observed gets to the root of human limits, contentment and calls to adventure. People are smarter than they think, lets talk, let's build and find what we all have to offer. Our communities need us.
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Hello, it's Ola, just kidding. Its your host Muyayi and this is my all minimalism podcast where I impose minimalism on Gen Z and why I believe if each millennial was a minimalist, the world would be a better place. Also I'm starting out on this journey so I choose minimalism everyday and speak on the subject, how it's going, what I'm learning and what you need to know. So join me on this mini trip buckle up and enjoy the show, hosted by "Me" Muyayi. XO
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Dentro de la estética general del minimalismo, cifrada en la reducción de formas y en la supresión de todo tipo de superficialidad, con el único propósito de imponer la esencia de lo que se quiere transmitir, este podcast se centrará en el intenso desarrollo de la corriente en el ámbito musical, donde la repetición temática y la sencillez cromática se antojan características fundamentales.
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Vous souhaitez devenir minimaliste et adopter un mode de vie slow? Dans ce podcast on parle de minimalisme, d'organisation, de désencombrement, de slow life, de voyage, de bien être et de tout ce qui peut nourrir notre essence positive et nous permettre de devenir la meilleure version de nous même.
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Entrepreneur français dans le digital, partiellement nomade et en quête d'une vie plus simple et plus minimaliste. Je suis aussi mari et papa de 3 enfants. On en parle ?
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A podcast about how Tech Minimalism can help you become more productive by simplifying your tech stack.
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If I’ve learned one thing since creating a public platform about decluttering, it’s that a LOT of people have misconceptions about what it means to declutter. So today, we’re getting into 10 decluttering myths and why they’re not true - from “decluttering is wasteful” to “decluttering means you can’t be sentimental.” OTHER EPISODES REFERENCED IN TH…
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Por qué estás tan cansado explicado por la ciencia | Jana Fernández
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En el podcast de hoy tengo el placer de traer a Jana Fernández especilista en sueño, podcaster, escritora y conferenciante. Patrocinio de hola Fly 5%: Código: Openholafly. Aplicable AQUÍ Libro de Pepe Abordamos temas como: Puntos de mejora del sueño El sueño tiene un componente psicológico fundamental Un tercio de la población no duerme bien Estamo…
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255: Mental Decluttering for the Holiday Season Ahead
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In this episode, I give you an overview of Pillar 3 of Your Minimal-ish Holidays, my holiday guided journal. We go through three things we can do to declutter our minds as we enter the holiday season. I hope you enjoy this short but sweet actionable episode. Thank you so much for listening in! Thank you to our sponsors who help support the show and…
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Simplifying Holiday Food for a Minimalist Season
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This throwback episode is all about bringing simplicity to holiday meals. We share tips for planning stress-free, memorable meals that focus on quality time with loved ones—perfect for moms seeking a minimalist approach to holiday food. Holiday Gift Ideas: https://123minimize.com/products/p/holiday-gift-ideas Stress Free Holiday Guide https://123mi…
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¿Por qué te sientes poco productivo? Explicado por un experto
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En el podcast de hoy me siento con Santi Alonso, especialista en automatización de procesos y productividad. Patrocinio de hola Fly 5%: Código: Openholafly. Aplicable AQUÍ Libro de Pepe: Hablamos sobre: - Qué es la productividad - Cómo se puede usar la automatización en la productividad - Cómo aplicamos la automatización a Minimalism Brand - Para…
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58: Spending Money on What We Value with Jen Smith
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You lucky ducks get to hear from Jen Smith of the highly popular Frugal Friends podcast! In this episode of Paring Down, she teaches us all about values-based spending so that you can Buy What You Love Without Going Broke - which also happens to be the name of her book coming out in January (alongside cohost and coauthor Jill Sirianni). How we spen…
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254: Getting Outside More, Connecting through Family Adventure + Traveling with Kids with Sara McCarty
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Today we have special guest Sara McCarty, the founder of Run Wild My Child which is a parent resource and community all about encouraging families to start doing outdoor adventures and in turn spend more time away from screens. In this interview, we talk about the benefits of getting outside more, tips for getting the kids (and yourself) outside ev…
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Frugal Friday er en fejring af de små og store valg, vi har foretaget i løbet af ugen og som, på den ene eller anden måde, har sparet på ressourcerne. Enten de fælles ressourcer i form af vores miljømæssige aftryk, eller ressourcer i form af tid, penge og energi i vores egen lille familie. Facebook-gruppen: https://www.facebook.com/groups/102379190…
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Skrald er spændende for mig. Det er det ultimative konkrete bevis på, at vi lever i et brug og smid væk-samfund, men også en mulighed for at lave ændringer i hverdagen, der gør en forskel. For skrald er først skrald, når vi siger det er det. Og der er ikke noget "væk" ... Facebook-gruppen: https://www.facebook.com/groups/102379190353119 Instagram: …
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Episodio 032 - Estrategias para gestionar tus emociones
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Envíame un mensaje! Por más que lo deseemos, siempre habrá obstáculos en la vida que nos pongan en situaciones incómodas, en situaciones de estrés. Por eso la gran pregunta es: ¿qué tan importante es para ti saber gestionar tus emociones en esos momentos y qué herramientas tienes hoy en día para poder lograrlo? En respuesta, he decidido crear este …
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De trabajar en el Daily Mail a vender su empresa por millones | Felipe Polo
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Hoy Pepe habla con Felipe Polo. Ingeniero, emprendedor e inversor. Libro de Pepe Hablamos sobre: Lanzar proyectos en Londres Empezar en el Daily Mail y crear tu propio negocio Crear una empresa de servicios Crecer de 2 a 140 empleados Cómo captar clientes y crecer tu proyectoLos inicios del remoto Montar Sherpa Dirigido por …
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57: Should We Never Buy Anything Ever Again?
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Learn 5 ways to be a conscious consumer, along with some of the dangers of taking minimalism to the extreme in this episode of Paring Down! Paring Down Podcast Instagram: @paring_down Paring Down Newsletter The L.E.S.S. Express Episode: How to Make Sustainability Less Complicated with Shila Wattamwar 40% off luxurious bedsheets & loungewear from…
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253: Thinking Ahead for Intentional Holiday Traditions (Your Minimal-ish Holidays Day 22)
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Today is the start of a mini series that will pop up a couple of times over the holidays season where I take you through a day in my holiday planning journal: Your Minimal-ish Holidays. In today's episode, I'm taking you through Day 22 of Your Minimal-ish Holidays where we talk about holiday traditions. I read you the entry from Day 22 and then let…
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Rediscovering the Joy of Holiday Gift-Giving for Minimalist Moms
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This holiday season, we’re bringing back one of our most loved episodes that dives into the heart of minimalist gift-giving! If you’re a mom looking to simplify the holidays without sacrificing the joy of giving, this episode is packed with tips on choosing meaningful presents, experiences over things, and how to handle the influx of gifts from wel…
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56: What If You Lost Everything? with Lala Hairston
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Lala Hairston lives in the Tampa Bay area, which was ravaged by both Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton. She shares her powerful story of coming to terms with the possibility of losing everything she owns, and how that gave her new perspective on living a more decluttered life. She also shares valuable and vulnerable outlooks on the meaning of "…
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Episodio 031 - Carta a los introvertidos
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Envíame un mensaje! ¿Qué tipo de persona eres? ¿Introvertido, que recarga energía en la tranquilidad de los espacios en solitario? ¿O extrovertido, que se siente revitalizado al interactuar en ambientes activos y llenos de gente? Hoy quiero compartir contigo mi experiencia como introvertido viviendo en entornos para extrovertidos. Durante los últim…
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Así abre Syra Coffee 43 cafeterías en 2 años Con Yassir Raïs
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En el podcast de hoy hablamoc on Yassir Raïs, amigo y fundador de Syra Coffee Libro de Pepe: AQUÍ Libro de Yassir: AQUÍ Hablamos, poniendo la experiencia que estamos viviendo en la tienda física de Minimalism, sobre: - Abrir 43 cafeterías - Retail - La importancia del equipo - Cómo comunicar valores y marca - Qué sí y qué no debe hacer tu equipo - …
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I disse uger kigger vi dybt i køkkenet og bruger alle de skæve rester og strandede ingredienser før vi køber nyt. Det bekæmper madspild, sparer penge og så kan det være en sjov udfordring, der skubber os i lidt kreative retninger, der (for det meste) ender med lækre måltider. Facebook-gruppen: https://www.facebook.com/groups/102379190353119 Instagr…
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55: The Ripple Effect of Clutter with Laura Carlin
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Have you ever considered how your home either helps you or hinders you when it comes to your goals? Is it helping you be the kind of parent you want to be, or making it harder? Is it helping you have a stronger marriage, or distracting you from your partner? Clutter can affect us in ways we may not even realize. So can our routines and boundaries. …
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Episodio 030 - Hablemos de estrés y cómo enfrentarlo
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Envíame un mensaje! ¿Cuántas veces en la semana sientes momentos de estrés? ¿Y cuántos de estos momentos ya se están convirtiendo en situaciones de ansiedad, donde te inunda la inquietud, el temor y básicamente ya no puedes sentir control sobre todo lo que está pasando a tu alrededor y especialmente sobre tus emociones? Justamente en este episodio …
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#301 Welchen Nutzen hat Minimalismus? | Minimalismus-Sprechstunde mit Jasmin
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Für die dritte Staffel meiner Podcast-Show "Minimalismus JETZT!" habe ich mir ein ganz besonderes Format überlegt: die Minimalismus Sprechstunde. In der ersten Episode beantworte ich die Frage von Lothar aus Hannover: "Was haben Minimalisten eigentlich davon ihr Leben umzustellen?" In meiner Antwort gehe ich insbesondere zwei Aspekten nach: 1. Was …
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Analizo ONLYFANS Así SE GANA DINERO | 50.000€ al MES
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Este episodio forma parte de un tipo de contenido que lanzaré en unos meses donde analizaré negocios, proyectos y creadores/as que me interesen. Este vídeo/podcast lo hice para YouTube. Los siguientes seguirán un formato similar. Me encantaría saber qué opinas sobre este tipo de contenido más analítico y con menos entrevistas Te leo en comentarios…
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252: Minimalism Stories with Sami Townsend
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Today I am so excited to bring a guest from Team Minimal-ish for another minimalism story. Sami is sharing her own “messy middle” story of finding her own version of realistic minimalism for her family and 2 young kids. In this interview, we talk about how pursuing a minimal-ish life has impacted her motherhood journey, what her goals are as she co…
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From the archives, we’re bringing back one of our most-loved episodes on creating a calm and meaningful holiday season through minimalism. This episode is perfect for moms feeling overwhelmed by the pressure to buy more, do more, and pack their schedules full. Holiday Gift Ideas: https://123minimize.com/products/p/holiday-gift-ideas Stress Free Hol…
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54: How to Keep the Clutter from Coming Back
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Somehow, inanimate objects seem to grow legs and find their way back into our homes and onto our counters. Decluttering can feel like fighting a losing battle-- barely scooping the water out of the boat before it comes rushing back in. This episode covers 5 reasons clutter might keep coming back in your home, and ways to make sure you can finally k…
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Episodio 029 - Pros y contras de asistir a eventos de negocios
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Envíame un mensaje! ¿Cuándo la última vez que fuiste a un evento presencial de negocios, donde personas o empresas se congregan con el fin de compartir conocimientos, establecer contactos, presentar productos o servicios, y explorar oportunidades de crecimiento? Hoy vamos a hablar de los pros y contras de asistir a estos eventos y mi experiencia co…
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Cómo crear el trabajo que te mereces con Jesús Hijas Linkedin Top Voice
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En el podcast de hoy hablo con Jesús Hijas fundador de Movimiento Actitud emprendedora, authoritas, autor de tres libros, speaker, divulgador sobre IA y Linkedin Top Voice. En el podcast hablamos sobre cómo crear el trabajo de que te mereces pasando antes por Telefónica, Startups, multinacionales y por la vida de autónomo. Charlamos sobre: - IA - D…
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251: Q&A - Tips for Returning to Working Outside the Home, Why No More Homeschooling, Going Back to Teaching and More
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Today's episode is a Q&A that is themed on returning to work/ teaching and questions that I've gotten since I've made that transition. It is full of life updates and also any tips I've learned along the way. I hope you enjoy as I share lots of behind the scenes in this episode! Links: Desirae on Instagram Podcast Website Sponsor: LMNT: Get your fre…
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53: Home Organization Tips with Kenika Williams
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Decluttering is the first step to an organized home, but today we're diving into the organization piece of home management head first. What product should we use? Where should we start? How do we make it look pretty? Professional home organizer, Kenika Williams of Tidied by K answers all of those questions and more to set you up for success as you …
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Back Market y el negocio de los reacondicionados para ayudar al planeta | Marta Castillo
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En el podcast de hoy traemos a Marta Castillo Head of Brand & Marketing at Back Market Spain. Yo llevo usando Back Market desde hace años y me encanta cómo auna la tecnología con la sostenibilidad. Código de 10€: a1e14e8ce4d3eb15 Hablamos de: - Back Market - Reacondicionados - Compras impulsivas de tecnología - Cada cuánto comprar un móvil - Por qu…
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Frugal Friday er en fejring af de små og store valg, vi har foretaget i løbet af ugen og som, på den ene eller anden måde, har sparet på ressourcerne. Enten de fælles ressourcer i form af vores miljømæssige aftryk, eller ressourcer i form af tid, penge og energi i vores egen lille familie. Facebook-gruppen: https://www.facebook.com/groups/102379190…
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#300 Minimalismus JETZT! Podcast Trailer - Staffel III
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Herzlich willkommen zu meiner dritten Staffel der Podcast-Show "Minimalismus JETZT!"Bởi podcast@minimalismus.jetzt (Jasmin Mittag)
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52: Getting Past the "Wasted Money" When Decluttering
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If you struggle with decluttering because it feels like watching bags of money go out the door, then this episode is for you! In it, I share not only helpful mindset shifts, but practical ways that decluttering actually helps us financially in the long run. Paring Down Podcast Instagram: @paring_down Paring Down Website: theexpertbeginner.com J…
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Why I Stopped Living for the Weekend | Mindful Mindset Shifts
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Welcome back to the Minimalism Made Simple podcast! In today’s episode, we’re talking about something that hits close to home for many of us: living for the weekend. You know the feeling—working hard all week just to make it to those two precious days. But what if I told you that life doesn’t have to feel like a countdown to the weekend? In this ep…
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250: Getting Festive While Staying Minimal-ish
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As fall brings the beginning of the holiday season, we also see consumerism ramp up all around us. Today I'm bringing you some tips and reminders to help you stay minimal-ish while also enjoying being festive this season. Links: Desirae on Instagram Podcast Website Sponsor: Go to drmartypets.com/minimalish for up to 54% OFF Nature’s Blend and get a…
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Frugal Friday er en fejring af de små og store valg, vi har foretaget i løbet af ugen og som, på den ene eller anden måde, har sparet på ressourcerne. Enten de fælles ressourcer i form af vores miljømæssige aftryk, eller ressourcer i form af tid, penge og energi i vores egen lille familie. Facebook-gruppen: https://www.facebook.com/groups/102379190…
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