Verbal Energy is a podcast where the founder of Crystal Bar Soap, Kat Wright share her thoughts on daily topics.
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How many times have you been asked to write down everything you are grateful for? How many of you have spent more than 5 mins working on this list? I take a moment to expand on why your gratitude list needs to be longer.
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This is a audio version of our July 2018 Full Moon article from the Crystal Bar Blog.
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The fear of failing is what stops us from succeeding, without failure we wouldn't even be able to define what success means to us. Allow yourself the pleasure to fail.
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Instagram Q+A - Business Chat, Moving through the haters and keeping your inner flame lit.
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Answering a few questions from our Instagram Q+A (@crystalbarsoap)1) Were you scared starting your business and do you have any tips to move past this fear? - @vegan_demystified2) What's your favorite part about your business? - @sacreddivination3) How do you motivate yourself to stick to a consistent schedule? - @misssuckerpunchBiggest take away i…
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How Celebrities are building bridges into the Spiritual World
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Sharing my thoughts on celebrities with crystals - the world isn't divided, lets build more bridges instead of islands.
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Shower Thought - I am obsessed with moments of self care rather than being consumed by the need to be caring for myself 24/7.
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There is negativity everywhere, even in the spirituality community. It’s hard to take those moments to focus on yourself, weather or not it’s a “Trend” just forgot the world and focus on you. The way I see it, if it’s doing good than who cares. I think everyone is just trying to do their best.
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