番組では、毎月テーマに合わせたメールを募集中。番組では、テーマに合わせたメールを募集中。リスナーの皆さんがやってしまった事 それが ”善なのか、悪なのか”洋子の独断と偏見によって決める「洋子の勝手にジャッジ」ミュージシャンの名言をご紹介する「Generock Files」夜のお供に是非、お聴きください!」メッセージ・コーナーへの参加もお待ちしています♪♪
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Rants on being a better husband
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Many business owners think they have to wait until after they sell their company to do significant giving. Each week, listen as Jeff Thomas, Alan Barnhart, Jeff Rutt and their guests discuss practical ways to be more generous NOW. Whether your business does one million in revenue or one billion, this podcast is for you.
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A half hour interview show featuring innovative leaders who cultivate a culture of giving, belonging and thriving together. In each episode, we’ll explore how generosity at work impacts the bottom line and address cultural dynamics, team behavior and peer relationships.
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Kick off your week with a 5-minute reflection on generosity to ground yourself as you go about your fund development tasks. Each reflection includes a question to ponder throughout the week to aid your work.
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A podcast that explores how generosity is at work in our workplaces and world. Our goal is to encourage and equip leaders to go beyond profit with their organizations, and improve the lives of everyone they touch.
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The Generosity Now Podcast is dedicated to inspiring generosity and promoting whole life stewardship among followers of Christ. We share stories of individuals and organizations doing great work in our community and around the world. Our goal is to provide practical insights and tools to help listeners make a positive kingdom impact with their resources. Whether you want to become a better wealth manager, overcome challenges in deploying large sums of money, or align with your family values, ...
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NCF South Florida brings together generous givers, business leaders, along with church and ministry leaders for the good of our community through three pillars: Invest, Equip, Unite. Our vision is to reach and restore every person through the love of Christ, and our mission is to mobilize resources by inspiring biblical generosity. This podcast, “The Generous Life,” exists to communicate the mission and vision of NCF South Florida, tell stories of generosity and community impact, and provide ...
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Amanda and Bret Brummitt interview guests sharing how they are improving their community and making the world a better place. From non-profits to individuals simply doing good, the stories are heart warming and inspiring. Jump in anywhere as each episode is stand-alone.
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We talk systems and processes and aim for scaleable systems & simple software to power your business.
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Find powerful teaching, inspirational stories, and helpful downloads, from people who are also growing closer to God on a journey of generosity. Listen, share, pass them on.
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Amor de diferentes perspectivas Cover art photo provided by Miss Lacitos on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@misslacitos
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Conversas sobre igualdade no dia-a-dia, por Aline Flor.
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Lifeshine Generosity features leaders and entrepreneurs generously sharing their hearts with giving stories, tips and strategies for business and life success and the unexpected blessings God bestows on the generous.
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Discutir os gêneros textuais e os tipos de textos, a fim de contribuir para o aprendizado significativo da prática de leitura, produção e compreensão de textos. Cover art photo provided by Andrew Ridley on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@aridley88
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Por La Cultura Del Genero Urbano
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Podcast informativo sobre violencia de género
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Afonso Borges, Valter Hugo Mãe, Sérgio Abranches e Cristóvão Tezza conversam sobre o conto na literatura!
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Welcome to the Equidad De Genero podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Robert Katzki on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@ro_ka
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En el siguiente podcast hablaré sobre la igualdad de género y su importancia en la sociedad
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Aprendendo um pouco mais sobre as violências Racial e de Gênero
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The story of Generous Giving began in the 1990s when five friends came together, challenged by the question of what could happen if Christians were truly generous with their resources, living out the joy of giving instead of the duty of tithing. They talked with a handful of people who were already experiencing this joy and asked them to share with others how living in faith-driven generosity had brought extreme transformation to their hearts and lives.
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Coralus collectively practices different ways of doing things for a better now and a new inheritance. $19M+ capital. 7000+ members. 190 funded.
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Programa radial emitido los jueves a las 19 hs.
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Actualidad con humor a cargo del mejor dúo de la radio: Un País Generoso en Rock and Pop.
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En éste episodio se expondrán las diferencias de género y el rol de la mujer en el mundo clasico. Cover art photo provided by Honey Yanibel Minaya Cruz on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@honeyyanibel
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Dream of quitting your day job to become an entrepreneur? Making any big change? Get real, down & dirty advice from two real (awesome) women on how (and how not) to start your own business, deal with huge change & search for balance. Jenna Goodman and Nancy Jackson took the leap and quit their jobs as successful fundraisers to go all-in on Generous Change, their nonprofit fundraising consulting company. Come with them on their wacky entrepreneurial journey! Get inspiration to be more product ...
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Through interviews with individuals living radically generous lives, this podcast aims to encourage others to give and to serve their communities.
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Bob Wielenga, Eric Casteel, and Richard Sharp are all internationally known public speakers on the topics of effective stewardship, generosity and mission development. Combined, they have over 65 years experience globally serving the Body of Christ providing leadership development, global mission experiences, and discipling believers in a Christian worldview. Bob, Eric and Richard are more than simply ministry guys living on three different continents. With one living in America, one in Euro ...
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Género y Feminismo Cover art photo provided by ORNELLA BINNI on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@ornellabinni
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On The Generosity Labs Podcast, hosted by Kenny Jahng, we talk to pastors, consultants, service providers and other church leaders. We discuss the current trends, models and best practices for developing giving as a robust part of your community life. Are you ready to learn more about how you can get a culture of generosity to flourish from the inside out? Discover more resources and transcripts of our podcast episodes at www.GenerosityLabs.org
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La intención es crear un espacio seguro donde podamos compartir información respecto a la sexualidad, sin tabús, solo confianza y un toque de comedía para romper la tensión.
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Este podcast é sobre mulheres. Não é vedado aos homens mas, insistimos, é sobre as mulheres. Uma hora de conversa entre mulheres, sobre mulheres, para mulheres. Os homens que calharem a ouvir são capazes de beneficiar com isso. Pelo menos elas acham que sim. Uma é a Patrícia Reis, a outra a Paula Cosme Pinto, e são elas as anfitriãs deste lugar de fala feminino. Um podcast Rádio Comercial.
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The concept for Generously Speaking is that there are significant leaders in our world of philanthropy who we at our firm are able to speak with often in the course of our work on behalf of various nonprofit clients. We see great generosity in action and we thought it would be nice to be able to share some of those conversations.
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A ciência e a igualdade de género são dois fatores vitais para levar a cabo com sucesso a Agenda 2030 para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Neste sentido, a Assembleia-Geral das Nações Unidas adotou a resolução A/70/474/Add.2, declarando o dia 11 de fevereiro como o Dia Internacional das Mulheres e Raparigas na Ciência.
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Trata de como a cambiado la igualdad a través del tiempo Cover art photo provided by Nathan Anderson on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@nathananderson
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Welcome to the Lisa M Snyder: For Generosity podcast, where we are all about growing our resources (money, time, space) to impact the world around us.
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Definición de violencia de género, tipos de violencia y aplicación de La Ley Orgánica para prevenir y erradicar la violencia de Género en Ecuador
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Podcast exploring the intersection of faith, service, philanthropy, and community. The non-profit sector is filled with beauty and complexity and offers the comfort of both commonly held values as well as diversity of thought. Join us as we dig into conversations with clergy members, community activists, scholars, non-profit leaders, donors, and volunteers. We hope you leave every episode challenged and inspired.
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Otra de nuestras apuestas más importantes. En cada programa, que es mensual y se emite el día 28, nos esforzamos por avanzar hacia la igualdad de género. Lo que antes era el tema principal desaparece para dejar paso a un programa más dinámico compuesto por píldoras: la vida y obra de mujeres invisibilizadas en la Historia, así como inventos y descubrimientos.
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We are equipping nonprofit leaders with best practices and resources that grow generosity to enhance your mission. In each episode, we tackle a topic related to growing generosity to your nonprofit and answer the three most critical questions for success. Our promise to you is that we won't take up a ton of your time - you have donors to cultivate - and we will give you actionable items you can start using right away. We will focus on foundational donor first principles and best practices. T ...
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En homenaje a los 50 años de la revuelta de Stonewall, esta edición tendrá como tema la Ley de Identidad de Género sancionada en el año 2012. Nuestro análisis se divide en dos partes. En el siguiente podcast, Majo y Pau, estarán conversando sobre el momento en que se sanciono la ley y su efectividad en el corto plazo. Tendremos entrevistas con militantes trans, invitadas especiales (Ariana y Delfina) y por supuesto una sección con nuestra movilera Cande, que se estará moviendo por la Estació ...
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El 9 de mayo de 2012 se empezó a saldar una deuda histórica con el colectivo travesti trans. Gracias a la lucha de este colectivo se sancionó la Ley 26.743 de Identidad de Género. En este podcast, militantes, activistas y artistas conversan con Diana Zurco, periodista y locutora, sobre la historia de esta legislación que vino a cuestionar la cis-heteronorma y el binarismo. A 10 años de este momento también se preguntan por los desafíos que siguen. Una coproducción de Feminacida y Posta por l ...
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Marta Lamas (Ciudad de México, 1947). Doctora en Antropología por el Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas de la UNAM. Es profesora-investigadora de la Coordinación de Humanidades de la UNAM, actualmente adscrita al Programa Universitario de Estudios de Género de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), al igual que del Departamento de Ciencia Política del Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM). Es integrante del Comité editorial de Antropología del Fondo de Cultura ...
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RadioLacan.com | Noches de los Observatorios de la FAPOL en la EOL. Observatorio sobre “La violencia y las mujeres en Latinoamérica” Violencia de género: una investigación psicoanalítica
RadioLacan.com es el sitio de audios y conferencias de la Asociación Mundial de Psicoanálisis.
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Keep Your Sex Life Alive During the Holidays
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I know the holidays means low or no sex for some couples. Often the husband wants to, but the wife is too busy. And sometimes they both want more sex, but they’re too tired to make it happen. If you want to try to change that this year, ask your wife what you could do to make it possible to have a bit more sex. That could mean you putting the kids …
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An Annual Couple’s Vacation is Crucial for a Healthy Marriage
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I’ve mentioned the importance of a couple’s vacation before. And I will do so again. I know you’ve a long list of reasons you can’t possibly do it. I can only counter with this: doing it is very good for your marriage. You need a chance to get away together and be a couple. You need to do this away from friends, and you especially need to do it awa…
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Are Your Assumptions About Your Wife Harming Your Marriage?
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On Tuesday, I talked about being unkind to folks. I talked about the assumptions I made about people’s intelligence, integrity, and decency. And those assumptions are the real problem. I justified my wrong behaviour based on my assumptions. How we treat folks is based on the assumptions we have made about them. How you react to the homeless is base…
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92. Something Bigger than Yourselves - Part 2 of Our Conversation with Nick Nye of For Columbus
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Today on The Generous Life, Eddie Copeland is joined by Nick Nye, Executive Director of For Columbus, a church-city movement in Columbus, Ohio. Together Nick and Eddie share what it is like to see churches pull together in their communities for the good of the good of churches, the good of the city, and the good of the Gospel. For more information …
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In this episode, you will explore the first step in moving your organization toward being a generous community partner. Our special "neighbor" in this episode is David Newell best known for his beloved role as Mr. McFeely on Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. With a career spanning over three decades on the show, Mr. Newell became an enduring symbol of k…
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Don Golden: Redeeming Business for God’s Mission and Kingdom
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Are you willing to take an honest reevaluation of your life and business? In this episode, Jeff and Don discuss: Having mission at the heart of all of God’s people. Taking care of the Kingdom on Earth, not only in heaven. Changing your mindset to move beyond charity. Rewiring the household (economy) to distribute wealth to more people. Key Takeaway…
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206. Judge Not | Generous Leadership Coaching Tip
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"Take a mindful pause." In this episode of the ROG Return on Generosity podcast, host Shannon Cassidy discusses the habit of judging others and offers practical steps to reduce judgment and foster a more generous mindset. The conversation emphasizes the importance of curiosity, mindful pauses, reframing judgments, and setting intentions to cultivat…
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Reflecting on Civility: Can We Do Better?
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This is not specifically a marriage post. But it is a marriage issue for many. I’ve been aware of the ongoing breakdown of basic civility. This last election cycle certainly did a lot of damage, but we were well down the road before that. Some have suggested social media is to blame. I see plenty of support for that. I should take a moment to confe…
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【2024/11/10 矢沢洋子 「generock by yoko yazawa」】★今月のテーマは「自覚している私の口癖」仕事の癖が抜けずに、プライベートの時でも、「要するに」と話をまとめてしまいがちです。とか、「どうせ」と言いがちです…。ネガティブな印象なので、使わないようにしています、など、口癖は自分では気づきにくいかもしれませんが、自覚するくらい、「言っちゃってるな~」という口癖を教えてください! ★リスナーの皆さんがやってしまった事 それが ”善なのか、悪なのか”洋子の独断と偏見によって決める「洋子の勝手にジャッジ」ミュージシャンの名言をご紹介する「Generock Files」コーナーへのご参加もお待ちしています!…
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"...When we have decided to accept, let us accept with cheerfulness, showing pleasure, and letting the giver see it, so that he or she may at once receive some return for their goodness..." This week, I am reading a quote from On Benefits by Seneca the Younger, published in 59 AD. Reflection Question: No matter the donor or the donor’s motivation, …
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Understanding Your Wife’s Reality and Why Validation Matters
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It’s easy to invalidate your wife’s reality. You can do it without meaning to do so, and without having a clue you’ve done it. Her perception may or may not be accurate, but it’s still what she sees and how she feels. Dismissing that makes her feel disrespected, and it’s not good for your marriage. You can accept her experience and still disagree w…
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Your Wife’s Pleasure Depends on Your Timing
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For women, good sex is all about timing. First, you have to pick a good time to have sex. That means she’s not tired or stressed. It means she has enough time to not feel rushed. And it means you’ve been loving and decent recently. As you move from “do ya wanna?” to climax, timing is critical. If you rush a step, it reduces her enjoyment. If you do…
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From Tradition to Transformation: Greg Ast’s Journey of Faith, Family, and Generosity
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In this episode of the Generosity Now podcast, we sit down with Greg Ast, who shares his inspiring journey of moving from religious tradition to a deep, personal relationship with Christ. Raised in a strong Catholic household, Greg always knew God, but it wasn’t until later in life that he truly understood what it meant to have a relationship with …
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91. Something Bigger than Yourselves - Part 1 of Our Conversation with Nick Nye of For Columbus
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Today on The Generous Life, Eddie Copeland is joined by Nick Nye, Executive Director of For Columbus, a church-city movement in Columbus, Ohio. Together Nick and Eddie share what it is like to see churches pull together in their communities for the good of the good of churches, the good of the city, and the good of the Gospel. For more information …
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Introducing Season 2 of Generosity At Work
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Generosity at Work is a podcast that explores how generosity is at work in our workplaces and how that generosity is at work in the world. In Season 2 you will learn from innovative thinkers and practitioners in the field of business generosity and social impact. And you will explore ways you can focus and scale up your business’s generosity effort…
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Rev. Dr. Joseph Boot: Aligning Your Financial Priorities with God’s Purposes
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Where is your treasure? Where are your priorities? Are there any changes that need made to measure up to God’s priority? In this episode, Jeff and Joe discuss: Learning from a young age to organize life around the Kingdom of God. Helping Christians to think Christianly around work, wealth, and capital. Introducing God’s rest and peace into existenc…
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“Generosity is giving freely without expectations.” “People want to see a human leader.” “Communication is the number one challenge.” Chapters: 00:00 Introduction to Generous Leadership 02:49 The Journey to Generosity 05:51 The Importance of Communication 08:55 Understanding Generosity in Leadership 11:54 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 14:46 Gene…
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"...A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed...." This week, I’m reading a quote from the Jewish wisdom on generosity from Proverbs 11. Reflection questions: As you wait for donors to respond to a campaign, have you given to the mission you serve? How are you leading this week in your daily life with the intention …
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90. A Generous and Open Spirit - A Conversation with Kathleen Cannon of United Way of Broward County
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Today on The Generous Life, Stephan Tchividjian is joined by Kathleen Cannon of the United Way of Broward County. Together they discuss Kathleen's story, her work, and what it means to have "A Generous and Open Spirit". For information about The United Way of Broward, visit www.unitedwaybroward.org For all things NCF South Florida visit us at www.n…
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Ed Herr: Love God, Love People, Love Hard Work
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How are you giving back to your community in a way that matters and has purpose? In this episode, Jeff, Jeff, and Ed discuss: The top 3 lessons Ed learned from his parents. Standing out with a world-class point of difference. The 5 Cs of running a successful, people-focused organization. Benefits and challenges of running a family business. Buildin…
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204. Email Tips for Generous Leaders | Generous Leadership Coaching Tip
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"Generous leaders treat email as more than a task." "Thoughtful replies over quick responses." "Clarity and simplicity are key." In this episode of R.O.G. Return on Generosity, Shannon Cassidy discusses the often-overlooked aspect of leadership generosity in email communication. She emphasizes that emails should not just be transactional but should…
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"...For with wisdom cometh patience, And with patience cometh rest..." This week, I am reading the poem The Hardest Time of All, by Sarah Doudney. Written in 1896. Reflection Questions: Where are you waiting for some major change to occur as a result of your work? Is it time to gain more wisdom or to be more patient or to stop and rest in that area…
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The Power of Stewardship and Generosity: With Tim McTavish
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Tim McTavish shares his background growing up in a Christian home and his journey of falling in love with Jesus. He discusses his experience as a business owner and how integrating biblical principles transformed his company's culture and success. Tim emphasizes the importance of stewardship and generosity in all aspects of life, including finances…
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89. Leadership Crashes and How to Avoid Them - with Stephen Mansfield (Throwback Episode from May 31, 2023)
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Today on The Generous Life, Brad Schmidt (Director of Equip at NCF) sits down with Stephen Mansfield (New York Times Bestselling Author, popular speaker, and speaker coach) to discuss signs of leadership crashes, analyze a few cases of leadership crashes, and how leaders of faith can best avoid leadership crashes in their own spheres of influence. …
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Barry Rowan: From Pain in Confusion to Peace in Christ
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Who are you surrendering to? In this episode, Jeff, Jeff, and Barry discuss: The gift of having a marriage of partnership. Changing the paradigm of how you think about work and life. Living a life of significance and a life that matters. The three things to invest in as you live your life in unity under God. The process and art of surrendering to G…
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203. Nancy Hogshead - Title IX and Social Change
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“Title IX says no person shall be discriminated against on the basis of sex…as measured three different ways, one is equal opportunities to participate, two is equal scholarship dollars between men and women, and third is, they've got to get treated the same way.” Guest Bio: Life-long advocate for access and equality in athletics, internationally r…
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..."An association [nonprofit] is an educated and powerful body of citizens which cannot be twisted to any person's will or quietly trodden down,..." This week, I’m reading selected quotes from Democracy in America by Alexis De Tocqueville, published in 1835. Note. His use of the word association is our current word for nonprofit. Reflection questi…
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88. Hiking With Tequila (Throwback Episode from April 28, 2023)
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Today on The Generous Life, Stephan Tchividjian talks about "Hiking With Tequila". Stephan shares the story of how a chance encounter encouraged him to pursue generosity. For more about how you can be involved with all the pursuits of generosity we have going on here at NCF South Florida, visit www.ncfgiving.com/southflorida…
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Kip Miller: Glorifying God with Your Work and Purpose
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What can you do to wear Christ on your sleeve a little bit more in your life and business? In this episode, Jeff and Kip discuss: Ministry in business. Learning the lessons of perseverance and trust in God. Living by values to sustain your life and your business with a strong foundation. Building your brand as a brand that cares at its core - carin…
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202. Avoid Defensive Listening | Generous Leadership Coaching Tip
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"We hear the message through our own insecurity." In this episode of the ROG podcast, Shannon Cassidy discusses the concept of defensive listening, a barrier to effective communication. She explains how defensive listening occurs when individuals filter messages through their insecurities or fears, leading to combative or withdrawn responses. Shann…
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"...the potentially world-changing and life-giving power that may be present in or working through the goodness of the donors' hearts and souls; if only someone would acknowledge it, call it forth, and nurture it!" This week, I am reading a quote from Growing Givers’ Hearts: Treating Fundraising as Ministry by Thomas Jeavons and Rebekah Burch Basin…
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Collaborating to Fight Human Trafficking; Wes Lyons and Vip Vipperman
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Vip Vipperman and Wes Lyons discuss their personal faith journeys and their work in the fight against human trafficking. They share their experiences with the Lion's Den, a faith-driven angel network that invests in companies making a positive impact. They highlight the importance of collaboration between for-profit, nonprofit, and government organ…
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87. A Generosity Ecosystem - An Invest Conversation with Lisa Williams
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Today on The Generous Life, Laurie Farquhar hosts an Invest conversation with Lisa Williams. Together they discuss Lunch and Learns, Invest strategies, and how to partner with NCF as a donor or as a partner organization. For more about how you can be involved in building "A Generosity Ecosystem", and for all we have going on here at NCF South Flori…
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Bob Caldwell Jr.: Leading Your Business with a Pastoral Heart and Mind
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What are you doing with God’s whispers? In this episode, Jeff, Jeff, and Bob discuss: Growing up in the family business from greenhouses to fragrance. Willing to try, willing to fail. Integrating business, family, and faith. Building your business with a pastor’s heart. Key Takeaways: Growth never occurs in a straight line. It is easy to write a ch…
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201. Mike Ashcraft - What’s Your One Word?
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“Reach isn't a measure or a strategy for how we get bigger. Reach is a measure of what we're willing to care about.” “We have to wage war against regret.” “We break the patterns of the past by choosing to be faithful in the moment.” Chapters: 00:00 Introduction and Background 07:27 Reaching People and Caring for Their Needs 09:07 Walking with Peopl…
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“It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all - in which case, you fail by default.” JK Rowling This week, I’m reading various quotes to reflect on how generosity covers our failures. Reflection question: Are we letting failure harden or shame us? Or, are we lettin…
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86. The Generosity of Civility - with Collins Forman
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Today on The Generous Life, Stephan Tchividjian is joined by returning guest, Collins Forman. Together they discuss the concept of "The Generosity of Civility". For more about how you can be involved in "The Generosity of Civility", and for all we have going on here at NCF South Florida, visit www.ncfgiving.com/southflorida…
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How can you minimize the regrets in your life in God’s kingdom? In this episode, Jeff, Jeff, and Isaiah discuss: Lessons learned from youthful entrepreneurial endeavors. Creating a spiritually healthy work environment. Hiring the right people for the job. Giving generously while still building your company to better help others. Key Takeaways: When…
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200. Celebrating 200 Episodes of R.O.G.
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"Generosity is the most essential capability of leadership." In this milestone 200th episode of R.O.G. Return on Generosity , host Shannon Cassidy reflects on the journey of the podcast over the past four years, emphasizing the critical role of generosity in effective leadership. She discusses the importance of oxytocin and serotonin in fostering p…
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"...All that happens, happens right: you will find it so if you observe narrowly..." This week, I am reading a quote from Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, written around 171 AD. Reflection questions: When you have failed in your work recently, how are observing narrowly for the right things that came out of it? Are you seeking perfection or goodness…
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Finding Joy and Unity in Partnership; With Josh & Kaitlin Saenz and Nick and Rachel Wolverton
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The conversation revolves around the topic of giving together as couples and families. The guests, Josh and Caitlin Saenz, and Rachel and Nick Wolverton, share their experiences and motivations for partnering in a project to support Bible translation for the Niha people in Tanzania. They discuss the importance of having scripture in the heart langu…
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85. Where Our Hope Lies - A Unite Discussion with Jon Elswick
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Today on The Generous Life, Eddie Copeland is joined by Jon Elswick of Crossway Church. Jon has partnered with Church United since its earliest days -- he offers unique insight into the community and why the upcoming Church United series, "Jesus is King" is so needed in today's climate. For more information about Church United, or our series "Jesus…
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Mart and Tyler Green: When God Speaks Go Fearlessly
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How are you growing in intimacy with Christ as an individual, family, and community? In this episode, Jeff, Jeff, Mart, and Tyler discuss: The generosity of women in the family. The privilege of traveling and experiencing other cultures and peoples. Collaboration to go faster and further together. Power in unity, person-to-person, life-to-life conn…
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199. Edwige Robinson - Define Success on Your Own Terms
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“Take micro steps and achieve uncommon success.” “Build supportive communities and extend grace.” “Define success on your own terms and embrace uniqueness.” Chapters: 00:00 Introduction: Edwige Robinson's Journey 02:45 Believe It's Possible: Conquering Mountains and Achieving Uncommon Success 05:15 The Power of Micro Steps and Momentum 10:03 Buildi…
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